Unit 4: Week 1 (Lesson 28) Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

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Unit 4: Week 1 (Lesson 28)

Lesson Parts Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Literature: Literature: * Write Yes – No * Identify rhyming * Answer Yes – No
Glimpse of a Polluted Glimpse of a Polluted questions. words in a poem. questions.
Future by Kelly Ropper Future by Kelly Ropper * Use Yes – No * Identify the number of
* Show awareness of the * Read aloud from poetry questions in asking for words and stanzas in a
disappearance of some with proper phrasing and information. poem.
Overview / animals because of what intonation. * Read words, phrases, * Read words, phrases
Objectives humans do. * Take part in creative sentences using –ight and sentences with –
* Enumerate ways to responses to poems like words. ight words.
protect animals in their oral presentations.
homes. * Read words, phrases
* Read the porm “Glimpse and sentences using
of a Polluted Future” -ight words.

* Copy of “Glimpse of a * Copy of “Glimpse of a * LM Activities 274 – * LM Activities 276 – * LM Activities 279 –
Polluted Future” Polluted Future” 275 278 280
Materials * LM Activity 270 * LM Activity 273 * Picture of a polluted
* LM Activity 271 city
* Pictures of stream, trees * Word Cards
that are cut

(15 min.) (5 min.) (5 min.) (5 min.) (5 min.)

* Unlock key words in the * Read the poem * Describe the picture. * Read the poem Presentation:
story using context clues, “Glimpse of a Polluted * Read the sentences “Glimpse of a Polluted * Present the yes – no
actions and picture cues. Future” about the picture. Future” and observe questions
* Motivation and motive proper phrasing and
questions (15 min.) (15 min.) intonation. (15 min.)
* Let pupils read and * Discuss Yes – No Modelling:
(20 min.) analyse the poem for questions. (10 min.) *Explain the steps in
* Read aloud a poem proper phrasing and Modelling / Teaching: answering a yes – no
Procedure using proper expression intonation. (10 min.) * Show the different question.
and intonation. * Allow pupils to practice Guided Practice: parts of a poem.
* Discuss the poem for interpretative reading. * Form Yes – No * Discuss about stanza (15 min.)
comprehension. * Provide feedback. questions. and rhyming words. Guided Practice:
* LM Activity 279
(15 min.) (20 min.) (5 min.) (10 min.)
* Engagement Activities: * Allow pupils to do group * Independent Practice Guided Practice: (15 min.)
LM Activity 271 presentations (minimum LM Activity 274 LM Activity 277 Independent Practice:
of 3 minutes per group) * LM Activity 280

(10 min.) (15 min.) (15 min.)

* Unlock words with –ight Phonics Phonics:
through pictures. * Unlock more words * Practice reading
* Allow pupils to read with –ight sentences words with –ight.
words, phrases and lines strips and * Unlock new words
using –ight words. demonstration. and phrases.
LM Activity 273 * Allow pupils to read * Read phrases and
words and phrases sentences with –ight
using –ight words. words.
* Answer yes – no LM Activity 278
LM Activity 275
UNIT 4: Week 1 (Lesson 28)

“Glimpse of a Polluted Future”

A. Pre-Reading:

1. Vocabulary and Concept Development

(stream, rewind, glimpse, disappear, alarming)

Post the picture of a stream.

Ask: What do you see in the picture?
Say: This is a stream. Describe how a stream looks like.

Post this picture.

Ask: What do you see in the picture?
Say: The cutting of trees will result to alarming situations.
Ask: Why do you think this will result to alarming situations? What will happen to our
environment if people continue cutting trees? Do these results make you worry? Why?
Say: Situations that make us worry are said to be alarming.
Demonstrate rewind, glimpse, and disappear to unlock them.

Show a clock. Move the hand controller of the clock counter clockwise.

Ask: What happens with the time? What did we do with the hands of the clock?
(rewind, move back)

Use context clue to unlock the word glimpse.

Say: I took a glimpse of my reflection in a store window. I just did a quick look of
Ask: What words in the sentence tell what word glimpse means?

