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Design and Analysis of Drive Shaft of an Automobile

Article  in  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology · August 2016

DOI: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V38P253


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3 authors, including:

Poli muni kishore Babu Keerthi Jaligam

RWTH Aachen University Universität Siegen


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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 6- August 2016

Design and Analysis of Drive Shaft of an

Muni kishore, Jaligam Keerthi, Vinay kumar
Scholars in Master Graduation & Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Siegen, University of
Jena & University of Duisburg Essen
Republic of Germany, Germany

Abstract — This paper presents the characteristic lower modulus of elasticity. As a result, when torque
details of propeller shaft to substitute its material peaks occur in the driveline, the driveshaft can act as
with composite material and suitability of material is a shock absorber and decrease stress on part of the
analysed by evaluating and comparing stress drive train extending life. Many researchers have
distribution & deformation with in the shaft to been investigated about hybrid drive shafts and
replace the steel drive shaft with a piece of E-glass/ joining methods of the hybrid shafts to the yokes of
epoxy and E-carbon/epoxy with the help of material universal joints. But this study provides the analysis
properties. The 3D modelling and assembly of of the design in many aspects. Substituting
Cardan shaft was done using CATIA V5 R21 composite structures for conventional metallic
software. Analysis is performed by using commercial structures has many advantages because of higher
FEA software ANSYS by considering static specific stiffness and higher specific strength of
structural, Rigid dynamics and modal analysis to composite materials. Composite materials can be
estimate deformation, stress under given loads and tailored to efficiently meet the design requirements
frequencies. The main objective of this paper is of strength, stiffness and composite drive shafts
deduction of weight of an automobile transmission. weight less than steel or aluminium of similar
Keywords — Cardan shaft, transmission,
differential, rigid dynamics, frequencies.

A drive shaft or Cardan shaft is a
mechanical component for transmitting torque and
rotation, usually used to connect other components
of a drive train that cannot be connected directly
because of distance or the need to allow for relative
movement between them. As torque carriers, drive
shafts are subject to torsion and shear stress,
equivalent to the difference between the input torque
and the load. They must therefore be strong enough
to bear the stress, whilst avoiding too much Figure 1 details of drive shaft.
additional weight as that would in turn increase
their inertia. An automobile may use a longitudinal II. OBJECTIVE
shaft to deliver power from an engine/transmission The power train of vehicle have several parts in
to the other end of the vehicle before it goes to the which propeller shaft is heart of transmission which
wheels. A pair of short drive shafts is commonly encounter unfortunate obstacles called failures. This
used to send power from a damage is due to several faults, the main reason is
central differential, transmission, or transaxle to the material and its manufacturing and maintenance.
wheels. Early automobiles often used chain drive or belt
drive mechanisms rather than a drive shaft. Some
Drive shaft for Research and Development used electrical generators and motors to transmit
of the automotive industry also uses drive shafts at power to the wheels. Hence now it is challenging to
testing plants. At an engine test stand a drive shaft is design the drive shaft for an automobile with
used to transfer a certain speed / torque from objective weight deduction by no increase in cost to
the internal combustion engine to a dynamometer. A increase transmission of power produced by engine.
―shaft guard‖ is used at a shaft connection to protect Hence material selection is one of the important
against contact with the drive shaft and for detection issues for transmitting variable torque to wheels with
of a shaft failure. At a transmission test stand a drive different road conditions. In this comparative has
shaft connects the prime mover with the been made in analysis of shafts with material differ
transmission. Composite materials typically have a which leads to weight deduction by analysing in

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 291

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 6- August 2016

static structural and modal analysis to calculate A. DESIGN TOOL (CATIA V5 R21)
vibrations in shaft. CATIA enables the creation of 3D parts, from 3D
sketches, sheet metal, composites, and molded,
forged or tooling parts up to the definition of
mechanical assemblies. The software provides
Stainless steel was mainly used because of advanced technologies for mechanical surfacing. It
its high strength. But this stainless steel shaft has provides tools to complete product definition,
less specific strength and less specific modulus. including functional tolerances as well
Stainless steel has less damping capacity. Because of as kinematics definition. CATIA provides a wide
its higher density of molecules of stainless steel, its range of applications for tooling design, for both
weight is very high. Because of increase in weight generic tooling and mould & die. CATIA enables
fuel consumption will in increase, the effect of the creation of 3D parts, from 3D sketches, sheet
inertia will be more and increase in weight. The steel metal, composites, and molded, forged or tooling
propeller shaft is replacing with the composite parts up to the definition of mechanical assemblies.
materials, which are very less weight when CATIA provides a wide range of applications for
compared to that of stainless steel. The cost of tooling design, for both generic tooling and mould &
composite materials is less when compared to that of die.
stainless steel. The E-Glass/Epoxy and Figure 2. Catia model
Carbon/Epoxy materials are selected for composite
drive shaft. Since, composites are highly orthotropic
and their fractures were not fully studied.
S.no Physical Property
Property Notation Value
1. Ultimate Torque T 1250 N-mm

