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Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment

of reservoirs

Report: SC070087/R1
The British Dam Society aspires to be a forum for Current research projects are being carried out by the
professionals involved with dams to meet and exchange Environment Agency and Defra following a review of
ideas and to be a body of people with authority and/or research priorities and direction by the Reservoir
interest on dam-related issues. It monitors and Safety Advisory Group (RSAG) of the Institution of
contributes to the agenda on the provision of technical Civil Engineers (ICE).
guidance and wider research on dams for the UK and
also promotes best practice in all aspects of the
planning, development, maintenance and operation of
dams and reservoirs.

In this context it is pleased to support the Environment

Agency’s production of this report as part of a
programme of carefully targeted research aimed at
improving the understanding of dam related issues and
also the safety of the UK’s stock of reservoirs, however,
this does not imply endorsement of any particular report

ii Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

The Environment Agency is the leading public body
protecting and improving the environment in England and
It’s our job to make sure that air, land and water are looked
after by everyone in today’s society, so that tomorrow’s
generations inherit a cleaner, healthier world.
Our work includes tackling flooding and pollution incidents,
reducing industry’s impacts on the environment, cleaning up
rivers, coastal waters and contaminated land, and
improving wildlife habitats.
This report is the result of research commissioned by the
Environment Agency’s Evidence Directorate and funded by
the joint Environment Agency/Defra Flood and Coastal
Erosion Risk Management Research and Development

Published by: Author(s):

Environment Agency, Rio House, Waterside Drive, A.K. Hughes, D.S. Bowles, M. Morris
Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UD
Tel: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409 Acknowledgement: Ian Hope, Project Executive

ISBN: 978-1-84911-156-0 Dissemination Status:

Released to all regions
© Environment Agency – December, 2009 Publicly available

All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced Keywords:

with prior permission of the Environment Agency. Dams, safety, risk assessment

The views and statements expressed in this report are Research Contractor:
those of the author alone. The views or statements W S Atkins, Epson, Surrey.
expressed in this publication do not necessarily
represent the views of the Environment Agency and the Environment Agency’s Project Manager:
Environment Agency cannot accept any responsibility for Gary Tustin, Evidence Directorate
such views or statements.
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Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs iii

Evidence at the
Environment Agency
Evidence underpins the work of the Environment Agency. It provides an up-to-date
understanding of the world about us, helps us to develop tools and techniques to
monitor and manage our environment as efficiently and effectively as possible. It also
helps us to understand how the environment is changing and to identify what the future
pressures may be.
The work of the Environment Agency’s Evidence Directorate is a key ingredient in the
partnership between research, policy and operations that enables the Environment
Agency to protect and restore our environment.
The Research & Innovation programme focuses on four main areas of activity:
i. Setting the agenda, by informing our evidence-based policies, advisory and
regulatory roles;
ii. Maintaining scientific credibility, by ensuring that our programmes and
projects are fit for purpose and executed according to international standards;
iii. Carrying out research, either by contracting it out to research organisations
and consultancies or by doing it ourselves;
iv. Delivering information, advice, tools and techniques, by making
appropriate products available to our policy and operations staff.

Miranda Kavanagh
Director of Evidence

iv Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

Executive summary
The Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk Assessment for UK Reservoirs was published in
2004 to provide a tool for the management of reservoir safety. It provided a screening
level framework for decision-making by experienced dam professionals on the annual
probabilities of occurrence, consequences and tolerability of the risk of reservoir failure.
The Guide was in the form of a Microsoft Excel workbook with explanatory text
providing users with guidance on the methodology to be used.
The Guide was always intended to be a document which would need to be reviewed
and perhaps modified after a few years of use. The scoping study described in this
report is a first phase of reviewing the guide to risk assessment of reservoirs and seeks
to provide reasons and evidence for a second phase.
As part of this scoping study the team sought the views of the profession, not only in
trying to find out what problems had been experienced in application of the Interim
Guide but also to try to establish the needs of the profession.
Ensuring acceptable performance and managing risk from dam assets in the short to
longer term (through physical interventions to maintain, repair, improve or replace
assets, while avoiding unnecessary expenditure) is a considerable challenge.
The concepts of risk and performance provide the dam manager with a consistent
framework to analyse and understand the critical components of their dam, and the
system within which it sits, and target effort in further data collation, assessment or
physical intervention appropriately.
The report concludes that a second phase for the project is required and lists key
stages of work for this phase. These are summarised below, and the full details can be
found in the main body of the report.
1. A framework and methodology for UK reservoir safety risk
management – to provide the philosophical foundation, principles and
methodology for the procedural, analytical and management aspects of the
development of a risk-informed approach to UK reservoir safety risk
management. The methodology should encompass a wide range of
potential purposes for reservoir safety risk assessment. It should provide
for both qualitative and quantitative approaches with
scalability/proportionality. A clear link will be demonstrated between the
potential of the quantitative risk assessment (QRA) methodology and the
implementation of dam safety inspections and recommendations for
remedial works. This stage/task should be delivered in a 12-month period.
It should provide an approach that satisfies the unique needs of the UK
reservoir owners and other stakeholders in UK reservoirs. The framework
and methodology for analysis will need to be detailed in a technical report.
2. A structured procedure for potential failure modes identification – to
provide an immediately applicable and beneficial procedure that can be
applied to all types and sizes of UK reservoirs, both as a separate tool and
as a first step (or high level) within reservoir safety risk assessment. This
approach is likely to be of significant help to individual owners of small
earth dams and could also provide a system for supporting decision-making
without the need for detailed risk assessment and evaluation. It should be
delivered within the first 6 months and achieved by also coordinating with
work on another science project entitled ‘Modes of Failure Scoping Study’.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs v

3. Supporting science on failure modes – A key aspect of the risk analysis
framework will be our ability to identify, analyse and predict failure modes
arising from different combinations of load and structure response.
Structure performance may be represented in the form of fragility curves. A
fragility curve summarises information about the probability of failure of an
engineering system, such as a dam embankment, in response to a specific
range of loads (e.g. high water levels). Understanding and predicting
performance requires best use of deterministic analysis, available data,
expert judgement etc. This knowledge may be drawn from a range of
projects and sources.
4. A guide for UK reservoir safety risk analysis – a simple to read and use
guidance document explaining and guiding the user through the concepts,
science and application of the risk-informed approach for reservoir safety
management for UK reservoirs. To be delivered 6 months after completion
of the framework and methodology, the guide will be suitable for a range of
potential end users by providing an introduction and explanation of basic
concepts and uses through to detailed application of the methods.
5. A software tool for UK reservoir safety risk analysis – to provide the
core engine to support dam safety risk analysis calculations and hence
ensure that a consistent and theoretically correct approach is available for
use by reservoir engineers. This may evolve from existing software and will
be delivered 6 months after completion of the framework and developed in
parallel with the guidance. The software will ensure that sound science and
any links to existing frameworks and relevant analysis tools/methods are
6. Workshops for consultation – Regular workshops, at 6-monthly intervals
are envisaged to provide opportunities for consultation during development
of the framework, methodology, software and guidance.
7. Workshops for training – These workshops are spread across the 24-
month duration at key points in concept and tool/method development.
8. Pilot site application – It will be important to identify a number of exemplar
sites for use in developing, testing and piloting the QRA method. The QRA
project will develop a specification for this once the initial framework has
evolved, allowing flexibility in identifying key issues that exemplar sites
should address. It is considered that a minimum of six different sites need
to be identified and used to support development and testing.

