Semester I - Syllabus Contents

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CP-101 : Management Concepts and Organizational Behaviour

Introduction to Organisational Behaviour: Evolution of OB; Managerial Roles,

and Managerial Functions. The Changing Context: The Changing Context of
Organisations, Globalisation and Concerns of OB. Positive Perspective:
Categories of Positive Approach, Positive Thinking, Intervention with Positive
Approach. The Attributional Process – Internality and Optimism: Internality
and Externality, Consequence of Internality, Developing Internality,
Optimism, Rumination and Flow. Foundations of Individual Behaviour:
Different factors for Individual Behaviour; Personality and Personal
Effectiveness: Theories of Personality; Transactional Analysis, Transactional
Managerial Styles. The Perceptual Process, Attitudes, and Values. The
Learning Process: Learning, Learning Theories - Adult Learning Theories,
Social Learning Theories, Experiential Learning Theory. The Motivational
Process: Theories of Motivation, Motivating through Work, and Managing
Work Motivation. Roles and Role Effectiveness. Decisional Process and
Consensus Building. Informal Groups and Group Dynamics. Conflict
Management: Sources of Conflict, Types of Conflict, Conflict Management
and Conflict Resolution. Leadership Theories and Styles: Goleman’s
Leadership Theory, Black & Mouton Leadership Theory, and Reddin’s 3D
leadership Theory; Some Recent Theories of Leadership. Developing
Leadership for Tomorrow: Paradigm Shift in the Areas of Leadership,
Mechanism for Leadership Development, Emerging Patters of Leadership.
CP-102 : Quantitative Methods

Introduction of quantitative methods and their applications in management

decision making, statistical terms and concepts, scales of measurement,
data sources, collection and presentation of data, sampling methods.
Descriptive Statistics: Measures of central tendency: mean, weighted
arithmetic mean, median, quartiles, mode, properties and applications of
each. Measures of dispersion: Range, Quartile deviation, Mean deviation,
Standard deviation, coefficient of variation; Measures of Skewness, Moments
and Kurtosis
Time Series Analysis: Business forecasting, components of time series,
methods of analysis of time series, free hand method, semi averages,
moving averages, least squares, exponential smoothing, measurement of
seasonal variations, cyclic and irregular variation. Index Numbers: Meaning
and types of indices, weighted and un-weighted index numbers, construction
of index numbers, tests for adequacy of index numbers, chain based indices,
base shifting, splicing, consumer price index.
Correlation analysis: Types of correlation, Methods of studying correlation-
Scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s Coefficient, Spearman’s Rank correlation,
concurrent deviation, correlation of bivariate grouped data, concepts of
partial and multivariate correlation. Regression analysis: Regression lines
and equation, Linear bivariate regression model, regression coefficients,
coefficient of determination, estimation of value of unknown variable
Probability concepts, probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal
Distributions, their characteristics and applications. Statistical Estimation:
Interval estimation, interval estimation of the population mean, estimation
of confidence interval, sample size estimation, Testing of Hypothesis:
Formulation of hypothesis, Z-test, F-test, t-test and chi-square test.
Introduction to LPP.
CP-103 : Managerial Economics

Concept of Managerial Economics: Nature and scope of Managerial

Economics, Nature of Business Decision-making. Theories of Firm:
Managerial and Behavioural Theories of Firm Sales Maximization, Growth
Maximization, Satisfying theory of Firm, Nature and Function of Profits, Profit
Maximization, Organizational Slack, Ownership and Control. Marginal
Analysis, Optimization.
Demand Analysis: Theories of Demand, Indifference and Revealed
Preference Approach, Income and Substitution Effects, Demand Functions
and Demand forecasting, Managerial Applications.
Production and Cost Analysis: The Production Function, Returns to Scale,
Productivity Measurements, Constrained Optimization Approach to
Developing Optimal Input Combination Relationships, Derivation of Cost
Curves, Firm Size and Plant Size, Managerial Applications, Learning Curves,
Economies of Scope. Break-Even Analysis;
Market Structures: Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition,
Oligopoly, Profit Maximization under different Market Structures, Non-Price
Competition; Characteristics,
Pricing Strategies of firms: Cost plus Pricing, Pricing of Inputs, Applications,
Decision making under Risk and Uncertainty.
CP-104 : Human Resource Management

