Moot Brochure

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April 5th to 7th, 2018

Moot Problem
Registration Form
Travel & Accommodation Form
About us

SGT University, approved by UGC, came into existence vide The Haryana Private Universities
(Amendment) Act No. 8 of 2013 and opened its gates to all segments of the
society under the parasol of Dashmesh Educational Charitable Trust, which was
founded in 1999 as a nonprofit making body with the holy cause of propagating
the message of Shree Guru Gobind Singh Ji—the great philosopher and social
reformer—that, “spread of learning is the best service to mankind.”

SGT University, nationally renowned for leadership in Medical and Health

Sciences has established the Faculty of Law to promote profound scholarship and
enlightened research in law, to provide highest quality professional legal education
to face the new challenges and dimensions of the internationalization of legal
profession. The vision of the Faculty of Law is to be “recognized nationally and
globally for excellence in clinical legal education, community based out-reaches
programmes, socially relevant research and for honing up Lawyering, Arbitration,
Mediation and Client Counseling Skills.”

An abode for continual activity and unrelenting vitality, the Faculty of Law offers a wide array of academic
and extracurricular opportunities making every day a potential adventure for the students.

For details visit:


1. Title
Third SGT University -National Moot Court Competition, 2018 shall be held from April 5 th to 7th,
2018 at SGT University SGTU (NMCC), Delhi-NCR.
2. Language
The language of the Competition shall be English.
3. Eligibility Criteria
3.1 Students of 5 yrs integrated Law Degree programme & 3 yrs Law Degree programme studying in
Colleges/ Universities, approved by the Bar Council of India, are eligible to participate in the SGTU
NMCC 2018.
3.2 Only one team from a particular College /University can participate in the SGTU NMCC 2018.
3.3 Only those members of the Team who are designated as Speakers will be permitted to present oral
arguments in the Competition.
4. Registration
4.1 The Participating team shall fill the Registration Form provided along with the Rules and send it
along with the prescribed fee of INR. 4,000 (Rupees Four thousand only) on or before March 1st,
2018 The Registration fee shall be sent through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Shree Guru
Gobind Singh Tricentenary University” payable at New Delhi.
4.2 Duly filled-in Registration Form along with the Demand Draft are to be sent by Speed Post at the
following address by March 1st, 2018:
The Dean
Faculty of Law, SGT University
Gurugram-Badli Road, Gurugram (Haryana) – 122505
4.3 Scanned copies of the filled in Registration forms along with the scanned copy of the Demand Draft
may be sent to [email protected] on or before February 25, 2018 (by 11:59 p.m.) and
the hard copies should reach by March 1st, 2018.
4.4 Only first 20 Teams will be considered for participation in SGTU NMCC 2018 on ‘first come first
serve’ basis.
4.5 The participants are required to submit only one passport-size colored photographs of each Team
Member along with the Registration Form. (One photograph to be affixed on the Registration form
and Second photograph shall be appended with the Registration form
4.6 Each Team shall be allotted a Team Code along with the confirmation email by or before March 5th,
4.7 The Teams shall submit their Written Submissions under the Team Code allotted to them and NOT
under the names of their respective institution
5. Written Submissions/ Memorial

5.1 The cover page of the Memorial for the Petitioner shall be in “Blue” and that of the Respondent shall
be in “Red.”
5.2 The Teams shall not indicate their name or the name of their college /university on the Memorials. For
all communication purposes, the allotted Team Code shall be mentioned.
5.3 The Team Code allotted to all Teams shall be indicated at top right corner of the Memorial, which will
be communicated to them by e-mail.
5.4 All participating Teams must submit a soft copy of their Memorials in PDF form, for both parties, i.e.
the appellant and the respondent by 11:59 P.M., IST on March 15 th 2018 by e-mailing the same to
[email protected] The organizers, on receiving the soft copy of the Memorial, reserve
the right to reject the participation of the Team if it is of the opinion that the Memorial is of very low
5.5 The written Memorials shall conform to the set standards
5.6 Teams have to submit Memorials for both the parties i.e. the appellant and respondent before the
Hon’ble Court.
5.7 All Memorials must be in English, on A4 size sheets, with space margin of 1’’ on all sides.
5.8 The text font should be Times New Roman, size 12 for the main body, and Times New Roman, size
10 for the footnotes.
5.9 The main body of the Memorial must be in 1.5 line spacing. The footnotes may be in single line
5.10 Memorial shall not exceed 35 pages in all. Arguments shall not exceed 25 pages.
5.11 The Memorial must contain the following:
i Cover page vi Statement of Facts
ii Table of Contents vii Issues raised
iii Table of Abbreviations viii Summary of Arguments
iv Index of Authorities ix Arguments Advanced/ Pleadings
v Statement of Jurisdiction x Prayer
5.13 Blue Book mode of citation (19th Edition) must be followed.

