Design and Crash Analysis of A Rollcage For Formula Sae Race Car

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Mahendra H M1, B S Praveen Kumar2, Puttaswamaiah.S3, G.S Prakash4

PG Scholar, Mechanical, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Mechanical, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Mechanical, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Professor, IEM Department, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

The objective of this thesis is to analyze the design of the Formula SAE roll cage both analytical and by numerical methods. This
analysis is based on the dynamic loads experienced by the roll cage under normal driving conditions, along with the torsional
stiffness of the roll cage. A roll cage which is torsionally stiff enables a desirable roll moment distribution to be achieved for good
handling balance. A roll cage which can absorb high energy impacts whilst controlling the rate of deceleration will increase the
likelihood of drivers surviving a crash without injury. This work describes how a common model of the roll cage is developed
using catia v5 and Hyper Mesh to allow both linear and non-linear Finite Element Analysis to be performed by LS-DYNA
software. The results from this analytical calculations will be used in future designs of Formula SAE roll cage, with the
recommendations made that the future design incorporate stressed mild steel and carbon-fiber skins on a tubular space frame.
This is in preparation for a future semi-monocoque design. Improvements for the testing procedures include a need for a lighter
and more accurate car swing setup, along with a more rigid torsional test.

Keywords: Roll cage, Stiffness, Torsion, LS-DYNA, Tubular space frame


1. INTRODUCTION cage and hence, the Performance of the racing car by

changing its different material is Steel grade IS3074,
Roll cage is widely used in vehicle design to give a support Aluminium alloy 6082T6 and SteelS275JRUNIEN10025.
for all components. It has been study heavily to improve the
performance of the car and create a suitable one for different
type of vehicle. In the race car event, roll cage is built to
boost it until a limit with the intention of win over
challenger. Roll cage of a vehicle is usually designed with
purpose to hold the load from the components of vehicle and
mass from driver and passenger. Roll cage need to satisfy a
number of requirements whose aims partly conflict because
of different operating conditions which are loaded and
unloaded weight, acceleration and braking force, level or
uneven road and straight running or cornering. Nowadays,
most of the components of vehicle are in the stage of
replacing with Steel and aluminium materials. This is due to
the properties of material that can be designed freely to hold Fig 1: Stainless Steel Roll cage
the load from any direction. Its light-weight property makes
it possible to enlarge the performance of the car while 1.1 Objective of Study
maintaining low weight. In the Formula SAE industry
The purpose of the study is to design a tubular or space
already widely used of steel, aluminium and composite
frame chassis by using CATIA V5 software, to achieve the
materials and most of the part has been already replace with
crash analysis by the help of HYPERMESH and LS–DYNA
it. Thus, aluminium and steel material is highly important
software, and also the result are compared with different
and it is worthy to study about it.
material (Steel grade IS3074, Aluminium alloy 6082T6 and
Steel S275 JRUNIEN10025).
Presently, University Technical Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
had developed a racing Car using a roll cage made from the
stainless steel [2]. However, this race car does not apply to 1.2 Problem Statement
The SAE standard. The roll cage system used now is tubular The current racing car use tubular or space frame roll cage
type. Thus, in order to Increase it performances and abide to system built from stainless steel with diameter
the SAE standard, the new development of roll cage is approximately 25 mm. The complexity of design and the
needed. The idea is to optimize the characteristics of roll arrangement of the components contribute a waste space
Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | Jul -2014, Available @ 126
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