Foundation Of Human Resource Management (HRM) - Meaning, definition,

nature and scope, characteristic, objectives, theoretical framework, models
of HRM, Difference between Personnel Management and HRM, Opportunities
and challenges in HRM, HRM functions, Business strategy and HRM, Qualities
and role of HR managers.
Acquisition Of Human Resources - Human Resource Planning(HRP): need ,
objectives, pre-requisites, determinants, HRP models, HRP process, types of
HRP, benefits, Job Analysis (JA): sources, methods, process, uses,
importance, job description, job specification, Recruitment and Selection:
sources, process, barriers, objectives, impact, e-recruitment, objectives of
selection, selection tests, interview, induction, placements and employee
Appraising and Rewarding Human Resources - Performance Appraisal (PA)
and Feedback: approaches, methods/techniques of PA, process of PA,
interview, elements, designing and conducting PA, potential problems in PA,
suggestion for improved PA. Job Evaluation (JE): principles, process,
methods of JE, importance, limitations. Employee Compensation: definition,
compensation strategy, factors, determinants, structure, theories, wage
differentials, models, Incentives and fringe benefits – meaning, types, job-
based pay, skill-based pay, performance-based pay, executive compensation
Development of Human Resources - Human Resource Development (HRD):
theoretical framework of HRD, functions, benefits, importance, barriers to
HRD, Training and Development: models, methods, training process,
training evaluation, barriers, competency based training and assessment,
current trends, career planning and development and succession planning
Employee – Management Relations - Industrial Relations (IR): approaches,
models, theories, Industrial relation in India, industrial disputes
management and disputes resolution and conflict management, Trade union,
participative management, collective bargaining and Negotiation, Discipline
and grievance handling, Grievance redressal mechanism, International
perspective of HRM
Contemporary issues in HRM- Human resource management in technology-
driven environment, knowledge management, Talent management, learning
and performance, Balanced scorecard, HR scorecard, employee retention, HR
audit, Corporate social responsibilities and HRM
CP-105 : Business Communications

Understanding Business Communication - Communication: Meaning,

Definitions and nature, Elements and process of communication, Functions
of human communication, Role of a manger, Various forms of
communication, Intra-personal, Inter-personal, Communication barriers,
Effective managerial Communication, Strategies for improving Organizational
communication, Non-verbal communication, cross –cultural communication,
Technology - enabled business communication.
Understanding Functional Communication Needs - Communication across
functional area: Human Resource communication, Integrated Marketing
communication, financial communication, Corporate governance, Corporate
communication: Ethics in Business communication: ethical code in
communication, Ethical Dilemmas facing managers, Strategic approach to
corporate ethics, Ethical communication on the Internet.
Developing Oral Communication Skills For Business - Effective listening:
meaning, process, advantages, myths, Types of listening: Informative
listening, attentive listening, Relationship listening, Critical listening,
Discriminative listening, effective and ineffective listening, Barriers of
effective communication, other barriers, listening skills at different
managerial level, Strategies for effective listening, Business Presentations
and public speaking, Meeting and conferences, Group discussion and Team
Written Communication and Documentation - Introduction, importance,
types of Business messages, Direct and Indirect approaches to Business
message, direct approach, Indirect approach, five main stages of writing
business messages, Business correspondence, kinds of Business letters,
Business Reports and Proposals,
CP-106 : Financial Accounting

