The Roles of The Traffic Officers in The Maintenance of Order in The National Highway in Maranding As Perceived by The Pedicab Drivers

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MARCH 2017


Traffic management is a primary responsibility of the local government

to ensure the safety of drivers, commuters and the general public. Confronted

with the worsening challenge of accidents and even crimes in the road,

system of traffic is effected by the local government. The planning comes from

the local legislature and the local executive, and the burden of its

implementation comes from its traffic personnel (Elac,, 2014).

In the Philippines, the most congested city is Manila where most of the

concentration for effective traffic management is focused. The Metro Manila

Development Authority is task with responsibilities of significance because life

is at stake for accidents if the Traffic Management is not efficient. Although

Provinces is not comparable with the congestion of the traffic in Metro Manila,

still the Legislature did not exclude the role of the local government to install

traffic management in its localities. The City Government of Davao is a role

model when it comes to effective traffic management with its state of the art

traffic system and the calibre training of its personnel (Borja,, 2014).

Lala is a first class municipality in the province of Lanao del

Norte, Philippines. According to the 2015 census, it has a population of

67,727 people. Most of the commercial establishments are located in

Barangay Maranding, which is now becoming the center of trade, commerce,

and education in the western part of Lanao del Norte. It is also the highest
income-generating municipality in Lanao del Norte. Because of its progress

and development, it is also akin to the traffic problems like other towns/cities

in the Philippines. Currently there are many projects and plans affected by the

local executive to mobilize the traffic management units in Barangay

Maranding (Province of Lanao Del Norte, 2014).

However, despite with its progress, its residents are not akin to the

standards of Traffic management since its system is still not prevalent in

terms of technological advancement and the political will of the implementing

local branch – the City Mayor. The only visible implementation of traffic

management is its personnel manning the roads and issuing citations for

violations committed.

According to Police Inspector (name), the head of Traffic Management

office of the Barangay Maranding Police Station, these traffic enforcers are

the personnel tasked with the responsibility of orderly conduct of rules and

safety policies in the road. These are reliable personnel that ensures the good

traffic flow in the city’s major thoroughfares. Further, the main concern of the

neophytes of the Traffic Management Organization (TMO) is to deal with

drivers by avoiding a short fuse as motorists would usually try to intimidate

new traffic personnel in exercising their respective functions.

In connection, the researchers of this study try to describe the role of

traffic officers in maintenance of order in national highway in Maranding, Lala,

Lanao del Norte as perceived by the pedicab drivers for the year 2016-2017.

It further assesses the current traffic condition as well as the major causes of

traffic congestion in the area.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

System theory. Explanations of the systems theory are based on man-

environment adjustments and maladjustments (Muhlrad et al 2005). The

components of the theory are the environment, the means of transport

(vehicles) and the behavior of man (Krug et al 2000). The environment

component comprises of the natural and the built environments and transport

networks. The means of transport component comprises of the volume and

quality of vehicles on the modes of transport. The behavior of man component

comprises of demographic characteristic of road users (age, sex, education,

socio-economic status, stage in life cycle), people’s perceptions of risk and

people’s general behavior on the streets. Integrated in the systems theory is a

system of highway codes and enforcement mechanisms designed to ensure

that road users adhere to the controls and regulations of traffic flow for

maintaining road traffic safety. Comprehensive traffic management should be

sufficient to maintain road traffic safety (Trondheim, 2006).

The concept of Femi (2006) that there can be no effective regulations

and control to set operational standard in the road without the accompaniment

of enforcement measures. This command to compel obedience of people to a

law, regulation or command is backed by the enforcers of law. In a situation

where various efficiency, safety and environmental concerns in a chaotic and

urbanized city, aside from the penalty impose by the law, the effectiveness of

those tasked to impose the law is also equated.

In connection, this study investigated the role of the traffic officers in

maintenance of order in national highway in Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte

as perceived by the pedicab drivers for the year 2016-2017. It further

assesses the current traffic condition as well as the major causes of traffic

congestion in the area. Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the


I. Current Traffic
 Physical
Condition of Perceptions of
the Road the Pedicab
 Current Drivers Solutions on
Traffic Flow Traffic
Statistics Congestions
II. Causes of
III. Traffic Officers’

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework

The figure above shows the conceptual framework of the study. The

researchers input data includes the current traffic conditions in terms of

physical condition of the road and the current traffic flow statistics; causes of

the traffic congestion in the area and the traffic officer’s role. It is connected

with an arrow to its process which is the perceptions of the pedicab drivers

who were the respondents of the study. The output of the study will show the

solutions on traffic congestions as recommended by the researchers and as

perceived by the respondents.

