KJ/KG 1 - 2988 C 0 35 Mpa 8 ¿ Q

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5-65 Steam is throttled by a well-insulated valve. The temperature drop of the steam after the expansion is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are
negligible. 3 Heat transfer to or from the fluid is negligible. 4 There are no work interactions involved.
Properties The inlet enthalpy of steam is (Tables A-6),
P1 = 8 MPa
P1 8 MPa ½
¾ h1 2988.1 kJ/kg T1 = 350qC
T1 350qC ¿

Analysis There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m 2 m  . We take the
throttling valve as the system, which is a control volume since mass crosses the H2O
boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the
rate form as

E in  E out 'E systemÊ0 (steady) 0 P2 = 2 MPa

E in E out
m h1 m h2
h1 h2

since Q # W
 'ke # 'pe # 0 . Then the exit temperature of steam becomes

P2 2 MPa ½
¾ T2 285qC
h2 h1 ¿

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
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Pipe and duct Flow

5-89E Saturated liquid water is heated in a steam boiler. The heat transfer per unit mass is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are
negligible. 3 There are no work interactions.
Analysis We take the pipe in which the water is heated as the system, which is a control volume. The energy balance for this
steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form as

E  E 'E systemÊ0 (steady) 0


Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies qin
E in E out
500 psia, Water 500 psia
m h1  Q in m h2 sat. liq. 600qF
Q in m (h2  h1 )
q in h2  h1

The enthalpies of water at the inlet and exit of the boiler are (Table A-5E, A-6E).
P1 500 psia ½
¾ h1 # h f @ 500psia 449.51 Btu/lbm
x 0 ¿
P2 500 psia ½
¾ h2 1298.6 Btu/lbm
T2 600qF ¿

qin 1298.6  449.51 849.1Btu/lbm

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
5-90 Air at a specified rate is heated by an electrical heater. The current is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is a steady-flow process since there is no change with time. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are
negligible. 3 The heat losses from the air is negligible.
Properties The gas constant of air is 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1). The constant pressure specific heat of air at room
temperature is cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·°C (Table A-2a).
Analysis We take the pipe in which the air is heated as the system, which is a control volume. The energy balance for this
steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form as

E  E 'E systemÊ0 (steady) 0


Rate of net energy transfer Rate of changein internal, kinetic, We,in
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

E in E out
100 kPa, 15qC Air 100 kPa
m h1  W e,in m h2 0.3 m3/s 30qC
W e,in m (h2  h1 )
VI m c p (T2  T1 )

The inlet specific volume and the mass flow rate of air are

RT1 (0.287 kPa ˜ m 3 /kg ˜ K )( 288 K )

v1 0.8266 m 3 /kg
P1 100 kPa
V 3
0.3 m /s
m 0.3629 kg/s
v1 0.8266 m 3 /kg
Substituting into the energy balance equation and solving for the current gives
 c p (T2  T1 )
m (0.3629 kg/s)(1.005 kJ/kg ˜ K)(30  15)K § 1000 VI ·
I ¨ ¸ 49.7 Amperes
V 110 V © 1 kJ/s ¹

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
5-112 Steam flowing in a supply line is allowed to enter into an insulated tank until a specified state is achieved in the tank.
The mass of the steam that has entered and the pressure of the steam in the supply line are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is an unsteady process since the conditions within the device are changing during the process, but it can
be analyzed as a uniform-flow process since the state of fluid entering the tank remains constant. 2 Kinetic and potential
energies are negligible.
Properties The initial and final properties of steam in the tank are (Tables A-5 and A-6)

P1 1 MPa ½v 1 0.19436 m 3 /kg

¾ Steam
x1 1 (sat. vap.)¿u1 2582.8 kJ/kg 400qC

P2 2 MPa ½v 2 0.12551 m 3 /kg

T1 300qC ¿u 2 2773.2 kJ/kg
Sat. vapor
Analysis We take the tank as the system, which is a control volume since mass crosses 2 m3
the boundary. Noting that the microscopic energies of flowing and nonflowing fluids 1 MPa
are represented by enthalpy h and internal energy u, respectively, the mass and energy
balances for this uniform-flow system can be expressed as
Mass balance: min  mout 'msystem o mi m2  m1

Energy balance: E  Eout 'Esystem


Net energy transfer Changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

mi hi m2u2  m1u1 (since Q # ke # pe # 0)

The initial and final masses and the mass that has entered are

V 2 m3
m1 10.29 kg
v1 0.19436 m 3 /kg
V 2 m3
m2 15.94 kg
v2 0.12551 m 3 /kg
mi m 2  m1 15.94  10.29 5.645 kg


(5.645 kg)hi (15.94 kg)(2773.2 kJ/kg)  (10.29 kg)(2582.8 kJ/kg) 

o hi 3120.3 kJ/kg

The pressure in the supply line is

hi 3120.3 kJ/kg½
¾Pi 8931kPa (determined from EES)
Ti 400qC ¿

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
5-115 A rigid tank initially contains superheated steam. A valve at the top of the tank is opened, and vapor is allowed to
escape at constant pressure until the temperature rises to 500qC. The amount of heat transfer is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 This is an unsteady process since the conditions within the device are changing during the process, but it can
be analyzed as a uniform-flow process by using constant average properties for the steam leaving the tank. 2 Kinetic and
potential energies are negligible. 3 There are no work interactions involved. 4 The direction of heat transfer is to the tank
(will be verified).
Properties The properties of water are (Tables A-4 through A-6)
P1 2 MPa ½ v 1 0.12551 m 3 /kg
T1 300qC ¿ u1 2773.2 kJ/kg, h1 3024.2 kJ/kg STEAM Q
P2 2 MPa ½ v 2 0.17568 m 3 /kg 2 MPa
T2 500qC ¿ u 2 3116.9 kJ/kg, h2 3468.3 kJ/kg

Analysis We take the tank as the system, which is a control volume since mass crosses the boundary. Noting that the
microscopic energies of flowing and nonflowing fluids are represented by enthalpy h and internal energy u, respectively, the
mass and energy balances for this uniform-flow system can be expressed as
Mass balance:
min  mout 'msystem o me m1  m2

Energy balance:
E  Eout 'Esystem

Net energy transfer Changein internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential,etc. energies

Qin  me he m2u2  m1u1 (since W # ke # pe # 0)

The state and thus the enthalpy of the steam leaving the tank is changing during this process. But for simplicity, we assume
constant properties for the exiting steam at the average values. Thus,
h1  h2 3024.2  3468.3 kJ/kg
he # 3246.2 kJ/kg
2 2
The initial and the final masses in the tank are

V1 0.2 m 3
m1 1.594 kg
v1 0.12551 m 3 /kg
V2 0.2 m 3
m2 1.138kg
v2 0.17568 m 3 /kg

Then from the mass and energy balance relations,

me m1  m2 1.594  1.138 0.456 kg

Qin me he  m2u2  m1u1

0.456 kg 3246.2 kJ/kg  1.138 kg 3116.9 kJ/kg  1.594 kg 2773.2 kJ/kg
606.8 kJ

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.
If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

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