which not makes the car more compact. By using of The objective of the frame design is to satisfy these
stainless steel tubes has cause the overweight of the car and functions while meeting the SAE regulations with special
makes the car lose the power. Analysis on the chassis has considerations given to safety of the occupants, ease of
not been done during development which is essential to manufacturing, cost, quality, weight, and aesthetics.
know the load distribution and the strength of component Moreover care has been taken to ensure that there are
during worst case scenario, it is impossible during minimum welds on the frame pipes and maximum bends
troubleshooting and Optimization process in the future. ensuring better strength and less cost of production of the
vehicle. The roll cage must be constructed of steel tubing,
Therefore, this study will focus to reduce the problem with minimum dimensional and strength requirements
occurred and make the Improvement of design. Steel grade dictated by SAE.
IS3074, Aluminium alloy 6082T6 and
SteelS275JRUNIEN10025. Will be used instead of stainless 2.2 Material and Size Optimization of Rollcage
steel to solve the Overweight problem. As known that Steel
grade IS3074, Aluminium alloy 6082T6 and Tubing
SteelS275JRUNIEN10025 is a light weight material, good According to rule book provided by SAE the minimum size
mechanical properties ,cost effective anti corrosion, good of the steel tube should not be less than 25.4mm X 2.41mm.
energy absorption and quite hard for bending can be created We have chosen Steel grade IS 3074, Aluminium alloy
to have a same strength as stainless steel. The analysis for 6082T6 and steel grade IS 3074 tubes with dimensions of
acted load in static and dynamic condition will be 28.6 mm X 2.1 mm (front impact and side impact).
determined to protect the driver during the worst case
Situation. All the data will be documented for further study. 2.2.1 For Front Impact
2. METHODOLOGY Baseline Steel 25.4mm outer diameter, inner diameter
20.59mm and 2.41mm wall thickness.
The roll cage is a tabular design, which consists of
rectangular and circular cross section being attached to a roll Buckling modulus = EI (Young’s Modulus*Moment of
cage. Inertia)
= π / 64 (do4-di4)
First the roll cage is modeled using CATIA v5 with = π / 64 (25.44-20.594)
available dimensions. There was a significant advantage in = 11626 mm4
creating a model with the help of CATIA v5 that could be Hence B M = 11626 E
used for crash analyses.
Considering Steel 28.6 mm outer diameter, inner
Then the model was meshed using Hyper mesh. In order to diameter 24.4mm and 2.1mm wall thickness
reduce the complexity of the model, discrete element
approximations were used where possible. Buckling modulus = EI (Young’s Modulus*Moment of
By using HYPERMESH as the pre-processor the resulting = π / 64 (do4-di4)
model could be exported to LS-DYNA using the built-in = π / 64 (28.64-24.44)
data interfaces. = 15443 mm4
Hence B M = 15443 E
The CRASH ANALYSIS required the common model to be
modified by adding masses representing the wheels, engine In front impact therefore considering steels stiffer than the
and driver. baseline steel.
That beam elements are not sufficiently accurate to 2.2.2 For Side Impact
represent the steel tubing of the chassis in non-linear
analysis: for this reason the beam elements were replaced by Baseline Steel 25.4mm outer diameter, inner diameter
shell elements. Finally, a model of the impact-absorbing 20.59mm and 2.41mm wall thickness.
aluminium alloy, two grades of steel was added to the crash
model for use in frontal and side impacts. Buckling modulus = EI (Young’s Modulus*Moment of
2.1 Design Consideration for Rollcage = π / 64 (do4-di4)
= π / 64 (25.44-20.594)
Roll cage or the chassis frame is to provide the vehicle = 11626 mm4
strength and structural integrity. The function of the space Hence B M = 11626 E
frame is to protect the driver (in case of serious impacts and
rollover) and support front and rear suspension systems,
engine, drive train, steering system and other systems in the
vehicle, and must be of adequate strength to protect the
operator in the event of a rollover or impact.

Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | Jul -2014, Available @ 127
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Considering Steel with 28.6 mm outer diameter, inner

diameter 24.4mm and 2.5 mm wall thickness

Buckling modulus = EI (Young’s Modulus*Moment of

= π / 64 (do4-di4)
= π / 64 (28.64-24.44)
= 15443 mm4
Hence B M = 15443 E
In side impact therefore considering steels stiffer than the
baseline steel.

