Reflection: Coordinate Geometry

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coordinate geometry

101 Reflection

Coordinate geometry is that branch of Mathematics which deals with the study of geometry
by means of algebra. In coordinate geometry, we represent a point in a plane by an ordered
pair of real numbers, called coordinates of the point; and a straight line or a curve by an
algebraic equation with real coefficients. Thus, we use algebra advantageously to the study
of straight lines and geometric curves.
Recall that there is one and only one point on a number line associated with each
real number. A similar situation exists for points in a plane and ordered pairs of real
In this chapter, we shall learn the concept of reflection of a point in a line. In particular,
we will find the reflection of a point in lines: x = 0, y = 0, x = a, y = a. We shall also find
the reflection of a point in the origin and will study about invariant points.

10.1 cartesian system of coordinates

When two numbered lines perpendicular to each other
(usually horizontal and vertical) are placed together
so that the two origins (the points corresponding to 3 y-axis
zero) coincide and the lines are perpendicular, then the 2 x-axis
resulting configuration is called a cartesian coordinate 1
system or a coordinate plane. – 3 –2 –1
X′ O 1 2 3 4 X
Let X′OX and Y′OY, two number lines perpendicular – 1
to each other, meet at the point O (shown in the – 2
adjoining figure), then – 3
(i) X′OX is called x-axis.
(ii) Y′OY is called y-axis. Y′

(iii) X′OX and Y′OY taken together are called coordinate axes.
(iv) the point O is called the origin.

10.1.1 Coordinates of a point

Let P be any point in the coordinate plane. From P draw PM perpendicular to X′OX,

(i) OM is called x-coordinate or abscissa of P and is P(x, y)

usually denoted by x.

(ii) MP is called y-coordinate or ordinate of P and is y

usually denoted by y. Abscissa

(iii) x and y taken together are called cartesian X′ O x M X
coordinates or simply coordinates of P and are
denoted by (x, y).
Remarks Y′

❐ T he coordinates of a point indicate its position with reference to coordinate axes.

❐ I n stating the coordinates of a point, the abscissa precedes the ordinate. The two are
separated by a comma and are enclosed in the bracket ( ). Thus, a point P whose
abscissa is ‘x’ and ordinate is ‘y’ is written as (x, y) or P (x, y).
❐ T he coordinates of the origin O are (0, 0).

Convention for signs of coordinates

(i) The
 x-coordinate (abscissa) of a point is positive if it is measured to the right of O
i.e. along OX and is negative if it is measured to the left of O i.e. along OX′.
(ii) The y-coordinate (ordinate) of a point is positive if it is measured upwards i.e.
along OY and is negative if it is measured downwards i.e. along OY′.

10.2 Reflection of a point in a line

When we see the image of an object in a plane mirror, we notice that :
(i) the distance of the image behind the mirror is the same as the distance of the object
in front of it. • P (object)
(ii) the mirror line is perpendicular to the line joining the
object and its image.
Thus, if P is the object and P′ its image in a plane mirror, ///////////////////////////////////
then the mirror line (say AB) is the perpendicular bisector of the (Plane mirror)
line segment PP′. This leads to :
Definition. The reflection (or image) of a point P in a line AB
is a point P′ such that AB is the perpendicular bisector of the line •P′ (image)
segment PP′.
The line AB is called axis of reflection (or mediator).

Invariant point
In particular, if the point P lies on the line AB, then the image of P is P itself. Such a point
is called an invariant point with respect to the line AB. This leads to :
Definition. A point is called an invariant point with respect to a given line if and only if it
lies on the line.

10.2.1 Reflection of a point in the x-axis

Let P(x, y) be any point in the coordinate plane. From P, draw PM perpendicular to
x-axis and produce it to a point P′ such that MP′ = MP. Then the point P′ is the reflection
of the point P in the x-axis.

Reflection 2121
From figure, the coordinates of the point P′ are (x, – y). Y
Thus, the reflection of the point P(x, y) in the x-axis is the P(x, y)
point P′ (x, – y).
Rule to find the reflection of a point in the x-axis :
(i) Retain the abscissa i.e. x-coordinate. X′ O M X
(ii) Change the sign of ordinate i.e. y-coordinate.
For example: P′(x, – y)

(i) the reflection of the point (2, 3) in the x-axis is the point Y′
(2, – 3).
(ii) the reflection of the point (– 4, – 1) in the x-axis is the point (– 4, 1).
(iii) the reflection of the point (5, 0) in the x-axis is the point itself, therefore, the point
(5, 0) is invariant with respect to x-axis.

