USA Soldier Leader Risk Reduction Tool

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Army Soldier Leader Risk Reduction Tool (USA SLRRT)


This tool is designed to help leaders identify potential risks among their Soldiers. If a Soldier has a concern or problem, provide him/her with options
(suggestions are provided under "Leader Action" for each issue of concern), ensure that you follow up with him/her, and continue to address the
plan of action as necessary. Document any pertinent issues of concern and the associated action plan on the Developmental Counseling Form, DA
Form 4856.

Refer to Appendix B in the 'Guide for Use of the USA SLRRT' for a more complete list of resources available to assist Soldiers.

Leaders should consult with legal counsel if Article 31 rights may apply.
Has the Soldier been command referred for any assistance (e.g., legal,
financial, spiritual, alcohol, family/relationship, behavioral health,
other)? Does the Soldier wish to disclose receiving any similar types Refer Soldier to appropriate resources. Reserve Component (RC)
1 of assistance for which he/she was not command referred? ensure referral is with appropriate local resource.
Refer Soldier to appropriate resources. RC ensure referral is with
Is the Soldier experiencing any difficulties getting the assistance he/she appropriate local resource. Follow-up with Soldier wtihin 14 days to
2 needs either on-post or off-post? ensure that any difficulties have been overcome or resolved.
Has the Soldier been unsuccessful in meeting military requirements or
standards (e.g., duty performance, PT, Battle Assembly participation Develop and implement a plan of action to meet the
3 (RC only), weight control, weapons qualification, MOS training)? requirements/standards. Closely monitor the Soldier’s progress.
Determine if this is a current concern. Develop and implement a plan
Has the Soldier received negative counseling or evaluations since of action to meet the requirements/standards. Closely monitor the
4 arriving at the current unit or organization? Soldier’s progress.
Determine if this is a current concern. Develop and implement a plan
Has the Soldier been denied promotion or attendance to schools, or of action to meet the requirements/standards. Closely monitor the
5 barred from reenlistment for any reason? Soldier’s progress.
6 Is the Soldier currently undergoing a UCMJ action? Ensure Soldier has adequate support, to include legal.
Does the Soldier have financial or employment concerns, such as Refer Soldier to unit or installation financial representative or Army
inability to cover basic montly expenses, home foreclosure, difficulty Community Service Financial Readiness Program. RC ensure referral
7 meeting child support payments, or inability to repay loans? is with appropriate local resource.
Has the Soldier experienced an accident, injury, illness, or medical Ensure Soldier has appropriate medical follow-up. Ensure updated
8 condition that resulted in current fitness for duty limitations? medical profile in e-Profile.
Does the Soldier have a current medical profile (temporary or Ensure Soldier has appropriate medical follow-up. Ensure updated
9 permanent)? medical profile in e-Profile.
Does the Soldier have any concerns about medical care, medications Refer to Primary Care Manager or Military Treatment Facility (MTF).
10 or supplements he/she is taking? RC ensure referral is with appropriate local resource.
Is the Soldier currently experiencing problems related to sleep (e.g.,
trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, performance problems
related to sleep, consistently getting less than 7-9 hours of sleep, using Refer to Primary Care Manager or MTF. RC ensure referral is with
11 alcohol or other substances to get to sleep)? appropriate local resource.
Refer to Unit Ministry Team (UMT), Primary Care Manager, MTF, or
Does the Soldier tend to withdraw or socially isolate himself/herself Unit Behavioral Health Team, as appropriate. RC ensure referral is with
12 from others? appropriate local resource.
Refer to Unit Ministry Team (UMT), Primary Care Manager, MTF, Unit
Has the Soldier exhibited excessive anger or aggression in the past Behavioral Health Team, Anger Management, or other appropriate
13 three months? support. RC ensure referral is with appropriate local resource.
Refer to Army Community Services, Military Family Life Counselor,
Is the Soldier experiencing serious marital/relationship issues, or Military OneSource, Unit Ministry Team (UMT), or Unit Behavioral
immediate family concerns, such as a serious illness in a family Health Team, or other appropriate support. RC ensure referral is with
14 member? appropriate local resource.
Has the Soldier been involved in any incidents of domestic violence or Refer to Family Advocacy Program. RC ensure referral is with
15 child abuse/neglect? appropriate local resource.
Connect Soldier with appropriate support (e.g. SHARP, EO, Family
Has the Soldier experienced any condition that may be considered Advocacy, Unit Ministry, Primary Care Manager, MTF). RC ensure
16 cruel, abusive, oppressive, or harmful, to include hazing or assault? referral is with appropriate local resource.
Has the Soldier received a citation for speeding (10 miles over the Provide appropriate counseling to ensure Soldier understands good
17 posted limit) or reckless driving in the past 6 months? driving habits.
Has the Soldier been cited for engaging in risky behavior while in a
vehicle (e.g., texting while driving, not utilizing a hands-free cell phone Provide appropriate counseling to ensure Soldier understands good
while driving, riding without a seatbelt)? Has the Soldier been informed driving habits. Ensure the Soldier bas been informed that such
that such activities are inherently unsafe, in violation of law and policy, activities are inherently unsafe, in violation of law and policy, and
18 and potentially punishable under UCMJ? potentially punishable under the UCMJ.
U.S. Army Soldier Leader Risk Reduction Tool (USA SLRRT)