vi Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

1 This study 1

2 Introduction 2
2.1 Background 2

3 Terms of reference 5

4 The scope 6

5 Target audience 7

6 Challenges for modern dam risk management 8

6.1 Nature of dams in the UK 8
6.2 The Pitt Review 8
6.3 Legislation 8
6.4 Lessons learnt from the Interim Guide to QRA 9

7 Barriers to more integrated approaches to risk management 10

7.1 Adopting consistent terminology and philosophy 11

8 Common characteristics of an integrated risk management

framework 12
8.1 Guidelines for environmental risk assessment and management 12
8.2 Applying ERAM concepts to dams and reservoirs 12
8.3 A tiered approach to risk assessment for dams and reservoirs 14

9 Perspectives on reservoir safety risk management 18

9.1 Components of risk management for dams 18
9.2 Overall risk assessment framework 21
9.3 Risk analysis 22
9.4 Risk evaluation 23
9.5 Risk control 23

10 Conclusions and recommendations 25

10.1 Phase 2: A risk-informed approach for reservoir safety management
in the UK 25

References 31

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs vii

List of tables and figures
Table 8.1 Hierarchy of RASP methodologies, decision support and data required adapted to reservoir safety 13

Figure 8.1 The UK Government’s recommended framework for a tiered approach to environmental risk assessment
and management 15
Figure 8.2 Source–Pathway–Receptor framework for the assessment of dams 16
Figure 8.3 Progressively reducing uncertainty in dam performance through tiered assessment 16
Figure 8.4 Possible high level framework 17
Figure 9.1 Interrelationship between components of risk assessment and risk management 18
Figure 9.2 Illustration of a qualitative approach to risk assessment and risk management 21
Figure 9.3 Framework for reservoir safety risk assessment 22
Figure 9.4 Risk control options 24
Figure 10.1 Overview of project links and outputs 29
Figure 10.2 Programme showing main links and outputs 30

viii Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

1 This study
This project was initially let by Defra to revise the ‘Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk
Assessment for UK Reservoirs’, published by Thomas Telford in 2004. Atkins offered
an approach using a ‘team’ built up of Atkins, HR Wallingford and Dr David Bowles to
carry out the work.
Subsequently, as a result of changes in the management of research projects, Atkins
and the associated team were asked by the Environment Agency to produce a
scoping study to define the needs of a second phase to actually produce ‘a revised
The project was managed by Atkins over the period April 2008 to April 2009.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 1

2 Introduction
2.1 Background
Ensuring acceptable performance and managing risk from dam assets in the short to
longer term (through physical interventions to maintain, repair, improve or replace
assets, while avoiding unnecessary expenditure) is a considerable challenge. The
wide variety in dam types and forms and physical settings further complicates the
task. Within the context of this complex setting, the concepts of risk and performance
provide the dam manager with a consistent framework to analyse and understand the
critical components of their dam, and the system within which it sits, and target effort
in further data collation, assessment or physical intervention appropriately.
Over the past 20 years various organisations (CIRIA 2000, Morris et al. 2000,
ANCOLD 2003, USSD 2003, Brown and Gosden 2004, ICOLD 2005) have been
working with the dam owners to develop the principles, methods and tools to help
support better dam management decision. They have recognised the need to
prioritise limited investment to best effect, taking account of both the cost and
benefits over the long term. In 2000 CIRIA published ‘Risk Management for UK
Reservoirs, 2000’.
This provided guidance on the application of risk assessment and risk management
procedures to UK reservoir practice. It was written primarily for UK reservoir owners,
panel engineers, regulators, insurance companies and others concerned with
reservoir safety. It was to complement the guidance that had previously been
produced on floods, seismic risk, valves and pipework etc, to assist those
undertaking duties in accordance with the Reservoirs Act 1975. The risk assessment
methodology outlined in that report was to enable owners to rank their dams in terms
of qualitative risk and hazard, and to assist them in prioritising any works needed.
Following identification of a problem with the application of the Flood Estimation
Handbook (FEH) to estimate extreme floods and the implied potential for major
upgrading of spillways of a significant number of UK reservoirs, a review of research
needs identified a requirement to compare the risk of failure from floods with other
risks to dams.
In 2001 Defra awarded a competitively bid contract to KBR to try to develop a tool
which integrated approach to failures of dams from a number of threats, under the
project ‘Integration of Floods and Reservoir Safety’. A prototype was developed and
trialled on 10 dams with the research report (KBR 2002) available on the Defra
website from 2002 to 2007. The ‘Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk Assessment for
Reservoirs’ (Brown and Gosden 2004) was produced as a second stage.
The purpose of the Interim Guide was to provide a tool for the management of
reservoir safety by the provision of a screening level framework for decision-making
by experienced dam professionals on the annual probabilities of occurrence,
consequences and tolerability of the risk of reservoir failure. The Guide was in the
form of a Microsoft Excel workbook with pro forma calculations on a CD provided at
the back of the Guide and accompanying explanatory text.
The Interim Guide was found to be a good first step in introducing the concept of a
screening level Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) tool to assist in dam safety
management in the UK.

2 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

However, a number of areas of improvement were identified by a number of
practitioners who had used the Guide and who provided feedback to the Atkins team
as part of the initial part of this study. This initial part had included a questionnaire
sent out to all panel engineers and the major undertakers and owners.
To date, approaches to dam safety risk assessment have not all been solely risk
based and are based on limited science. This has led to a limited uptake of risk
assessment techniques. This scoping study seeks to build upon previous dam
studies and, importantly, the advances made within the flood and coastal erosion risk
management community (Sayers et al. 2002, Sayers and Meadowcroft 2005, Simm
et al. 2008a, 2008b).
In making use of the Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk Assessment for Reservoirs in
the UK a number of difficulties were experienced including those listed below:
• It was noted that the methodology was selective in the risks for which it
provided ready made evaluation worksheets. However, it did invite the
user to consider the criticality on non-core threats (Sheet 6.1) and
provided event trains for seismic and wind threats.
• The method required familiarity with the use of Excel workbooks, which
some found difficult to use, and the accompanying notes gave limited
guidance on how to make decisions when required to do so and also the
likely effect of those decisions on results.
• While some have felt that the Interim Guide was too complicated, it would
be more accurate to state that the Interim Guide methodology was not
clearly explained. In fact, some aspects of the methodology were
oversimplified in a way that may distort results. For example:
- While the event trains required consideration of all potential failure
modes, they did not incorporate a robust quantitative potential failure
modes analysis step.
- It uses a dam critical event concept that does not include
consideration of the range of probability of failure with magnitude of
- It uses a dam critical event concept that does not allow for
consideration of multiple failure modes at a reservoir.
- It does not provide guidance for handling failure modes associated
with different dam sections for the same reservoir and non-mutually
exclusive failure modes for the same dam section.
- It does not provide for the use of fragility relationships to represent
variability in estimated dam performance although it is accepted that
fragility relationships/curves are a comparatively recent and difficult
concept for many and are not used by many practising dam
- The spreadsheet calculation approach is based on embankment dams
and cannot be readily adapted to the range of failure modes that are
important across the portfolio of UK reservoirs or for considering
phased risk reduction measures, for example. This was recognised at
the time it was written and stated at the time. As another example, the
effects of a range of severities of spillway plugging by debris can only
be considered by sensitivity analysis and not as a set of possible

