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38 FE B R U ARY 2 5 2 0 1 6

I N T E R N A T I O N A L   Ph i l i ppe Ga u l i e r

The fine art of serious clowning

After studying and teaching with Jacques Lecoq, Philippe Gaulier founded acting schools
in both England and France, influencing generations of new performers. Nick Awde speaks
to the man behind ‘le Jeu’ to explore what makes his technique so enduringly popular

phili ppe gaulier


Born in Paris, France
Studied at the Theatre
National Populaire before
moving to the Ecole
Internationale de Theatre
Jacques Lecoq in Paris.
Worked as a clown and
Became Lecoq’s assistant
and taught at the school.
Left the Lecoq school and
founded Ecole Philippe
Gaulier in an atelier in the
17th arrondissement, Paris.
Invited by Arts Council
England to move the school to
the UK.
Moved to Montreuil, France.
Set up school in Sceaux,
south of Paris.
Published The Tormentor
(Le Gegeneur), a book of his
thoughts and exercises on the
Moved to Etampes.

n a comfortable hall just off a sleepy square in a small always want to come back to show what they’ve learned. We and a bouffon is a subject close to Gaulier’s heart. “The clown
town south of Paris, the final touches are being put to don’t take teachers from other places. They’re boring and don’t imitates an adult to make us believe now he is an adult. He
Philippe Gaulier’s expanded acting school. It’s busy in understand the spirit of what’s going on here.” is like a child, he imitates in order to say, ‘Daddy look at me
the new admin office – the architect has arrived to give His own experience has given him insight into that idea of now that I am an actor’. But he has no opinion about being
things a last once-over, the phone rings to announce a passing on the flame. “I was at Jacques Lecoq’s school before an actor. The bouffon imitates in order to say this person is
last-minute tranche of money towards the refit, then and I was not that bad a teacher later. So after I started my a piece of shit. To imitate Jean-Marie Le Pen, to say this one
happy tidings of a new Gaulier grandchild. Professional and own school, it seems I am still not that bad – so they come.” is a horrible person. So the bouffon is intelligent, he parodies
personal partner Michiko Miyazaki-Gaulier fights with the key Gaulier was born in Paris in 1943 – “when it was full of to denounce the horrible fascist people. The clown does not
to the new front door, while there’s the clatter of coffee cups Germans” – and went straight into theatre after leaving school. understand what he is. He looks like what he does. The bouffon
as the students mill about on a break. “I left my family and I went to theatre school, the Theatre is like Goya’s Black Paintings. Totally different.”
Gaulier stands in the middle of all it, visibly proud of this National Populaire. We had good teachers: Gerard Philippe, Britain got the chance to discover the Gaulier style close-
new space for his Ecole Philippe Gaulier. “The school started Alain Cuny. It was a good time.” He then went to train with up when he spent the whole of the 1990s in London after
here five years ago and we had to do the administration on Jacques Lecoq, staying on to teach at his Ecole Internationale Arts Council England invited him over for what was originally
the stairs and put the costumes on the stage. So Michiko and de Theatre Jacques Lecoq for a decade. planned to be just one year. He moved from Highbury to Ken-
I earned a bit of money, paf! We bought the neighbours, and Leaving Lecoq in 1980, Gaulier set up his own school in tish Town and then Cricklewood. After returning to France,
now we have a dressing room and an administration office.” Paris, building his courses around ‘le Jeu’ or the ‘Game’. he ended up in Etampes, which is to Paris as, say, Woking is
Where did the cash come from? “Money comes from us, “We discover the ‘complicite’, we start to be friends, like to London.
from the school. It’s our money and we are proud of that. We when we play games like cowboys and Indians when we were With all those changing spaces, has Gaulier kept the same
never received a subsidy here and we have never asked for one kids.” And, as Red Bastard and Dr Brown attest, Gaulier is structure of courses? “No. Here in Etampes we have two rooms
kopek from the French government. We can say ‘fuck you’. And also big on clown and bouffon, a dual nature that he developed to work in. When I was in Cricklewood we had a sort of church,
a free school is always happy to say ‘fuck you’.” himself as a performer – “I was a clown for 10 years – I did a a fantastic open room of about 450 square metres, almost all
It’s an attitude that helps to explain a man whose school lot of clown shows”. And the difference between being a clown our present building. But with one room, it’s not easy because
has created a quiet revolution in UK theatre since the 1980s, we had two or three classes. So, for example, the movement
with former students including Emma Thompson, the founder teacher would work with one group, I would come after as he
members of Complicite – Simon McBurney, Annabel Arden ‘Everybody thinks it’s good moved to the next group, so it all went faster.”
and Marcello Magni – Cal McCrystal, Sacha Baron Cohen, As for method, did Gaulier take a lot of Lecoq with him?
Helena Bonham Carter, Told by an Idiot’s John Wright and
to be good. I tell students “No, no. It’s not the same at all. When I was a teacher at
Roberto Benigni. More recent alumni include Red Bastard (aka you are allowed to be bad. Lecoq I didn’t practise what he did. On some points I was okay
Eric Davis), Dr Brown (Phil Burgers) and Trygve Wakenshaw. but on many I wasn’t, and that sometimes got Lecoq pissed
The school also has a strong sense of family, as Gaulier
It’s good to be bad. Everybody off. But I did not want to accept his style, I did not like it. So
points out: “All our teachers were students at the school. They was bad at some time’ after 10 years there I said, ‘I’m going to do my own school,’
FE B R UARY 2 5 2 01 6 39
photos: Ecole Philippe Gaulier