Statement of the Problem

This study was focused on the role roles of the traffic officers in the

maintenance of order in the national highway in Maranding as perceived by

the pedicab drivers for the year 2016-2017.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the current traffic conditions at national highways in

Maranding in terms of the following indicators:

1.1 Physical condition of the road;

1.2 Current traffic flow statistics?

2. What are the major causes of traffic build-up at national highways in

Maranding as perceived by the respondents?

3. What are the roles of traffic officers in Maranding national highways?

4. How do the respondents assess the roles of traffic officers in

Maranding national highways?

5. What are the respondents’ perceptions to the solutions listed by the

researchers that will alleviate the traffic conditions in Maranding

national highways?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study was focused on the role roles of the traffic officers in the

maintenance of order in the national highway in Maranding, Lala, Lanao del

Norte as perceived by the pedicab drivers for the year 2016-2017. Moreover,

assessment on the role of traffic officers in Maranding was also investigated.

It further described the current traffic conditions of the target area in terms of
its physical condition of the road and current traffic flow statistics.

Respondents’ perception on major causes of traffic congestion and its

solutions at national highway in Maranding were also included in this study.

Descriptive method was used in this study. A total of fifty (50) research

respondents were selected using convenience sampling technique.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following individual/groups:

Pedicab Drivers. This will help them aware on the national law and

practice with regards to the national highways traffic management. The direct

awareness of the pedicab drivers as one of the local area public

transportation will help alleviate the traffic congestion as they could be aware

on their traffic violations and management as citizens and road rights doers.

Commuters. This study will give them idea on the current traffic

situations in Maranding as well as the basic causes of such situations. This

will also make them aware on the role of the commuters as one of the factors

to the traffic congestions in Maranding national highway. The study will also

correlate with the benefits for the community such as but not limited to safety

and security in the street, reduced accidents, and awareness of a rules and

policies in the traffic.

Traffic Officers. This study will help them assess their own selves on

how they conduct their duties and responsibilities as traffic management

officers in the local area. This will also remind them on proper practice as

traffic officers on duty.

Future Researchers. This study will be a basis for future related studies

pertaining to traffic management. The researcher will also be given the

opportunity to continue the initiative of the study conducted to enable a

continuance of effective traffic control and maintenance related to the function

of the traffic personnel.

Definition of Terms

The following were defined conceptually and operationally:

Traffic Control. This refers to the control of vehicles or pedestrian at a

certain point or area by mechanical means, fixed objects or manpower.

Traffic Supervision. It is defined as keeping informed on streets,

highways within existing regulation to make their use safe and expeditious.

Traffic Warning. This is an enforcement action which does not

contemplate possible assessment of penalty by the court or otherwise as a

result of warning alone. There are 3 types of traffic warning; visual, verbal,

and written.

Verbal Warning. This form of safety education tells the driver or violator

that he violated a law and explain the hazards of such violations.

Visual Warning. This is usually used when you have observed a minor

violation but are more importantly occupied at a moment. Indicate by gesture

of the hand and of or the head.



This chapter reviews the related literature that would shed light on the

focus of the study and finds research gaps where this current study tackled.

Enforcement as defined by Femi (2006) is a process by which to

adherence to specific rules and punishments is initiated and backed by the

laws of the land. Thus, enforcement of transport legislation is the area of

activity aimed at controlling road users’ “behaviour in order to achieve safe

and efficient operations on the road”.

A traffic enforcer is someone who enforces traffic rules and safety

standards. At times they may also be called highway patrol officer. They

detailed within neighbourhoods or local police station or any nearby posts.

These days, there are even imaginative and creative traffic enforcers who do

different gimmicks to catch the attention of the people on the road and make

them follow rules and traffic regulations cheerfully as with the dancing traffic

police. It may also be a way to ease the stress and tension while on the road

especially during traffic and rush hours (Elac, 2015).