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 3

conditions, weighted by their probability of occurrence, in the
estimation of overall risk of failure during floods.
- Simplifications in the approach to estimating the consequences of
failure, which may be appropriate in some cases, require additional
sheets in the workbook if they are to be replaced by alternative
approaches when these are justified.
• The underlying science was not always clear within the Guide, such that
reference had to be made to the preceding research report.
• There was a lack of transparency of the underlying science.
• The method developed in 2001 was not directly consistent with
government policy on risk methods and there was a lack of transparency
of the underlying science.
• The scope of the Interim Guide was to compare the risk from floods with
other threats to dams. It is therefore limited in applicability for the wide
range of applications (see Section 9.1) for which dam safety risk
assessments can be beneficially used.
• There has been difficulty in achieving consistency in the outputs by
practitioners and between practitioners (i.e. if two people were trying to
analyse the same dam/situation).
As a result, although the methodology is used by some members of the profession, it
has not generally been widely used. The Interim Guide was always intended to be an
interim document which would need review after a few years’ use. As part of this
scoping study the team (Atkins, HR Wallingford and David Bowles) sought the views
of the profession, not only in trying to find out what problems had been experienced
in application of the Interim Guide but also to try to establish the needs of the
profession. Thus a review of the methodology was undertaken with United Utilities,
MWH and Halcrow, all of whom had tried to apply the Interim Guide, and a
programme of consultation with the profession was instigated. These actions were to
investigate and confirm (or not) the issues which were thought to exist and to enable
recommendations to be made as to steps needed to solve the issues.
A questionnaire was sent to all panel engineers and the larger reservoir owners, to
try to establish whether they understood the concept of risk, to establish whether they
felt that a guide to risk assessment would be of use, and what they would use it for,
and also to ask whether they had used the Interim Guide and what, if any, problems
had been experienced.
In addition, following results from the questionnaire survey, members of the team
interviewed a key author of the Interim Guide (Alan Brown) to explore the issues
raised and, in particular, to understand the reasoning behind the approaches used
and the underpinning science. More recently a workshop was held at Atkins’ offices
in Epsom with an invited audience of panel engineers, owners and Alan Brown,
Environment Agency representatives and other interested parties to explore what
was required in any future risk assessment tool produced.

4 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

3 Terms of reference
During the period 2004–2006 Defra and its advisors sought the views of the
profession on the value and use of the Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk
In pursuing the objectives, the views of all panel engineers and the major water
undertakers and owners were sought via a questionnaire which tried to establish
whether the profession felt that a guide to quantitative risk assessment was required,
whether they had used the Interim Guide and to what use it had been put, and
whether they found the Interim Guide easy to use.
A number of meetings with Defra were held to inform them about international
practice in the field which led to the request to produce a revised Guide to
Quantitative Risk Assessment. The brief was very limited in as much as the Atkins
team were asked to produce a revised Guide to Quantitative Risk Assessment.
However, the Terms of Reference for this piece of work is for a scoping study for the
work required to produce a ‘new’ guide.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 5

4 The scope
The objective of the ‘revised Guide’ is to provide a framework for a risk-based
approach to reservoir safety management in the UK.
It is necessary to set this within a framework for UK reservoir safety risk management
which is understood and adopted by practitioners. This in itself will need to start with
the introduction of the philosophy and principles of a risk-based approach but then
must move on to other issues such as failure mode identification.
Hence, the proposed guide will need to not only integrate with government policy,
and build on the earlier work in the Interim Guide, but through a more structured
approach integrate with other research initiatives (failure modes/masonry spillways
etc) and other risk-based strategies being worked on by others (e.g. flood and
coastal erosion strategies).

6 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

5 Target audience
The target audience for a revised guide (i.e. revised or adapted methodology and
clear user guidance) will be panel engineers undertaking their duties under the
Reservoirs Act 1975 and under the proposed new Reservoirs Act. Reservoir owners
are also key to the revised guide as they will be making decisions on expenditure
taking into account advice from panel engineers.
In addition, it should be recognised that such a methodology will also be of interest to
a wider audience including, among others, the Environment Agency Risk Policy
Group, the Pitt implementation team, the Floods and Water Bill team, and the public.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 7

6 Challenges for modern dam
risk management
An effective risk assessment methodology, supporting the risk-based management of
dams in the UK, needs to be flexible enough to cope with a range of different
structures and proportionate in effort and analysis required to suit the assessment of
simple, small structures through to complex large structures. The methodology needs
to be of practicable value to different types of users and reservoir owners, from those
managing individual dams, perhaps on limited budgets, through to those managing
portfolios of many reservoirs with access to larger resources. In addition, any
methodology needs to be consistent with wider government policy and build from
lessons learnt over the past decade in the analysis and assessment of flood risk.
The following sections provide a brief summary of key factors that influence the
development of a revised approach to risk assessment and management:
• Nature of dams in the UK.
• The Pitt Review.
• Forthcoming legislation.
• Lessons learnt from the Interim Guide to QRA.

6.1 Nature of dams in the UK

More than 80% of dams in the UK are earth fill embankment dams with an average
height in the range of 7 to 8 metres. The maximum height of dams in the UK is of the
order of 90 metres but the majority of dams are in the range of 4 to 20 metres in
height. The average age of dams in the UK is now more than 110 years and there
are concerns about deterioration pressure that might exist.
Water and energy utility companies are often responsible for a series of dams and
reservoirs requiring a portfolio management approach. However, a majority of
owners are individuals or small organisations responsible for a single dam – some
75% (1575) of the dams subject to the Reservoirs Act 1975 – often a small earth
structure. Such owners are also often without access to the resources and asset
management skills available to utility companies.

6.2 The Pitt Review

Recommendation 58 of the Pitt Review was that the Government should implement
the legislative changes proposed in the Environment Agency biennial report on dam
and reservoir safety through forthcoming flooding legislation. This recommendation
was accepted by the Government and included adoption of better risk-based
definitions of dams (safety assessment) within the Act.

