Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery

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The document discusses an edited book on cavitation of hydraulic machinery that covers various topics related to cavitation in hydraulic systems and structures.

The book focuses on research and analysis of cavitation in hydraulic machinery and systems.

Some of the topics covered in the book related to cavitation include computational and experimental studies of unsteady flows, cavitation in control valves and pump cascades, and noise reduction of supersonic jet flow.

Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from www.worldscientific.

- Hydraulic Design of Hydraulic Machinery
Editor: Prof H Radha Arishno
- Mechanical Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic
Editor: Prof Mei S Y
- Transient Phenomena of Hydraulic Machinery
Editors: Prof S Pejooic, Dr A P Boldy
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

- Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery

Editor: Prof Li S C
- Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery
Editors: Prof D tian C! GI, Prof V Karelin
- Vibration and Oscillation of Hydraulic Machinery
Editor: Prof H Ohashi
- Control of Hydraulic Machinery
Editor: Prof H Brekke

The International Editorial Committee (IECBSHM):

Chairman: ProJ Duan C! Cl Secretary: Prof Li S O
Treasurer: Dr R K Ttirt on Dr A P Boldy
Committee Members:
Prof H Brekke (Norway) Prof V P Ghebaevski (UPS)
Prof E ñ qusquizo (Spain) Prof M Fanelli (Italy)
Dr H R Graze (Australia) Prof R Cluarga (Uruguay)
Prof P Hetiry (Switzerland) Dr H B Horlocher (€lermany)
Prof V Karelin (USS) Prof GI Krivchenko (USS)
Prof Hi Sheng-car (Ohina) Prof hi D K (c:hina j
Prof M Tadeu de Almeida (Brazil) Prof C S Martin (USA)
Prof M Matsumura (Japon) Prof Met Zti- yan (China)
Prof A Mobarak (EgvR!1 Prof H Murai (Japan)
Prof H Netsch (Canoda) Prof H Ohoshi (Jopan)
Pro f S PejovkC (Y ti9OS!O HJO Prof D Perez- PrORCO (Cuba)
Prof H Peterrnonn (GI ermany) Prof H C Radha Krishna (India)
ProJ O S SO* 9 USA) Prof O Thirriot (Prance)
Prof Hans Ingo Weber (Brazil) Prof Cl Siegler (Austria)
Honorary Members:
Prof B C'hoiz (Switzerland) ProJ I Raabe (Clermany)
Cavitation of
Hydraulic Machinery
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

S. C. Li
L/niversi/y of Warwick, d.K.

Imperial College Press

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Foreword of the Editor
Contributing Authors
1 Introduction 1
S C Li
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1.1 Cavitation 1
1.1.1 Discovery 1
1.1.2 Classification 1
1.2 Hydraulic Machinery and Cavitation 3
1.2.1 Problems Caused by Cavitation 3
1.2.2 Combating Cavitation 5
References 8
2 Cavitation and Cavitation Types
A J Acosta
2.1 1 Cavitation P henomcnon 9
2.1.1 Cavitation 9
2.1.2 Hydrodynamic Cavitation 10
2.2 Types of Cavitation 11
2.2.1 Cavitation Index 11
2.2.2 Scale Effects and Cavitation Types
2.3 Cavitation Effects
2.3.1 General Phenomena
2.3.2 Influences on Machine Performance
2.3.3 System Stability
2.4 Cavitation Nucleation and Inception 30
2.4.1 Inception 34
2.4.2 Nuclei Measurement 38
2.4.3 Concluding Remarks 40
3 Bubble Dynamics 47
Part 1: Single Bubble
A Shima 47
3.1 Rayleigh Analysis 47
3.1.1 1 Besant’s Problem
3.1.2 Rayleigh’s Solution 3.2 Va
porous and Gaseous Bubbles
3.2.1 Classification
3.2.2 Stability
3.3 Viscosity and Compressibility Effects 49
3.3.1 Effects of Viscosity and Surface Tension 50
3.3.2 Compressibility Effect 50
3.4 Bubble Rebound 50
3.4.1 Introduction 53
3.4.2 Studies of Rebound 53
3.5 Nonspherical Collapse and Micro-jet Formation 53
3.5.1 Collapse near Solid Wall 54
3.5.2 Collapse in Contact with Solid Wall 54
3.6 Pressures Generated at Collapse 55
3.6.1 Impact Pressure and Their Modes 57
3.6.2 Temperature Effect 57
References 60
Part 2: Multi-Bubbles (Stochastic Behaviour) 61
S C Li 65
3.7 Origins of Bubble Stochasticity
3.7.1 Introduction 65
3.7.2 Bubble-Boundary Interaction 65
3.7.3 Bubble-Bubble Interaction 67
3.7.4 B ubble-Flow Field Interaction 73
3.7.5 Remarks 94
3.8 Stochastic Models of Cavitation Bubbles 115
3.8.1 Introduction
i 17
3.8.2 Single-Event Model
3.8.3 Multi-Event (Cluster) Model
3.8.4 Comprehensive Model
3.9 Power Spectrum
3.9.1 Introduction 121
3.9.2 Spectrum of Single-Bubble Collapse 121
3.9.3 Spectrum for Sequence of Single Events 127
3.9.4 Spectrum for Sequence of Clusters 137
3.9.5 Spectrum for Comprehensive Sequence 148
References 153
nts vii

