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System of
1 Coordinates

Introduction Chapter in a Snapshot

Coordinate geometry is the branch of Mathematics
■■ Introduction
which includes the study the different curves and figures ■■ Coordinate System
by representing points in a plane by ordered pairs of real ■■ Distance Formula
number called cartesian coordinates representing lines ■■ Application of Distance Formula
and curves by algebraic equations. It is the branch of ■■ Section Formulae
Mathematics in which methods of algebra are used to ■■ Area of Triangle
solve geometrical problems which is known as analytic ■■ Area of Quadrilateral
■■ Collinearity of Three Given Points
geometry. Since, to study geometrical figure, we deal all ■■ Some Standard Points of a Triangle
things with coordinate that's why it is called coordinate ■■ Locus
geometry. ■■ Transformation of Axes
■■ Points to Remember

Coordinate System
Cartesian Coordinates System
Let XOX' and YOY' be two perpendicular straight
lines drawn through any fix point O in the plane of the
paper. Then,

X' O (0, 0) X

2 Objective Approach To Mathematics Vol.2

Axis of x The horizontal line XOX' is called axis of x. Relation between Polar and Cartesian
Axis of y The vertical line YOY' is called axis of y. Coordinates System
Coordinate axes x-axis and y-axis together are called
Let P is any point in a plane whose cartesian
axes of coordinate or axes of reference.
coordinates are P (x, y) and let same point when polar
Origin The point ‘O ’ is called the Origin of ordinates
system is used have coordinates (r, θ).
or the Origin.
OA = x = r cos θ ...(i)
Oblique axes If both the axes are not perpendicular,
OB = y = r sin θ ...(ii)
then they are called as Oblique axes as shown in the
figure Y
B x P (x, y)
X' X X' X
O (0, 0) O A

Cartesian coordinates The ordered pair of Y'
perpendicular distance from both axes of a point P lying On squaring and adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
in the plane is called
Cartesian coordinates of P. If the Cartesian OP = r = x 2 + y 2
coordinates of a point P are (x, y), then x is called the Again, on dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we get
abscissa or X-coordinate of point P and y is called the
ordinate or Y-coordinate of point P. y 
θ = tan−1  

y P (x, y)
Illustration 1 The polar coordinates of points x = 3 and
y = 1, are
X' X  π  π
O (0, 0) (a)  2,  (b)  2, 
 3  6
 π  π
(c)  −2,  (d)  −2, 
Y'  3  6

Important ! Solution. Let 3 = r cos θ and 1 = r sin θ

• Coordinates of the origin are (0, 0). ⇒ r = 3+1 = 2
• y-Coordinate of a point on x-axis is zero. y 
• x-Coordinate of a point on y-axis is zero. θ = tan−1  
 1  π
Polar Coordinates System = tan−1  =
 3  6
Let P be a point whose distance be r from origin and
makes an angle θ with x-axis.  π
∴ Polar coordinates are  2,  .
x y  6
∴ = cos θ and = sin θ Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
r r
or x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ
Thus, to represent (x, y) in (r, θ) is called polar Illustration 2 If polar coordinates of any point are
representation, as shown in the figure  π
 2,  , then its cartesian coordinates are
(a) ( 3, 1) (b) (1, 3)
(c) (1, − 3) (d) None of these
P (x, y) π π
Solution. Let x = 2 cos , y = 2 sin
r 3 3
⇒ x = 1, y = 3
O x X ∴ Cartesian coordinates of P are (1, 3).
Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
Chapter 1 : Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 3

Illustration 3 The polar coordinates of a point having Hence, the distance between P and Q will be given by
cartesian coordinates (– 1, –1) are
 π  3π  PQ = (diff. of abscissa)2 + (diff. of ordinate)2
(a)  2,  (b)  2, 
 4  4
 5π   π ∴ d = ( x2 − x1)2 + (y2 − y1)2
(c)  2,  (d)  2, − 
 4  4 (ii) When coordinate axes are inclined at an angle ω
Solution. The cartesian coordinates of P are (– 1, – 1). If the coordinate system is oblique means if the
So, x = – 1 = r cos θ coordinate axes are inclined at an angle ω. In this case
and y = – 1 = r sin θ the distance between two points P and Q will be given
⇒ r = 1+ 1 = 2 by
 −1
θ = tan−1   = tan−1(1) P (x1, y1)
 −1
Since, the point lie in the third quadrant. Y
5π 3π d
∴ θ= or −
4 4
 5π 
∴ The polar coordinate of P ( −1, − 1) are P  2, . (x2, y2)
 4  180 W
Hence, (c) is the correct answer. W

Illustration 4 Point P (5, 60°) having polar coordinates W W

X' X
is equivalent to O (0, 0)
(a) (– 5, 60°) (b) (5, 240°)
(c) (5, 420°) (d) (5, 300°)
Solution. Since, point having coordinates (r, θ) is
equivalent to (r, 2nπ + θ) where n ∈ I.
Hence, (5, 60°) = (5, 2nπ + 60°) = (5, 420°) [take n = 1] PQ = d = ( x1 − x2 )2 + (y1 − y2 )2 + 2( x1 − x2 ) (y1 − y2 ) cos ω
Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
(iii) When coordinates are in polar form
Important ! If (r1, θ1) and (r2, θ2) are given points, then distance
• On adding 360° (or any multiple of 360°) to the vectorial angle 2 2
does not alter the final position of revolving lines so that (r, θ) between them is r1 + r2 − 2r1r2 cos ( θ1 − θ2 ) .
is always the same point as (r, θ + 2nπ), where n ∈ I .
• On adding 180° (or any odd multiple of 180°) to the vectorial Proof Here,OA = r1, OB = r2 and AB = d
angle and changing the sign of radius vector gives the same
point as before. Y B (r2, Q2)
Thus, the point [− r , θ + (2n + 1) π] is same as [− r , θ + π]. d
A(r1, Q1)
Q  r1
Distance Formula X' X
(i) When coordinates of two points are given in Q Q
cartesian form
Let P ( x1, y1) and Q ( x2 , y2 ) be the two points.

