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MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES: The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary techniques and skillsof communication to inform others inspire them and enlist their activity and willingcooperation in the performance of their jobs. MODULE 1 COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS: Importance of Communication Forms of Communication, Communication Network of the Organization; Process of Communication: Different Stages, Difference Between Oral and Written Communication MODULE 2 ORAL COMMUNICATION: Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Introduction, Barriers and Gateways in Communication, Listening, Feedback, Telephonic Messages, Public Speaking, andPresentation of Reports, Power point presentation, body language, non-verbal, facialexpressions, communication and emotional intelligence, creativity in oral communication, persuasive communication, communication through organizing various events like conferences, committee meeting, press meets, seminars, fests and the like. MODULE 3 REPORT WRITING: Writing an Effective Report: Stages of Writing, Composing Business Messages, Style and Tone; Five Ws and one H of Report Writing, Planning and Types ofReports, Divisions, Numbering and use of Visual Aids, creativity in written communication, useof picture, diagram in written communication. MODULE 4 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Writing Commercial Letters: Business Letter Format, Types f Letter Routine Business Letters, Sales Letters, Resume and Job Applications, BusinessMemos, E- Mail Messages, Proposals, Technical Articles, Telegrams,

Telex Message,Facsimiles, Electronic Mail, Handling a Mail, Maintaining a Diary, Legal Aspects of BusinessCommunication, Negotiation Skills. MODULE-5 ROUTINE CORRESPONDENCE: circulars, drafting notices, handling complaints, evaluating interview performance, articles, formal invitations, proforma for performance appraisal, letters ofappointment, captions for advertising, company notice related shares, dividends, MoA, AoA,Annual Reports, Minutes of Meeting, action taken report on previous resolution. BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1.Scot Ober, Contemporary Business Communication, Biztantra 2.Bovee, Thill and Schatzman, Business Communication today, Pearson 3.Nageshwar Rao and Rajendra Das, Business Skills, HPH 4.Mary ellen Guffy, Business Communication, Thomson 5.M Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, TMH 6.Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication, Oxford 7.Micheal Osborn and Suzanne Osborn, Public Speaking, Biztantra 8.John Seely, Oxford Writing and Speaking, Oxford 9.Parag Diwan, Business Communication, EB ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS OBJECTIVES To enable the students gain knowledge about concepts, principles and techniques of accounting and to enable the students use financial and cost data in planning, decision making and control. MODULE: 1 Introduction to financial accounting, uses and users of accounting information, generallyaccepted accounting principles and the accounting environment, the role of accounting in capitalmarket and corporate governance. Recording of business transaction, classification ofcommonly used accounts, the double entry system, journal, Ledger and trail balance. MODULE: 2 Measurement of Business Income and Financial position, preparation of Profit and loss account, balance sheet, understanding of corporate Financial Statements in annual reports.

MODULE: 3 Valuation of Fixed assets, depreciation accounting, valuation of inventories (as per respectiveaccounting standards issued by Accounting Standard Board of Institute of CharteredAccountants of India) MODULE: 4 Financial statement analysis, objectives, standards of comparisons, sources of information,Techniques of financial statements analysis:Ratio analysis, dupont analysis, Trend analysis,common sized analysis, fund flow statements, cash flow statements. (As per AS-3) MODULE: 5 Introduction to cost accounting, concepts and classification, standard costing and varianceanalysis, budgetary control, absorption costing and marginal costing, applications of MarginalCosting, Cost-volume profit analysis, Concepts of Target costing, activity based costing andlife cycle costing. BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1.R. Narayanaswamy, Financial Accounting, PHI 2.Nitin Balwani, Accounting and Finance, EB 3.Dr. Jawaharlal, Accounting for Management, HPH 4.Khan and Jain, Management Accounting, TMH 5.Louderback and Holmen, Managerial Accounting, Thomson 6.Ambrish Gupta, Financial Accounting for Management, Pearson 7.Robert Anthony, David Hawkins and Kenneth Merchant, Accounting, TMH 8.James Stice and Michael Diamond, Financial Accounting, Thomson 9.Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Pearson 10.Warren Reeve Fess, Financial Accounting, Thomson 11.Bannerjee, Financial Accounting, EB ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR OBJECTIVES To enhance understanding of the dynamics of interaction between individual and theorganisation facilitate a clear perspective to diagnose and effectively handle human behaviorissues in organizations and Develop greater insight into their own behavior in interpersonal andgroup team situations. And Acquire skills in influencing people in organizations, to provide to thestudents a Foundation of knowledge in organizations and help them to become aware of theinfluence of organisation, structure on the attitudesbehavior performance of people working inorganizations.