Traffic enforcement

Traffic laws are enforced by the Traffic Management Group (TMG), the

traffic division of each district police, and the LTO. In 1978, Presidential

Decree (PD) 1605 was issued to centralize enforcement matters in Metro

Manila to the Metro Manila Commission (MMC), now the Metro Manila

Development Authority. The TMG, being a national support unit of the PNP,
has traffic management offices scattered in the different regions and

provinces nationwide. In selected areas or provinces, especially in highly

urbanized cities/municipalities, the TMG has traffic management teams

(TMTs) that are also capable of performing the functions of the TMG

operational support units that are likewise based in Metro Manila. In

coordination and cooperation with the MMDA for Metro Manila and the local

police units in the different regions, the TMG has at its disposal the traffic

enforcement units. Each Regional Traffic Management Office (RTMO) can

dispatch personnel to strategic choke points and major thoroughfares to

conduct traffic direction and control to ensure the smooth flow of traffic (Sigua,


The Role of Traffic Police/Officers

The objective of the traffic police/officers is to ensure safe movement

on the road, prevent traffic violations and take appropriate measures against

violators. The patrolling has a supervisory preventive role and shall create a

safer environment for all traffic actors. The traffic police analyses, plans and

designs strategies for sustainable traffic safety levels. The Traffic Police Units

are operating units responsible for:

 Planning of patrols – that should be based on analyses of causes

behind traffic accidents (risk factors).

 Patrolling - is carried out in different ways, at different times and with

different tools. Control check-points in which the controls are performed

are determined based on the aforementioned risk analyses.

 Accident investigations - include complete investigation of accidents

and aim to increase road traffic safety. The reports of these

investigations include analyses on factors causing accidents.

Supervision of the traffic is done through the presence of traffic police

on the streets. Traffic flow monitoring can be done with the support of

technical equipment monitoring- speed cameras. The traffic police are also

reasonably well informed about when and where the risks for accidents may

increase; cooperation with other central and local authorities’ and civil society

provides data on traffic intensity, road conditions etc. The traffic police can

also be asked to provide assistance to authorities e.g. be present at schools,

inspection bodies, raise awareness in preventing traffic risk, etc. To be

effective, the traffic police need competent staff and proper equipment such

as well equipped vehicles (marked and unmarked), motorbikes, radar and

alcohol tests. In many countries the traffic police are also equipped with

helicopters, speed cameras, drug test etc (Pristina, 2015). (2010) defines the job responsibilities of Traffic Enforcer

onensuring that traffic rules and regulations are followed by all drivers,

passengers and pedestrians. It also includes extending help on pedestrians,

especially the aged and children to cross the street (at times), and people who

might have lost their way. It extends to other tasks such as catching traffic

violators and issue appropriate tickets or penalties. At oftentimes, they are

responsible to attending to traffic emergencies and calling other departments

if cases and situations come to worse.

Often neglected to impart by most traffic personnel is to maintain an

approachable personality so people in need would not hesitate to ask for help

or would not be intimidated and shy off. And also educating people on traffic

safety and health. They mostly focused on recording traffic violations, traffic

incidents and other traffic related situations in the road.

Ishoy (2016) research used qualitative methods to investigate police

officer decision-making processes within the context of the theory of planned

behavior from the discipline of psychology. Interviews with police officers were

conducted to elicit how the constructs of attitudes about enforcement

behaviors, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control manifest

themselves in a policing context and how they affect the enforcement

decisions that police officers ultimately make. The results indicated that officer

attitudes about enforcement behaviors impact the decisions officers make

with the caution that the impact of these attitudes varies across varying

situational contexts. In terms of subjective norms, officers were primarily

concerned with supervisor expectations more than the expectations of

coworkers or the community in general. Officer decisions are also impacted

by perceived limits on their discretion with these perceived limits being largely

conditioned by offense seriousness.

There are also traffic management research conducted to address the

request of public for safety and security such as traffic calming measures

studies is largely still at its infancy in Zimbabwe although much information is

now available on accidents reports kept by the Zimbabwe Republic Police

(ZRP), (Mbara, 2002). The police reports failed to find an answer as to why

people die on country‟s roads (Sunday mail, 16 June 2012). Reports

generated by police after attending the scene of accidents have not been

adequately studied to ascertain the exact causes of accidents. Police

investigations lack the engineering aspect of the analysis there by under

estimating the role of that can be played by road engineering on accidents.

This has hindered road traffic authorities adequately deal with the problem of

accidents and coming up with proper measures and planning to curb

accidents (Mbara, 2002).