⇒ PQ = d = ( x2 − x1)2 + (y2 − y1)2 Y'

Y ∴ By cosine law
Q (x2, y2) 2 2
d 2 = r1 + r2 − 2 r1r2 cos ( θ1 − θ2 )
2 2
y2 y1 ⇒ | AB| = r1 + r2 − 2r1r2 co s ( θ1 − θ2 )
y 1)
( x 1,
x1 x2 M Illustration 5 The distance between points P (–3, –2)
X' X and Q (– 6, 7), the axis being inclined at 60°, is
(a) 3 7 (b) 7
(c) 2 7 (d) None of these
4 Objective Approach To Mathematics Vol.2

Solution. PQ = (3)2 + (9)2 + 2 × 3 × ( − 9) cos 60° Application of Distance Formula

(a) Collinearity of three given points The three given
PQ = 9 + 81 − 54 × points A, B, C are collinear ie, lie on the same straight
line, if any of the three points (say B) lie on the straight
= 63 = 3 7 line joining the other two points.
Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
⇒ AB + BC = AC
Illustration 6 If the distance between the points (x, 2)
and (3, 4) is 2, then the value of x is Important !
(a) 2 (b) 1 The other conditions for collinearity is
(c) 3 (d) 4 • Area of ∆ ABC is zero. It means
x1 y 1 1
Solution. Given that, 2 = ( x − 3)2 + (2 − 4)2 1
∆ = x2 y2 1 = 0
⇒ 4 = (x − 3)2 + 4 2
x3 y3 1
⇒ x−3=0 ⇒
[ x1 ( y 2 − y 3 ) + x 2 ( y 3 − y1 ) + x 3( y1 − y 2 )] = 0
x=3 2
Hence, (c) is the correct answer. • Slope of AB = Slope of BC

Illustration 7 The point whose abscissa is equal to (b) Slope formula If θ is the angle at which a straight
its ordinate and which is equidistant from A (5, 0) and line is inclined to the positive direction of the x-axis and
B (0, 3) is 0º ≤ θ < 180º, q ≠ 90º,then the slope of the line, denoted
(a) (1, 1) (b) (2, 2) by m and is defined by m = tan θ. If θ is 90°, m does not
(c) (3, 3) (d) (4, 4)
exist, but the line is parallel to the y-axis.
Solution. Let the point be P(h, h). Given that, PA = PB If θ = 0, then m = 0 and the line is parallel to the
⇒ (h − 5)2 + h2 = h2 + (h − 3)2 x-axis. If A (x1, y1) and B (x2, y2), x1 ≠ x2, are points on a
⇒ 4h = 16 straight line, then the slope m of the line is given by
⇒ h=4 (y − y ) y2 − y1
m= 1 2 or
∴ Coordinates of P be (4, 4). ( x1 − x2 ) x2 − x1
Hence, (d) is the correct answer.
(c) Types of triangles If A, B and C are vertices of
Illustration 8 The cartesian form of r2 = a2 cos 2θ is triangle, then it would be
(a) (x2 + y2 = a(x2 − y2) (i) equilateral triangle, when AB = BC = CA.
(b) (x2 + y2 = a2(x2 − y2)2 (ii) isosceles triangle, when any two sides are equal.
(c) (x2 + y2)2 = a2(x2 − y2)
(iii) right angle triangle, when sum of square of any
(d) None of the above two sides is equal to square of the third side.
(d) Position of four points Let A, B, C and D be
Solution. Since, x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ the four given point in a plane. By joining these points
∴ x2 + y 2 = r 2
following figure are formed.
Also, cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ
(i) Square, if AB = BC = CD = DA and AC = BD
x2 y2 (ii) Rhombus, if AB = BC = CD = DA and AC ≠ BD
= −
r2 r2 (iii) Parallelogram, if AB = DC, BC = AD, AC ≠ BD
x2 − y 2 (iv) Rectangle, if AB = CD, BC = DA, AC = BD
∴ cos 2θ =
Quadrilateral Diagonals Angles between Diagonals
x2 − y 2
⇒ cos2θ = π
( x2 + y 2 ) (i) Parallelogram Not equal θ≠
⇒ r 2 = a2 cos 2θ π
(ii) Rectangle Equal θ≠
( x2 − y 2 ) 2
⇒ x 2 + y 2 = a2 .
( x2 + y 2 ) π
(iii) Rhombus Not equal θ=
⇒ 2 2 2
(x + y ) = a (x − y ) 2 2 2 2
Which is cartesian form of r2 = a2 cos 2θ. π
(iv) Square Equal θ=
Hence, (c) is the correct answer. 2
Chapter 1 : Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 5

Brief description of Euclidian figures Convex Polygon k 2 − 2k 1

Family of Quadrilateral
(Convex figures) ⇒ −k + 1 2k 1 =0
−4 − k 6 − 2k 1

Parallelogram Trapezium Kite Cyclic Quad. Applying R2 → R2 – R1, R3 → R3 – R1

k 2 − 2k 1
Isosceles/ (Diagonals ⊥ but Opposite −2k + 1 4k − 2 0 = 0

Rectangle Rhombus Equilateral only one diagonal angles are
Trapezium divide the figure supplementry −4 − 2k 4 0
Square into two congruent
triangles) − 2k + 1 4k − 2
⇒ =0
Parallelogram – 4 ways to prove quadrilateral a − 4 − 2k 4
parallelogram (A = p1 p2 cosec θ) ⇒ (1 – 2k) (k + 1) = 0
also, area = bh 1 1 1
Rectangle – Diagonals equal ⇒ k = – 1 or k = , neglecting , as when k = , points
2 2 2
are same.
Rhombus – Diagonals perpendicular
Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
 d1d2 
 Area =  where d1 and d2 Illustration 11 The points A (2a, 4a), B (2a, 6a) and
2 
are the length of diagonals C (2a + 3 a, 5a) (when a > 0) are vertices of
Square – Area = d2/2 (where d is the length (a) an obtuse angled triangle
(b) an equilateral triangle
of diagonal)
(c) an isosceles obtuse angled triangle
Trapezium – Exactly one pair of parallel sides.
(d) a right angled triangle

Important ! Solution. AB = (2a − 2a)2 + (4a − 6a)2 = 2a

If the distance between the pair of opposite sides of a
parallelogram is equal ⇒ it is rhombus.
BC = (2a + 3a − 2a)2 + (5a − 6a)2 = ( 3a)2 + a2 = 2a
• Diagonals of square, rhombus, rectangle and parallelogram
and CA = (2a − 2a − 3a)2 + (5a − 4a)2 = ( 3a)2 + a2 = 2a
always bisect each other.
• Diagonals of rhombus and square bisect each other at right Since, AB = BC = CA, the triangle is an equilateral.
angle. Hence, (b) is the correct answer.