4 Cavitating Flow
4.1 General Features 157
H Murai
4.1.1 Sheet Cavitation 157
4.1.2 Travelling Bubble Cavitation 160
4.1.3 Vortical Cavitation 161
4.1.4 Hydraulic Loss Caused by Cavitation 161
4.2 Hydrofoil and Hydrofoil Cascade 166
H Murai
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4.2.1 Cavitation Characteristics of Hydrofoil 166

4.2.2 Cavitation Characteristics of Conventional
Airfoil Sections 170
4.2.3 Cavitation Characteristics of Ogival Hydrofoils 171
4.2.4 Cavitation Characteristics of Hydrofoil Cascade 175
4.2.5 Cavitation Characteristics of Conventional Airfoil
and Ogival Profiles 176
4.2.6 Hydrofoil Profile Suitable for Decelerating
and Accelerating Cascades 180
4.2.7 Computer Simulation of Partially Cavitating Foil 182
4.2.8 Supercavitating Hydrofoil 184
4.2.9 Supercavitating Hydrofoil Cascade 186
4.3 Control Valves 187
E Outa
4.3.1 General Features of Control Valve Cavitation 187
4.3.2 Cavitation Pictures of Globe Valve Flows 194
4.3.3 Cavitation Inception due to Vortex Growth 197
4.3.4 Cavitation Erosion and Anti-Cavitation Valves 202
References 205
5 Cavitation Phenomena in Hydraulic Machinery 211
5.1 General Features of Turbine Cavitation 211
H Tanaka
5.1.1 Cavitation in Francis Turbines 211
5.1.2 Cavitation in Propeller Turbines 220
5.1.3 Cavitation in Pelton Turbines 225
5.1.4 Cavitation in Francis Pump-Turbines 226
5.2 General Features of Pump Cavitation 229
R K Turton
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 General Effect on Pumps
5.2.3 Net Positive Suction Head 5.2.4 D
efinition of Critical NPSHp
5.2.5 Implications for Pump Design
5.2.6 The Role of the Inducer
5.3 Pump Cavitation Similarity
V Chebaevsky and V Petrov
5.3.1 Problem Nature and Similarity Conditions
5.3.2 Thermodynamic Property Simulation
5.4 Cavitation Detection
Techniques E Egusquiza
5.4.1 Introduction 251
5.4.2 Generation of Noise and Vibration 252
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5.4.3 Propagation 253