2. Maximum Speed N 2500 rpm

of the Shaft
3. Maximum
diameter of the
ᴓ100 mm
4. Length of the L 1650 mm
5. Rotational V 260 rad/sec
6. Maximum Range F 2500 hz
of Frequency
Rotational velocity = 2πN/60 rad/sec
= (2 X 3.14 X 2500)/60
= 260 rad/sec
Length of shaft – 825 mm
Minimum diameter of the shaft - ᴓ70 mm
Total torque to be transmitted (Tt) = Ip x f x Y
=1448 N-mm
Ip-polar moment of inertia-162
F-stress in (pa) - 2.75 N B. ANALYSIS (ANSYS WORKBENCH 15.0)
Y-distance of the external fiber to neutral fiber- 3.25 mm
ANSYS 15.0 brings together new
TABLE III capabilities and enhancements that offer a more
Mechanical Materials of cardan shaft and comprehensive approach to guide and optimize
property their Mechanical properties complete product designs. As products trend toward
Steel Glass/ Carbon greater complexity — with advanced functionality
Epoxy /Epoxy and features, novel materials, embedded electronics
Young’s Modulus 210 Gpa 39 Gpa 177 Gpa
and their resulting thermal issues, and control
Poisson’s Ratio XY 0.3 0.3 0.3
software for smart.
0.3 0.263
ZX 0.3 0.3
Density (kg/m3) 7850 2000 1600
Shear Modulus 80 Gpa 3.8 Gpa 7.8 Gpa
Tensile Ultimate 4.6E+08 4.0E+08 4.4E+08
strength pa pa pa

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 6- August 2016

Figure 3.Generated model in Ansys.

Figure 4.Moment and Rotational velocity in static

structural analysis.

The figures shown below represent
deformation, stress and strain of different materials.

Structural steel


Assumptions the shaft rotates at a constant
speed about its longitudinal axis. The shaft has a
uniform, circular cross section. The shaft is perfectly
balanced. Hexa Mesh is made for better result and
20000 elements made with fine mesh size. The
regular FEA procedure is followed and obtained
results were plotted and compared.



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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 6- August 2016





The above graph and figures shows the
maximum frequency at each cycle. The maximum
range of frequency is chosen as 2500HZ. The
maximum deformation is observed at fifth cycle for
all materials while analysis, hence the part is under
safe condition to given frequency also. To avoid
misshaping we can replace sharp corners with fillet
edges to minimize the stress concentration factor.


ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 294

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 38 Number 6- August 2016


Rigid dynamics simulation can demonstrate
how quickly an assembly’s parts are moving, how
fast the parts are accelerating or decelerating, and
what the forces are at the joints between the parts at
any time during the dynamic transient. The total
solution time for many rigid dynamics simulations is
often measured in seconds, because the number of
degrees of freedom is low and all parts are assumed
to be infinitely stiff. This fast solves time makes
rigid dynamics extremely attractive to those with
looming deadlines.
The most basic and most widely used Figure.15 graphs of analysis
method of combining the benefits of rigid dynamics
with those gained by using flexible system
modelling is to transfer loads from a rigid dynamics Results
run and use those loads on a structurally static Steel E-glass E-carbon
system. Deformation(mm) 0.05013 0.1639 0.15262
Stress (mpa) 19.835 8.228 12.928
Strain 0.70904 0.719 0.617

1. Due to the Weight reduction and stress, stiffness

criteria, drive shaft is proposed to be replaced
with E- Glass Epoxy composite drive shaft as
per plotted results above.
2. Taking into considerations the weight saving,
deformation, shear stress induced and
frequencies it is evident that E-Glass/Epoxy
composite has the most encouraging properties
to act as replacement for steel out of the
considered three materials.
3. Hence by using different analysis like static
structural, modal analysis and rigid dynamics
we had been checked the various conditions that
may drive shaft undergone and encountered
different problems facing to replace the steel
with composites.
Generated colour model in RD modeller 4. The modal analysis shows even if composite
Figure.13 material having half of natural frequency of
steel it is replaceable in natural frequency point
of view carbon epoxy is best suitable material
for drive shaft.
5. The drive shaft of the dimensions, which were
used then used for the material properties of
composites were used the stability of drive shaft
is ensured by limiting the include values within
the permissible range in Ansys workbench 15.0.
6. By considering rigid dynamic analysis, the E-
glass epoxy has more similar issues by
comparing with rest of composites.

We are pleased that this paper supported by
International Journal of Engineering Trends and
Fully constrained with DOF Technology. We are thankful to our colleagues who
Figure.14 provided expertise that greatly assisted the paper and
moderated this paper and that in line improved the
manuscript significantly. We are also immensely

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 295

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