API 653 Examination Sample Items
API 653 Examination Sample Items
API 653 Examination Sample Items
The items below are examples of what an exam item might look like. If you have questions about an item or
disagree with the answer, please email us at [email protected] and we will forward your concern to one of
our subject matter experts.
Correct Answer: 4
Correct Answer: 3
B. Except for cast iron parts, internal coils and supports may be:
Correct Answer: 4
C. At the next out-of-service inspection on a tank that has had a hot tap
performed, the visual inspection should include:
Correct Answer: 1
Correct Answer: 3
Correct Answer: 4
1. routine maintenance.
2. a minor alteration.
3. a minor repair.
4. a major repair.
Correct Answer: 4
G. When a tank is being dismantled for relocation, the roof, shell, and
bottom plates may be cut:
Correct Answer: 2
Correct Answer: 3
Correct Answer: 1
Correct Answer: 3
1. Inspector
2. Vendor/fabricator
3. Owner/operator
4. API Committee