Work related problems are also associated with traffic personnel

effectiveness. A number of studies were carried out indifferent parts of the

world for understanding the level of stress among Police Personnel. In a

recently conducted study among the West Bengal Police Officers revealed

that 42 and 12% of the West Bengal Police Officers were suffering from

moderate and high psychological stress respectively. Further analysis of data

revealed that the main areas of stress included un-profitability (32%), role

overload (74%), role conflict (50%), powerlessness (28%), role ambiguity

(36%),unreasonable group and political pressure (58%), intrinsic

impoverishment (32%) and under participation (60%). Findings suggest that

special attention is required for taking need-based measures for each of the

above areas of stress for unburdening the level of stress among West Bengal

Police Officers (Deb, Chakraborty, Chatterjee, & Srivastava,2005a). In

another study carried out in Kolkata Traffic Police Officers, authors found that

the main causes of stress were inadequate rest,no leave, abstaining from

social occasions and excessive work pressure (Deb,Chakraborty, Chatterjee,

& Srivastava,2005b). Green (2004) carried out a study among Police Officers
with a view to ascertaining whether the Police Officers had severe post-

traumatic stress than PTSD in civilians.

Fundamental of Traffic Engineering

Transportation engineering is a filed or branch of civil engineering that

deals with the application of technology and scientific principles to the

planning, functional design, operation, and management of facilities for any

mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable,

convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people

and goods. On the other hand, traffic engineering is that phases of

transportation engineering that deals with the planning, geometric design, and

traffic operations of roads, streets and highways, their networks, terminals,

abutting lands, and relationships with other modes of transportation (Sigua,


In the United States, it was in 1921 when the title “traffic engineer” was

first recognized, although a number of traffic engineering-related activities

were already going on. The use of traffic signals for controlling traffic came

much earlier. The first recorded use of traffic signals was in 1868 in Great

Britain. The signals were illuminated by town gas. However, the use of gas

was discontinued after an explosion incident. In 1930, the Institute of Traffic

Engineers (ITE) was founded, and traffic engineering as a profession was

finally officially established and defined. The society played a key role in

promoting the profession through advanced training, research studies,

standardization, laws, and application of traffic engineering techniques (Sigua,

The traffic engineering practice in the Philippines is still new. Most

intersections were previously controlled by traffic police officers or by

manually operated traffic signals. Outside Metro Manila, manually operated

semaphore signals displaying STOP or GO message were installed on top of

police outposts located at the center of the intersection. In 1977, the Traffic

Engineering and Management (TEAM) Project first implemented an area

traffic control system in Metro Manila. It was almost at the same period when

the Traffic Control Center, later renamed as the Traffic Engineering Center

(TEC), was established. The center was responsible for the implementation of

various traffic engineering and management measures such as traffic

signalization, geometric improvement of intersections, etc. In 1976, the

Transport Training Center (TTC) was established in the University of the

Philippines with assistance from Japan through the Japan International

Cooperation Agency (JICA). TTC started its training program in 1978 in the

fields of traffic engineering, transportation planning, and traffic management

for traffic law enforcers. TTC was renamed as the National Center for

Transportation Studies and became a regular unit of UP Diliman in 1993, with

research and support to graduate programs in the fields of transportation

engineering and transportation planning as additional functions (Sigua, 2008).

Republic Act 4136, otherwise known as the Land Transportation and

Traffic Code, provides for the system of registration of motor vehicles, checks

on accessories of vehicles, and defines road traffic rules and regulations.

Commonwealth Act 146, otherwise known as Pubic Service Act, rests

on the regulatory body (LTFRB) the power to compel any public service

provider to furnish safe, adequate, and proper service as regards the manner
of furnishing the same as well as the maintenance of necessary materials and


Executive Order (EO) 125 reorganized the then Ministry of

Transportation and Communications into a Department and defined its

powers and functions, including the establishment of the Land Transportation

Office as the sectoral agency responsible for implementing and carrying out

policies, rules, and regulations governing the land transportation system of the


Executive Order (EO) 202 created the Land Transportation Franchising

and Regulatory Board with the main function of regulating the land transport

industry pursuant to the Public Service Act.

Republic Act 6975 established the Department of the Interior and Local

Government (DILG), including the creation of the PNP under which the Traffic

Management Group has been reorganized as the traffic enforcement arm of

the PNP covering national roads.

In this brief, this study will investigates the role of the traffic officers in

maintenance of order at Maranding National Highway in Lala, Lanao del Norte

as perceived by the respondents for the year 2016-2017. Further, this will

include the current traffic condition of the area and its major causes of traffic

congestion. The study output will seek for solutions on alleviation of traffic

congestion in the area.