Ask 2 students to stand beside you. Whisper them, “go out for a while and get inside the
room in 10 seconds.”

Ask: What happened with your classmates? They disappeared. What is the other word
of disappear? (cannot be seen)

2. Motivation:
Why do birds and other animals slowly disappear in our environment? What can
we do to save them?

3. Motive Questions:
In the poem, what does the speaker wish to do to save them?

B. During Reading:

Say: We will read the poem 3 times. I will read it to you first. We will read it together for
the second time. Then, you will read it alone for the third time.

LM Activity 273
Interpretative Reading of the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted Future”

Read the poem aloud to the students.

Glimpse of a Polluted Future

By Kelly Roper

Where are the birds that used to dot the sky?

They’re not here anymore, and I have to wonder why.

Where are the fish that used to swim in this stream?

I can’t see them anymore. What does that mean?

Where are the frogs that used to croak around this lake?
I can’t hear them anymore. There must be some mistake.

I wish there was a clock whose hands I could rewind.

We might have saved these creatures if we’d just had more time.

Time to make people see how we are damaging our Earth,

Time to realize what it all was truly worth.

But animals are disappearing at an alarming rate.

If we don’t finally band together, it may really be too late.

C. Post Reading:

Discuss the poem by asking the following questions.

1. What used to be found in the sky?

2. What used to be found swimming in the stream?
3. What used to be found around the lake?
4. What happened to all the animals that you named?
5. Where are they now?
6. Why have they disappeared?
7. What happened to their homes?
8. Who do you think had caused the destruction of their houses?
9. What can you do to keep the animals’ homes like waters and trees safe?

D. Engagement Activity

LM Activity 274
Let Us Act

A. What would you tell people who cause the death of many animals? Write a 3 to 5
sentence answer. Do this in your notebook.

B. List down the things you can do to protect the animals and their homes.

BIRDS Fishes Butterfly

* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Lesson 28 Day 2: Interpretative Reading of the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted
Future” / Decoding words in the -ight family

Interpretative Reading of the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted Future”

1. Presentation
Say: Remember the poem we read yesterday? Let us read it once more.
Let the pupils read the poem aloud.

2. Modelling / Teaching
Say: Reading a poem is properly done when we observe the punctuation marks. When
you see a:
comma (,): Pause while reading the line;
period (.): Pause longer when reading a line;
question mark (?) : Use a rising intonation if the question can be answered with a
yes or no. Use a falling intonation if the question cannot be answered with a yes or no.

3. Guided Practice
Say: Let us read the poem again. I will read the lines first, then repeat after me.

4. Independent Practice
Say: This time form 6 groups. Read the poem properly by groups. You may use body
movements to show the meaning of the stanza assigned to your group.
Group 1 will show the meaning of stanza 1.
Group 2 will show the meaning of stanza 2.
Group 3 will show the meaning of stanza 3.
Group 4 will show the meaning of stanza 4.
Group 5 will show the meaning of stanza 5.
Group 6 will show the meaning of stanza 6.

You will be scored using the following criteria. (Each criterion must be discussed with
the pupils)

Poem Recitation Criteria

Group Clarity Consistency Speed Control or Tone Volume Total
(30%) (20%) Pacing (15%) (20%) (15%) 100%
Skill Lesson: Phonics Lesson: Words with –ight.
1. Presentation

LM Activity 276A

Say: Let us name the pictures on the right side. Let us read the names of the pictures
on the left side. Point at each word. Underline the –ight in every word. Then, choose the
correct word to complete each sentence below.

Read and Learn

light might bight

night fight right

1. Light makes the room (bright, dark).

2. The bight makes the rope (longer, shorter).
3. It is (bad, good) to start a fight.
4. Manny carries the (big, small) stone with all his might.
5. (Stars, Sun) can be seen at night.
6. My teacher usually gives (a point, zero) to every right answer.

2. Modelling / Teaching
Ask: What are the underlined letters? (-ight)
Say: Every time you see these letters together, say /ayt/. So when there is letter L and
-ight, the word is read as light.

