A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner The learner The learner The learner
understanding on the demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
concepts about print understanding on the understanding on the understanding on understanding on the
concepts about print concepts about print the concepts about print
concepts about print
B. Performance The learner correctly The learner correctly The learner correctly The learner The learner correctly
identifies book parts and identifies book parts identifies book parts correctly identifies identifies book parts
follows and follows and follows book parts and and follows
reading conventions reading conventions reading conventions follows reading conventions
reading conventions
C. Learning Generate ideas Generate ideas Generate ideas Generate ideas Generate ideas
Objectives through prewriting through prewriting through prewriting through through prewriting
activities activities activities prewriting activities
Write the LC code for Uncoded Uncoded Uncoded activities Uncoded
Generating Ideas Generating Ideas Generating Ideas Generating Generating
Through Through Through Ideas Through Ideas Through
Pre-Writing Pre-Writing Pre-Writing Pre-Writing Pre-Writing
Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities
A. References K to 12 MELC- p.130 K to 12 MELC- p.130 K to 12 MELC- p.130
K to 12 MELC- p.130 K to 12 MELC- p.130
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Laptop, tv Laptop, tv Laptop, tv Laptop, tv Laptop, tv
A. Reviewing previous Classify each of the item using the categories Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson.
lesson or presenting the the box. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
new lesson
________1. Pampanga
________2. an apple
________3. a chicken
________4. television
________5. a park
________6. cellphone
________7. books
________8. pencil
________9. a carabao
________10. school
B. Establishing a
purpose for the
Read the comic strip. Think of words to connect
You see children throwing
Share your ideas Using a web, write ideas about a
pet you would like to
lesson their garbage in the wrong about the have by answering the questions.
C. Presenting Let us learn how to We will learn more about We will learn more about We will learn more about Let us read a story about a
examples/ instances of
generate ideas through generating ideas through generating ideas through generating ideas through boy whi loves his pet so
the new lesson webbing. brainstorming. drawing. much.
pre writing activities.
This is how to do This is how to
D. Discussing new Read the following questions. Write the correct Another pre-writing strategy is
answer on your answer sheet.
concepts and practicing 1. Who is the new pupil in the school? webbing: brainstorming that can
new 2. Who helped the new pupil?
3. At the beginning of the story, how did the new Step 1: Draw a circle in
be done by:
Step 1: Reading and understanding
do drawing as a
skills #1 pupil
feel about her school? Show your answer through a
the middle and write the the problem. pre-writing
subject Step 2: Listing down possible
4. What are the different facilities in the school? or the main topic. solutions to the problem. activity:
5. If the canteen serves nutritious food, what is the Step 3: Thinking about the best
library Step 2: Draw lines solution or idea.
for? This is where the pupils can ______
radiating out from the Jas had a lovely pet named Momo.
A.play with their friends
B. read books
circle that has Step 4: Using the solution to solve Jas loved his
the problem or to cat. He fed her and kept her clean
C.perform in front of a big crowd the main topic and draw all the time. He
D.do some sports activities take an action.
6. What is the use of a computer room? This is a circles at the end of Example: cuddled Momo all the time. He
place each line. Each line Problem: You have just finished truly cared for his cat.
where pupils ____________ One day Momo got sick and Jas felt
A.use and learn computers corresponds to a answering the module
so sad.
B. eat snacks supporting your teacher asked you to
C. learn from their teacher Momo felt so weak and Jas felt so
accomplish. However, your
D. can play idea. sister accidentally tore it in half.
worried about it. He
7. What do pupils do at a gymnasium?
Step 3: Draw additional ran to his mom and asked for help.
A. learn how to use a computer How will you deal with the Mom cuddled the cat and hurriedly
B. place to find and read different books lines and circles to extend problem? Will your teacher accept called a
C. where pupils play, do sports, and exercise
the it? But you need to fix doctor. The doctor examined the
D. pupils can eat and take a break
8. What is the clinic for? discussion of your the module using any of the You have learned cat and gave them
A.where the beautiful plants and flowers are
supporting ideas.
following solutions: about ways on how the medicine.
planted Possible solutions: After few days of medication
B. where the school nurse provides healthcare to
1. Use a glue to fix the module.
you can Momo got well and
pupils and staff
C.room for tools 2. Use a tape instead to fix the generate ideas by became playful again. Momo and
D.room for eating
9-10. Choose among the list of words on how you
module. using the following Jas lived happily
Now, you have two possible every day in their home sweet
solutions. Which one will
pre-writing home.
describe Francis and Mina? Explain your answer.
be more effective in fixing the activities: Comprehension Questions:
1. Who has a pet?
problem? If you think of it, 1. Webbing 2. What happened to Momo one day?
you can clearly say that putting a 3. What did Jas do when he knew that
tape in the module is
2. Brainstorming his cat got sick?
more efficient than using a glue. 3. Drawing 4. What if you don’t have money to take
Momo to the doctor, how
You can further explore the problem You can now use and would you take care of him?
and think of 5. Why do you need to be responsible in
The main idea or topic of the web is
about animals.
other solutions like by explaining to the combine all these taking care of your pet?
H.Making How do we generate ideas in pre- writing? How do we generate ideas How do we generate How do we generate
generalizations in pre- writing? ideas in pre- writing? ideas in pre- writing?
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Read the short story below. Using webbing, write a Read the situation below and Draw the steps of Directions: Complete the phrases to
express your thoughts on
title of a book or a story do the pre-writing preparing your peanut what to do if you would have a pet.
Alvin and His Kite
activity in your answer sheet. butter Choose the
you Your mother asked you to wash sandwich. The first step
phrases that suits the sentence.
have read. Share the the dishes. Show your has been explained
main ideas or events of understanding by drawing and already. Then,
the story. Do explaining the write a short explanation
this in your notebook. procedures. The first step is for steps 2 and 3. Do this
provided. in your
answer sheet.