S + V1 (+es/s) S + Do/Does + Not +V1 Do/Does + Not + S + V1?

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Simple Present
(+) S + V1 (+es/s) e.g: Sun Rises from east (matahari terbit dari timur).
(-) S + Do/Does + not +V1 e.g: I don’t know where to go.
(?) Do/Does + not + S + V1? e.g: Do you speak English (apakah kamu berbahasa
– Untuk menunjukkan kebenaran mutlak. seperti contoh nomor 1.
– Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan rutin. e.g: I go to school everyday
1. Present Continuous.
(+) S + am/is/are + Ving e.g: I am going to your home tomorrow
(-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving e.g: I am not crying
(?) Am/is/are + S + Ving? e.g: Are you still waiting for some one?
– Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung
– Menunjukkan Pekerjaan yang pasti dilakukan di masa yang akan datang (contoh
nomor 1)
1. Simple Past.
(+) S + V2 + O e.g: I went to school alone yesterday.
(-) S + did + not + Inf (V1) e.g: You didn’t tell that you took my money yesterday.
(?) Did + S + Inf (V1) e.g: Did you came home last year?
Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau, tanpa ingin menekankan
bahwa ia sedang, atau telah selesai melakukan pekerjaan tsb.
Simple Future.
(+) S + will + Inf (V1) e.g: I will always love you if you love me to
(-) S + will+ not + Inf (V1) e.g: I won’t let you go
(?) Will + S + Inf (V1) e.g: will you come to my party?
– Menunjukkan pekerjaan sederhana yang akan terjadi
– Untuk membuat Conditional Sentence type I

Present Perfect
(+) S + have/has + V3 e.g: Peter has gone just now.
(-) S + have/has + not + V3 e.g: I have not done my home work yet.
(?) Have/has + S + V3? e.g: Have you already taken a bath?
– Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah usai pada saat sekarang

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