5.4.4 Background Noise 254
5.4.5 Cavitation Detection in Frequency Domain 255
5.4.6 Cavitation Detection in Time Domain 259
5.4.7 Cavitation Detection with Time-Frequency Analysis 263
References 265
B Cavitation Damage to Hydraulic Machinery 269
6.1 General Mechanism of Cavitation Damage 269
Y Iwai and T Okada
6.1.1 Introduction 269
6.1.2 Cavitation Bubble Collapse Pressures and Damage 269
fi.1.3 Correlation between Erosion Resistance
and Mechanical Property 276
6.2 Cavitation Damage in Turbines 277
6.2.1 Introduction 277
6.2.2 Propeller and Kaplan Turbines 285
6.2.3 Francis Turbine 286
6.2.4 Pelton Turbine 290
6.2.5 Cavitation Guarantee 292
6.3 Cavitation Damage in Pumps 295
S C Li
6.3.1 Introduction 295
6.3.2 Axial Flow Pumps 295
6.3.3 Centrifugal Pumps 296
6.3.4 Pump-turbines 298
6.3.5 Cavitation Guarantee E
6.4 Silt-Laden Water r
Effect S C Li o
ñ .4.1 Introduction s
6.4.2 Silt Erosion i
6.4.3 Synergism of Silt and Cavitation o
6.5 High Resistance Materials S
C Li
6.5.1 Introduction 314
6.5.2 Fused Materials 302
6.5.3 Non-fused Materials 302
fi.6 Repair of Machine 334
S C Li
6.6.1 Introduction 334
6.6.2 Cause of Damage 334
6.6.3 Main Concerns in Repair 336
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6.6.4 Examples 343

References 353
7 Cavitation Caused Vibrations 350
7.1 Cavitation Pressure Pulsation in Turbines 359
7.1.1 Blade Cavity Pulsations 359

I Sato
7.1.2 Blade Wake Cavitation Pulsations 364
I Sato
7.1.3 Draft Tube Vortex Core Cavitation 364
Pulsations P Henry
7.2 Cavitation Induced Pulsations in Pumps 369
7.2.1 Introductio 369
n R K Turton
7.2.2 Characteristics of Cavitation Induced Pulsations 3T2
Y Tsujimoto
7.2.3 Mechanisms of Cavitation Induced J76
Pulsations Y Tsujimoto
7.2.4 Cavitation Characteristics - Mass Flow Gain Factor
and Cavitation Compliance 380
Y Tsujimoto
7.3 Influence of Operating Conditions 383
P Henry
7.3.1 Preliminary Discussion 383
7.3.2 Part Load Precession 383
7.3.3 80% Load Oscillations 388
7.3.4 Draft Tube F’ree Oscillations 388
7.3.5 Auto-oscillations 398
7.3.6 Influence of the Test Head 401
7.3.7 Thoma Number 403
7.4 Cavitation Resonance in Hydraulic Machinery Installations 405
P Henry
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7.4.1 Introduction 405

7.4.2 Prototype Installation 405
7.4.3 Model Tests 409
7.4.4 Stability of the Prototype Installation 413
References 417
8 Unsteady Cavitation Flows Caused by Machine Transients 423
Part 1: Turbine Transients 423
C S Martin
8.1 Introduction 423
8.2 Types of Turbine Cavitation 424
8.2.1 Francis Turbines 424
8.2.2 Kaplan Turbines 432
8.3 Draft-Tube Column Separation Incidents 433
8.4 Physical Modelling of Cavitating Transient Flows 436
8.5 Two-Phase Flow Modelling in Conduits 440
8.5.1 Acoustic Velocity 441
8.5.2 Slug Flow 444
8.6 Analytical Modelling of Cavitating Transient Flows 444
References 445
Part 2: Pump 3'zaztsients 451
H Tsukamoto
8.7 Introduction 451
8.8 Transient Cavitation in Discharge Lines 451
8.8.1 Transient Cavitation Type 451
8.8.2 Water Column Separation 453
8.9 Transient Cavitating Flow in Turbopumps 453
8.9.1 True Total Pressure Rise 453
8.9.2 Transient Behaviour of a Cavitating Pump 455
8.9.3 Transient Characteristics of Pump 457
C'ontents xi

