System Variables: Bricscad

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BricsCAD - System Variables

Table of Contents
System Variables and User Preferences ................................................................................................. 2
To Open the Settings Dialog ................................................................................................................... 2
Understanding the Settings Dialog ......................................................................................................... 3
To Find Settings....................................................................................................................................... 5
To Edit Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Editing Settings in the Command Bar ..................................................................................................... 5
To Export Settings ................................................................................................................................... 6

BricsCAD - System Variables

System Variables and User Preferences

To see a complete list of all System variables:

1. Type setvar in the command window followed by Enter.

The command bar reads: Variable name or ?:
2. Type ? (question mark) in the command bar, then press Enter.
The command bar reads: Variable(s) to list <*>:
3. Press Enter.
The BricsCAD Prompt History window opens, listing all variables and their current value.

To Open the Settings Dialog

1. Do one of the following:
 Click the Settings tool button ( ) on the Standard toolbar.
 Choose Settings... in the Settings menu.

 Type settings in the command bar, then press Enter.

2. (option) Choose a display mode by clicking the corresponding button in the Settings

Categorized ( )
Lists the settings by category: Drawing, Dimensions and Program Options.
Alphabetical ( )
Lists the settings alphabetically.

3. (option) Choose a category:

Drawing ( )
Opens the Categorized view mode, with the Drawing tree expanded.
Dimensions ( )
Opens the Categorized view mode, with the Dimension tree expanded.
Program Options ( )
Opens the Categorized view mode, with the Program Options tree expanded.
4. Use the search field to find a setting.

BricsCAD - System Variables

Understanding the Settings Dialog

The Settings dialog gives you an overview of all System variables and user preferences and their
current value.

Here you can:

 Find System variables and user preferences.

 Edit System variables and user preferences.
 Export the properties and the current value of all variables and user preferences to a text

BricsCAD - System Variables

1 Class: Drawing, Dimensions or Program Options

2 Category (expanded)
3 Sub-category (expanded)
4 Group (expanded)
5 Current value of a system variable
6 Options list
Internal Name:
System variable names are fully capitalized: LUNITS
7 User preference names are mixed case: TemplatePath
You can type system variables and user preferences in the command window to edit
them or use the SETVAR command (system variables only).
8 Variable Title
9 Variable Help
10 Preview (if available)

11 Settings Type ( = read-only; = user-defined)

Save location
= drawing
= registry (system variable) ; = registry (user preference)
= not saved

BricsCAD - System Variables

To Find Settings
1. Open the Settings Dialog.
2. (option) Click the Find Options button ( ) to open the open the Find Setting dialog where
you can set the search options.

3. Type the search string in the Search field.

The first setting matching the content of the search field highlights.
4. (option) Click the next ( ) or previous ( ) button to browse through the matching

NOTE If you check all Find where options in step 2, it might take longer to find the variable you
are looking for, since more variables match the content of the Find what field.

To Edit Settings
1. Open the Settings Dialog.
2. Find a setting.
3. Click the settings field to edit the setting.
4. (option) Repeat steps 2 and 3 to edit more settings.
5. Close the Settings window.

Editing Settings in the Command Bar

1. Type the name of the system variable or user preference in the command bar, e.g.

The command bar reads: New current value for AUTOSNAP (0 to 63) <63>:

2. Type the desired value in the command bar, then press Enter.

BricsCAD - System Variables

NOTES  The value of some system variables is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the
values of all selected options.
E.g.: The AUTOCOMPLETEMODE system variable has 5 options: 1 = Enable, 2
= Auto-Append, 4 = Suggestion List, 8 = Display Icons (unsupported), 16 =
Exclude the display of system variables.
When Enable, Auto-Append and Suggestion List are selected the value of
AUTOCOMPLETEMODE = 7 (1 + 2 + 4)
 System variable names are recognized by the Autocomplete feature of the
command bar if the Exclude the Display of System Variables option of the
AUTOCOMPLETEMODE system variable is not checked.

To Export Settings
1. Click the Export tool ( ) on the Settings toolbar.
The Export Settings window opens.
2. Type a name in the File name field.
3. Select a folder.
4. Click the Save button on the Export Settings window.
All Settings are exported in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) text file, which can be
opened in Microsoft® Excel®.

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