This chapter presents the research design, locale of the study,

instrumentation, research subjects/respondents, gathering procedures and

statistical treatment used in this study.

Research Design

Descriptive method was used in this general procedure, the method

describes the nature of a situation as it exists at the time of the study and

explore the course of a particular phenomenon (Harold, 2013) It has for its

main purpose the description of phenomena. In this study, the researchers

described the current traffic conditions at Maranding national highway and the

role of traffic officers in maintaining the order of the national highway for the

year 2016-2017. Solutions on current traffic congestions as perceived by the

respondents have been also included in this study.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte for the

year 2016-2017. Most of the commercial establishments are located in

Barangay Maranding, which is now becoming the center of trade, commerce,

and education in the western part of Lanao del Norte. It is also the highest

income-generating municipality in Lanao del Norte. Further, Barangay

Marandng has a total population of 6,814 as of year 2015 statistic record.

Figure 2 shows the location map of the study.

Figure 2 Location Map

Research Subjects/Respondents

The respondents of the study were the pedicab drivers in Maranding,

Lala, Lanao del Norte for the year 2016-2017. There were a total of fifty (50)

research respondents used in this study. Research respondents were

selected through convenience sampling. Convenience sampling (also known

as availability sampling) is a specific type of non-probability sampling method

that relies on data collection from population members who are conveniently

available to participate in study.


A series of interviews, observations and hand-out questionnaires were

given in this study. The questionnaires were divided into four (4) parts: (1)

Current Traffic Condition, (2) Major Causes of Traffic Congestion, (3) Traffic

Officers’ Role Assessment, and (4) Solutions on Traffic Congestion. The

variables of the study will measure through hypothetical mean range of: 0.00-

1.49 – Strongly Agree (SA), 1.50- 2 – Agree (A), 2.50-3.49 – Neutral (N),

3.50-4.49 – Disagree (D) and 4.50 - 5 – Strongly Disagree (SD).

Data Gathering Techniques

The following data procedures were followed to collect the data needed

for the completion of this study.

Road Survey. Road surveys were done to have a deeper

understanding about the problem. The researchers examined the speed of the

flow of vehicles and others. Likewise investigations of the most frequently

encountered problems were observed.

Interview. The researchers conducted preliminary interviews to the

research respondents in separate schedule to check the validity of the

questionnaires. On the date of actual interview, the researchers distributed

the self-administered questionnaires to the research respondents and were

collected after the respondents had answered items in the questionnaires.

Distribution of questionnaires. The researchers distributed the

questionnaires in separate areas such as in national highway near

intersection point of road going to Salvador in front of Julies Bakeshop,

national highways near intersection point to Lala public market in Maranding

and in national highway in front of Christ the King College. The researchers

have accomplished 50 questionnaires from the target research respondents.

Statistical Treatment

The following statistical treatments were used to analyze the data

garnered in this study:

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondents in

each item indicators.

Mean. This was used to determine the average score in each item

indicator. The formula below was used in to determine the mean.

Formula for mean:



This chapter presents the analyses and interpretations of the data

garnered from the research survey. Table 1 shows the current traffic condition

in terms of physical condition of the road. Table 2 shows the current traffic

flow statistics. Table 3 shows the mean score of major causes of traffic

congestion as perceived by the respondents. Table 4 presents the mean

score of the role of traffic officers’ assessment in Maranding as perceived by

the respondents. Lastly, table 5 shows the solutions on traffic congestion.

Table 1 Mean Score on Physical Condition of the Road

No. Traffic Condition of the Road Mean

1 Pavements are in proper condition 2.64
2 Sufficient number of lanes 3.66
3 Enough traffic lights/signage 3.28
4 Drainages and sidewalks are in good condition 3.26
5 Numerous road obstructions 2.70

Table 2 Current Traffic Flow Statistics

Table 3 Mean Score on Causes of Traffic Congestion

No. Causes of Traffic Congestion Mean

1 Plenty of passenger car/tricycle/pedicabs 2.06
2 Road obstructions 2.70
3 Narrow road/lane 2.54
4 Inadequate number of traffic signs 2.50
5 Inadequacy of traffic enforcement 2.08
6 Undisciplined drivers 2.28
7 Undisciplined commuters 2.04