Illustration 12 The triangle formed by P (–2, 3),

Illustration 9 The points (1, 1), (–2, 7) and (3, –3)
Q (3, –2) and R (0, 0) is
(a)form a right angled triangle
(a) an equilateral (b) an isosceles
(b)form an isosceles triangle
(c) a right angled (d) None of these
(c)are collinear
(d)None of the above Solution. PQ = 25 + 25 = 5 2
Solution. Let A (1, 1), B (–2, 7) and C (3, –3) be the RQ = 9 + 4 = 13
given points, then PR = 4 + 9 = 13
AB = ( −2 − 1)2 + (7 − 1)2 RQ = PR
Hence, ∆ PQR is an isosceles.
= 9 + 36 = 3 5
Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
BC = (3 + 2)2 + ( −3 − 7)2
= 25 + 100 = 5 5
Section Formulae
AC = (3 − 1)2 + ( −3 − 1)2 = 4 + 16 = 2 5
Coordinates of a point which divides the line segment
Clearly, BC = AB + AC
⇒ A, B, C are collinear.
joining two points P(x1, y1)and Q(x2, y2) in the ratio
Hence, (c) is the correct answer. m1 : m2 are
 m x + m2x1 m1y2 + m2y1 
Illustration 10 The points (k , 2 − 2k ), ( −k + 1, 2k ) and (i)  1 2 , (internal division)
( −4 − k , 6 − 2k ) are collinear for  m1 + m2 m1 + m2 
(a) all value of k (b) k = −1 or  m x − m2x1 m1y2 − m2y1 
2 (ii)  1 2 , (external division)
(c) k = – 1 (d) no value of k  m1 − m2 m1 − m2 
Solution. The given points are collinear, if When m1, m2 are of opposite sign, the division is
Area of ∆ = 0 external.
6 Objective Approach To Mathematics Vol.2

Illustration 15 The points of trisection of line segment

Important ! joining the point A (2, 1) and B (5, 3), are
• Coordinates of any point on one line segment which divide
the line segment joining two points P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2) in
 7  5   5  7 
(a)  3,  ,  , 4  (b)  4,  ,  3, 
the ratio λ : 1 is given by  3 3   3  3
 x1 + λ x 2 y1 + λy 2   5  7   7  7
 ,  , (λ ≠ −1) (c)  3,  ,  4,  (d)  4,  ,  3, 
λ +1 λ +1   3  3  3  3
• Lines formed by joining (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is divided by
Solution. Let P1 and P2 are the points which trisect the
(a) x-axis in the ratio − 1 line segment joining the points A (2, 1) and B (5, 3).
x  1 × 5 + 2 × 2 1 × 3 + 2 × 1  5 
(b) y-axis in the ratio – 1 P1 ( x, y ) =  ,  =  3, 
x2  1+ 2 1+ 2   3 
If ratio is positive, then the axis divides it internally and if  2 × 5 + 1 × 2 2 × 3 + 1 × 1  7 
ratio is negative, then the axis divides externally. P2 ( x, y ) =  ,  =  4, 
 1+ 2 1+ 2   3 
• Line Ax + By + C = 0 divides the line joining the points (x1, y1) Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
and (x2, y2) in the ratio λ : 1, then
 Ax + By1 + C 
λ = − 1
Illustration 16 The ratio in which the line segment joining
 Ax 2 + By 2 + C  the points (3, – 4) and (–5, 6) is divided by the x-axis, is
If λ is positive it divides internally and if λ is negative, then (a) 2 : 3 (b) 3 : 2
it divides externally. (c) 6 : 4 (d) None of these
Solution. Let P is the point on x-axis which divides the
Illustration 13 The coordinates of point which divides line segment joining points in the ratio λ : 1.
the line segment joining points A (0, 0) and B (9, 12) in the −5 λ + 3 6λ − 4
ratio 1 : 2, are Then, x= , y=
λ +1 λ +1
(a) (– 3, 4) (b) (3, 4) But as it is know for point on x axis, then its y-coordinate = 0
(c) (3, –4) (d) None of these
6λ − 4 2
Solution. Since, P divides the line segment joining points ⇒ =0 ⇒ λ=
λ +1 3
A (0, 0) and B (9, 12) internally in 1 : 2 ratio. Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
9 × 1+ 0 × 2 9
∴ x= = =3
3 3
12 × 1 + 2 × 0 12 Area of Triangle
y= = =4
3 3 Let (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) respectively be the
∴ The coordinates of point P are (3, 4). coordinates of the vertices A, B, C of a ∆ ABC. Then, the
Hence, (b) is the correct answer. area of ∆ ABC, is
Illustration 14 The ratio in which the line 3x + y − 9 = 0 1
[ x1(y2 – y3 ) + x2(y3 – y1) + x3(y1 – y2 )] ...(i)
divides the segment joining the points (1, 3) and (2, 7), is 2
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 4 : 3
x1 y1 1
(c) 3 : 4 (d) None of these 1
Solution. Let the line 3x + y – 9 = 0 divides the line = x2 y 2 1 ...(ii)
segment joining A (1, 3) and B (2, 7) in the ratio k : 1 at point x2 y 3 1
 2k + 1 7k + 3 
C, then the coordinates of C are  , . While using formula (i) or (ii), order of the points
 k + 1 k + 1 
(x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) has not been taken into
 C lie on line 3x + y – 9 = 0, so it satisfies the equation
account. If we plot the points A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and
of line.
 2k + 1  7k + 3  C(x3, y3), then the area of the triangle as obtained by using
3 + −9 = 0
 k + 1   k + 1  formula (i) or (ii) will be positive or negative as the point
3 A, B, C are in anti-clockwise or clockwise directions.
∴ k=
So, the required ratio is 3 : 4 (internally).
Hence, (c) is the correct answer.