6.3 Legislation
The Pitt Review helped advance the development and likely implementation during
2010/11 of new legislation regarding flood risk management. The Floods and Water

8 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

Bill includes a number of items affecting operation and management of dams and
reservoirs. Owners of reservoirs falling within the Act will be required to follow
defined inspection and operational procedures and to develop emergency action
plans. While the use of a risk analysis methodology to underpin such safety
procedures is unlikely to be written within the Act, any methodology which allows
simple and transparent assessment of risks, supporting risk management actions,
and which is proportionate to the magnitude of risk, would be beneficial.
Revisions to the Act will probably include a change in the way in which reservoirs are
determined to fall within or outside legislation. The current approach defining any
reservoir storing more than 25,000 m3 of water as within the Act, will be replaced by a
method based upon the risk posed by the reservoir. It is likely that all reservoirs
storing more than 10,000 m3 will be reviewed and categorised according to
consequence of failure. The potential for loss of one or more lives in the event of
failure may be used to categorise a ‘high risk’ dam. The effect of such legislation is
that many smaller reservoirs are likely to fall within the proposed new Act,
significantly increasing the number of individual dam owners for whom an effective,
proportionate risk analysis method would be beneficial. Estimates suggest that the
number of reservoirs falling within such legislation would rise to around 7500 from the
current 2100 in England and Wales. (There are already another 760+ reservoirs in
Scotland and there could be many more.)

6.4 Lessons learnt from the Interim Guide to QRA

While the Interim Guide was viewed as a good first step in introducing a screening
level QRA as a tool to assist in dam safety management in the UK, it was recognised
by the authors and from practitioners who responded to the questionnaire that some
improvements could be made in the proposed revision.
Brown et al. (2008) identified a number of areas for improvement, and the
questionnaire showed that the profession as a whole would like a technique that was
explained in simple terms, that was easily understood, and that gave more
explanation on how to apply the technique and how to make the decisions in the
In addition, from knowledge of the use of risk assessment techniques around the
world it was recognised that it would be advantageous to explain the techniques in
simple terms and to point out the uses to which the techniques might be put. This
element would include information on the benefits and disbenefits and the uses and
misuses of risk assessment techniques.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 9

7 Barriers to more integrated
approaches to risk
An integrated risk-based approach is being proposed for the risk management of
dams and reservoirs; the introduction of such methods can be difficult both in terms
of complexity and general acceptance within industry. This has been demonstrated
by the difficulties encountered in adoption of the Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk
Assessment, as explained in Section 2. Many of the difficulties reflect mistrust of new
approaches and misconceptions around the complexities of risk-based methods.
From experience within the wider flood risk management community it is known that
a range of barriers and opportunities can arise when developing and implementing
these approaches. Some examples of these are outlined below:
i. There is often difficulty in communicating risk-based results to the public
and professionals alike:
Action – Develop improved methodologies for communicating risk and
uncertainty. Make available basic training material.

ii. There remains scepticism as to the credibility of techniques:

Action – Develop CPD and demonstration programmes to encourage the
uptake of risk-based methodologies supported by more accessible
techniques and tools.

iii. Limited data is often cited as a reason for not adopting probabilistic
descriptions of performance:
Action – Develop and demonstrate risk-based characterisations of
performance capable of using available evidence (e.g. fragility curves
used to describe asset condition based on observational evidence).
However, it is also noted here that many dams are better studied and
understood than flood risk management assets, and hence more direct
measures of performance may be available.

iv. The ‘Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk Assessment for UK Reservoirs’

applies methods with a deterministic outcome without acknowledging
Action – Methodologies need to be developed to enable uncertainties to
be understood and handled transparently and these methodologies
should be demonstrated to encourage uptake.

v. Many practitioners fear that risk techniques are over complex:

Action – Adopt tiered methodologies to provide a range of proportionate
approaches from the simple to the more complex. These will need to be

10 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

consistent with the philosophy of an integrated risk-based framework, the
available data and the significance of the risk being managed.
vi. Disparate and complex research strands are progressed separately:
Action – Develop a programme of forward activities, integrated through a
common conceptual framework (covering principles, process and
analysis) and guidance structures.
These barriers, and others like them, will need to be actively managed, to ensure the
success of introduction of a risk-based approach for the dams and reservoirs industry
that is practicable and valuable while also providing a common framework that links
reservoir risk management with wider government approaches to flood risk
management. Many of these issues were originally identified in the Government’s
Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management (DETR 2000), as
introduced in the following section.

7.1 Adopting consistent terminology and

The adoption of consistent terminology will play an important role in achieving
effective and efficient risk assessment and management.
Definition of terms, processes and identification techniques must be provided in any
new guidance and will need to be consistent across the range of techniques which
will be presented, from simple observational techniques through to fault tree and
event tree analysis and the assignment of probabilities to elements in a mode of
This will include:
i. All risks should be considered in terms of a source, path, receptor and
consequence model used widely across government and within flood risk
management. This will promote an understanding of system behaviour
and avoid inappropriate focus on individual elements of the flood system
(See Section 8).
ii. Although a simple average measure of risk may be calculated by risk =
probability * consequence, this definition has significant limitations for
application to the management of low probability – high consequence
reservoir safety risks. A more general definition is that risk is a ‘Measure
of the probability and severity of an adverse effect to life, health, property,
or the environment.’ (ICOLD 2005).
iii. Spatial and temporal variability of both likelihood and consequence
should be considered.
It will also be important to identify the difference between risk and uncertainty and
their respective roles in risk management. Section 8 introduces key characteristics of
an integrated risk management framework.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 11

8 Common characteristics of
an integrated risk
management framework
8.1 Guidelines for environmental risk assessment
and management
The Government Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
(DETR 2000) provides a framework for the assessment of risk (Figure 8.1). The
House of Lords select committee report on ‘Government Policy on the Management
of Risk’ (2006), quotes ‘… Government has developed a sound and potentially useful
framework for the assessment of risk. The key issue is whether this framework is
applied properly’.
All government departments and agencies have to comply with the relevant risk
policy framework. This framework has been used as the basis for the development of
risk-based analysis and management procedures for flood and coastal risk
management in the UK and many of the concepts embedded here are being used
more widely in evolving flood risk analysis and management tools and methods.
There are some key concepts here that could be used directly to underpin the
development of risk-based methods for the management of dams and reservoirs.
In particular, the environmental risk assessment and management (ERAM)
framework (Figure 8.1) sets out requirements for risk screening and a tiered
approach to risk assessment where the level of effort put into assessing each risk is
proportionate to its priority (in relation to other risks) and its complexity (in relation to
an understanding of the likely impacts).
This approach is consistent with the needs of the UK dams industry, where there is a
wide range of both types of dam and types of dam owner. It is essential that any
revised risk assessment and management methodology is flexible enough for use on
a simple, small earth dam owned by an individual (e.g. a small fishing lake or farm
water supply lake) or on a large concrete structure, forming one of many dams
owned by a commercial water supply company. It should also be recognised that the
purpose of the risk assessment and management approach is to provide an effective,
practicable approach to risk assessment and management; the approach should be
as ‘simple as possible, but not simpler’ (Einstein)….

8.2 Applying ERAM concepts to dams and

It has been recognised for a long time that many common concepts exist between
risk assessment and management for dams and reservoirs and that for fluvial and
coastal flood risk management. This is not surprising, since there is a gradual
transition between fluvial and coastal flood management structures and dams; in
particular, it can be difficult to determine the difference between a large flood
embankment and a small earth dam. The value of adopting a framework that
includes probabilistic and uncertainty concepts, adopts a risk-based approach, and

12 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

offers a potential route for meshing risk assessment and management for dams and
reservoirs with that of flood embankments has been acknowledged (HR Wallingford

Figure 8.1 The UK Government’s recommended framework for a tiered

approach to environmental risk assessment and management (DETR 2000).

