Introduction To Microstructure

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Materials and Minerals Science

Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure

Introduction to microstructure

1.1 What is microstructure?

When describing the structure of a material, we make a clear distinction between its crystal
structure and its microstructure. The term ‘crystal structure’ is used to describe the average
positions of atoms within the unit cell, and is completely specified by the lattice type and
the fractional coordinates of the atoms (as determined, for example, by X-ray diffraction).
In other words, the crystal structure describes the appearance of the material on an atomic
(or Å) length scale. The term ‘microstructure’ is used to describe the appearance of the
material on the nm-cm length scale. A reasonable working definition of microstructure is:

“The arrangement of phases and defects within a material.”

Microstructure can be observed using a range of microscopy techniques. The

microstructural features of a given material may vary greatly when observed at different
length scales. For this reason, it is crucial to consider the length scale of the observations
you are making when describing the microstructure of a material.

In this course you will learn about how and why microstructures form, and how
microstructures are observed experimentally. Most importantly, microstructures affect the
physical properties and behaviour of a material, and we can tailor the microstructure of a
material to give it specific properties (this is the subject of the next course). The
microstructures of natural minerals provide information about their complex geological
history. Microstructure is a fundamental part of all materials and minerals science, and these
themes will be expanded on in subsequent courses.

This practical is in three parts. You should aim to spend a total of 60 minutes on parts 1 and
2, and 60 minutes on part 3.

What you should know by the end of the practical!

i. What is meant by the terms ‘microstructure’, ‘phase’, ‘component’, and ‘defect’

ii. Some of the different processes that can lead to the formation of microstructures

iii. How we observe microstructures experimentally, and how the length scale of the
microstructure observed depends on the resolution of the experimental technique used

iv. Basic principles of imaging and resolution

Materials and Minerals Science
Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure

1.2 Phase/Component/Defect

A ‘phase’ is taken to be any part of a material with a distinct crystal structure and/or
chemical composition. Different phases in a material are separated from one another by
distinct boundaries.

A pure substance with a uniquely-defined chemical composition is said to consist of one

chemical ‘component’. The chemical composition of some materials can be varied
continuously between two or more extremes (often referred to as ‘endmembers’). These
materials must contain, therefore, two or more chemical components. Note that a multi-
component material can exist as a single phase if the different chemical components are
intimately mixed at the atomic length scale. In the solid state, such mixtures are called
‘solid solutions’.

A ‘defect’ is taken to mean any disruption to the perfect periodicity of the crystal structure.
This includes point defects such as vacancies and interstitials, planar defects such as
surfaces, twin boundaries, and grain boundaries, and as we will investigate in Course D,

You are provided with several photographs and hand specimens. In each case, write
down the number of components and phases present, and identify the types of defect
(if any) that are present. Make a labelled sketch of each one and add an appropriate
scale bar. The examples provided are:

(a) A single crystal of quartz (SiO2)

(b) A sheet of galvanized steel (Zn surface layer)
(c) An Fe-Ni meteorite
(d) A partially crystallised wollastonite (CaSiO3) glass
(e) Granite

2.1 How microstructures form

Microstructures form through a variety of different processes. Microstructures are almost

always generated when a material undergoes a phase transformation brought about by
changing temperature and/or pressure (e.g. a melt crystallising to a solid on cooling).
Microstructures can be created through deformation or processing of the material (e.g.
rolling, pressing, welding). Finally, microstructures can be created artificially by combining
different materials to form a composite material (e.g. carbon-fibre reinforced plastic).

Here we will examine some examples of microstructures formed by different processes. The
materials will be examined using both reflected-light and transmitted-light microscopes.
Ask your demonstrators for advice on setting up the two different types of microscope.
Guidelines are printed on separate sheets. Remember to look at the materials at a range of
magnifications: some microstructural details may only be visible at high magnification!

Materials and Minerals Science
Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure

a) Solidification. Solidification of a crystal from a melt occurs through a process of

nucleation and growth. Below the freezing temperature, small clusters of atoms in the melt
come together through random chance to form a small crystalline particle (a nucleus). The
nucleus forms a template onto which other atoms can attach. Each nucleus grows into an
individual grain of the crystal. When adjacent grains impinge they form grain boundaries.
Since individual nuclei form in different orientations, there is no orientational relationship
between adjacent grains.