Aliter A B A C
( Ax1 + By1 + C ) (3 + 3 − 9) 3 (Anti-clockwise) (Clockwise)
Required ratio = − =− =
( Ax2 + By2 + C ) (6 + 7 − 9) 4
So, while finding the area of ∆ ABC, we take
Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
Chapter 1 : Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 7

Important ! 2 1 1
1 1
• If area of triangle is zero. Then, the points will be collinear. 3 −2 1 = |4x − 4| = |2x − 2|
2 2
x1 y1 1 x x +3 1
⇒ Area of triangle = 0 or x 2 y2 1 = 0
Accordingly to the given condition 2x – 2 = ± 5
x3 y3 1
3 7
• In case of polygon with vertices (x1, y1), (x2, y2),....... ⇒ x=− ,
2 2
(xn, yn) in order, then area of polygon is given by
Thus, the coordinates of the third vertex can be
|(x1y2 – y1x2) + (x2y3 – y2x3) + ....+ (xn – 1 yn – yn – 1 xn)  3 3  7 13 
2  − ,  or  , 
2 2 2 2
+ (xn y1 – yn x1)| Hence, (d) is the correct answer.

Illustration 17 If the vertices of a triangle are (1, 2), Illustration 20 If the points (a, –1), (2, 1) and (4, 5) are
(4, – 6) and (3, 5), then its area is collinear. Then, the value of a is
23 25
(a) 1 (b) 2
(a) sq unit (b) sq unit (c) 3 (d) 4
2 2
(c) 12 sq unit (d) None of these Solution. The essential condition of collinearity is ∆ = 0
Solution. Area of triangle whose vertices are given a −1 1
1 ∴ 2 1 1 =0
∆ = [ x1(y2 − y3 ) + x2 (y3 − y1) + x3 (y1 − y2 )]
2 4 5 1
1 ⇒ a(1 − 5) + 1(2 − 4) + 1(10 − 4) = 0
∆ = [1( −6 − 5) + 4(5 − 2) + 3(2 + 6)]
2 ⇒ a=1
25 Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
∆= sq unit
Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
Area of Quadrilateral
Illustration 18 If A (6, 3), B (–3, 5), C (4, – 2) and D ( x, 3x)
ar ( ∆ DBC )
If ( x1, y1), ( x2 , y2 ), ( x3 , y3 ) and (x4, y4) are vertices of
are four points, if = 1: 2, then x is equal to a quadrilateral, then its area will be given by
ar ( ∆ ABC )
8 y
(a) (b)
8 11
(c) 3 (d) None of these D C
ar ( ∆ DBC ) 1
Solution. Since, = B
ar ( ∆ ABC ) 2
⇒ 2 ar (∆ DBC) = ar (∆ ABC)
x 3x 1 6 3 1
11 x' x
⇒ 2 −3 5 1 = −3 5 1 ⇒ x= O L N R M
4 −2 1 4 −2 1
Hence, (a) is the correct answer. y'

Illustration 19 The area of a triangle is 5 sq unit. Two of Area of quadrilateral = Area of trapezium ALND
its vertices are (2, 1) and (3, – 2). The third vertex lying on + Area of trapezium DNRC + Area of trapezium CRMB
y = x + 3. The coordinates of the third vertex are given by – Area of trapezium ALBM
3 3   7 13   1 1  3 3  On substituting the value of area of trapezium
(a)  , −  ,  ,  (b)  ,  ,  , 
4 4 4 2  4 2 4 2 1
= (sum of parallel sides) × distance between them
 2 2 7 3  3 3   7 13  2
(c)  − , ,  ,  (d)  − , ,  , 
 3 3 2 2  2 2  2 2  Area of quadrilateral
Solution. As the vertex lies on the line y = x + 3, its 1
= [( x1y2 − x2y1) + ( x2y3 − x3y2 ) + ( x3y 4 − x4y3 )
coordinates are of the form (x, x + 3). The area of the triangle 2
those vertices are (2, 1), (3, – 2) and (x, x + 3), is + ( x4y1 − x1y 4 )]
8 Objective Approach To Mathematics Vol.2

Important ! Some Standard Points of a Triangle

• Area can also be calculated as, In this section, we shall discuss problems on finding
(i) Row method When vertices of polygon are given, then
area of polygon will be
centroid, circumcentre, incentre and orthocentre of a
1  x1 x2 x x3 x x1 
 + 2 + ....... + n  (i) Centroid The centroid of a triangle is the point
2  y1 y2 y2 y3 yn y1 
of intersection of its medians. It divides the medians in
(ii) Stair method Again, when vertices of polygon are given.
Say (x1, y1), (x2, y2), .........., (xn, yn). Then, its area is
the ratio 2 : 1. If A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2) and C (x3, y3) are the
vertices of a ∆ ABC, then the coordinates of its centroid
x1 y1 G are
x2 y2
A (x1, y1)
1 x3 y3
.. ..
2 .. ..
xn yn
c b
x1 y1 G
= {( x1 y 2 + x 2 y 3 + ...... + x n y1 ) − ( y1 x 2 + y 2 x 3 + .... + y n x1 )}
• If the two opposite vertex of a square are A ( x1 , y1 ) and
B (x2, y2) D C (x3, y3)
C ( x 2 , y 2 ) , then its area
1 1 a
= AC 2 = [( x 2 − x1 )2 + ( y 2 − y1 )2 ]
2 2
 x1 + x2 + x3 y1 + y2 + y3 
 , 
3 3
Collinearity of Three Given Points (ii) Incentre The point of intersection of the internal
Three given points A, B, C are collinear, if any one of bisectors of the angles of a triangle is called its incentre.
the following conditions is satisfied: If A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2) and C (x3, y3) are the vertices of
(i) Area of ∆ ABC is zero. a ∆ ABC such that BC = a, CA = b and AB = c, then the
(ii) Slope of AB = Slope of BC = Slope of AC coordinates of the incentre are
(iii) AC = AB + BC  ax1 + bx2 + cx3 ay1 + by2 + cy3 
(iv) Find the equation of line passing through 2 given  , 
a+b+c a+b+c
points, if the third point satisfies the given equation
of the line, then three points are collinear. (iii) Circumcentre The circumcentre of a triangle is
Illustration 21 The area of quadrilateral whose vertices
the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors
are (1, 1), (3, 4), (5, –2) and (4, – 7), is of its sides.
41 A (x1, y1)
(a) 41 sq unit (b) sq unit
(c) sq unit (d) 7 sq unit
2 O
Solution. Area of quadrilateral
B (x2, y2) C (x3, y3)
= |[(1 × 4) − (3 × 1) + (3 × ( −2)) − (5 × 4)
+ (5 × ( −7)) − (4 × ( −2)) + (4 × 1) − (1× ( −7))]|
It is the centre of the circle passing through the
41 41
=− = sq unit vertices of a triangle and so it is equidistant from the
2 2
Hence, (b) is the correct answer. vertices of the triangle.
Thus, if O is the circumcentre of a ∆ ABC, then
Illustration 22 If the coordinates of two opposite vertices OA = OB = OC
of a square are (6, –3) and (–2, 3), then area of square is
Let A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2) and C (x3, y3) be the vertices
(a) 50 sq unit (b) 25 sq unit
of ∆ ABC and let O (x, y) be its circumcentre. Then, the
(c) 35 sq unit (d) None of these
1 coordinates of O are obtained by solving
Solution. Area of square = d 2 OA2 = OB2 = OC2
1 1 ie, ( x − x1) + (y − y1)2 = ( x − x2 )2 + (y − y2 )2
= {(6 + 2)2 + ( −3 − 3)2} = (64 + 36) = 50 sq unit
2 2 = ( x − x3 )2 + (y − y3 )2
Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
Chapter 1 : Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 9