10.2.2 Reflection of a point in the y-axis

Let P(x, y) be any point in the coordinate plane. From P, draw PN perpendicular to y-axis
and produce it to a point P′ such that NP′ = NP. Then the point
P′ is the reflection of the point P in the y-axis. Y

From figure, the coordinates of the point P′ are (– x, y).

P′(– x, y )

P( x, y )   

Thus, the reflection of the point P(x, y) in the y-axis is the

point P′ (– x, y).
Rule to find the reflection of a point in the y-axis : X′ X

(i) Change the sign of abscissa i.e. x-coordinate.

(ii) Retain the ordinate i.e. y-coordinate.
For example: Y′

(i) the reflection of the point (2, 3) in the y-axis is the point
(– 2, 3).
(ii) the reflection of the point (– 4, – 1) in the y-axis is the point (4, – 1).
(iii) the reflection of the point (0, 5) in the y-axis is the point itself, therefore, the point
(0, 5) is invariant with respect to y-axis.

10.2.3 Reflection of a point in a line parallel to x-axis

Let P (x, y) be any point in the coordinate plane and AB be Y
a line parallel to x-axis. P( x, y )    

Equation of the line AB is y = a, where a is positive if

the line AB lies above the x-axis and a is negative if it lies
below the x-axis. (See article 12.2.1)
From P, draw PM perpendicular to the line AB and
produce it to a point P′ such that MP′ = MP. Then the point O
X′ X
P′ is the reflection of the point P in the line AB i.e. in the
line y = a. Y′ P′
(x, – y  + 2a)  

From figure, the coordinates of the point M are

(x , a). Let the coordinates of the point P′ be (α, β).
Since MP′ = MP i.e. M(x, a) is the mid-point of the line segment PP′, we have
x+α y+β
= x and = a (See article 11.1.1)
2 2
⇒ x + α = 2x and y + β = 2a
⇒ α = x and β = – y + 2a

2122 Understanding ICSE mathematics – x

⇒ the coordinates of the point P′ are (x, – y + 2a).
Thus, the reflection of the point P (x, y) in the line y = a is the point P (x, – y + 2a).
For example:
(i) the reflection of the point (4, 5) in the line y = 2 is the point (4, – 5 + 2 × 2) i.e.
(4, – 1).
(ii) the reflection of the point (– 2, – 3) in the line y = 2 is the point (– 2, 3 + 2 × 2) i.e.
(– 2, 7).
(iii) the reflection of the point (3, 4) in the line y = – 1 is the point (3, – 4 + 2 × (– 1)) i.e.
(3, – 6).
(iv) the reflection of the point (– 3, 2) in the line y = 2 is the point (– 3, – 2 + 2 × 2) i.e.
(– 3, 2) i.e. the point itself, therefore, the point (– 3, 2) is invariant with respect to the line
y = 2.

10.2.4 Reflection of a point in a line parallel to y-axis

Let P(x, y) be any point in the coordinate plane and AB
be a line parallel to y-axis. Y
Equation of the line AB is x = a, where a is positive if A
the line AB lies to the right of y-axis and a is negative if
M P( x, y )
it lies to the left of y-axis. (See article 12.2.2) P′
(– x +2a, y)

From P, draw PM perpendicular to the line AB and a
produce it to a point P′ such that MP′ = MP. Then the O
X′ X
point P′ is the reflection of the point P in the line AB i.e.
in the line x = a. B
From figure, the coordinates of the point M are
(a , y). Let the coordinates of the point P′ be (α, β).
Since MP′ = MP i.e. M(a, y) is mid-point of the line segment PP′, we have
x+α y+β
= a and = y (See article 11.1.1)
2 2
⇒ x + α = 2 a and y + β = 2 y
⇒ α = – x + 2 a and β = y
⇒ the coordinates of the point P′ are (– x + 2 a, y).
Thus, the reflection of the point P (x, y) in the line x = a is the point P′ (– x + 2a, y).
For example:
(i) the reflection of the point (3, 2) in the line x = 2 is the point (– 3 + 2 × 2, 2) i.e.
(1, 2).
(ii) the reflection of the point (– 3, – 4) in the line x = 2 is the point (3 + 2 × 2, – 4) i.e.
(7, – 4).
(iii) the reflection of the point (2, – 5) in the line x = – 1 is the point (– 2 + 2 × (– 1), – 5) i.e.
(– 4, – 5).
(iv) the reflection of the point (2, – 3) in the line x = 2 is the point (– 2 + 2 × 2, – 3) i.e.
(2, – 3) i.e. the point itself, therefore, the point (2, – 3) is invariant with respect to
the line x = 2.