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 13

Risk-based approaches provide a subtle and adaptable framework for supporting
decision-makers in addressing difficulties, risks and uncertainties. The aim is not to
replace the judgement and expertise of decision-makers by prescribing preferred
options, but to make sense of some of the complexities and uncertainties, in
appropriate ways, that reflect the needs of specific decision problems.
The concept of appropriateness (finding the balance between uninformed decision-
making and paralysis by analysis, depending on the circumstances and
consequences of any particular decision) is well established in risk management.
Within the dams and reservoir industry it is proposed that this concept is translated
into a tiered risk assessment methodology which builds on the risk screening and
tiered risk assessment principles set out in the Government’s guidelines (DETR
2000)(Figure 8.1).
It has always been recognised that new tools and techniques will need to be
progressively introduced; strengthening and replacing existing inspection,
maintenance and improvement approaches with a more organised approach that
utilises a coherent cohort of risk-based methods. We have already seen this in action
through the introduction of various aspects of PAMS (Performance-based Asset
Management) including updates of the Condition Inspection Manual, deterioration,
and tiered reliability analysis as well as the underlying Risk Assessment for Strategic
Planning (RASP) methods into Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management
(FCERM) activities. Such an approach supports more integrated risk management
and is founded on a number of principles developed within the Government’s
guidelines (DETR 2000, Sayers et al. 2002):
• Appropriateness – Appropriate level of data collection and analysis
reflecting the level of risk associated with a dam and the uncertainty
within the decision being made.
• Understanding – Improved understanding of dams and their likely
• Transparency – Transparency of analysis enabling audit and justification.
• Structured – Structured knowledge capture encapsulated through fault
tree, breach potential etc.
• Collect once, use many times – Reusing data by refining existing data.
• Tiered screening, assessment and decision-making – In terms of both
data and modelling approaches, where the risk management process
cascades from high-level policy decisions, based on outline analysis, to
detailed designs and projects, which require more detailed analysis.
As well as reviewing the use of risk, uncertainty and performance in ‘everyday’
decisions, it is proposed that this project points the way to the development of more
integrated risk management approaches.

8.3 A tiered approach to risk assessment for

dams and reservoirs
This section introduces the use of the Source–Pathway–Receptor (SPR) model,
combined with a tiered approach to provide a framework for assessing and managing
risks for dams and reservoirs.

14 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

The SPR conceptual model has been widely used to assess and inform the
management of environmental risks across government (DETR 2000) and has been
adapted to describe the fluvial and coastal flooding system (Sayers et al. 2002). The
SPR model also provides a convenient framework for dams and reservoirs risk
assessment and management (Figure 8.2). The model provides a simple
classification system through which different components of the system may be
categorised and assessed. For example, ‘source’ would reflect the hydraulic loading,
perhaps magnitude of storm or volume of water retained. The ‘pathway’ is
represented by the dam and the route for flood water to pass to ‘receptors’.
Receptors may be people, property, environment etc. By analysing the nature of
sources, performance of pathways and impact on receptors, the overall risk may be
assessed in a logical, transparent and robust way (Figure 8.2).

Figure 8.2 Source–Pathway–Receptor framework for the assessment of dams

(Morris et al. 2009).

The level of detail and approach adopted to assess each of the SPR components
can vary, based upon the complexity of the dam and the risk posed, reflecting the
potential downstream consequences. Table 8.1 shows a tiered approach

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 15

demonstrating how such a method might be applied to reservoir safety. This
approach was used in developing the RASP methodologies used for the assessment
of fluvial and coastal flood risk.

Table 8.1 Hierarchy of RASP methodologies, decision support and data

required adapted to reservoir safety.

Level of Decisions to inform Data sources Methodologies

National exposure to dam Dam type Single extreme event
High floods Basic geometry – height, Assumed catastrophic
Categorisation of dams volume, crest length failure
Raising public awareness Property and land use Downstream propagation
at national scale modelling
Broad-scale emergency
Above plus: Above plus: Visual inspection and data
Intermediate Local emergency planning Structural properties review
Investment planning Failure mode and reliability
Intermediate monitoring
and surveillance Breach growth
Single (or limited number) of
extreme events
Above plus: Above plus: Reservoir routing
Detailed Optimisation of Time-series rainfall In situ structure testing
investment and Upstream catchment Simulation-based reliability
emergency response characteristics analysis
Detailed structure Optimisation of management
properties response

Regardless of the level of detail and data used, the generic steps within the analysis
remain the same. For example, consider the ‘Pathway’ component. A dam’s
performance under load can be expressed in terms of a fragility curve (Figure 8.3).

Figure 8.3 Progressively reducing uncertainty in dam performance through

tiered assessment (adapted from Sayers et al. 2005).

16 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

As the level of analysis, understanding and associated data increases, the
uncertainty around the fragility curve diminishes. The overall fragility curve for the
dam can be built from an approach (methodology; degree of detail etc) that is
considered appropriate and proportionate. There is also no need for common levels
of understanding or analysis across all dam components or failure modes. The
overall degree of uncertainty can be determined by the use of tools such as the
Reliability Tool developed in the FLOODsite project or the DAMRAE package, and by
extending the application of conventional deterministic analysis and also applying
some generic information (Environment Agency 2004, Simm et al. 2008). This
generates structure-specific fragility curves, based on a reliability analysis of multiple
potential failure modes linked by fault trees.
Particular effort has been applied to the development of performance-based asset
management techniques in establishing a logical framework linking (a) potential
failure modes of assets, to (b) their inspection and monitoring for condition
assessment with ‘performance features’, to (c) understanding the risk reduction
associated with a management intervention (e.g. increasing the crest level of a flood
A framework as described above can be used to provide ‘a structured approach that
draws on common principles and processes’. It can be applied to projects and the
related guidance so as to achieve consistency wherever possible and appropriate.
Figure 8.4 illustrates a possible high level framework, which demonstrates a staged
analysis process, where the level of analysis undertaken is appropriate to the risk.

Figure 8.4 Possible high level framework.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 17

9 Perspectives on reservoir
safety risk management
9.1 Components of risk management for dams
This review draws mainly on the practice in reservoir safety risk management in the
USA and Australia. Reservoir safety risk management comprises the various
component processes that are represented schematically in Figure 9.1. At the
highest level, risk management combines risk assessment, risk control and decision-
making on all aspects of reservoir safety. Risk assessment comprises risk analysis,
risk evaluation and the formulation of decision recommendations. Risk analysis
involves both risk identification and risk estimation.

Dam Safety Risk Management


Risk Assessment
Decision Recommendation
Risk Analysis Risk
- Structural
Risk - Recurrent
Failure Estimation activities
Identification - Periodic

Figure 9.1 Interrelationship between components of risk assessment and risk

management (adapted from Bowles et al. 1999).

A risk assessment commences with a clear definition of its purpose. This includes an
identification of the decisions that it is intended to use the results of the risk
assessment to inform, including all decision bases and the desired level of
confidence as determined by the reservoir owner and other stakeholders. Consistent
with the UK flood risk management framework (Environment Agency 2004b), it also
includes an identification of the drivers and pressures affecting reservoir safety
decision-making. Examples of some of the purposes for reservoir safety risk
assessment have included the following:
• To systematically identify and better understand potential failure modes.