S.No. Criteria Marks

Proper inclusion of parties, identification of issues and nature of relief
1. sought 10

2. Knowledge of law & facts 15

3. Application of law to facts 15
4. Analysis and organization 10
5. Appropriate use of Authority/cases 15
6. Proper Citation & Correct Format 10
7. Originality 10
8. General Impression and clarity of thought 10
9. Grammar and style of presentation 5

6. Orientation
There will be an orientation Program for all the participants on 5th April 2018 followed by a draw of lots and
exchange of memorials
7. Preliminary Rounds
7.1 There shall be one Preliminary Rounds on 6th April, 2018 and every Team shall be given the
opportunity to argue for either side i.e. the Appellant or the Respondent
7.2 Lots for the Preliminary Rounds shall be drawn by the Moot Court Committee of Faculty of Law,
SGT University
7.3 The Appellant shall be allotted a total of 20 minutes to spea. The Respondent shall be allotted next
20 minutes for arguments. For rebuttal and su-rebuttal each team shall be allotted 8 minutes. Any
extension of time be-yond the specified period shall be subject to the discretion of the Judges.
7.4 The division of time to be apportioned between the Speakers at the discretion of the Team
members, subject to a maximum of 8 minutes for one Speaker.
7.5 Before the commencement of the each Round, each Team shall indicate to the ‘Court Officer’ as to
how they wish to apportion their time.
7.6 At the end of the Preliminary Rounds, Top 8 Teams shall qualify for the Quarter Finals. Top 8
Teams shall be selected on the basis of marks.
7.7 A Team shall be credited with a “Win”, if its total marks in the respective session are higher than
those of its opponent Team.

8. Quarter Finals

8.1 The Quarter Finals will be a Ranking Round and will take place on 6 th April, 2018. Top 4 Teams
with the highest total scores shall qualify for the Semi-Final Rounds.
8.2 The side to be represented by a Team shall be determined by draw of Lots with the Teams picking
the Lots after the completion of the Preliminary Rounds.
8.3 Refer to point 7.3 for time allotment.
8.4 The apportionment of time between the Speakers shall be at the discretion of the Team members,
subject to a maximum of 12 minutes for one Speaker.
8.5 Before the commencement of the Round, each Team shall indicate to the ‘Court Officer’ as to how
they wish to apportion their time.

9. Semi-Finals

9.1 The Semi-Finals will be held on 6 th April, 2018. A Team will be credited with a “Win” in the
Semi-Finals if the total marks are higher than those of its opponent Team.
9.2 The side to be presented by the Team shall be determined by Draw of Lots with the teams picking
the Lots after the completion of Quarter-Final Rounds.
9.3 Each Team shall get a total of 30 minutes to present their case which will include the time for
‘rebuttal’ and ‘su-rebuttal’.
9.4 The apportionment of time between the Speakers shall be at the discretion of the Team members,
subject to a maximum of 12 minutes for one Speaker.
9.5 Before the commencement of the Round, each Team shall indicate to the ‘Court Officer’ as to how
they wish to apportion their time.
10. Finals
10.1 The Final will be held on 7th April, 2018. A Team will be credited with a “Win” in the Final if its
total marks are higher than those of its opponent team.
10.2 Each Team shall get a total of 40 minutes to present their case, which will include the time
for ‘rebuttal’ and ‘su-rebuttal’.
10.3 The division of time to be apportioned between the Speakers is at the discretion of the Team subject
to a maximum of 25 minutes for one Speaker.
10.4 Before the commencement of the Round, each Team shall indicate to the ‘Court Officer’ as to
how they wish to allocate their time.

