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Intestinal Obstruction 4
Jae Hoon Lim
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Fig. 4.5a,b. Gallstone ileus. a Sonogram shows hyperechoic arc-like echo with posterior acoustic shadow within a
dilated loop of ileum, representing a large gallstone (arrows). b Sonogram of the right upper abdomen discloses
the gallbladder, which is empty (arrows)
formed meticulously. Sonographic findings of gall- Small bowel tumor, either primary or metastatic,
stone ileus are identical to those of bezoars (Fig. 4.5; can be identified as a cause of bowel obstruction
Ko et al. 1993a; Davir et al. 1991). Air in the biliary (Ko et al. 1993a). At the end of dilated small bowel
tree or nonvisualization of the gallbladder lumen or between the dilated bowel loops, a tumor can be
may be a clue for gallstone ileus. identified when the tumor is fairly large (Fig. 4.1).
Intestinal Obstruction 31
Fluid within the bowel may comes into direct con- and these cases require rapid surgical decompres-
tact with that the mass indicating the mass arises sion (Ko et al. 1993a).
from the bowel. There may be vascular structure in It has been reported that the accuracy of preopera-
the mass visualized by Doppler study. Small bowel tive sonography in establishing the diagnosis of small
intussusception can be diagnosed by demonstration bowel obstruction was 89% (Ko et al. 1993a). The
of bowel-within-bowel by recognizing characteristic cause of obstruction, such as tumor, bezoar, gallstone,
multiple concentric rings, caused by invaginating or recurrent cancer in afferent loop syndrome may
layers of telescoped bowel, seen in cross section of be predicted (Ko et al. 1993a; Meiser and Meissner
the bowel loop. 1985). Sonography has definite advantages in the
Intestinal adhesion, the most frequent cause diagnosis of proximal obstruction, such as duode-
of bowel obstruction, cannot be demonstrated on nal or proximal jejunal obstruction (Ko et al. 1993a):
sonography. Likewise, internal hernia and congen- in these cases, simple abdominal radiographs are
ital fibrotic band can rarely be identified at sono- often normal or do not show gas, because frequent
graphy. Previous history of abdominal operation vomiting results in lack of air in the obstructed seg-
in patients without a sonographically visible cause ment (Fig. 4.6). Afferent loop syndrome can be reli-
of obstruction can lead to a diagnosis of adhesive ably diagnosed with sonography (Lee et al. 1991).
ileus. The superior mesenteric artery and vein are useful
By virtue of demonstrating the vascular flow landmarks in the diagnosis of duodenal obstruction
signal from the vessels of the dilated bowel wall, such as afferent loop or proximal jejunal obstruction,
sonography may be useful in demonstrating the since the dilated lumen of the third portion of the
bowel segment at risk of strangulation. The sono- duodenum crosses the midline anterior to the aorta
graphic finding of a thickened bowel wall, valvulae and behind the superior mesenteric artery and vein
conniventes, and localized ascites within the leaves (Fig. 4.7). By careful examination, recurrent tumor at
of the small bowel mesentery, is suggestive of com- the gastric stump as a cause of afferent loop can be
plicated obstruction such as infarction or gangrene, diagnosed sonographically (Lee et al. 1991).
a b
Fig. 4.6a,b. Duodenal obstruction by adenocarcinoma. a Sagittal sonogram of the right upper abdomen discloses
a mass (arrows) with dilated first part of the duodenum (d). b Upper gastrointestinal series shows near-complete
obstruction by adenocarcinoma (arrows)
32 J. H. Lim
a b
Fig. 4.8a,b. Transverse colon obstruction due to adenocarcinoma. a Transverse sonogram of the right upper abdomen discloses
circumferential thickening of the wall of the transverse colon (arrows) and fluid-filled dilated proximal colon. b CT image shows
encircling thickening of the wall of the transverse colon (arrow) due to adenocarcinoma and dilated ascending and transverse
be of little value. Some difficulty may arise when the Lim JH, Ko YT, Lee DH et al (1994) Determining the site
obstruction becomes prolonged and the obstructed and causes of colonic obstruction with sonography. Am J
Roentgenol 163:1113–1117
segment becomes paralytic, and thus may be mis- Megibow AJ, Balthazar EJ, Cho KC, Medwid SW, Birnbaum
taken for paralytic ileus. BA, Noz ME (1991) Bowel obstruction: evaluation with CT.
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