The coordinates of the circumcentre are also given on the opposite sides, H, I, J are the mid points of the
by sides BC, CA and AB respectively and K, L, M are the mid
 x1 sin2A + x2 sin2B + x3 sin2C points of the line segments joining the orthocentre O' to
 ,
sin2A + sin2B + sin2C the angular points A, B, C. These nine points (D, E, F, H,
y1 sin2A + y2 sin2B + y3 sin2C  I, J, K, L, M) are concyclic and the circle passing through
 these nine points is called the nine point circle. Its centre
sin2A + sin2B + sin2C
is know as the nine point centre.
(iv) Orthocentre The orthocentre of a triangle is the The nine point centre of a triangle is collinear with
point of intersection of its altitudes. the circumcentre O and the orthocentre O' and bisects
In order to find the coordinates of the orthocentre of the segment joining them. The radius of nine point circle
a triangle, we first find the equations of its altitudes and of a triangle is half the radius of the circumcircle.
then we find the coordinates of the point of intersection
of any two of them. Important !
If A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2) and C (x3, y3) are the vertices of a The orthocentre, nine point centre, centroid and circumcentre
∆ ABC, then the coordinates of its orthocentre are are collinear.
 x1 tan A + x2 tan B + x3 tan C y1 tan A + y2 tan B + y3 tan C 
 ,  Illustration 23 Centroid of the triangle whose vertices
tan A + tan B + tan C tan A + tan B + tan C
are (0, 0), (2, 5) and (7, 4), is
(a) (3, 3) (b) (2, 3)
Important ! (c) (3, 2) (d) (2, 2)
• The orthocentre of a right angled triangle is at the vertex Solution. The centroid of a triangle are
forming the right angle.
0 + 2+7 0 +5+ 4
• The orthocentre O′, circumcentre O and centroid G of a
 ,  = (3, 3)
triangle are collinear and G, divides O′, O in the ratio 2 : 1 3 3
ie, O′G : OG = 2 : 1. Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
• The circumcentre of a right angled triangle is the mid point
of its hypotenuse. Illustration 24 Incentre of triangle whose vertices are
A (– 36, 7), B (20, 7), C (0, –8), is
(v) Excentre Coordinate of excentre opposite to ∠A is (a) (0, –1) (b) (0, 0)
(c) (–1, 0) (d) None of these
 –ax1 + bx2 + cx3 –ay1 + by2 + cy3 
given by I1 ≡  , 
 –a + b + c –a + b + c Solution.  a = BC = (20 − 0)2 + (7 + 8)2 = 25
and similarly for excentres (I2 and I3) opposite to
b = CA = ( − 36 − 0)2 + (7 + 8)2 = 39
∠B and ∠C are given by
 ax – bx2 + cx3 ay1 – by2 + cy3  and c = AB = (36 + 20)2 + (7 − 7)2 = 56
I2 ≡  1 , 
 a–b+c a–b+c  25 ( −36) + 39(20) + 56(0) 25(7) + 39(7) + 56( −8) 
I= , 
 25 + 39 + 56 25 + 39 + 56
c I = ( −1, 0)
b Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
Illustration 25 If (1, 4) is the centroid of a triangle and
two vertices are (4, –3) and (–9, 7), then third vertices is
(a) (8, 7) (b) (7, 8)
I1 (c) (8, 8) (d) (6, 8)
Solution. Let the third vertex of triangle be (x, y), then
x +4−9 y −3+7
1= ⇒ x = 8 and 4 = ⇒y=8
BL c 3 3
AI b+c
= , also 1 = – ( x, y ) = (8, 8)
LC b I1L a Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
 ax + bx2 – cx3 ay1 + by2 – cy3  Illustration 26
I3 ≡  1 ,  If (0, 1), (1, 0) and (1, 0) are middle points
 a+b–c a+b–c of the sides of a triangle, then its incentre is
(vi) Nine point circle Let ABC be a triangle such that (a) (2 − 2, − 2 + 2) (b) (2 − 2, 2 − 2)
AD, BE and CF are its altitudes drawn from A, B and C (c) (2 + 2, − 2 − 2) (d) (2 + 2, 2 + 2)
10 Objective Approach To Mathematics Vol.2

Solution. Let A ( x1, y1), B ( x2 , y2 ) and C ( x3 , y3 ) vertices Solution. Let ABC be the triangle such that the equations
of a triangle, then a a
of its sides BC, CA and AB are y = m1x + , y = m2x +
x1 + x2 = 0, x2 + x3 = 2, x3 + x1 = 2 a m1 m2
and y = m3x + respectively.
y1 + y2 = 2, y2 + y3 = 2, y3 + y1 = 0 m3
Solving these equations, we get A
A (0, 0), B (0, 2) and C (2, 0)
Now, a = BC = 2 2, b = CA = 2, c = AB = 2
Thus, incentre of ∆ ABC is (2 − 2, 2 − 2). a
y  m3 x a y  m2 x
Hence, (b) is the correct answer. m3