Financial Accounting: Nature and scope, Accounting Theory - Concept and

Conventions, Importance, Scope, Generally Accepted Principles of
Accounting, Indian Accounting Standards, Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP), IFRS, Harmonization of Accounting Standards: Meaning,
Accounting Standards in India, Significance, Preparation of Financial
Statements, Corporate Balance Sheet–Terms, Contents and Format.
Accounting Process: recording of transactions, Final Accounts of a Sole-
Trader, Final Accounts of Not-For Profit Organizations
Corporate Accounting: Issue, forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares, Issue
of rights and bonus shares, Buy- back of shares, Issue and Redemption of
Preference Shares and Debentures
Depreciation Accounting and Inventory Valuation: Meaning and Techniques
of Depreciation, Methods employed by Indian Companies, Change of method
as per revised AS-6, Inventory valuation, Methods, Policies of Indian
Presentation and Disclosure of Accounting Information: Presentation of
Financial Position. Financial Statements of Companies.
Analysis of Accounting Information: Financial Statement Analysis.
Interpretation of Accounting information, Cash Flow Statement, Preparing a
statement of cash flows
CP-107 : Marketing Management

Introduction: Understanding Nature and Scope of Marketing Management,

Key Marketing Concepts, Marketing philosophies, Strategic Marketing
Planning Process, Customer value. The Marketing Environment:
Organization’s Internal Environment, Monitoring and Analysing Micro and
Micro-External Marketing Environment.
Identification and Selection of Market Classification: Consumer and Business
Markets, Consumer Buying Behaviour, Business Buying Behaviour. Market
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Differentiation Strategies,
Competitor Analysis.
Product Planning and Development: Product Characteristics and
Classification. Branding, Packaging and Labelling Decisions, New Product
Development Process, Stages in NPD Process, The Consumer Adoption
process, The Concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC), Stages of PLC and
Marketing Strategies.
Pricing Decisions: Meaning and Importance of Price, Pricing Objectives,
Setting and Modifying the Price, Initiating and Responding to Price Change,
Factors Influencing Price Determination and Pricing Methods.
Distribution Decisions – Nature and Functions of Channels, Channel Design
Decisions, Channel Management and Modification Decisions, Managing
conflicts and Control in Channels. Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics.
Marketing Communications: Role of Promotion, Integrated Marketing
Communication, Promotion Mix Decisions, Setting the Objectives and
Establishing the promotions Budget, Deciding the Promotion Mix:
Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity, Personal Selling and Sales
Managing Holistic Marketing Organization: Internal Marketing, Emerging
Issues and trends in Marketing, Socially Responsible Marketing, Cause
Related Marketing, Social and Rural Marketing, Role of Social Media, Viral
Marketing and Green Marketing.
CP-108 : IT Applications in Management

Computer Hardware and Number System: - CPU, Basic Logic Gates,

Computer Memory and Mass Storage Devices, Computer Hierarchy, Input
Technologies, Output Technologies. Number Systems and Arithmetic:
Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems, Binary Arithmetic.
Computer Software: Application and System Software, Programming
Languages and their Classification, Assemblers, Compilers and Interpreters.
Process of Software Development. Data Analysis using Spreadsheets
Operating Systems- Functions of Operating Systems, Types of Operating
Systems (Batch Processing, Multitasking, Multiprogramming and Real time
DBMS: Traditional File concepts and Environment, Database Management
Systems Concepts, Types of Data Models, ER Modeling, Integrity
Constraints, SQL queries.
Data Communication and Networks: Concepts of Data Communication,
Types of Data- Communication Networks, Communications Media, Concepts
of Computer Networks, Primary Network Topologies, Network Architectures-
The OSI Model, Inter-Networking devices. The Internet, Intranet and
Extranets: Operation of the Internet, Services provided by Internet, World
Wide Web. Creating Web Pages using HTML, Intranets and Extranets.
Functional and Enterprise Systems: Data, Information and Knowledge
Concepts, Decision Making Process, Physical Components of Information
Systems, Classification of Information Systems. Overview of Security Issues
in Information Technology, Emerging Trends in Information Technology.

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