5 th i n g s yo u n eed
to k n ow a bou t W O R L D NE W S
p h i l i ppe g a u l i er

1. Gaulier’s teachings are

based on his concept of
National theatre day Black theatre co’s
‘Le Jeu’ or the ‘Game’ – ITALY 45th anniversary
finding the joy of performing Italians are being CANADA/
– while also in the vein of given a national MONTREAL
Lecoq by using the ‘via day to celebrate Canada’s oldest black
negativa’ or ‘negative way’, theatre across the theatre company is
ie, encouraging students to country with venues offering free spearheading its 45th
find their own way through performances. October 22 has been anniversary season with productions
negative criticism. designated as ‘la Giornata del Teatro’ by three black Canadian women
(Theatre Day) in an agreement signed writers. Black Theatre Workshop, an
2. Courses at the Ecole between the Ministry of Cultural English-speaking company based
Philippe Gaulier are spread in Heritage and Activities and Tourism in francophone Montreal, is staging
workshops across two years and the Italian General Association of Djanet Sears’ The Adventures of a
(October-June, and there is Performing Arts. With both state and Black Girl in Search of God, Binti’s
also a teaching year), and the independent theatres participating, Journey, adapted by Marcia Johnson
intake is up to 90 students morning performances will be reserved from the novel The Heaven Shop by
each year. for schools, and the rest of the day will Deborah Ellis, and Anne-Marie Woods’
be open to the general public. She Said/He Said. As it has done for
3. The first year covers the more than 25 years, the company
Game, neutral mask (as is touring schools and community
created by Jacques Copeau)
New artistic team centres in the greater Montreal area for
and Greek tragedy, mask play AUSTRALIA/ Black History Month.
(Basel carnival and commedia BRISBANE
dell’arte), melodrama, Queensland Theatre
Shakespeare and Chekhov, Company is setting
Prison workshops for
and writing and devising a up an artistic team young performers
show. Each workshop lasts from around Australia to guide the DENMARK/
Gaulier has built his schools around his method of ‘le Jeu’, or four or five weeks. Brisbane-based theatre’s programming HORSENS
‘the Game’ and encourages his students to learn to play and direction. New artistic director Applications are
4. In the second year courses Sam Strong has appointed a national open for European
but if you see my students you’ll also see they have so many vary. A typical year includes team made up of 10 practitioners from ensembles of young
different styles that you can’t say they come from Philippe clown, bouffon, vaudeville, Queensland, the Torres Strait Islands, performers aged 18-30 for a 10-day
Gaulier’s school. I am happy with that. I don’t give a style to Shakespeare and Chekhov, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. The workshop on the theme of prisons in
my students. I want to give freedom, not my style.” writing and devising a show. team comprises 60% women, 30% Denmark. Freedom Prison will take
The secret to that individuality lies in playing ‘le Jeu’. Each workshop lasts about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place at the former gaol of Faengslet,
“I think the Game is a great pleasure. Even if we play a scene 12 weeks. artists and 70% Queenslanders. now a museum, in Horsens in May
where ‘my grandfather’s died’, it should be a great pleasure Strong said: “They are the eyes and 2017. Around 130 participants will live
to play. But when a teacher with a method that comes from 5. Since 1980 the school has ears paying genuine attention to and work inside Faengslet, stage their
Stanislavski, Strasberg or the others says you have to look inside visited and taught all over the artists and their work in various cities own productions and collaborate on
you to feel the pain when your grandfather died… Well, I don’t world, and now concentrates throughout Australia, and overseas.” the Freedom Prison Show. Organised
like psychologists in theatre. I don’t teach sick theatre, I teach on cities such as London, by the Komediehuset Theatre, the