10.3 Reflection of a point in a point •P

Definition. The reflection (or image) of a point P in a given point
M is a point P′ such that M is the mid-point of the line segment •M

Reflection 2123
10.3.1 Reflection of a point in the origin Y
Let P (x, y) be any point in the coordinate plane. Join PO, and
P(x, y)
produce it to a point P′ such that OP′ = OP. Then the point P′
is the reflection of the point P in the origin.
From figure, the coordinates of the point P′ are (–  x, – y).
Thus, the reflection of the point P(x , y) in the origin is the X′ O(0, 0) X
point P′(– x, – y).
Rule to find the reflection of a point in the origin : P′(– x, – y)
(i) Change the sign of abscissa i.e. x-coordinate.
(ii) Change the sign of ordinate i.e. y-coordinate.
For example:
(i) the reflection of the point (2, 3) in the origin is the point (– 2, – 3).
(ii) the reflection of the point (–  4, – 1) in the origin is the point (4, 1).
(iii) the reflection of the point (5, 0) in the origin is the point (– 5, 0).

Illustrative Examples
Example 1. The point P (– 3, – 2) on reflection in x-axis is mapped on P′. Then P′ on reflection
in the origin is mapped as P′′. Find the coordinates of P′ and P′′.
Write down a single transformation that maps P onto P′′. Y
3 –
Solution. Since the point P′ is the reflection of the
P′(– 3, 2)
point P (– 3, – 2) in x-axis, the coordinates of P′ are (– 3, 2). 2 –

Further, as the point P′′ is the reflection of the point 1 –

P′ (– 3, 2) in the origin, the coordinates of P′′ are (3, – 2). X′

– 3 – 2 – 1 O  1 2 3 X
The single transformation — the reflection of the point – 1 –
P (– 3, – 2) in y-axis maps it onto P′′ (3, – 2).
P(– 3, – 2) – 2 – P′′
(3,– 2)
– 3 –

Example 2. A point P under reflection in y-axis is mapped onto P′(2, 3).

(i) Find the coordinates of P.
(ii) Find the coordinates of the image of P under reflection in the line x = – 1.
Solution. Y
(i) Since P′(2, 3) is the image of P under reflection
in the y-axis, the coordinates of P are (– 2, 3). P M P′′(0, 3) P′(2, 3)
(ii) We know that the reflection of the point (– 2, 3) 2
x =  – 1
(x, y) in the line x = a is the point (– x + 2a, y), 1
therefore, the image of the point P(– 2, 3)
under reflection in the line x = – 1 is the point X′ – 3 – 2 – 1 O  1 2 3
P′′(– (– 2) + 2 × (– 1), 3) i.e. the point P′′(0, 3).

Example 3. A point P is reflected to P′ in the x-axis. The coordinates of its image are
(2, – 3). Find :
  (i) the coordinates of P.
 (ii) the coordinates of the image P′′ of P under reflection in the y-axis.
(iii) the coordinates of the image Q′ of the point Q (1, 2) in the line PP′.

2124 Understanding ICSE mathematics – x

Solution. P′′(– 2, 3) 3 –
P(2, 3)

(i) Since P′(2, – 3) is the image of P in the 2 –

Q(1, 2) Q′(3, 2)
x-axis, the coordinates of P are (2, 3). 1 –

(ii) The coordinates of the image P′′ of P under

reflection in the y-axis are (– 2, 3). X′ – 3 – 2 – 1 1 2 3
– 1 –
(iii) The coordinates of the image Q′ of the point
– 2 –
Q (1, 2) in the line PP′ are (3, 2).
– 3 – P′(2, – 3)

Example 4. Points (3, 0) and (– 1, 0) are invariant points under reflection in the line L1; points
(0, – 3) and (0, 1) are invariant points on reflection in line L2 .
(i) Name the lines L1 and L2 .
(ii) Write down the images of points P(3, 4) and Q(– 5, – 2) on reflection in L1 . Name the
images as P′ and Q′ respectively.
(iii) Write down the images of P and Q on reflection in L2 . Name the images as P′′ and Q′′
(iv) State or describe a single trans- Y
formation that maps P′ onto P′′.
Solution. 5
P′′(– 3, 4) 4
(i) Since the points (3, 0) and P(3, 4)
(– 1, 0) are invariant points under 3

reflection in the line L1, the line L1 Q′(– 5, 2) 2

is the x-axis. 1 (0, 1)