8.10 Computer Simulation of Cavitating Transient Flows

in Pump System 460
8.11 Concluding Remarks 461
References 463
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It is a privilege to be asked to write a prefatory note on this remark-
able reference book, the latest in the Hydraulic Machinery book series. It is
unusually wide in scope, ranging from basic research to engineering applica-
tions. Its publication marks the achievement of a large team of specialists
in cavitation research and in the design and operation of hydro-turbines and
storage pumps.
Although the problem of cavitation in machines is an old one, dating back
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

at least to the time of Galileo (16th century), it has not yet been completely
solved. This is because hydraulic machines are faced with increasingly se-
vere performance requirements demanded by economic pressures. The need
to provide cheaper designs involving smaller and more powerful machines
rotating at higher speeds continues to heighten the danger of cavitation.
Despite improved techniques that have been developed for detecting and
measuring cavitation, and thereby assessing the damage capacity of cavitat-
ing flows, they do not necessarily solve the problem, but may nevertheless
provide useful guidance for avoiding trouble.
The International Editorial Committee of the book series decided to ini-
tiate an up to date review of the state of the art of coping with practical
cavitation problems in hydraulic machinery. An imposing team of twenty
specialists was formed to cover topics ranging from basic cavitation research,
machine design and performance, cavitation and abrasion damage and its
repair, and also cavitation induced machine vibration and transient oscil-
lations. A study of the chapter headings will show the particularly wide
variety of topics covered in one volume; it is also a welcome trend that they
range from basic science/applied physics to engineering operations. This
has required a well conceived plan and efficient organisation by a patient
and indefatigable Editor who has also written several of the sections. With
exemplary co-operation he and the other authors have been engaged for
twelve years in producing this comprehensive review of current knowledge.
Congratulations and thanks are therefore due to all concerned with launch-
ing and completing this monumental task. I am sure that all readers will be
most grateful to the international team’s outstanding achievement in assem-
bling this treasure trove.

S.P. Hutton
Emeritus Professor
University of Southampton
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Foreword of the Editor
The present book 6'ovitotion o/ Hydraulic Machinery is a volume in the
Hydraulic Machinery book series. It covers cavitation related subjects from
fundamental mechanisms to practical applications in turbines and pumps'.
Cavitation is one of the most unwanted phenomena in hydraulic machin-
ery despite the fact that it does have some positive effects in other fields. Al-
though a great advance in understanding this phenomenon has been achieved
in the last 100 years, our knowledge about cavitation is not good enough to
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precisely predict and completely solve this problem. Nowadays, most of the
cavitation related work in hydraulic machinery still, to a great extent, relies
on previous experience, model test and prototype observation.
After introducing cavitation and its relationship to hydraulic machines,
the rest of this book falls naturally into two parts. The first part, Chapters
2, 3 and 4, deals with the fundamental knowledge necessary for understand-
ing the cavitation involved in hydraulic machines. It includes: cavitation
types, scale effects, nucleation and inception, single bubble dynamics, multi-
bubble dynamics (bubble-bubble, bubble-boundary and bubble-flow inter-
actions), stochastic mode1s of cavitation bubbles, noise spectra, cavitating
flows of hydro-foil and cascade, cavitating characteristics of valves and other
hydraulic elements. The second part, Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8, deals with
cavitation related themes in turbines and pumps such as cavitation features,
similarities, cavitation detection techniques, cavitation damage mechanism
and features, synergism of cavitation with silt erosion, material resistances to
cavitation damage, cavitation-damage repair, cavitation-induced pressure-
pulsations, cavitation resonance, cavitating transient flow and computer sim-
ulation. As it is impossible to include all relevant subjects in a single volume,
careful selection has been necessary. Only those basic concepts and new de-
velopments which are not covered by existing books and review articles 2 are
given in-depth treatment. Extensive lists of references and footnotes are
thus included to support the presentation and assist readers who want to
dig deeper.
A total of 17 authors from 7 countries, all experts in their chosen fields,
have made contributions to the book. By drawing upon wide resources and