2.3 Material Selection

The selection of material to construct a roll cage.
Availability is one of the factors which dominate the
material selection process. Working on this single aspect,
list of different desirable and available materials was
prepared. Steel and aluminium alloys are always the choice
of most of the designer. After reviewing mechanical Fig 3.5: Beam 1 Fig 3.6: Beam 2
properties, availability, cost and other significant factors,
following material was selected.
 Steel S275JR UNI EN 10025(Fe430)
 Aluminium alloy 6082T6
 steel grade IS 3074


RATIO (g/mm3) (MPa)
Steel IS 3074 200000 0.266 7.86*10-3 373 Fig 3.7: Verify Material and Section Properties
Al 6082T6 70000 0.33 2.7*10-3 428.5
Steel S275
206000 0.3 7.8*10-3 275


3.8: Velocities to the Roll cage Fig 3.9: Rigid Wall and

Fig 3.1 CATIA Model Fig 3.2: Hyper Mesh Model

Fig 3.10: Contact in Front Impact Fig 3.11: Contact in

Side Impact

Fig 3.3: Shell Element Model Fig 3.4: LS DYNA Model

(The LS DYNA model having two beams they are: BEAM 1
& BEAM 2)

Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | Jul -2014, Available @ 128
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Fig 4.4: Result from Side Impact

4.2 Optimization for Side Impact Safety

Fig 4.1: Model of Roll cage during Impact

Fig 4.5: Optimization for Side Impact Safety

In the project is presented a detailed analysis of the crash
behavior of the front and side impact rollcage structure that
was designed to equip the formula SAE car. The simulations
performed by the finite element methods reveal some very
important Facts.

The design of the roll cage is improve driver safety by

optimizing the roll cage by add and variation of mass in roll
cage using L S -DYNA software.
Fig 4.2: Result of the Front Impact
The design and position of the links between the energy
Table 4.1: Different Material absorbing structure and the car frame structure are found to
SL.NO MATERIAL be essential to determine the crash worthiness of the vehicle
in case of front impact and side impact.
A Steel grade IS 3074
In terms of internal energy, kinetic energy and total energy,
B Aluminium alloy 6082T6 Steel IS grade 3074 has better energy absorbing capabilities
than the other two materials.
C SteelS275JRUNIEN10025 (Fe430)
In terms of total internal energy, total kinetic energy, Steel
IS grade 3074 has better energy absorbing capabilities than
4.1 Optimization for Frontal Impact Safety the other two materials.

In terms of rigid wall force, Steel IS grade 3074 has better

force absorbing capabilities than the other two materials.

After comparison between the three materials (Steel IS

grade 3074, Aluminium 6082T6 and Steel S275) we can
conclude that Steel IS grade 3074 is better for design a roll
cage to provide a driver safety in front and side crash than
the other two materials.

Fig 4.3: Optimization for Fontal Impact Safety

Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | Jul -2014, Available @ 129
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

[1] Design/Build Of A Formula SAE Vehicle (L.Y Chan,
M. Doecke, H. Lalwani, H.W Lau, T. Lau, C.C Lee,
C.C Low.)
[2] Numerical And Experimental Analysis Of Formula
SAE Chassis, With Recommendations For Future
Design Iterations ( The University Of Queensland)
[3] Torsional Chassis Stiffness And Crashworthiness
Analysis Of The University Of Leeds (2000 Formula
SAE / Student Racing Car)
[4] Design Of The Impact Attenuator For A Formula
Student Racing Car: Numerical Simulation Of The
Impact Crash Test (Mechanical Engineering
Department, Politecnico Di Torino, Corso Duca Degli
Abruzzi24, 10129 Torino, Italy)
[5] Introduction To Formula SAE Suspension And Frame
Design Edmund F. Gaffney Iii And Anthony R.
[6] 2010 Formula SAE Rules, SAE International, USA.

Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | Jul -2014, Available @ 130

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