3. Guided Practice
LM Activity 276B
Read the Phrases

light during the dark night

may make it right
with all his might
a light in sight
must never fight

4. Independence Practice
LM Activity 276C
Read the following poem. Copy in your notebook all the –ight words and read

A Bright Night for Little Might

By Ma. Criselda G. Ocang

The night needs light

A light in sight.
A light that will make the night
A night so bright.

Come, little Might!

Bring the light in sight.
But never fight
Just come little Might with the light.

It may make it right

That little might brings light.
The light that makes every night
A bright night for little Might

Lesson 28 Day 3: Yes – No Questions,

Words, phrases and sentences with –ight words

Skill Lesson: Yes – No Questions

Post a picture of a polluted city.
Say: Describe the picture (The city is dirty. It is polluted.) What do you think makes this
place polluted and dirty?

1. Presentation / Introduction
Say: Let us read the sentences about the picture.
The city is polluted.
The smog is dark.
The people are sick.
The streets are dirty.
Say: What if we want to ask other people about these sentences? How do we change
these sentences into questions?

2. Modelling
Say: To change telling sentences into questions there are two steps.
1. Look for the linking verb. Make it the first word of your question.
2. Use the other words next to the linking verb to complete your question.
Say: Let’s have the sentence: The city is polluted. The linking verb is “is”. It will be the
first word of our question. Then, it will be followed by the remaining words. So, the
question will be, Is the city polluted?
Look at the 2 sentences.

The city is polluted.

Is the city polluted?

3. Guided Practice
Say: Let us form more yes – no questions using the following sentences.
The smog is dark.
The people are sick.
The streets are dirty.

4. Independent Practice
LM Activity 277
Write yes-no questions using the following sentences. Do this in your notebook.

1. It is dark at night.
2. Stars are seen in the skies at night.
3. Most people are resting at night.
4. Some children are playing in the evening.
5. Evening is a noisy time in some places.
Phonics Lesson: Words with –ight
LM Activity 278
Allow pupils to recall Day 2 phonics exercises before starting with Day 3 Phonics
activities. Introduce the following words using pictures or real objects or by

Phonics Lesson: (-ight words)

A. Read the following words.

backlight, blight, daylight, eyesight, flight, starlight, fright, spotlight, knight, twilight,

B. Read the following phrases.

the car’s backlight a flight in sight
a blight on the leaf of a plant a hopeful delight
the perfect eyesight a lovely starlight
the strong knight a fright at night
getting the spotlight meeting at twilight

C. Answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. Was it bright last night?
2. Do you like watching a fight?
3. Do you have perfect eyesight?
4. Can you see the starlight at daytime?

Lesson 28 Day 4: Elements of a Poem

Skill Lesson 1: Elements of a Poem

1. Presentation / Introduction

Show the copy of the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted Future” to your pupils.
Say: Let us read together the poem “Glimpse of a Polluted Future” once more.
Read the poem with your pupils with proper phrasing and intonation.
Say: Let us look at the poem carefully. A poem has parts.

2. Modelling / Teaching

Let us see the different parts of a poem. Bracket the first two lines of the poem. A poem
has stanzas. This is stanza 1. Bracket the next two lines. These is stanza 2. (Do the
same with the rest of the stanzas.)
Ask: How many stanzas does the poem have? (6)
Underline the first line of the poem.
Say: A stanza has two lines. This is the first line of stanza 1.
Underline the second line of the poem.
Say: This is the second line of stanza 1.

Ask: How many lines does stanza 1 have? (2)

How many lines does stanza 4 have? (3)
Which stanzas have 3 lines? (5 and 6)

Underline the last words in lines 1 – 2 of stanza 1.

Say: Read these words. (sky, why)
Ask: What can you say about their ending sounds?
Say: Poems have rhyming words. Words that sound alike are called rhyming words.
They are usually found at the end of the lines in the stanzas of a poem.
Ask: What are other rhyming words that you see in the poem?
(lake – mistake, Earth – worth, rate – late)

3. Guided Practice
LM Activity 279
Elements of a Poem

Study the poem below.