' As agreed at the Inaugural Meeting of the International Editorial Committee, the
Book Series would deal only with hydro-tur bines and pumps.
Such as Cavitation by Knapp/Daily/Hammitt (1970), Cavitation by Young (1989),
Uovitotion atid Bobbie Dynamic s by Brenner (1995) and ’Cavitation in Fluid Machinery
and Hydraulic Structure’ (Ann. Rev. Fluid deck) by Arndt (1981) etc.
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Foreword oJ the Editor xvii

manuscripts; and to Mr. Alan Hulme (the Engineering Computer Manager)

and the secretaries for their effective support.
The constant support and encouragement received from Professor David
Anderson (the Chairman, School of Engineering) and Professor Peter W Car-
penter (the Head of the Division, Civil & Mechanical Engineering), and the
advice given by Dr S P Hutton (Professor Emeritus, University of Sout hamp-
ton, UK), who also wrote the preface, were greatly appreciated.
During the publishing process, the advice received from the commission-
ing editors, Dr John Navas, Mr Anthony Doyle, and the desk editor, Mr
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

Yeow Hwa Quek, was vital that made this volume eventually available to
our readers.
My work on the book is supported in part by the National Research
Grant No. 87022190 of Water and Power (China), the EPSRC (Engineer-
ing and Physic Science Research Council, UK) Grants (GR/F5797T and
GR/L74729), and the internal funds of the School of Engineering, Warwick
University (UK).
The figures in the book have nome from a variety of sources. The ac-
knowled6€lmerit appears in the caption as a parenthetical reference keyed by
the name(s) of the original author(s) and a number to the list of references
at the chapter end where the source is cited in full. A particular t lianit you
goes to Mr. R Stahel (Sulzer Hydro Ltd, Switzerland) who kindly supplied
ine with the original photos of Figures 6.14, 6.23, fi.24, 6.26 and 6.27.
Finally, the editor is in great debt to his family members for their un-
derstanding, support and forbearance during the lengthy process of writing
and editing this book.

LI S C, Editor
University of Warwick
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Contributing Authors

Shengcai Li, Professor,

IRCHM (Beijing);
and North China University of Water Resources,
Principal Research Fellow (Warwick University,
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UK). Founding member of IECBSHM. Distinction-

graduation specialised in hydraulic machinery
from the Beijing University of Hydraulic Engi-
neering. PhD (self-guided) from Warwick Uni-
versity. Research Engineer, Ministry of Water
Resources & Power, 1964-77. Since 1977, asso-
ciated with the North China University of Wa-
ter Resources. Visiting Scientist to the Univer-
sity of Michigan (USA) 1981-83. Research areas:
cavitation in hydraulic machinery, stochastic be-
haviour of cavitation, transient flows of flow sys-
tems, developments of pioneering turbines and
governors, turbine-test techniques.

Allan Acosta, Hayman Professor Emeritus,

Division of Engineering & Applied Science,
California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California 91125, USA.
Born in 1924, Anaheim, California, USA. B.S.
1945, M.S. 1948 and PhD 1952 from California
Institute of Technology; then, Assistant Profes-
sor, Associate Professor and Professor. Execu-
tive Officer for Mechanical Engineering 1988-
93; Richard L. and Dorothy M. Hayman
Professor of Mechanical Engineering 1990-93.
Research ar- eas: cavitation flow in
turbomachines, hydrody- namics, heat transfer.
Life Fellow of the Amer- ica Society of
Mechanical Engineering, Fellow of the America
Association for Advanced Science,
xx Contributing Authors

Member of the National Academy of Engineers


Vadim Chebaevsky, Professor,

Moscow State University of Environmental En-
gineering, Moscow, Russia.
Doctor of Technical Science. Graduated from
the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1949. Author
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

and co-author of 5 monographs, a branch ref-

erence book, a textbook, training aids, 90 sci-
entific articles and ii6 inventions. Scientific ac-
tivities: improvement of cavitation character-
istics for blade pumps with different working
media; hydraulic improvement and cavitation
erosion/tear prediction of large blade pumps;
and, automation of technical process for land-
reclamation stations.