Illustration 27 The orthocentre of the triangle formed

by the line 2x 2 − xy − 6y 2 = 0 and the line x + y + 1 = 0 is
 4 4 B
(a)  − , −  (b) (4, 4) y  m1 x
3 3 m1
(c) (– 4, – 4) (d) None of these Solving these equation in pairs, we obtain the coordinates of
Solution. We have,  a a ( m2 + m3 ) 
2x 2 − xy − 6y 2 = 0 the vertices A  , ,
 m2m3 m2m3 
⇒ (2x + 3y ) ( x − 2y ) = 0
 a a ( m1 + m3 )   a a ( m1 + m2 ) 
B , and C  ,
m1 m3  m1 m2 
 m1 m3  m1 m2
B (–3, 2) The equation of the altitude through the vertex A is
2x + 3y =0
 m + m3  1  a 
y−a  2 =−  x − m m 
 m2 m3  m1 2 3
X' X
x a
x+y+1=0 x–2y=0 or y+ = (1 + m2m1 + m3m1) ...(i)
m1 m1 m2 m3
A F 2, 1 I
H 3 3 K Similarly, the equation of the altitude through the vertex B
x a
Y' y+ = (1 + m1m2 + m3m2 ) ...(ii)
m2 m1 m2 m3
⇒ 2x + 3y = 0 and x – 2y = 0 Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we obtain that the coordinates of the
Thus, the equations of the sides of the triangle are orthocentre which are
2x + 3y = 0, x – 2y = 0 and x + y + 1 = 0
 a 
The equation of the altitude through the vertex O (0, 0) is  − a, m m m (1 + m1 m2 + m2 m3 + m3m1) 
y – 0 = 1 (x – 0) 1 2 3
or y=x ...(i) It is given that m1, m2, m3 are the roots of the equation
The equation of the altitude through vertex B (–3, 2) is x3 − 3x 2 + 2 = 0
y – 2 = –2 (x + 3) ∴ m1 + m2 + m3 = 3
or 2x + y + 4 = 0 ...(ii) m1m2 + m2m3 + m3m1 = 0
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we obtain
and m1m2m3 = −2
4 4  a
x = − ,y = − So, the coordinates of the orthocentre are  −a, −  .
3 3 2
 4 4 Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
Hence, the coordinates of the orthocentre are  − , −  .
3 3
Hence, (a) is the correct answer.

Illustration 28 The orthocentre of the triangle formed Locus

by the lines y = mi x + , i = 1, 2, 3, m1, m2, m3 being the It is the path or curve traced by a moving point
satisfying the given condition.
roots of the equation x3 − 3x 2 + 2 = 0 , is Equation to the locus of a point The equation to the
 a  a locus of a point is the algebraic relation which is satisfied
(a)  a,  (b)  − a, − 
2 2 by the coordinates of every point on the locus of the
(c) (2a, a) (d) (– a, – a) point.
Chapter 1 : Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 11

Step Taken to Find the Equation Y

of Locus of a Point
(a) Assumes the coordinates of the point say (h, k) B (0, b)
whose locus is to be find.
(b) Write the given condition involving (h, k)
P (h, k)
(c) Eliminate the variable(s), if any
(d) Replace h → x and k → y
The equation so obtained is the locus of the point X' X
which moves under some definite conditions. O (a, 0) A

Illustration 29 The sum of the squares of the distance

of a moving point from two fixed point (a, 0) and (–a, 0) is
equal to a constant. Then, the equation of its locus is Let P (h, k) be the mid point of the rod AB in one of the
(a) x 2 − y 2 = C + a2 (b) x 2 + y 2 = C − a2 infinite position it attains, then
2 2 2 2
(c) x + y = C + a (d) x 2 − y 2 = C − a2 a+0 0+b
h= and k =
Solution. Let P (h, k) be any position of the moving point 2 2
and let A (a, 0) and B (– a, 0) be the given points. Then, a b
⇒ h= and k = ...(i)
PA2 + PB2 = λ (given) 2 2
⇒ (h − a)2 + (k − 0)2 + (h + a)2 + (k − 0)2 = λ From ∆ OAB, we have
⇒ h2 − 2ah + a2 + k 2 + h2 + 2ah + a2 + k 2 = λ AB2 = OA2 + OB2
λ ⇒ a2 + b2 = l 2
Locus of (h, k) is x 2 + y 2 = C − a2 , where C =
2 ⇒ (2h) + (2k )2 = l 2
Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
⇒ 4h2 + 4k 2 = l 2
Illustration 30 The locus of a point such that the sum of l2
its distances from the points (0, 2) and (0, –2) is 6, is ⇒ h2 + x 2 =
(a) 9x 2 + 5y 2 = 32 2 2 l
(b) 9x 2 − 5y 2 = 45 ∴ The equation of locus is + y =x
(c) 9x 2 − 5y 2 = −45 Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
(d) 9x 2 + 5y 2 = 45
Illustration 32 A (a, 0) and B (–a, 0) are two fixed points in
Solution. Let P (h, k) be any given point on the locus and
a ∆ ABC. If its vertex C moves in such a way that cot A + cot B = λ,
let A (0, 2) and B (0, – 2) be given points.
where λ is constant. Then, the locus of the point C is
By given condition, PA + PB = 6
(a) yλ = 2a (b) ya = 2λ
⇒ (h − 0)2 + (k − 2)2 + (h − 0)2 + (k + 2)2 = 6 (c) y = λa (d) None of these
Solution. We may suppose that coordinates of two fixed
⇒ h2 + (k − 2)2 = 36 − 12 h2 + (k + 2)2 + h2 + (k + 2)2 points A, B are (a, 0) and (– a, 0) respectively and coordinates
of variable point C are (h, k).
⇒ −8k − 36 = −12 h2 + (k + 2)2
⇒ (2k + 9)2 = 9[ h2 + (k + 2)2 ] Y

⇒ 9h2 + 5k 2 = 45 C (h, k)
∴ Locus of (h, k) is 9x 2 + 5y 2 = 45
Hence, (d) is the correct answer.

