Design and Analysis of Roll Cage For An Electric Hybrid Tricycle

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume-44 Number-2 -February 2017

Design and Analysis of Roll Cage for an

Electric Hybrid Tricycle
Siddharth Aphale#1, Pradnesh Lachake#2
Department of Mechanical Engineering
K.K. Wagh College of Engineering Education & Research, Amrutdham, Nashik 422 003
Savitribai Phule University, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract— With the growing concern of steep dip in and material cross section determination. The detailed
the fuel reserves worldwide and alarming rates of procedure is explained below.
pollution, green technological trends are being
progressively adopted to promote eco-friendly A. Material Selection
spirits. Efficycle is an electrically assisted, dual Roll Cage material is one of the key aspects in
human pedal powered three wheeled vehicle, design which greatly affects the safety, reliability and
designed to facilitate daily mobility needs. performance. The roll cage material should possess
The vehicle frame was to be high strength to weight ratio along with low carbon
ergonomically designed, engineered for content and good weldability.
performance and safety. Enhancing the structural
integrity and overall aesthetics were the focal points The cost is an important deciding factor in the
in the design and analysis of the roll cage. This material selection process. Thus a material selection
paper deals with the roll cage material selection decision matrix was formulated to aid the process.
process and finite element static structural analysis Table 1: Material Selection decision matrix
of the roll cage under predetermined conditions in
FEA software Ansys 15.0 to determine its structural AISI HSLA Chromoly
strength. The roll cage material selection was 1018 340 4130
carried out with an aim to optimize strength, weight Yield
3 2 1
and cost. The key parameters taken under Strength
consideration were safety driver ergonomics, weight UTS 3 2 1
reduction and cost of manufacturing the chassis. Carbon% 2 1 3
Weldability 1 2 3
Keywords — Efficycle, FEA, 3D Modelling, Roll Cost 1 2 3
cage, Static Analysis Total 10 9 11
I. INTRODUCTION Hence, we selected HSLA 340 micro alloy steel
for our chassis because of its high weldability,
The primary function of the roll cage is to ensure
strength & low cost.
driver safety in case of a crash or roll over. The
secondary objective in chassis design is to provide The selected material specifications:
mountings for all the components, keeping in mind a
Table 2: HSLA 340 properties
low centre of gravity while doing so. Moreover the
driver comfort and ergonomics should be taken into Property Value
consideration while designing of the frame.
Material HSLA 340
These objectives are met by proper material Carbon% 0.080%*
selection, designing a low weight reliable frame and Density 7.87 gm/cm3
carrying out extensive finite element analysis of roll Poisson ratio 0.3
cage against various modes of failure to verify its Elastic Modulus 210 GPa
safety. Based on the results the roll cage is modified Yield Strength 571.92 MPa*
accordingly. After finalizing the roll cage design it is UTS 651.95 MPa*
*practically tested from an NABL accredited lab
The CAD model of the chassis was prepared in
PTC Creo 3.0 and finite element analysis was B. Frame Design
performed in Ansys Workbench 15.
In the initial frame design period, the transmission
II. DESIGN METHODOLOGY of vehicle, driver's ergonomics and placement,
suspension and manufacturing methods were set.
The design procedure of roll cage is a manifold There was a requirement to keep a minimum
process. It involves material selection, frame design clearance of 3 inches between the drivers and the roll

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume-44 Number-2 -February 2017

cage members. Also keeping a low centre of gravity

is also crucial to prevent toppling of vehicle. This was
achieved by placing the heavy components such as
motor, battery and drivers' position directly on the
Thus, a CAD assembly with all component
mountings was created to decide the approximate
dimensions of the chassis.