18 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

• To identify, justify and prioritise investigations and analyses to reduce
uncertainties in risk estimates for individual dams and portfolios of dams.
• To strengthen the formulation, justification and prioritisation of risk-
reduction measures for individual dams and portfolios of dams.
• To justify decisions on reservoir operating restrictions.
• To identify ways to improve reservoir safety through changes in reservoir
operation, monitoring and surveillance, safety management systems,
staff training, emergency action planning and business decisions related
to dam safety.
• To identify opportunities to improve the effectiveness of warning and
evacuation plans.
• To identify cost-effective options for more rapidly achieving reduced dam
reservoir safety risks.
• To justify expenditures on reservoir safety improvements to owners and
economic regulators.
• To provide a framework for quantifying engineering judgment and
communicating technical issues with reservoir owners in a more open
and transparent manner.
• To facilitate the evaluation of reservoir safety risks to the public in a
manner that allows comparison with other infrastructure and
technological hazards.
• To provide a non-technical basis for communicating reservoir safety risks
to the public.
• To provide a basis for development of a safety case or safety
demonstration for owners and regulators.
• To assess the adequacy of insurance coverage.
• To strengthen the basis for corporate governance related to dam safety
• To strengthen the exercise of the owner's duty of care, due diligence and
legal defensibility with respect to dam safety incidents or dam failure.
The process of scoping and selecting the extent and level of detail or complexity for a
risk assessment builds on the statement of purpose and on a failure modes
identification process. In this process, all potential failure modes for the subject dam
are enumerated and described, including the relationship between each failure mode
and those types of consequences of failure that it is relevant to consider to satisfy the
statement of purpose. Investigations and analyses may be identified to assess the
physical plausibility of some failure modes. A structured and systematic process is
followed to adequately complete the potential failure modes identification. The
scoping process continues with a narrowing of the list of physically plausible failure
modes to a subset of those that it can be justified to include in the risk assessment to
achieve the statement of purpose with the desired level of confidence. These can be
referred to as ‘significant’ failure modes. The list of failure modes that are considered
to be significant, and other aspects of the scoping of a specific risk assessment such
as the level of detail and types of consequences that are addressed, can vary for the
same dam with different risk assessment purposes.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 19

The next step of risk estimation is the process of quantifying probabilities and
consequences for all significant failure modes. System response or fragility
relationships are developed for each failure mode with a level of detail and
associated effort that can vary with the scope that is justified for the risk assessment.
Traditional engineering analysis, reliability analysis and engineering experience and
judgement are all important in estimating these relationships. Dam break modelling
provides the basis for the estimation of dam failure consequences for each failure
mode and for a range of exposure conditions affecting potential life loss. A dam
safety risk analysis tool is needed to perform these calculations and to present
results in a suitable format so that they can be readily interpreted and used to
support reservoir safety decision-making.
The process of examining and judging the significance of the estimated risk is termed
risk evaluation. The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE 2001) has a well-
established framework for risk evaluation in the UK context. It is widely used for
regulating the risk associated with hazardous industries in the UK. It has also
significantly influenced the development of risk evaluation approaches for dams in
Australia (ANCOLD 2003) and the USA (Munger et al. 2009). The HSE framework for
the tolerability of the risk can be used to assess the estimated risk for an existing
dam. Other factors, such as business or legal considerations of the dam owner can
also be considered in the overall risk evaluation process. This process is not
complete until the extent to which the risk can be reduced has been evaluated to be
‘as low as reasonably practicable’1 or ‘ALARP’. This requires the formulation of risk
control (treatment) options that can include structural measures and strengthened
recurrent dam safety management activities, such as monitoring and surveillance,
emergency action planning and staff training. It also includes periodic reassessments
of dam safety, consistent with traditional reservoir safety practice, including updates
of any earlier risk assessments in a mature risk-informed reservoir safety
A variation of the complete dam safety risk management framework is illustrated in
Figure 9.2. The approach is currently required by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission in the USA, which regulates more than 2500 hydropower dams. It does
not include the quantitative risk analysis and risk assessment steps, but involves
proceeding directly from the outcomes of a failure modes identification process to
decision recommendations. It is therefore a form of qualitative risk assessment. A
similar approach, which incorporates the underlying principles of risk assessment
and risk management but without the development of quantitative risk estimates, may
be appropriate for small UK reservoirs in terms of the required level of effort and the
potential benefits derived.
The overall risk assessment framework is summarised in Section 9.2. The risk
analysis, risk evaluation, and risk control components of reservoir safety risk
management are summarised in Sections 9.3 to 9.5. These sections are adapted
from Bowles et al. (1998) and USSD (2003).

HSE (2001) refers to the implementation of the ALARP principle as requiring a ‘gross
disproportion’ test applied to individual risks and societal concerns, including societal risks.
The gross proportion is between the cost of an additional risk reduction measure and the
estimated amount of the risk reduction.

20 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

Dam Safety Risk Management

Risk Assessment
Decision Recommendation
Risk Analysis Risk
- Structural
Risk - Recurrent
Failure Estimation activities
Identification - Periodic

Figure 9.2 Illustration of a qualitative approach to risk assessment and risk

management (adapted from Bowles et al. 1999 – ANCOLD).

9.2 Overall risk assessment framework

An overall framework for reservoir safety risk assessment is presented in Figure 9.3.
As shown by the ‘column’ structure in this figure, the risk analysis process follows a
five-step sequence of modelling the states sources or initiating events and pathways
including system responses, outcomes and exposure factors, and the impacts of
consequences to receptors. This approach is consistent with the UK flood risk
management framework. Both external (e.g. floods, earthquakes and upstream dam
failures) and internal (e.g., the initiation of piping through an embankment dam under
static loading) initiating events are considered. Each external initiating event is
divided into a number of loading intervals to achieve numerical precision in the risk
analysis calculations. Several substeps may be necessary to adequately characterise
the system response to a range of magnitudes of initiating events that can lead to the
outcome of dam failure or no failure. These steps can involve event tree, fault tree
and logic tree models. Various types of consequences of dam failure may be
considered, such as loss of life, economic damages, financial impacts on the owner,
environmental damages and societal effects.
There are four major components in a risk assessment, as illustrated by the ‘row’
structure of Figure 9.3. These are as follows: 1) risk identification, 2) risk estimation,
3) risk evaluation, and 4) risk treatment. In Figure 9.3, the term ‘risk treatment’ refers
to the consideration of risk management (control or reduction) alternatives using risk
analysis and risk assessment.
Various levels of effort have been proposed for performing risk assessments
(McCann and Castro 1998), but underlying these is the concept that risk
assessments should be staged (Bowles 1998), with additional detail being justified by
the expected gains in understanding, defensibility and the desired level of confidence
in decision-making to manage the risks. This is referred to as a ‘decision-driven’

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 21

approach in a National Research Council (NRC 1996) report, which states: ‘Risk
characterization (analysis) should be a decision-driven activity, directed toward
informing choices and solving problems.’