19 Does the Soldier drive a motorcycle? Ask Soldier 19a.
Perform a POM inspection; make copy of Soldier's license, registration
(State and post), insurance and Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF)
certificate. Keep on file. Discuss the POM policy and regulation
regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) and mandatory training
from an approved motorcycle rider safety course (MSF; Basic Rider
Course (MANDATORY); Experienced Rider Course (if applicable in
area of operations (AOR)); Military Sport Bike Rider Course (if
applicable in AOR); and Military Refresher Training (MRT for those
returning from deployment or commander's referral)). RC: Counsel
IF YES, Does the Soldier have the required privately operated Soldier to ensure he/she understands the requirement to wear all PPE
19a motorcycle (POM) training IAW AR 385-10 and post requirement? at all times (not only while in a duty status).
Does the Soldier engage in any other potentially hazardous
recreational activities while off-duty (e.g., skydiving, riding all-terrain Encourage and ensure the Soldier takes a training course prior to
20 vehicles, rock climbing)? engaging in high risk activities. Ensure Soldier uses appropriate PPE.
AR 190-11 requires all privately owned weapons that are brought onto Counsel Soldier on the Weapons Safety "THINK". Treat every weapon
military installations be properly registered with the Provost Marshall. Is as if it is loaded; Handle every weapon with care; Identify the target
the Soldier in compliance with the provisions of AR 190-11 as they before you fire; Never point at anything you don't intend to shoot; Keep
21 apply to registration of privately owned weapons? the weapon on safe. Ask Q21a.
IF YES, Has the Soldier attended an approved fire arms safety Note where and when the Soldier received the training. If not trained,
21a class/course? encourage and ensure Soldier and family receive training.
Refer to Army Substance Abuse Program at time of incident and
Has the Soldier ever been involved in alcohol or drug related incidents closely monitor Soldier’s progress. RC ensure referral is with
22 (in the past 3 years) and/or tested positive on a urinalysis? appropriate service.
Does the Soldier have any current deployment related concerns?
Has the Soldier deployed to a location where there was hostile fire or Refer to Primary Care Manager, MTF, or other appropriate support. RC
23 they received hazardous duty pay? ensure referral is with appropriate service.
Refer to Unit Ministry Team (UMT), Primary Care Manager, MTF, Unit
Has the Soldier experienced difficulty coping with a loss (e.g., death of Behavioral Health Team, or other appropriate support. RC ensure
24 close friend, family member or team member, loss of social support)? referral is with appropriate service.
Obtain additional information as appropriate. Refer to Army Community
Services, Military Family Life Counselor, Military OneSource, Unit
Has anyone (e.g., spouse, other family member, friends, fellow Soldier) Ministry Team (UMT), Unit Behavioral Health Team, or other
25 expressed concern about the Soldier’s behavior? appropriate support. RC ensure referral is with appropriate service.
Escort Soldier to Installation Behavioral Health or MTF Emergency
Room, as appropriate, and notify leadership. RC escort to local
emergency room and notify leadership. Do not leave Soldier alone.
Order Soldiers who possess privately owned weapons on post to
store them in the unit arms room; ask Soldiers who possess privately
owned weapons off post to voluntarily surrender them to the unit arms
room. Consider ordering Soldier to reside in barracks for an evaluation
Has the Soldier expressed any suicidal thoughts or actions, or period (3 days) if they choose not to voluntarily surrender weapons
26 expressed a desire to harm others? stored off post.
Based on the concerns above and leader's knowledge of the Soldier, the Soldier may be considered to be at low, moderate, or high risk if the
statements below are representative.
27 Note: For Soldiers deemed to be at moderate or high risk, senior leadership (Battalion commander/equivalent or higher) should be notified.
Soldier has no significant problems or has problems for which he/she
LOW is receiving appropriate support. The potential for adverse outcomes
appears to be low.

Behaviors or concerns that place the Soldier at risk of serious

problems if not addressd through appropriate actions (e.g., Soldier
experiencing serious financial, legal, family/relationship, alcohol, or
MODERATE other concerns, and is experiencing difficulty getting adequate
assistance; Soldier exhibiting a pattern of serious risk taking behavior).
Senior leadership (Battalion commander/equivalent or higher)
should be notified.
Behaviors or concerns that potentially place the Soldier or others in
danger or harms way (e.g., life threatening risk taking behavior, serious
performance problems that jeopardize teammembers safety, threat to
HIGH self or others).
Senior leadership (Battalion commander/equivalent or higher)
and appropriate support channels should be notified

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