Fig 3: Isometric view of finalised chassis model

C. Pipe Cross Section Determination
While deciding the cross section, bending strength,
bending stiffness and ease in fabrication processes are
taken into consideration. As per the material
requirements specified in rulebook[2], bending
strength and ending stiffness of chosen cross section
should be greater than or equal to that of plain carbon
Fig 1: Isometric view of the vehicle CAD model steel pipe of 0.18% Carbon of Outer diameter 25.4
After the preliminary design of the vehicle, a mm and 2 mm thickness. Also there are fabrication
prototype with PVC pipes was developed to check the limitations regarding welding and bending processes.
functionality of the frame. Welding becomes difficult for thickness less than
1mm. After considering all these factors, cross
section of Outer diameter 25.4 mm and thickness 2
mm is selected.
Calculations of Bending Strength and Bending
Stiffness[3] for HSLA 340:
Outer Diameter = 25.4 mm
Inner Diameter = 21.4 mm
Yield Strength (Sy) = 571.92 N/mm2
Distance from center axis to outer fiber (C)
= (25.4/2)
= 12.7 mm
Polar Sectional Modulus I,
I = π ( D4outer - D4inner)/32
I = 10136 mm4
Fig 2: PVC pipe roll cage prototype
Bending Strength M,
The design of chassis was finalised for CAE M = (Sy × I)/C
analysis after few design modifications and iterative MHSLA 340= 271.377×103 N-mm
changes for the component mountings and C.G.
adjustment. Then the wireframe model of the roll Bending Stiffness σ,
cage was generated to be imported into Ansys for σ =E×I
finite element analysis. σHSLA 340 = 2.128×106 kN-mm2
Similarly the bending strength and bending
stiffness values of 0.18% Carbon steel were
calculated and a table was formed to compare values.
Bending Strength, M0.18% C steel =291.31 ×103 Nmm
Bending Stiffness, σ0.18% C steel = 2077.8×106 kN-mm2

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Table 3: Material Property comparison chart D. Front Impact Analysis

0.18%C This test is performed to analyze the deformation
Property HSLA 340 of the roll cage under the condition of collision from
Bending Strength 291.31 N-m 456.45 N-m the front.
2077.8 N- 2128.5 N- Calculation of Impact forces:
Bending Stiffness
m2 m2
Assuming 5G force for a vehicle/driver mass of
Thus, as the bending strength and bending stiffness 240 kg,
of HSLA 340 exceed that of the 0.18% plain carbon F = 5×m×g
steel of same cross section, we finalized HSLA steel F = 5×230×10
pipe of Outer diameter of 25.4 mm and thickness F = 11500 N
2mm for the chassis.


After the completion of CAD model of chassis
along with the material selection it is necessary to test
the impact and rollover safety of the vehicle. The
frame should be able to withstand impact, torsion and
rollover conditions to provide driver safety. Crash
pulse scenario standard set by industries is 0.15 to
0.2sec. We assumed it to be 0.2 seconds in our
Assumptions and Considerations:
1. The Roll cage material is isotropic.
2. All the roll cage members have uniform cross
3. Roll cage is stationary, i.e. we are considering the
situation when the roll cage is stationary and Fig 5: Front Impact Analysis Constrained model
someone impacts from front/side.
4. Time of impact is assumed to be 0.2 seconds We applied the calculated 5G force of 10500N to
5. Speed of the object impacting on the roll cage is the front impact members of chassis while applying
considered in terms of G-force. the Boundary conditions to the chassis. We
6. Force impact location considered at the first roll constrained the motion of front suspension in the
cage members in contact with the collision. z axis direction. The motion of rear suspension was
constrained in all directions. The rotation of all
suspension mounting points along all axes is locked.
Analysis Result:

Fig 4: 1D Meshed model of roll cage

The chassis CAD model was imported to Ansys
and meshed using 1D mesh with element size 10mm
forming a total of 5165 nodes and 2562 elements. Fig 6: Front Impact Analysis Total Deformation
Maximum deformation= 15.818 mm
According to analysis, deformation at the time of
collision does not affect the driver safety.