Initiating System Outcome Exposure Consequences

Event Response
Step 1:
Flood: Overtopping Season Financial
Earthquake Deformation Breach Warning Time Loss of Life
Upstream Dam Slope No Breach Time of Day Environmental
Failure, Piping Instability Social

Step 2. Loading Response Outcome Exposure

Risk Prob (E) Prob (R|E) Prob (O|E,R) Prob (L|E,R,O) Consequences

Upstream Safety Structural Warning Relocations

Watershed Inspections Modifications Systems Land Use
Step 4. Changes Instrumentati Flood Zoning
Risk Upstream Dam on Operating Proofing
Treatment Improvements Restrictions Emergency
(Control) Preparedness


Step 3.


Figure 9.3 Framework for reservoir safety risk assessment (Bowles 1998).

9.3 Risk analysis

Risk analysis involves both risk identification and risk estimation (first two rows in
Figure 9.3). Risk identification is the process of recognising the hazards (initiating
events) to which the dam is exposed, potential dam failure modes, and the resulting
adverse consequences. Dam failure modes are often represented using event trees,
fault trees and logic trees, which comprise a risk analysis model. The proper
application of these approaches requires some specialised expertise, similar to the
need for specialised engineers to apply unsteady-state flood routing or finite element
stability analysis models in dam engineering, for example. Senior engineers routinely
oversee the application of these models and interpretation of their results, although
they may not personally have the hands-on skills to apply them. In a similar way,
senior engineers can develop the necessary skills to effectively oversee the
application of risk analysis tools to dams.
Risk estimation consists of determining loading, system response and outcome
probabilities, and the consequences of various dam failure scenarios. No-failure

22 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

scenarios are considered so that incremental consequences can be defined as the
difference between the consequences estimated for failure and no-failure scenarios.
Probability and consequence estimates are then input to the risk model.
Consequences are a function of many factors including, the nature and extent of the
breach, the extent and character of the flooding, the season of the year, the warning
time, and the effectiveness of evacuation and emergency action plans. Risk
reduction alternatives are developed and analysed in a similar manner to the existing
dam with selected inputs, such as system response probabilities, changed to
represent the improved performance estimated for each alternative.

9.4 Risk evaluation

Once risks have been identified and quantified for an existing dam or various risk
reduction alternatives, they are evaluated against tolerable risk guidelines, including
the ALARP principle in the case of risk reduction measures. These guidelines can
serve a useful role in the development of the safety or business cases for addressing
reservoir safety issues. However, reservoir safety decisions should be made by those
responsible for ensuring dam safety after all the relevant factors have been assessed
and weighed; they should not be the automatic result of applying a tolerable risk
guideline to the outcomes of a risk analysis (Bowles 1999). The appropriate use of
risk assessment currently incorporates reference to traditional engineering standards.
This is referred to as a risk-enhanced approach. This is the approach that is widely
practised in Australia (by the Bureau of Reclamation) and in the USA (by the US
Army Corps of Engineers), and in other fields, such as the nuclear, offshore and
process industries where risk assessment is used.

9.5 Risk control

From a business or management perspective, risk control (treatment) options can be
grouped into the following categories (Figure 9.4), although these are ‘not necessarily
mutually exclusive or appropriate in all circumstances’ (AS/NZS 1995):
• ‘Avoid the risk’ – this is a choice, which can be made before a dam is
built, or through decommissioning an existing dam.
• ‘Reduce (prevent) the probability of occurrence’ – typically through
structural measures, or reservoir safety management activities such as
monitoring and surveillance, and periodic inspections.
• ‘Reduce (mitigate) the consequences’ – for example by non-structural
approaches such as effective early warning systems or by relocating
exposed populations at risk.
• ‘Transfer the risk’ – for example by contractual arrangements or sale.
• ‘Retain (accept) the risk’ – ‘after risks have been reduced or transferred,
… residual risks … are retained and … may require risk financing (e.g.
While the first three options reduce the risk to which third parties are exposed, the
fourth and fifth options only affect the risk that the owner is responsible for, and not
the risk to which third parties are exposed.
Risk assessment does not prescribe dam safety decisions. These decisions need to
be made by the dam owner in conjunction with the regulator, if applicable, and other

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 23

stakeholders. However, each party can expect to be in a better position to make
informed decisions and to prioritise dam safety work when they supplement
traditional engineering approaches with insights obtained from an appropriately
conducted risk assessment.

Figure 9.4 Risk control options (adapted from Bruce et al. 1995).

24 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

10 Conclusions and
Recommendation 58 of the Pitt Review recommended legislative change for
reservoir safety as proposed in the Environment Agency’s biennial report. The
fundamental change within those proposals was a move to a risk-based approach
and away from one based on volume alone.
The Interim Guide has been used by a number of owners and panel engineers who
recognised that while the Guide needed improvement the underlying principles of risk
assessment provides a useful tool as part of the development of a risk-based
approach to reservoir safety management.
In this report, the requirements of Pitt Review and the demands of the profession as
confirmed by the workshop to define the strategy for future research in the reservoir
field in the UK has recommended that a second phase of the QRA project needs to
be implemented.
The elements of the approach and the outputs are defined later in this chapter.
The ‘Interim Guide to Quantitative Risk Assessment for UK Reservoirs’ (Brown and
Gosden 2004) has provided an initial approach to reservoir safety risk assessment.
However, the approach includes simplifications and assumptions that limit its general
applicability, as identified by the authors and practitioners who responded to the
questionnaire survey.
It is proposed that this initial work is built upon within the wider assessment
framework described previously to provide a system that meets a wider range of
reservoir owner and industry needs, as well as meshing into current UK Government
flood risk assessment policy and practice.
The introduction of a risk-informed approach to reservoir safety management in the
UK will involve not only the development of risk analysis tools and procedures but
also a change in the underlying paradigm for managing reservoir safety. Typically
such changes do not take place quickly. In addition, to be effective in realising the
potential benefits of a risk-informed approach, the engineering profession, reservoir
owners, safety and economic regulators, and other stakeholders should be involved
in the development of an approach that meets the unique requirements of UK
reservoir safety and the associated change process.