Sample 1 shows the grain microstructure obtained when single-component crystals of

olivine (Mg2SiO4) solidify slowly from a melt. Examine the sample using transmitted
light under crossed polars. Make a labelled sketch of the characteristic grain
microstructure and add an appropriate scale bar (focus the microscope on a
transparent ruler to get an estimate of the field of view). What factors do you think
affect the size of the grains? What other microstructural features can you identify?

b) Phase separation (exsolution, precipitation). A multi-component material can exist as a

single phase if the components are intimately mixed (i.e. miscible) at the atomic scale
(forming a solid solution). In many materials, miscibility is restricted to a limited range of
compositions. The range of miscibility is a strong function of temperature: a material that is
happy to form a single phase at high temperature might be forced to unmix into two phases
at lower temperature (i.e. the components become immiscible). This process is known as
phase separation, exsolution or precipitation. We have already seen a classic example of
this phenomenon in the case of the Fe-Ni meteorite in Part 1.2.

Sample 2 is a micrograph of a material that has exsolved to yield a two-phase

intergrowth. What do you notice about the shapes and orientations of the exsolved
phases? What could be the reason for these observations?

When a melt with limited miscibility between components solidifies, one often finds that
different phases solidify at different temperatures on cooling. In some cases, the different
phases form contemporaneously and become intimately intergrown with each other to form
complex (and often quite beautiful) microstructures. We will meet many examples of this
behaviour throughout this course.

Sample 3 shows an example of a slowly cooled multi-component melt with very

limited miscibility between components. Different phases formed at different
temperatures as the melt was cooled. Make a sketch of the microstructure, paying
particular attention to the relationship between different phases (i.e. does one phase
appear to fill in the gaps between the other phase?). From your observations, can you
deduce the order in which the phases crystallised from the melt? Look carefully at the
phases at high magnification. What can you say about the phase that crystallised last?

Materials and Minerals Science
Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure


3.1 Abbe theory of imaging and resolution

You have met the principles of diffraction from lattice planes in Course A. Here we revise
some of the basic concepts and how they relate to the formation of images in a transmission
electron microscope (TEM). We will then use the laser benches to explore the resolution of
a system. The basic principles of image formation in a microscope (either an optical or an
electron microscope) are illustrated in Fig. 1.

u v

Incident beam of radiation
(light or electrons)

Object Diffraction pattern

(diffraction grating) (back focal plane)
Lens Magnified
(electromagnetic Image
lens for electrons) (slits resolved)

Fig. 1. Abbe theory of imaging using all diffracted spots

Radiation with wavelength λ is incident on the object (in this case a diffraction grating with
slit spacing d). Each slit in the grating scatters radiation in a variety of directions. Radiation
scattered in a given direction is collected by a lens placed at a distance u from the object and
focussed into a point in the back focal plane, located at a distance f from the lens. If the
condition dsinθ = nλ is satisfied (see Course A) then constructive interference occurs and a
bright diffraction spot will appear at that point. The image is formed at a distance v from the
lens. The image can be considered as the diffraction pattern of the diffraction pattern in the
back focal plane.

An image is formed when the equation:

1/u + 1/v = 1/f

is satisfied. Here f is the focal length of the lens.

Materials and Minerals Science
Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure

3.2 Observation of diffraction gratings in an optical microscope

Transmitted light microscopes are set up on a side bench to examine diffraction gratings of
different spacings. When making these observations, it is important that none of the settings
of the microscopes are changed except as indicated below.

Three diffraction gratings are set in a single mount. Observe the grating with widest
spacing (100 lines/mm) taking care to focus precisely. Next look at the 300 lines/mm
grating and determine whether the lines are resolvable. (Any adjustment to the focus
should be extremely slight.)

With all the settings untouched, carefully remove the microscope eyepiece and look
down the tube with the eye several inches away from it. This gives a view of the back
focal plane of the microscope. Observe and sketch the diffraction pattern. Is your
observation consistent with that made when the eyepiece was in place?

With the eyepiece still removed, move the 100 lines/mm grating under the objective.
How many orders can be seen in the diffraction pattern? (Note: under some
circumstances this pattern can be difficult to see at first. It can help to move the eye
from side to side.)