(– 1, 0) (3, 0)
Similarly, the line L2 is the y-axis. – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 O  1 2 3  4  5
X′ X
(ii) The points P′ and Q′ are (3, –  4) – 1

and (– 5, 2) respectively. – 2

Q(– 5, – 2) Q′′(5, – 2)
(iii) The points P′′ and Q′′ are (– 3, 4) – 3 (0, – 3)

and (5, – 2) respectively. – 4

P′(3, – 4)
(iv) The single transformation that – 5

maps P′ onto P′′ is the reflection

in the origin.

Example 5. The points A (2, 1), B (0, 3) and C (– 2, – 2) are the vertices of a triangle.
  (i) Plot the points on the graph paper. Y
 (ii) Draw the triangle formed by reflecting
• B (0, 3)
3 –
these points in the x-axis.
(iii) Are the two triangles congruent? C′ (–2, 2)
• 2 –
Solution. Take 1 cm = 1 unit on both axes.
(i) Plot the points A (2, 1), B (0, 3) 1 – • A (2, 1)
and C (– 2, – 2) as shown in the
adjoining diagram.  
–3 – 2 – 1   
O 1 2 3 X
(ii) The points A′ (2, – 1), B′ (0, – 3) and
C′ (– 2, 2) are the reflections of the –1 – • A′ (2, –1)
points A, B and C respectively in
the x-axis. The triangle formed by • –2 –
C (–2, –2)
the points A′, B′ and C′ has been
shown in the diagram by dotted • B′ (0, –3)
– 3 –
lines. Y′

Reflection 2125
(iii) The two triangles ABC and A′B′C′ are congruent (measure the distances and check
Example 6. Use graph paper for this question.
A (1, 1), B (5, 1), C (4, 2) and D (2, 2) are the vertices of a quadrilateral. Name the quadrilateral
ABCD. A, B, C and D are reflected in the origin onto A′, B′, C′ and D′ respectively. Locate A′, B′,
C′ and D′ on the graph sheet and write their coordinates. Are D, A, A′ and D′ collinear? (2004)
Solution. Choose the coordinate axes as shown in the graph paper.
Take 1 cm = 1 unit on both axes.

D (2, 2)
C (4, 2)
2 – • •

1 – • •B
A (1, 1)
(5, 1)

X′ –5 –4 –3 – 2 – 1 O 1 2 3 4 5 X

•B′ (–5, –1) •A′ –1 –

(–1, –1)

•C′ (–4, –2) •D′ (–2, –2) –2 –


Plot the points A (1, 1), B (5, 1), C (4, 2) and D (2, 2) on the graph paper.
The quadrilateral ABCD is an isosceles trapezium.
Reflect the points A, B, C and D in the origin onto the points A′, B′, C′ and D′ respectively
as shown in the graph paper. The coordinates of these points are :
A′ (– 1, – 1), B′ (– 5, – 1), C′ (– 4, – 2) and D′ (– 2, – 2).
On joining the points D and D′, we find that the points A and A′ lie on it. Hence, the
points D, A, A′ and D′ are collinear.
Example 7. Use a graph paper for this question. (Take 10 small divisions = 1 unit on both axes).
Plot the points P(3, 2) and Q(– 3, – 2). From P and Q, draw perpendiculars PM and QN on
the x-axis.
(a) Name the image of P on reflection in the origin.
(b) Assign the special name to the geometrical figure PMQN and find its area.
(c) Write the coordinates of the point to which M is mapped on reflection in
(i) x-axis (ii) y-axis (iii) origin. (2003)
(a) The image of the point P(3, 2)
P (3, 2)
on reflection in the origin is the 2 – •
point (– 3, – 2) and the point Q has
coordinates (– 3, – 2) : 1 –