Illustration 31 A rod of length l sides with its ends on

two perpendicular lines. Then, the locus of its mid point is
X' X
2 2 l2 2 2 l
B ( a, 0) O D A (a, 0)
(a) x + y = (b) x + y =
4 2
2 2 l Y'
(c) x − y = (d) None of these
Solution. Let the two perpendicular lines be the In ∆CDA, from the adjoining figure
coordinate axes. Let AB be rod of length l and the coordinates DA a − h
cot A = =
of A and B be (a, 0) and (0, b) respectively. CD k
12 Objective Approach To Mathematics Vol.2

BD a + h Then, the coordinates of a point with respect to new

and in ∆DBC, cot B = =
CD k axis will be
But cot A + cot B = λ x ′ = x cos θ + y sin θ and y ′ = − x sin θ + y cos θ
a−h a+h The above relation between (x, y) and (x', y' ) can
So, we have + =λ
k k also be obtained from the table.
2a x↓ y↓
⇒ = λ ⇒ 2a = k λ
k x′ → cos θ sin θ
∴ Locus of C is λy = 2a or y = y′ → – sin θ cos θ
Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
Important !
• x, y are old coordinates, x', y' are new coordinates.
Transformation of Axes • The axes rotation in anti-clockwise is positive and clockwise
rotation of axes is negative.
(i) To alter the origin of coordinates without altering
the direction of the axes Let origin O (0, 0) be shifted to (iii) To change the direction of the axes of coordinates
a point (a, b) by moving the x-axis and y-axis parallel to by changing the origin If P (x, y) and the axes are shifted
themselves. If the coordinates of point P with reference parallel to the original axis so that new origin is (α, β) and
to old axis are ( x1, y1) , then coordinates of this point with then the axes are rotated about the new origin (α, β) by
respect to new axis will be ( x1 − a, y1 − b) . angle φ in the anti-clockwise (x', y' ), then the coordinates
Y of P will be given by
• P (x1, y1) Y' X'


(a, b)O'


(ii) To change the direction of the axes of coordinates

without changing origin Let OX and OY be the old axes x = a + x' cos φ – y' sin φ
and OX' and OY' be the new axes obtained by rotating the y = b + x' sin φ + y cos φ,
old OX and OY through an angle θ, then the coordinates where x, y are old coordinates and x', y' are new
of P (x, y) with respect to new coordinate axes will be coordinates.
given by
x = ON – NL Important !
= x' cos θ – y' sin θ If P (x, y) and two mutually perpendicular lines ax + by + c = 0
and bx – ay + d = 0 are taken as new axes such that new
y = PQ + QL coordinates of P are (x ′, y ′), then
= y' cos θ + x' sin θ Y

X' c=


M x+

O' a

Q X' X

bx − ay + d ax + by + c
x′ = and y′ =
Thus, if the axes are rotated through an angle θ. b2 + a2 a2 + b2
Chapter 1 : Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 13

eg, If the axes are shifted to the point (1, – 2) without rotation. Illustration 36 If (x, y) and (X, Y ) be the coordinate of the
What do the following equation becomes? same point referred to two sets of rectangular axes with the
(i) 2x 2 + y 2 − 4x + 4y = 0 (ii) y 2 − 4x + 4y + 8 = 0 same origin and if ux + vy, where u and v are independent of
Solution. (i) Substituting x = X + 1, y = Y + ( −2) = Y − 2 in x and y, becomes VX + UY, show that u2 + v 2 = U2 + V 2.
the equation 2x 2 + y 2 − 4x + 4y = 0, we get Solution. Let the axes rotate an angle θ, and if (x, y) be the
2( X + 1)2 + (Y − 2)2 − 4( X + 1) + 4(Y − 2) = 0 point with respect to old axes and (X, Y ) be the coordinates
⇒ 2X 2 + Y 2 = 6, where X , Y ∈ new coordinates with respect to new axes, then
x, y ∈ old coordinates.  x = X cos θ – Y sin θ
(ii) Substituting x = X + 1, y = Y – 2 in the equation we get  .
y = X sin θ + Y cos θ
y 2 − 4x + 4y + 8 = 0, we get Then,
(Y − 2)2 − 4( X + 1) + 4(Y − 2) + 8 = 0 ux + vy = u( X cos θ – Y sin θ) + v( X sin θ + Y cos θ )
⇒ Y 2 = 4X = (u cos θ + v sin θ) X + (–u sin θ + v cos θ) Y
But given new curve VX + UY
Illustration 33 If the axes are transformed from origin to Then, VX + UY = (u cos θ + v sin θ) X + (–u sin θ + v cos θ) Y
the point (– 2, 1), then new coordinates of (4, –5) are
On comparing the coefficients of X and Y, we get
(a) (2, 6) (b) (6, 4)
u cos θ + v sin θ = V …(i)
(c) (6, – 6) (d) (2, – 4)
and –u sin θ + v cos θ = U …(ii)
Solution. Required coordinates are
On squaring and adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
[4 – (–2), (–5–1)] = (6, – 6)
Hence, (c) is the correct answer. u2 + v 2 = U 2 + V 2

Illustration 34 Keeping the origin constant axes are

rotated at an angle 30° in negative direction, then new Points to Remember
coordinates of (2, 1) with respect to old axis are
1. Reflection (Image) of a point
2 3 +1 2 3   2 3 + 1 −2 + 3 
(a)  , (b)  , Let (x, y) be any point, then its image with respect
 2 2   2 2 
 to
2+ 3 3 (i) x-axis is (x, – y)
(c)  , (d) None of these
 2 2  (ii) y-axis is (– x, y)
2 3 −1 (iii) origin is (– x, – y)
Solution. X ′ = 2cos ( − 30°) + 1 sin ( − 30°) = (iv) line y = x is ( y, x)
−2 + 3 2. A triangle is isosceles, if any two of its median are
Y ′ = −2sin 30° + cos 30° = equal.
Hence, (d) is the correct answer. 3. Triangle having integral coordinates can never be
Illustration 35 If the axes be turned through an angle 4. If ar X + brY + cr = 0 (r = 1, 2, 3) are the sides of a
tan–12. What does the equation 4xy – 3x2 = a2 become? triangle, then the area of the triangle is given by
(a) X 2 − 4Y 2 = a2 (b) X 2 + 4Y 2 = a2 2
2 2
(c) X + 4Y = − a 2
(d) None of these a1 b1 c1
Solution. Here, tan θ = 2 a2 b2 c2
1 2 2 C1 C2 C3
So, cos θ = , sin θ = a3 b3 c3
5 5
for x and y, we have where C1, C2 , C3 are the cofactor of c1, c2 , c3 in
X − 2Y the determinant.
x = X cos θ − Y sin θ =
5 5. Area of parallelogram
2X + Y (i) Whose sides are a and b and angle between
and y = X sin θ + Y cos θ =
5 them is θ, is given by area of parallelogram
The equation 4xy − 3x 2 = a2 reduces to ABCD = ab sin θ
4( X − 2Y ) . (2X + Y )  X − 2Y 
−3   = a2 D a C
5 5  5 
⇒ 4(2X 2 − 2Y 2 − 3XY ) − 3( X 2 − 4XY + 4Y 2 ) = 5a2 b
⇒ 5X 2 − 20Y 2 = 5a2 b
⇒ X 2 − 4Y 2 = a2 Q
A a B
Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
14 Objective Approach To Mathematics Vol.2