MODULE-1 Organizational Behavior and Management functions of management.What Manager doelements of an organisation, role of a manager in an organisation, why study organizationalbehavior, an organizational behavior model, learning organizations. MODULE 2 Foundations of individual behavior; Personality, shaping of personally, determinants ofpersonality.The self concept, self esteem and self efficiency, perception, perceptual process,managing the perceptual process, Learning Process, Reward System and Behavioralmanagement, The Theoretical process of learning, Principles of Learning, Reward andPunishment, Organizational Reward Systems MODULE 4 Attitude formation, functions, change of attitudes, values, types of attitudes MODULE 5 Management of Motivation:Motivation in work settings managerial issues and challenges.Theories, Maslows Need theory, K McGregor theory X&Y, Hertzbergs Motivation hygienetheory, Vrooms Valance and instrumentality. MOLDULE 6 Team Building and group dynamic, working teams and team effectiveness. Intra teamdynamics, influence of the group on individual group decision making, inter group relationscollaboration, conflict management and Change Management. MODULE 7 Dynamics of managerial leadership, what is leadership, transition of leader ship theories, leadership, theories, power and politics leadership and management change MODULE 8 Behavior structure, process & Design:the course mainly connected with nature of management Introduction to organizations the structural Perspectives, dimensions of structure. BOOKS RECOMMENDED

1.Uday Pareekh, Organizational Behaviour, Oxford 2.Stephen Robbins and Timothy Judge, Organizational Behaviour, PHI 3.Fred Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, TMH 4.Steven Robbins and Seema Sanghi, Organisational Behaviour, Pearson 5.P Subba Rao, Management of Organizational Behaviour, HPH 6.Gregory Moorhead and Ricky Griffin, Organizational Behaviour, Biztantra 7.Debra Nelson and James Quick, Organisational Behaviour, Thomson 8.PG Aquinas, Organization Behaviour, EB MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS COURSE OBJECTIVE The course will sharpen their analytical skills through integrating their knowledge of the economic theorywith decision making techniques. The course covers the standard topics of managerial economics thatare crucial to understanding the behavior of business firms in a global setting. MODULE 1: NATURE, SCOPE AND METHODS OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Scarcity, choice and allocation problems in business. Basic factors in business decision making:Marginalism, Equi-marginalism, and Opportunity cost principle, Risks and uncertainties, Timevalue of money. Use of quantitative techniques in managerial economics: Mathematicalfunctions, derivatives, optimization principles and statistical techniques. MODULE 2: DEMAND ANALYSIS, ESTIMATION AND FORECASTING Demand theory. Types of demand. Demand elasticity: Types, measurement and factors.Elasticity of demand and marginal revenue. Uses of elasticity concept in business decisionmaking. Estimation of Demand function. Demand forecasting: Importance and methods.Qualitative and quantitative techniques. MODULE 3: PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Production functions with one-variable and two-variable inputs. Returns to a factor and returnsto scale. Isoquants, isocost curves and ridgelines. Optimum factor combination. Elasticity ofoutput and Elasticity of substitution. Empirical production functions. Forms of Productionfunction. Cobb-Douglas and CES production functions. Production possibility analysis. Optimumproduct mix of a multi-product firm.

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