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Periodic Table unit test

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1. An atom of any element must contain 7. Which element in Period 2 is the most active
A. an equal number of protons and neutrons
A. neon B. berylium
B. an equal number of protons and electrons
C. uorine D. lithium
C. more electrons than neutrons

D. more electrons than protons 8. Which statement describes the general trends in
electronegativity and rst ionization energy as the
elements in Period 3 are considered in order from
2. At STP, which element is solid, brittle, and a poor Na to Cl?
conductor of electricity?

A. Electronegativity increases, and rst ionization

A. Al B. K C. Ne D. S energy decreases.

B. Electronegativity decreases, and rst ionization

3. Which part of a helium atom is positively charged? energy increases.

C. Electronegativity and rst ionization energy

A. electron B. neutron both increase.
C. nucleus D. orbital D. Electronegativity and rst ionization energy
both decrease.

4. At STP, a 7.49-gram sample of an element has a

volume of 1.65 cubic centimeters. The sample is 9. Compared to the atoms of nonmetals in Period 3,
most likely the atoms of metals in Period 3 have

A. Ta B. Tc C. Te D. Ti A. fewer valence electrons

B. more valence electrons

5. Which element has the greatest density at STP?
C. fewer electron shells

A. barium B. beryllium D. more electron shells

C. magnesium D. radium
10. Compared to the nonmetals in Period 2, the metals
in Period 2 generally have larger
6. All the elements in Period 3 have the same
number of
A. ionization energies B. electronegativities

A. occupied sublevels C. atomic radii D. atomic numbers

B. principal energy levels

C. electrons

D. protons

page 1
11. The elements in Group 2 have similar chemical 17. Which element is a noble gas?
properties because each atom of these elements
has the same
A. krypton B. chlorine

A. atomic number C. antimony D. manganese

B. mass number
18. Which of the following Group 2 elements has the
C. number of electron shells lowest rst ionization energy?

D. number of valence electrons

A. Be B. Mg C. Ca D. Ba

12. Which element has chemical properties that are

19. As the elements in Group 15 are considered in
most similar to the chemical properties of uorine?
order of increasing atomic number, which sequence
in properties occurs?
A. boron B. chlorine

C. neon D. oxygen A. nonmetal ! metalloid ! metal

B. metalloid ! metal ! nonmetal

13. Which list of elements consists of a metal, a
C. metal ! metalloid ! nonmetal
metalloid, and a nonmetal?
D. metal ! nonmetal ! metalloid
A. Li, Na, Rb B. Cr, Mo, W
20. As the elements of Group 1 are considered in
C. Sn, Si, C D. O, S, Te
order from top to bottom, the rst ionization
energy of each successive element will
14. The elements in Group 2 are classi ed as
A. decrease B. increase
A. metals B. metalloids
C. remain the same
C. nonmetals D. noble gases
21. Elements in the Periodic Table are arranged
according to their
15. Element X is a solid that is brittle, lacks luster,
and has six valence electrons. In which group on
the Periodic Table would element X be found? A. atomic number B. atomic mass

C. relative activity D. relative size

A. 1 B. 2 C. 15 D. 16

22. Which atom has the largest atomic radius?

16. As each successive element in Group 15 of the
Periodic Table is considered in order of increasing
atomic number, the atomic radius A. potassium B. rubidium

C. francium D. cesium
A. decreases B. increases

C. remains the same 23. Which elements have the most similar chemical

A. Si, As, and Te B. N2 , O2 , and F2

C. Mg, Sr, and Ba D. Ca, Cs, and Cu

page 2 Periodic Table unit test

24. Which general trend is found in Period 3 as the 29. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)
elements are considered in order of increasing on the information below.
atomic number?
The atomic number and corresponding
atomic radius of the Period 3 elements are
A. increasing atomic radius shown in the data table below.
B. increasing electronegativity Data Table
C. decreasing atomic mass Atomic Atomic
Number Radius
D. decreasing rst ionization energy (pm)
11 160.

25. Which statement describes the general trends in 12 140.

electronegativity and metallic properties as the 13 124
elements in Period 2 are considered in order of 14 114
increasing atomic number?
15 109
16 104
A. Both electronegativity and metallic properties 17 100.
18 101
B. Both electronegativity and metallic properties
increase. State the general relationship between the atomic
number and the atomic radius for the Period 3
C. Electronegativity decreases and metallic elements.
properties increase.

D. Electronegativity increases and metallic 30. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)
properties decrease. on the information below and on your knowledge
of chemistry.
26. Which characteristics both generally decrease Before atomic numbers were known,
when the elements in Period 3 on the Periodic Mendeleev developed a classi cation system
Table are considered in order from left to right? for the 63 elements known in l872, using
oxide formulas and atomic masses. He used
an R in the oxide formulas to represent any
A. nonmetallic properties and atomic radius
element in each group. The atomic mass was
B. nonmetallic properties and ionization energy listed in parentheses after the symbol of each
element. A modi ed version of Mendeleev's
C. metallic properties and atomic radius classi cation system is shown in the table
D. metallic properties and ionization energy

27. An element that is malleable and a good conductor

of heat and electricity could have an atomic
number of

A. 16 B. 18 C. 29 D. 35

28. Which element is a metalloid?

Identify one characteristic used by Mendeleev to
develop his classi cation system of the elements.
A. Al B. Ar C. As D. Au

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31. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s) 32. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)
on the information below. on the information below.

Elements with atomic numbers 112 and In the early 1800s, John Dalton
114 have been produced and their IUPAC proposed an atomic theory that was based on
names are pending approval. However, an experimental observations made by several
element that would be put between these two scientists. Three concepts of Dalton's atomic
elements on the Periodic Table has not yet theory are stated below.
been produced. If produced, this element Statement A: Atoms are indivisible and cannot be destroyed or broken down into smaller parts.

will be identi ed by the symbol Uut until an Statement B:

Statement C:
Atoms of one element cannot be changed into atoms of another element.
All atoms of one element have the same mass.

IUPAC name is approved.

Explain, in terms of particles, why statement A is
Identify one element that would be chemically no longer accepted.
similar to Uut.

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