Therefore, the image of the point N M

P on reflection in the origin is the •
–3 – 2 – 1  

O 1 2
X′ X
point Q.
(b) PMQN is a parallelogram. –1 –

Area of || gm PMQN

= 2 × area of ∆NMP •Q (–3, –2) –2 –


2126 Understanding ICSE mathematics – x

= 2 .   . NM . MP = NM . MP
= 6 × 2 sq. units = 12 sq. units.
(c) The coordinates of the point to which M is mapped on reflection in
(i) x-axis are (3, 0) (ii) y-axis are (– 3, 0) (iii) origin are (– 3, 0).
Example 8. The point P(3, 4) is reflected to P′ in the x-axis; and O′ is the image of O (the
origin) when reflected in the line PP′. Using graph paper, give :
  (i) The coordinates of P′ and O′.
 (ii) The lengths of the segments PP′ and OO′.
(iii) The perimeter of the quadrilateral POP′O′.
(iv) The geometrical name of the figure POP′O′. (2002)
Solution. Take 1 cm = 1 unit on both axes.
(i) Since P′ is the image of P in the x-axis, the coordinates of P′ are (3, – 4).
As O′ is the image of O(origin) in the line PP′, the coordinates of O′ are (6, 0).
(ii) Using graph, we find that length of segment PP′ = 8 units, length of segment OO′
= 6 units.

P (3, 4)
4 – •

3 –

2 –

1 –

O′ (6, 0)
•  1 2 3 4 5

X′ X
(0, 0)

–1 –

– 2 –

– 3 –

– 4 – • P′ (3, – 4)


(iii) OM = 3 units, MP = 4 units.

From right angled ∆OMP, by Pythagoras theorem, we get
OP2 = OM2 + MP2
= 32 + 42 = 25
⇒ OP = 5 units.
OP′ = O′P′ = O′P = 5 units.
∴ Perimeter of the quadrilateral POP′O′ = (5 + 5 + 5 + 5) units = 20 units.
(iv) POP′O′ is a rhombus.

Example 9. Use graph paper for this question.

A(0, 3), B(3, – 2) and O(0, 0) are the vertices of triangle ABO.

Reflection 2127
(i) Plot the triangle on a graph sheet taking 2 cm = 1 unit on both the axes.
(ii) Plot D the reflection of B in the y-axis, and write it coordinates.
(iii) Give the geometrical name of the figure ABOD.
(iv) Write the equation of the line of symmetry of the figure ABOD. (2010)
Solution. Take 2 cm = 1 unit on both the axes
(i) Plot the point A(0, 3), B(3, – 2) and O(0, 0) on the graph paper.


3 – A (0, 3)

2 –

1 –


X′ –3 – 2 – 1 1 2 3 X

–1 –

• –2 – • B
Y′ (3, –2)
(–3, –2)

(ii) Plot the point D which is the reflection of the point B in the y-axis. The coordinates
of D are (– 3, – 2).
(iii) ABOD is a kite (arrow).
(iv) The axis of symmetry of the kite ABOD is the y-axis, its equation is x = 0.
Example 10. Use graph paper for this question.
(Take 2 cm = 1 unit along both x and y axes)
Plot the points O (0, 0), A (– 4, 4), B (– 3, 0) and C (0, – 3)
(i) Reflect points A and B in the y-axis and name them A’ and B’ respectively. Write down
their coordinates.
(ii) Name the figure OABCB’A’.
(iii) State the line of symmetry of this figure. (2016)
Solution. Take 2 cm = 1 unit on both the axes.
Plot the points O (0, 0), A (– 4, 4), B (– 3, 0) and C (0, – 3) on the graph paper as

2128 Understanding ICSE mathematics – x


A(–4, 4) A′(4, 4)

X′ X
B O (0, 0) B′
(–3, 0) (3, 0)

C (0, 3)


(i) The reflection of the point A (– 4, 4) in the y-axis is the point A’(4, 4) and the
reflection of the point B (– 3, 0) in the y-axis is the point B’ (3, 0).
(ii ) The figure OABCB’A’ is a (concave) hexagon.
(iii) y-axis is the line of symmetry of the figure OABCB’A’.

Example 11. Use graph paper to answer the following questions. (Take 2 cm = 1 unit on both axes)
(i) Plot the points A (– 4, 2) and B (2, 4).
(ii) A′ is the image of A when reflected in the y-axis. Plot it on the graph paper and write the
coordinates of A′.
(iii) B′ is the image of B when reflected in the line AA′. Write the coordinates of B′.
(iv) Write the geometric name of the figure ABA′B′.
(v) Name a line of symmetry of the figure formed. (2014)
Solution. Take 2 cm = 1 unit on both axes.
(i) Plot the points A (– 4, 2) and B (2, 4) on the graph paper as shown.
(ii) The image of the point A (– 4, 2) when reflected in the y-axis is the point
A’ (4, 2).
(iii) The image of the point B (2, 4) when reflected in the line AA’ is the point
B’ (2, 0).
(iv) The figure ABA’B’ is a kite.
(v) The line AA’ i.e. y = 2 is a line of symmetry of the figure ABA’B’.