beautiful theatre that’s alive.” New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, project is part of Aarhus European
The other side of the Game, however, is that Gaulier teaches Barcelona, Berlin and Toronto.
Blue Man world tour Capital of Culture in 2017. The
through relentless negative criticism. If he thinks you’re rub- SINGAPORE deadline is March 1.
bish, he’ll let you know instantly, although in most cases the Blue Man Group has
resolution is a positive one. “Everybody thinks it’s good to announced world tour
be good. I tell students that you are allowed to be bad. It’s dates beginning on
good to be bad. Everybody was bad at some time. So in this March 29. Launching
Range of accessible
school you are allowed to be bad. But you will be bad a lot and at the Sands Theatre in Singapore, events at festival
I’m not going to be your nursemaid. In fact, it’s a good tunnel the tour, which incorporates a live NEW ZEALAND/
for you to discover something. Stay bad and at the end there band, will visit Auckland, Wellington WELLINGTON
is something.” and Christchurch in New Zealand for The New Zealand
And that something is? “Freedom. It was in my case, too. the first time, with more dates to be Festival, which opens
When I was a student at Lecoq’s school, for the first year I announced. Produced by Nick Grace in Wellington on
always said to Lecoq that I wanted to do the exercises, and Management, Lunchbox Theatrical February 26, is continuing to add to
Lecoq always said: ‘Not you, Gaulier!’ One year! And then in Group, Sliding Doors Entertainment the event’s all-round accessibility. All
the second year I found I was free as a performer. So don’t and BASE Entertainment Asia, the programme and access information is
complain. You have to be happy to be bad because it’s a good tour is part of a season celebrating the available in alternative formats, while
way to discover.” group’s 25 years in business. its website offers details for each
Just as there isn’t a typical Gaulier graduate, there isn’t a venue including toilets, hearing loops
typical Gaulier student. They have always come from all around and parking. Shows include an audio-
the world, and currently there are performers from places as
Broadway debut described performance of Kneehigh’s
diverse as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, China, Hong Kong, US/BROADWAY Dead Dog in a Suitcase (and Other
Germany, Canada, Ireland and the UK. “People come because Cirque du Soleil Love Songs), plus a pre-show touch
they know I am not classical. I don’t sell the same salad as my Theatrical’s first tour, and New Zealand Sign Language-
colleagues. I hate that sort of thing.” F u rth er r ea d i n g show Paramour will interpreted performances of New
The application process is also refreshingly different: “Name, open on March 25 on Zealand comedy Te Po and Melbourne
cheque. No letter of recommendation and no photo or showreel. • Resource website: Broadway at the Lyric Theatre, with Theatre Company’s dance piece
If I don’t like you, if you are not polite, I kick you out. That’s previews from April 16. Directed by Complexity of Belonging. There is
it. And everybody progresses.” • Buffoon Plays (Pieces Philippe Decoufle, this is Cirque du also a relaxed performance for Chalk
As for his opinions on the state of theatre in general, Gaulier Pour Bouffons) in English Soleil Theatrical’s first show created About, a dance piece by Scotland’s
mischievously denies that he has any. “No. It’s not my job. I and French, by Philippe specifically for Broadway. The green Curious Seed.
can see beautiful theatre and I can see shit theatre, and that’s Gaulier (Editions Filmiko) light came only after the company
okay – my opinion does not help anybody. It’s what I teach • Actor Training by Alison negotiated deals with Actors’ Equity The International section is
that helps people.” Hodge (Routledge, 2010), Association for the show’s 16 actors, co-edited by Ian Herbert and
Study of major acting and with the American Guild of Variety Nick Awde. Contact email: teachers, including Gaulier Artists for its 22 circus performers. [email protected]
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