Plastiment BV 40: Water-Reducing Plasticiser For High Mechanical Strength
Plastiment BV 40: Water-Reducing Plasticiser For High Mechanical Strength
Plastiment BV 40: Water-Reducing Plasticiser For High Mechanical Strength
Water-reducing plasticiser for high mechanical strength
PLASTIMENT BV 40 is a high-efficiency water-reducing admixture or plasticiser that
• Increases the compacity of concrete, thus improving the mechanical strength and
• facilitates the placement of concrete
• allows the cement content to be reduced in some cases
• more or less slows the setting by increasing the normal dosage
Colour: dark brown.
General characteristics
Owing to its physico-chemical properties PLASTIMENT BV 40 has the following advantages:
On fresh concrete
• It much increases the workability even though the quantity of mixing water is reduced
• It promotes the dispersion of cement in the mass
• It improves the cement-aggregate-iron adhesion
• It prevents the segregation
• It proves the thixotropy
• It possibly spreads the setting.
On hardened concrete:
• It improves the mechanical strength
• It increases the compacity
• It increases the watertightness
• It reduces the shrinkage and creeping.
PLASTIMENT BV 40 is compatible with all the types of cement and more specifically fused
Normalised indications
End-of-setting time in compliance with EN 480.2
• 30-l small barrel
• 250-kg drum
• 1000-l non-returnable container
• In bulk
The precise dosage of PLASTIMENT BV 40 depends on site conditions and the effect
As retarding admixture
From 0,5 % of cement by weight (i.e. 0,25 to 0,85 litre / 100 kg of cement).
Its exact content is determined at the site after a few tests have been made as it depends
on the nature of concrete components, qualities required (compacity, plasticity) and climatic
Do not exceed 1 % (0,85 litre / 100 kg of cement) without making a preliminary test owing
to the possibility of a considerable set retardation.
In-lab tests
• Characteristics on fresh concrete, mechanical strength at 7 and 28 days, permeability,
capillarity: CEMEREX - test report No. 363. 1.014 of 11.02.72
• Mechanical strength at 7, 28, 90 and 365 days: EMPA ZURICH - test report No. 59239/32
of 10.02.69
• Compliance with ASTM C 494, A type: TESWELL laboratories (USA) - test No. IZ-15 of
Important considerations
Non-hazardous handling.
In case of contact with the skin, a simple washing will be sufficient.
Consult data sheet on Minitel 3613, code SIKASECUR or on Internet (free
Article No.
1) A high-efficiency water-reducing plasticiser of the PLASTIMENT BV 40 type or equivalent will be added
to concretes exposed to high stresses and of which the compacity must be very high. The product will
be used according to the manufacturer’s indications.
2) A retarding plasticiser of the PLASTIMENT BV 40 type or equivalent will be added to the concrete pumped
during mixing. The product will be used according to the manufacturer’s indications.
Product for strictly professional use only. «The information, and, in particular, the arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever,
«The product described in this data sheet is covered recommandations relating to the application and can be inferred either from this information, or
under the manufacturer’s product liability policy».
end-use of SIKA products, are given in good from any written recommendations, or from any
faith based on SIKA’s current knowledge and other advice offered. The proprietary rights of
experience of the products when properly stored, third parties must be observed. All orders are
handled and applied under normal conditions. accepted subject to our current terms of sale
In practice, the differences in materials, and delivery. Users should always refer to the
SIKA S.A. : Export Department substrates and actual site conditions are such most recent issue of the french version of the
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