Reflection 2129

B (2, 4)

A (– 4, 2) A′ (4, 2)

B′ (2, 0)
X’ X
– 4 – 3 – 2 –1 O 1 2 3 4


Example 12. Attempt this question on graph paper.

(i) Plot A (3, 2) and B (5, 4) on the graph paper.
(ii) Reflect A and B in the x-axis to A′, B′. Plot these on the same graph paper.
(iii) Write down
(a) the geometrical name of the figure ABB′A′.
(b) the axis of symmetry of ABB′A′.
(c) the measure of the angle ABB′.
(d) the image A′′ of A, when A is reflected in the origin.
(e) the single transformation that maps A′ to A′′.
Solution. Take 1 cm = 1 unit on both axes.
(i) See the adjoining
(ii) Since the points A′, B′ Y
B (5, 4)
are the reflections of 4 – •
the points A (3, 2), B (5, 4)
respectively in the x-axis, 3 –
the coordinates of A′, B′ (3, 2)
are (3, – 2), (5, – 4). A
2 – •
(iii) (a) The figure ABB′A′
is an isosceles 1 –
(b) The axis of –3 – 2

– 1 O 1 2 3 4 5
X′ X
symmetry of
ABB′A′ is the –1 –

(c) ∠ABB′ = 45°. •
–2 – •
(–3, –2) (3, –2)
(d) The coordinates of
–3 –
A′′ are (– 3, – 2).
(e) The single transfor- –4 – •
mation that maps A′ B′
(5, –4)
to A′′ is the reflection Y′
in the y-axis.

2130 Understanding ICSE mathematics – x

Exercise 10
1. Find the coordinates of the images of the following points under reflection in the
x-axis :
3 1
(i) (2, – 5) (ii)  − , −  (iii) (– 7, 0).
 2 2
2. Find the coordinates of the images of the following points under reflection in the
y-axis :
3 1
(i) (2, – 5) (ii)  − ,  (iii) (0, – 7).
 2 2
3. Find the coordinates of the images of the following points under reflection in the
origin :
3 1
(i) (2, – 5) (ii)  − , −  (iii) (0, 0).
 2 2
4. The image of a point P under reflection in the x-axis is (5, – 2). Write down the
coordinates of P.
5. A point P is reflected in the x-axis. Coordinates of its image are (8, – 6).
(i) Find the coordinates of P.
(ii) Find the coordinates of the image of P under reflection in the y-axis.
6. A point P is reflected in the origin. Coordinates of its image are (2, – 5). Find
(i) the coordinates of P.
(ii) the coordinates of the image of P in the x-axis.
7. (i) The point P (2, 3) is reflected in the line x = 4 to the point P′. Find the
coordinates of the point P′.
(ii) Find the image of the point P (1, – 2) in the line x = – 1.
8. (i) The point P (2, 4) on reflection in the line y = 1 is mapped onto P′. Find the
coordinates of P′.
(ii) Find the image of the point P (– 3, – 5) in the line y = – 2.
9. The point P (– 4, – 5) on reflection in y-axis is mapped on P′. The point P′ on reflection
in the origin is mapped on P′′. Find the coordinates of P′ and P′′. Write down a single
transformation that maps P onto P′′.
10. Write down the coordinates of the image of the point (3, – 2) when :
(i) reflected in the x-axis.
(ii) reflected in the y-axis.
(iii) reflected in the x-axis followed by reflection in the y-axis.
(iv) reflected in the origin. (2000)
11. Find the coordinates of the image of (3, 1) under reflection in x-axis followed by
reflection in the line x = 1.
12. If P′ (– 4, – 3) is the image of a point P under reflection in the origin, find
 (i) the coordinates of P.
(ii) the coordinates of the image of P under reflection in the line y = – 2.
13. A point P (a, b) is reflected in the x-axis to P′ (2, – 3), write down the values of a and
b. P′′ is the image of P, when reflected in the y-axis. Write down the coordinates
of P′′. Find the coordinates of P′′′, when P is reflected in the line, parallel to
y-axis such that x = 4.
14. (i) Point P (a, b) is reflected in the x-axis to P′ (5, – 2). Write down the values of a
and b.
(ii) P′′ is the image of P when reflected in the y-axis. Write down the coordinates of P′′.
(iii) Name a single transformation that maps P′ to P′′.

Reflection 2131

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