Every Time I Climb A Tree

David McCord

Every time I climb a tree,

I scrape a leg
Or a knee.

And every time I climb a tree,

I find some ants
Or dodge a bee.
And get the ants
All over me.

And every time I climb a tree,

“Where have you been?”
They say to me.
But don’t they know that I am free,
Every time I climb a tree?

I like it best to spot a nest

That has an egg
Or maybe three.
And then I skin
The other leg.

But every time I climb a tree,

I see a lot of things to see.
Swallows, rooftops and TV
And all the fields and farms there be
Every time I climb a tree.

Though climbing may be good for ants.

It isn’t awfully good for pants.
But still it’s pretty good for me
Every time I climb a tree.

Answer the following questions. Do this in your notebook.

1. Who do you think is the “I” in the poem?
2. What happens every time he climbs a tree?
3. Who do you think said this line every time he climbs a tree? “Where have you
4. What does he feel every time he climbs a tree?
5. Would you feel the same?
6. How many stanzas does the poem have?
7. How many lines does stanza 1 have?
8. How many lines does stanza 4 have?
9. How many lines does stanza 6 have?
10. What are the rhyming words in each stanza? Copy the table and write your

Stanza Rhyming Words

1 ______________ and ______________
2 ______________ and ______________
3 ______________ and ______________
4 ______________ and ______________
5 ______________ and ______________
6 ______________ and ______________

4. Independent Practices
LM Activity 280
Elements of a Poem

Read the poem. Answer the questions that follow in your notebook.

Mother Earth

Before, Mother Earth was beautiful.

With her rivers, mountains, and seas;
Seas and rivers that were fish-full
And mountains have strong and tall trees.

Now, Mother Earth is ugly.

To us, she is dying slowly.
Garbage and pollution are everywhere.
But only few people are aware.

1. How many stanzas does the poem have?

2. How many lines does stanza 1 have?
3. How many lines does stanza 2 have?
4. What are rhyming words in each stanza? Write them on the table.

Stanza Rhyming Words

1 ____________ and ____________
____________ and ____________
2 ____________ and ____________
____________ and ____________

Phonics Lesson: Words with –ight

1. Presentation
Say: Let us practice reading words with –ight.
Show the –ight words in LM Activity 281A written on flashcards.

2. Modelling
Ask: How do we read –ight?
What word will be formed when we add n to –ight?

3. Guided Practice
Discuss the meaning of each phrase before letting the pupils read.
LM Activity 281A
A. Read the following phrases.
a flight at night when uptight
a delight fear of twilight
the blurry eyesight a starlight at night
the brave knight a fright night
enjoying the spotlight

4. Independent Practice
Review the meaning of the –ight words before letting the pupils read each sentence.
LM Activity 281B
B. Read the following sentences.
1. Father is taking a flight at night.
2. My mother’s plants suffered from blight.
3. My grandmother has blurry eyesight.
4. A knight is a soldier serving under a king.
5. Ana enjoys watching the starlight.
Lesson 28 Day 5: Answering Yes – No Questions

1. Presentation
Say: Let us read the questions.
Do poems have stanzas?
Are the words sun and sky rhyming words?
Say: Answer each question.
Ask: How do you answer a Yes – No question?

2. Modelling
Say: There are steps in answering a yes – no question.
1. Understand the question.
2. Choose if your answer is a yes or a no.
3. Use the pronoun for the subject of the question. (they is a pronoun for the
topic poems)
4. Add the first word of the question. Remember, if your answer is a yes, make
the first word of the question positive. If your answer is a no, make the first
word of the question negative.
 are, is, was, were, am, can, do, does, did, has, have, had are positive verbs.
 Aren’t, isn’t, wasn’t, weren’t, can’t, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t, hasn’t, haven’t,
hadn’t are negative verbs.
Explain that _n’t means not. This makes each verb negative.

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