10.1 Phase 2: A risk-informed approach for

reservoir safety management in the UK
Considering the above, it is recommended that the second phase of the QRA project
implements a set of closely coordinated activities, as well as supporting a number of
others. These are shown schematically in Figures 10.1 and 10.2 and described
below. These comprise a series of parallel activities that will take a period of
approximately 24 months to complete. The following descriptions may be used as the
basis for developing a work specification.
Figure 10.1 provides an overview of the different proposed actions and, critically, how
these should build from ongoing initiatives and link with existing national frameworks

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 25

and policy for flood risk analysis and management. Key aspects of the proposed
approach are (a) ensuring the overall framework fits with government guidelines, (b)
meshing the core concepts used for reservoir risk assessment with those being used
and developed for fluvial and coastal defence, and (c) progressively developing and
implementing the QRA process. Environment Agency projects such as PAMS
(Performance-based Asset Management System) have undertaken a huge amount of
R&D already that can be built upon, while projects such as FLOODsite and FRMRC1
and 2 provide ongoing and evolving science to underpin the QRA framework.
In addition to building from ongoing initiatives and linking with existing national
frameworks and policy for flood risk analysis and management, Phase 2 should meet
the unique needs of the UK reservoir owners and other stakeholders in UK reservoir
safety and deal with the issues and problems associated with influx of a large
number of ‘small’ reservoirs subject to the proposed new Reservoirs Act. It is
intended that the risk assessment methodology will cover all types of dam and leave
the user to develop techniques for rarer types in the UK. In this regard some of the
needs are listed below:
• Applicability by inspecting engineers as part of their inspection activities
with possible updating by supervising engineers.
• Scalability of the overall approach to reservoirs that span a wide range of
sizes, potential consequences of failure, and owners varying from the
typically under-resourced private owner of a single reservoir to water
utilities who manage a portfolio of reservoirs and other assets. The range
of risks posed by UK dams varies by several orders of magnitude and
therefore there is a need for a simple (screening) method of quantitatively
assessing risk which would take a panel engineer no more than 1 to 2
days to complete and more sophisticated tools for use on higher risk
dams where the likely loss of life would be several hundred lives.
• A need to provide guidance and tools that will result in consistency in risk
assessment outcomes across the wide range of reservoir sizes, types
and settings while making it possible to conduct reservoir safety risk
assessments in a cost-effective manner.
• A range of purposes for which risk assessment can potentially provide
• A range of stakeholders other than owners who have an interest in
obtaining information for reservoir safety risk assessments.
Figure 10.2 provides an indicative schedule for Phase 2. It is anticipated that this
core work can be achieved within 24 months. Key deliverables are listed in the yellow
boxes at the base of the diagram.
Key stages of work for the QRA Phase 2 project are listed below. Each numbered
item is shown schematically in Figures 10.1 and 10.2:
1. A framework and methodology for UK reservoir safety risk
management – to provide the philosophical foundation, principles and
methodology for the procedural, analytical and management aspects of
the development of a risk-informed approach to UK reservoir safety risk
management. The methodology should encompass a wide range of
potential purposes for reservoir safety risk assessment (see Section 8.1).
It should provide for both qualitative and quantitative approaches with
scalability/proportionality. In particular, it should include provision of a
high level qualitative approach likely to be of significant help to individual

26 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

owners of small earth dams (see Section 8.1 and item 2 below). A clear
link will be demonstrated between the potential of the QRA methodology
and the implementation of dam safety inspections and recommendations
for remedial works. In particular the benefit of identification of failure
modes will be demonstrated. It should also address the issue of
terminology. This stage/task should be delivered in a 12-month period. It
should provide an approach that satisfies the unique needs of the UK
reservoir owners and other stakeholders in UK reservoir safety, and link
with the existing science and policy frameworks. The methodology will
identify key links between risk assessment and inspection and
intervention to manage and reduce risks. The framework and
methodology for analysis will need to be detailed in a technical report.
2. A structured procedure for potential failure modes identification – to
provide an immediately applicable and beneficial procedure that can be
applied to all types and sizes of UK reservoirs, both as a separate tool
and as a first step (or high level) within reservoir safety risk assessment.
As outlined in Section 8.1, this approach is likely to be of significant help
to individual owners of small earth dams and can also provide a system
for supporting decision-making without the need for detailed risk
assessment and evaluation. It should be delivered within the first 6
months and achieved by also coordinating work on the parallel
(separately funded) Failure Modes Phase I project.
3. Supporting science on failure modes – A key aspect of the risk
analysis framework will be our ability to identify, analyse and predict
failure modes arising from different combinations of load and structure
response. Structure performance may be represented in the form of
fragility curves. Understanding and predicting performance requires best
use of deterministic analysis, available data, expert judgement etc. This
knowledge may (and should) be drawn from a range of projects and
sources (Figure 10.1) as part of Stage 1 above. It is recognised, however,
that as the project evolves and draws from a wide range of science, it
may be necessary to specify the development of additional supporting
tools, procedures, underpinning science etc. These will be dealt with
separately should the need arise. However, specific inputs may be
developed to support reservoir safety risk analysis by coordinating work
on the Failure Modes Phase 2 project such that the Failure Modes Phase
2 project produces specific fragility curves/failure mode information
suitable for use within the QRA framework.
4. A guide for UK reservoir safety risk analysis – a simple to read and
use guidance document explaining and guiding the user through the
concepts, science and application of the risk-informed approach for
reservoir safety management for UK reservoirs. It should be delivered 6
months after completion of the framework and methodology. The
document will guide the user in identifying and undertaking different
(appropriate and proportionate) levels of risk analysis from risk screening
to full risk analysis, including the use of supporting software where
appropriate. The guide will be suitable for a range of potential end users
by providing an introduction and explanation of basic concepts and uses
through to detailed application of the methods.
5. A software tool for UK reservoir safety risk analysis – to provide the
core engine to support dam safety risk analysis calculations and hence
ensure that a consistent and theoretically correct approach is available

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 27

for use by reservoir engineers. This is likely to evolve from existing
software and be delivered 6 months after completion of the QRA
framework and developed in parallel with the guidance on QRA. The
software will ensure that sound science and any links to existing
frameworks and relevant analysis tools/methods are addressed.
6. Workshops for consultation – Regular workshops, at 6-monthly
intervals are envisaged to provide opportunities for consultation during
development of the framework, methodology, software and guidance
(Figure 8.4). The timing of such workshops initially should be to provide
input to the definition of requirements for the overall framework. As the
framework is formulated, further consultation should allow integration of
feedback from industry participants into the evolving methods and tools.
Additional dissemination within the UK dams industry should be
encouraged, for example by hosting technical and/or discussion sessions
at the ICE (BDS technical meetings, Water UK etc). The goal should be
that the overall framework for UK reservoir risk management (Stage 1)
will gradually become widely integrated into practice and that it will evolve
with use.
7. Workshops for training – Three types of workshops are envisaged to
provide opportunities for training within industry. These workshops are
spread across the 24-month duration at key points in concept and
tool/method development (Figure 10.2).
- Two training workshops will be designed to equip reservoir engineers
to start applying the structured procedure for potential failure modes
identification (Stage 2) as soon as possible. They will include hands-
on exercises on selected UK reservoirs.
- Two training workshops will be held for training the first group of
‘hands-on’ users. The prerequisite requirements for these trainees
should be carefully determined to ensure that software operators have
the appropriate background knowledge.
- Two training workshops will be held for risk assessment facilitators to
help them develop the skills to lead the reservoir safety risk
assessments from the formulation and scoping stage through risk
estimation and analysis, to risk evaluation, alternatives evaluation as
appropriate, and presentation of results, including making a case for a
decision recommendation.
8. Pilot site application – It will be important to identify a number of
exemplar sites for use in developing, testing and piloting the QRA
method. The QRA project will develop a specification for this once the
initial framework has evolved, allowing flexibility in identifying key issues
that exemplar sites should address. It is considered that a minimum of six
different sites need to be identified and used to support development and

28 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

Figure 10.1 Overview of project links and outputs.

Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs 29

Figure 10.2 Programme showing main links and outputs.

30 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

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32 Scoping study for a guide to risk assessment of reservoirs

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