Finally, observe both the diffraction pattern and the image of the fine grating (600
lines/mm). Are the lines resolvable, and could they be if the quality of the lens system
was improved?

From all your observations, estimate the resolution of the microscope as set up.
Compare this with the theoretical limit of resolution, dmin, for an optical microscope,
which is given by

dmin ≈
n sin α

where λ is the wavelength of light (~0.5 µm), n is the refractive index of the medium
between the specimen and the objective lens (n ≈ 1 for air), and α is the acceptance
angle of the objective lens. The value of n sin α is usually printed on the side of each
lens as the numerical aperture, N. A.

Essentially the microscope is a tube whose diameter puts a maximum limit on the orders of
diffraction maxima which manage to exit the tube to form an image. Making the tube wider
increases the maximum resolution, but then the larger lenses suffer from more aberrations
which in turn need correction.

Materials and Minerals Science
Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure

Warning: Laser Light is Very Bright

The He-Ne lasers you will be using are of comparatively low power,
nominally 0.5 mW, and thus not particularly dangerous. The intensity of the
light in the main laser beam is similar to sunlight, and thus the damage which
it could inflict on the retina is closely equivalent to that which would result
from forcing oneself to look directly into the sun. For this reason never look
along the laser beam and be careful to prevent it from reaching anybody else
in the laboratory.

3.3 Forming a high-resolution image

Insert mask 12 (a zebra with unusually uniform stripes - see Fig. 2) in the holder in
front of the laser and set the screen of the optical bench at approximately 1 m from the
mask. Adjust the position of the lens (between 0 and 0.4 m from the mask) so as to
form a sharp image on the screen. Calculate the focal length of the lens.

(One or two sheets of paper under the lens mount will reduce the strength of the
magnetic clamping and make fine position adjustments easier.)

Fig. 2. Zebra mask. Note black lines correspond to

clear regions of the actual mask

Replace the screen on the bench with the mirror provided, so that the beam is centred
on the second screen at the laser end of the bench (this is to increase the
magnification). Adjust the position of the lens so as to focus the zebra on the screen. It
will help to focus first on the edge of the zebra.

Materials and Minerals Science
Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure

Briefly place the original screen in the back focal plane, which is one focal length
away from the lens, to observe the zebra’s diffraction pattern.

From your observations of the limits of resolution of an optical microscope, how could you
make the zebra lose its stripes?

Try out your solution (given the adjustable aperture provided – clue!). What is the
minimum amount of the diffraction pattern necessary to give the zebra a suggestion of
stripes? Draw a sketch of the ‘minimum pattern’.

Images formed from a single diffraction spot will not contain any information
about the periodicity of the object (i.e. its crystal structure), but they will contain
information about the general shape, size, and spatial distribution of phases and
defects in the object (i.e. its microstructure).

Images formed from all the diffraction spots are high resolution images which
allow us to visualise the periodicity of the underlying crystal structure.

3.4 Real example: Microstructures in 1 billion year old ilmenite-hematite

On the next page are three images of the microstructure observed in a sample of the mineral
titanohematite (a solid solution containing hematite, Fe2O3, and ilmenite, FeTiO3). As this
mineral cooled very slowly over a period of 1 billion years, thin platelets (lamellae) of
ilmenite and hematite exsolved. Note that the length scale of the microstructure can vary
over several orders of magnitude within the same sample, with platelet widths varying from
mm to nm. This is caused by the gradual reduction in the distance over which atoms can
diffuse as the temperature decreases - platelets formed at high temperature are thick and
widely spaced, whereas those formed at low temperatures are thin and closely spaced.

Materials and Minerals Science
Practical 17 CP1
Course C: Microstructure

x22 1 mm x500 10 µm

Fig. 3. (a) ‘Low’ magnification scanning electron microscope images of two-phase

intergrowths in etched ilmenite-hematite. Dark patches show where hematite lamellae
have been preferentially dissolved out of the ilmenite host. (b) ‘Medium’ magnification
image of a dissolved hematite lamella, which itself contained finer-scale ilmenite
x80000 100 nm

Fig. 4. ‘High’ magnification transmission electron microscope image of hematite

platelets in an ilmenite host. Note that length scale of platelets decreases from left to
right, with sizes reaching 1-2 nm (the unit cell length of hematite is 1.4 nm!).

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