Eduard Egusquiza, Professor,

Department of Fluid Mechanics,
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, (UPC) at
Barcelona, Spain.
Born in Barcelona. Industrial Eng. and Dr.
Eng. at UPC. Assistant and Associate Professor
in 1977-83 at the Faculty of Industrial Engineer-
ing (ETSEI) in Terrassa. Professor in 1983 at
the University of Oviedo and 1988 at the ETSEI
in Barcelona. Research on unsteady flows, flow
induced vibrations and condition monitoring in
turbomachinery (axial flow fans and hydraulic
Pierre Henry, (Deceased) Professor,
Federal Institute of Technology,
Lausanne, Switzerland.
Professor Henry died on the 26th April 1994
from cancer. The Sections, §7.1.3, §7.3 and §7.4,
he prepared are included in this volume as a trib-
ute to Pierre.
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Yoshiro Iwai, Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
F'ukui University, Fukui, Japan.
Born in Japan in 1949. Graduated from the
Graduate School of Kyoto University in 1977
and received a Doctor degree in Engineering
from Kyoto University in 1980. Professor at the
De- part ment of Mechanical Engineering, Fukui
Uni- versity since 1991. Research on wear and
cavi- tation erosion.

C. Samuel Martin, Professor,

School of Civil Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355, USA.
Born in USA in May 22, 1936. Ph.D (1964) and
M.S. (1961) from Georgia Institute of Technol-
ogy; B.S. (1958) from Virginia Polytechnic Insti-
tute and State University. Assistant (63-67), As-
sociate (67-74) and full Professor (74-present)
at Georgia Institute of Technology. Guest Profes-
sor (Technical University of Munich, West Ger-
many, 1984-85; University of Karlsruhe, Ger-
many, 1970-71). Ford Foundation Faculty Res-
ident, Harza Engineering Company (1966-67).
xxii Gontributitiy Authors

Designer of Hydraulic Machinery, Newport News

Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company (1959-60).
Professional Engineer, State of Georgia. Re-
search experience: Cavitation characteristics of
control valves using signal analysis,
development of numerical methods for
representing charac- teristics of hydraulic
machinery (pump-turbines, Francis turbines and
Kaplan turbines), hydraulic model testing
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

(pump intakes, bifurcations and spillways).

Honours: Alexander von Humboldt
U.S. Senior Scientist Award (1984-85), Ameri-
can Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow Elec-
tion (1983), American Society of Civil Engineers
J. C. Stevens Award (1977), American Society of
Mechanical Engineers John R. F’reeman Scholar
(1970-Al), Fulbright Travel Grantee (1970-71),
Ford Foundation Faculty Fellow (1966-67) and
Ford Foundation Fellowship (1961-62).

H Murai, Professor Emeritus,

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Born in Hiroshima in 1922. Graduated from
Tohoku University in 1944. Master (1946) and
Doctor (1957) of Engineering from Tohoku Uni-
versity. Lecturer (1946), Assistant Professor
Professor (1960-1985) and Director (1974-1979)
of the Institute of High Speed Mechanics. Pro-
fessor of Hiroshima Institute of Technology from
1985 to 1992. Technical advisor (1968-1985
and 1995) of National Aerospace Laboratory.
Exec- utive Director (1977-1978) of the Japan
Society of Mechanical Engineers. President
(1985-1986) of the Visualisation Society of
Japan. Member (1988) of the Engineering
Academy of Japan. Research Fellow (1992-1995)
of Tsuru Promo- tion Society for Education &
Tsunenori Okada, Professor Emeritus,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Fukui University, F’ukui, Japan.
Born in Japan in 1931. Graduated from Osaka
City University in 1954 and received a Doctor
degree in Engineering from Kyoto University in
1967. Professor at the Department of Mechan-
ical Engineering, Fukui University, in 1971-97.
Visiting Professor at the University of Michigan
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

in 1979-1980. Research on cavitation erosion.