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume-44 Number-2 -February 2017

Fig 7: Front Impact Analysis Maximum Combined Fig 9: Side Impact Analysis Total Deformation
Maximum deformation= 7.94 mm
Maximum Combined Stress= 336.11 MPa According to analysis, deformation at the time of
Incorporated Factor of Safety collision does not affect the driver safety.
= σyt/ Maximum Combined Stress
As the FOS is greater than 1.2, the design is safe
against specified stress for front impact.
E. Side Impact Analysis
This test is performed to see the behaviour of the
roll cage in the condition of collision from side and
thus check drivers' safety in the condition of a side
Calculation of Impact forces:
Assuming 3G force for a vehicle/driver mass of
240 kg,
F = 3×m×g
F = 3×230×10 Fig 10: Side Impact Analysis Maximum Combined
F = 6900 N Stress
Maximum Combined Stress= 306.54 MPa
Incorporated Factor of Safety
= σyt/ Maximum Combined Stress
As the FOS is greater than 1.2, the design is safe
against specified stress.
F. Roll Over Analysis
This analysis is performed to analyse the behaviour
of roll cage in the condition of vehicle toppling.
Calculation of Impact forces:
Assuming 3G force for a vehicle/driver mass of
240 kg,
Fig 8: Side Impact Analysis Constrained model F = 3×m×g
F = 3×230×10
We applied the calculated 3G force of 6900N to F = 6900 N
the side impact protection members of the chassis
while applying the Boundary conditions. The
translation and rotation of all suspension mounts is
Analysis Result:

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume-44 Number-2 -February 2017

Fig 13: Roll Over Analysis Maximum Combined

Fig 11: Roll Over Analysis Constrained model Stress
We applied the calculated 3G force of 6900N to Maximum Combined Stress= 293.98 MPa
the members of chassis which would be first in Incorporated Factor of Safety
contact with the surface of road in case of rollover. = σyt/ Maximum Combined Stress
The force was applied perpendicular to the curved =571.92/443.48
members the chassis. The translation and rotation of =1.28
all suspension mounts is locked. As the FOS is greater than 1.2, the design is safe
against specified stress.
Analysis Result:
G. Torsional Analysis
This test is performed to examine the structure
under twisting loads. This occurs when one of the
front wheel pass over a road hump.
Calculation of Impact forces:
Assuming 2G force for a total vehicle/driver mass of
240 kg,
F = 2×m×g
F = 2×230×10
F = 4600 N

Fig 12: Roll Over Analysis Total Deformation

Maximum deformation= 10.708 mm
According to analysis, deformation at the time of
collision does not affect the driver safety.

Fig 14: Torsional Analysis Constrained model

We applied the calculated 2G force of 4600N to
the front suspension mounting points of the chassis
(2300N separately to each suspension mount). We
constrained all degrees of freedom of the rear

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume-44 Number-2 -February 2017

Analysis result:

[1] Herb Adams, "Chassis Engineering", Berkley Publishing
Group New York.
[2] SAE –NIS Efficycle 2016® rulebook.
[3] R. K. Bansal, "A Textbook of Strength of Materials",
Laxmi Publications New Delhi.
[4] Linder, Astrid; Avery, Matthew. “Change of Velocity and
Pulse Characteristics in Rear Impacts: Real World and
Vehicle Tests Data,” The Motor Insurance Repair and
Research Centre. Thatcham, United Kingdom.'

Fig 15: Torsional Analysis Total Deformation

Maximum deformation= 12.28 mm
According to analysis, deformation at the time of
collision does not affect the driver safety.

Fig 16: Torsional Analysis Maximum Combined

Maximum Combined Stress= 293.98 MPa
Incorporated Factor of Safety
= σyt/ Maximum Combined Stress
As the FOS is greater than 1.2, the design is safe
against specified stress.

We have successfully analysed the roll cage for its
strength for its safety against collision from front and
side and under rollover condition. The roll cage was
deemed safe for front impact load of 5G, side impact
load of 3G, rollover loading of 3G and torsion of
magnitude 2G. The deformation & stresses are under
limit. Hence this roll cage was finalised for
manufacturing and fabrication of the vehicle.

ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 77

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