(ii) Whose length of perpendicular from one 7. Area of triangle formed by coordinate axes and
vertices to the opposite sides are P1 and P2 the line c2
and angle between sides is θ, is given by area ax + by + c is .
of parallelogram ABCD = 1 2 . 8. Area of rhombus formed by|ax| + | by| + |c| = 0
sin θ
2c 2
is .
D C ab
P2 9. Three points ( x1, y1), ( x2 , y2 ), ( x3 , y3 ) are collinear,
y −y y −y
P1 if 2 1 = 3 2 .
x2 − x1 x3 − x2
A B 10. To remove the term of xy in the equation
ax 2 + 2hxy + by 2 = 0. The angle θ through which
6. A triangle having vertices ( at12 , 2at1), ( at22 , 2at2 ) the axis must be turned
and ( at32 , 2at3 ) , then area of triangle 1  2h 
θ = tan−1  .
= a2 [(t1 − t2 ) (t2 − t3 ) (t3 − t1)] 2  a − b 

Objective Exercise 1
1. If the line segment joining (2, 3) and (– 1, 2) is divided 5. The coordinates of three consecutive vertices of a
internally in the ratio 3 : 4 by the line x + 2y = k, then k is parallelogram are (1, 3), (–1, 2) and (2, 5). The coordinates
41 5 of the fourth vertex are
(a) (b)
7 7 (a) (6, 4) (b) (4, 6)
36 31 (c) (–2, 0) (d) None of these
(c) (d)
7 7 6. A point moves in the x-y plane such that the sum of
2. The polar coordinates of the vertices of a triangle are its distances from two mutually perpendicular lines is
 π  π always equal to 3. The area enclosed by the locus of the
(0, 0),  3,  and  3,  . Then, the triangle is
 6  2 point is
(a) right angled 9
(a) 18 sq unit (b) sq unit
(b) isosceles 2
(c) equilateral (c) 7 sq unit (d) None of these
(d) None of the above
7. Let A = (1, 2), B = (3, 4) and let C = (x, y) be points such
3. The incentre of the triangle formed by the axes and the that (x – 1) (x – 3) + (y – 2) (y – 4) = 0. If ar (∆ ABC) = 1, then
x y
line + = 1 is maximum number of positions of C in the x-y plane is
a b
(a) 2 (b) 4
a b
(a)  ,  (c) 8 (d) None of these
2 2
8. The points (α, β), (δ, γ), (α, δ) and (β, γ) taken in order,
 ab ab 
(b)  , where α, β, γ, δ are different real numbers, are
 a + b + ab a + b + ab 
(a) collinear
a b (b) vertices of a square
(c)  , 
3 3 (c) vertices of a rhombus
 ab ab  (d) concyclic
(d)  ,
 a + b + a + b a + b + a + b 
2 2 2 2
9. The diagonals of a parallelogram PQRS are along the
lines x + 3y = 4 and 6x – 2y = 7. Then, PQRS must be a
4. In the ∆ ABC, the coordinates of B are (0, 0), AB = 2, (a) rectangle (b) square
π (c) cyclic quadrilateral (d) rhombus
∠ ABC = and the middle point of BC has the
10. The coordinates of the four vertices of a quadrilateral
coordinates (2, 0). The centroid of the triangle is
are (– 2, 4), (– 1, 2), (1, 2) and (2, 4) taken in order. The
  5 1 
(a)  1 , 3  (b)  , 
equation of the line passing through the vertex (– 1, 2)
2 2  3 3 and dividing the quadrilateral in two equal areas, is
  (a) x + 1= 0 (b) x + y = 1
(c)  4 + 3 , 1  (d) None of these (c) x – y + 3 = 0 (d) None of these
 3 3
Chapter 1 : Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 15

11. The graph of the function cos x . cos ( x + 2) − cos 2 ( x + 1) (a) (−5, 4) (b) (5, −4)
is a (c) (4, − 5) (d) None of these
(a) straight line passing through the point (0, − sin 2 1) 14. If a vertex of an equilateral triangle is the origin and the
with slope 2 side opposite to it has the equation x + y = 1, then the
(b) straight line passing through the origin orthocentre of the triangle is
(c) parabola with vertex (1, − sin 2 1) 1 1  
(a)  ,  (b)  2 , 2 
π  3 3  3 3 
(d) straight line passing through the point  , − sin 2 1
2  2 2
 1  (c)  ,  (d) None of these
3 3
12. If the points (−2, 0),  −1,
  and (cos θ, sin θ) are
15. Three vertices of a quadrilateral in order are (6, 1)
collinear, then the number of values of θ ∈[0, 2 π] is (7, 2) and (–1, 0). If the area of the quadrilateral is
(a) 0 4 sq unit, then the locus of the fourth vertex has the
(b) 1 equation
(c) 2 (a) x − 7 y = 1
(d) infinite (b) x − 7 y + 15 = 0
13. The limiting position of the point of intersection of the (c) ( x − 7 y )2 + 14( x − 7 y ) − 15 = 0
lines 3 x + 4 y = 1 and (1 + c)x + 3c 2 y = 2 as c tends to 1, is (d) None of the above

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