Eisuke Onta, Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
Born in Kobe, Japan. B.S. (1963), M.S. (1965)
and Dr. Engr. (1976) from Waseda Univer-
sity. Assistant and Associate Professor in 1968-
1975 at the Department of Mechanical Engi-
neering, Waseda University; and, Professor
since 1975. Research interests include:
experimen- tal and computational studies of
unsteady flows, turbomachinery noise, high
speed flow and shock waves in gas and multi-
phase media, cavitation in control valves and
pump cascades, noise re- duction of supersonic
jet flow etc.

Vladimir Petrov, Professor,

Russian Academy of Space Technology,
Korolyov Town, Russia.
Academician of Russian Academy of Space
Tech- nology, Doctor of Science. Graduated from
the Moscow Bauman Technical University in
1958. Fields of research: hydrodynamics of one
and two phase 8uid flows with cavitation,
calcula- tion and design of hydraulic equipments
of fuel supply systems for space industry.
Author and
xxiv Goritrihutioq Atithor s

co-author of 7 monographs, 70 scientific articles

and 50 inventions.

Joshiro Sato, Senior Chief Engineer,

Hitach Ltd. Hitach Works,
Born in Japan in 1939. BS (1962) and Dr. Eng.
(1991) from Tohoku University. Engaged in re-
search, development, design and project man-
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

agement of pump-turbines and conventional

tur- bines in the Turbine Design Department
since 1962. Specialised in cavitation and silt

Akira Shima, Professor Emeritus,

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Born in Morioka, Japan, in 1930. Bachelor in
Engineering from Iwate University in 1953 and
Doctor of Engineering from the Graduate School
of Tohoku University in 1959. Associate Profes-
sor at the Institute of High Speed Mechanics,
Tohoku University, in 1959. Senior Research
Fellow at the California Institute of Technology,
USA, in 1969-70. Professor at the Institute of
High Speed Mechanics in 1970-89 and Professor
at the Institute of Fluid Science in 1989-1994,
Tohoku University. Councillor of Tohoku Uni-
versity in 1987-89. Since 1994, Professor Emeri-
tus of Tohoku University. Research areas: bub-
ble dynamics, cavitation, water jet and nozzle.

Hiroshi Tanaka, Chief Fellow Specialist,

Energy System Group, Toshiba Corporation,
Yokohama, Japan.
Born in Japan in 1933. Graduated from the
University of Tokyo in 1956 and serving with
Toshiba Corporation since then. For the first 20
years of service, research and development for
both conventional turbines and reversible
pump- turbines. Chief Engineer in charge of
hydraulic machinery in 1987, supervising all R&
D and de- sign/manufacture of hydraulic
turbines. Since 1991, Chief Fellow Specialist.
Members of In- ternational Association of
Hydraulic Research, International Hydropower
Association; member and Ex. Council member of
Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers;
member and Ex. Presi- dent of Visualisation
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

Society of Japan; member and Ex. Vice President

of Turbomachinery So- ciety of Japan.

Yoshinobu Tsujimoto, Professor,

Faculty of Engineering Science,
Osaka University,
Toyonaka Osaka, Japan.
Born in Japan in 1949, Bachelor (1971) and
Doc- tor (1977) of Engineering from Osaka
University. Research Associate (1977),
Associate Professor (1986) and Professor
(1989) of Osaka University. Visiting Associate at
the California Institute of Technology from 1983
to 1984.

Hiroshi Tsukamoto, Professor,

Kyushu Institute of Technology,
Kitakyushu, Japan.
Born in Aichi, Japan, in 1948. Bachelor in En-
gineering from Waseda University in 1972. Mas-
ter of Engineering in 1974, and Doctor of Engi-
neering in 1977, from University of Tokyo. Lec-
turer at University of Tokyo in 1977. Associate
Professor at Kyushu Institute of Technology, in
1978. Professor at Kyushu Institute of Tech-
nology since 1992. Research areas: hydraulic
machines, pump, unsteady flow, unsteady flow
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery Downloaded from

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