Table 4 Mean Score on Role of Traffic Officers in Maranding

No. Traffic Officers at Maranding National Highway Mean

1 The officers do not leave his post. 3.72
The officers do respond to any emergency
2 call. 2.20
The officers are calm and able to control his
temper under trying and provoking
3 circumstances. 2.32
The officers are in proper uniform with the
4 appropriate equipment. 2.24
In issuing a traffic citation, the officers use one
(1) minute as the maximum time spent for
5 dealing with an offender. 2.06
The officers wear an official I.D. card when
6 undertaking traffic duties. 1.92
The officers conform to the procedures in
7 conducting traffic law enforcement. 2.32
The officers inform the driver of specific
8 violation. 2.18
The officers accomplish clearly and legibly the
9 traffic citation ticket. 2.24
Enforcement of traffic laws, ordinances, rules
10 and regulations without fear or favor. 2.22
Assist the public when necessary and
11 requested. 2.20

Table 5 Solutions on Traffic Congestion

No. Solutions Of Traffic Congestion Mean

1 Road rehabilitation 2.20
2 Additional traffic enforcers 2.42
3 Additional traffic signs 2.10
4 Additional routes 2.02


This chapter shows the summary of results, conclusions and

recommendations of the research study.

Summary of Findings



Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). 2004. Highway safety

design standards. Road Safety Design Manual. Manila: DPWH.

Peden, M. (Ed), (2004), World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention.

World Health Organisation, Geneva.




Maranding, Lala, Lanaodel Norte




Date of Interview: Respondent’s No.:

Name (Optional):


Part I: Current Traffic Condition

Directions: Please rate the current traffic condition according to your level of
agreement or disagreement. Put a check mark (√) on the box column that
corresponds to your answer. Use the likert scale below:

1- Strongly Agree (SA) 4- Disagree (D)

2- Agree (A) 5- Strongly Disagree (SD)
3- Neutral (N)
1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

No. Traffic Condition of the Road SA A N D SD

1 Pavements are in proper condition

2 Sufficient number of lanes

3 Enough traffic lights/signage

Drainages and sidewalks are in good

4 condition

5 Numerous road obstructions

Part II: Major Causes of Traffic Congestion

Directions: Please rate the causes of traffic congestion in Maranding national

highway according to your level of agreement or disagreement. Put a check
mark (√) on the box column that corresponds to your answer. Use the likert
scale below:

1- Strongly Agree (SA) 4- Disagree (D)

2- Agree (A) 5- Strongly Disagree (SD)
3- Neutral (N)
1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

No. Causes of Traffic Congestion SA A N D SD

Plenty of passenger

1 car/tricycle/pedicabs

2 Road obstructions

3 Narrow road/lane

4 Inadequate number of traffic signs

5 Inadequacy of traffic enforcement

6 Undisciplined drivers

7 Undisciplined commuters

Part III: Traffic Officers’ Role Assessment

Directions: Please rate the traffic officers’ role in Maranding national highway
according to your level of agreement or disagreement. Put a check mark (√)
on the box column that corresponds to your answer. Use the likert scale

1- Strongly Agree (SA)

2- Agree (A)
3- Neutral (N)
4- Disagree (D)
5- Strongly Disagree (SD)
Traffic Officers at Maranding National 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

No. Highway SA A N D SD

1 The officers do not leave his post.

The officers do respond to any

2 emergency call.

The officers are calm and able to

control his temper under trying and

3 provoking circumstances.

The officers are in proper uniform with

4 the appropriate equipment.

In issuing a traffic citation, the officers

use one (1) minute as the maximum

5 time spent for dealing with an offender.

The officers wear an official I.D. card

6 when undertaking traffic duties.

The officers conform to the procedures

7 in conducting traffic law enforcement.

The officers inform the driver of specific

8 violation.

The officers accomplish clearly and

9 legibly the traffic citation ticket.

Enforcement of traffic laws, ordinances,

rules and regulations without fear or

10 favor.

Assist the public when necessary and

11 requested.

Part IV: Solutions on Traffic Congestion

Directions: Please rate the following solutions on traffic congestions in

Maranding national highway according to your level of agreement or
disagreement. Put a check mark (√) on the box column that corresponds to
your answer. Use the likert scale below:

1- Strongly Agree (SA)

2- Agree (A)
3- Neutral (N)
4- Disagree (D)
5- Strongly Disagree (SD)

No. Solutions Of Traffic Congestion 1 - SA 2 - A 3-N 4-D 5 - SD

1 Road rehabilitation

2 Additional traffic enforcers

3 Additional traffic signs

4 Additional routes


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