11. Dress Code

Participants must adhere to the following Dress Code strictly during the Competition.
Ladies: White shirt, Black trousers/skirts, Black tie, Black coat and Black shoes.
Gentlemen: White shirt, Black trousers, Black tie along with Black coat and Black shoes.
Non adherence to the Dress Code shall result in disqualification from the Competition.

12. Evaluation Criteria for Oral Pleadings

S.No Marking Criteria

1. Knowledge of facts and evidence on record
Articulation of issues; knowledge of law and its interpretation and
2. application
3. Skill of advocacy, persuasiveness and response to questions
4. Use of authorities
5. General Impression and Court Etiquette
13. Scouting Teams shall not be allowed to observe the proceedings/submissions of any other Team.
Scouting is strictly prohibited.

14. Awards
1. Trophies for the Winners, Runner up, Best Advocate, Best Researcher, Best Memorial
2. Cash Prizes to be Won-Winner Team - ₹25,000 ; Runner Up team - ₹15,000 ; Best Mooter - ₹5,000
; Best Memorial - ₹5,000

3. Certificate of Merit and Certificate of Participation.

15. Decision of the judges with regard to Declaration of Results shall be final and binding on all.
16. Accommodation:
Accommodation has been arranged for all Teams by the Organizers from - April 5th, 2018 (3:00 pm) till 7th
April, 2018 (till lunch). Participants requiring accommodation to be arranged by the organizers should
indicate the same in the space provided for in the Travel Details and Accommodation Form.
All participates staying on the SGTU Campus / accommodation provided by the SGT University shall be
subject to the Disciplinary Rules and Authorities of the SGT University including Hostels
17. Note:
All questions seeking clarifications on any issue arising out of the Moot Problem should be sent by 20 th
February, 2018 to [email protected]
The organizers reserve the discretion to amend these rules at any time prior to the inaugural of the Moot
Court Competition. In case of any discrepancies or doubts regarding the Rules, the decision of the organizers
shall be final and binding.

Participation Certificate shall be awarded to all the students taking active part in the competition

Moot Court Coordinators:

Faculty coordinators:

1. Mr. Nishit R. Chaki, Coordinator, Email: nishitranjanchakiˍ[email protected],

2. Mr. Amit Dayal, Co- Coordinator, Email: [email protected], Mob: 7503475169

3. SGT University Contact: 0124-2278183-186

Student Coordinator:

1. Harmandeep Kaur

S.No. Event Date

Deadline for receiving soft copy of Registration form (by
1. organizers) February 25, 2018
2. Deadline for receiving hard copy of Registration form (by organizers) March 1, 2018
3. Communication of confirmation of Team Codes to Registered Teams March 5, 2018
Deadline for receiving queries seeking clarifications and Travel details of the
4. Team March 15, 2018

5. Issuance of clarifications on the queries March 17, 2018

6. Deadline for submission of soft copy of the Memorials March 15, 2018,
7. Inaugural Ceremony; Draw of Lots April 5, 2018 from
3:00 PM
8. Preliminary Rounds April 6, 2018 from
10:00 AM
April 6, 2018 from
9. Draw of Lots for Quarter Finals; Quarter Finals 11:30
PM onwards
Draw of Lots for Semi
10. Finals; Semi Finals April 6, 2018
2:00PM onwards
April 7, 2018 from 10
11. Finals AM onwards

12. Valedictory Ceremony April 7, 2018 from

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.

Savita aged 19 yrs., and, Bhure aged 22 yrs., residing in village Meddy, Distt. Karankalan,
Haryana met their tragic end like sacrificial goats at the hands of their own community under the pretext
of preservation and aggrandizement of traditional societal norms undaunted by any fear of law. Savita
belonged to a traditional Brahmin family while Bhure, son of field labour, was a Dalit. Both had studied
together in the same school. Bhure later joined a private university, successfully completed his MBA, got
employment in a reputed company and used to visit the village on off days only. However, Savita got
attracted to Bhure and gradually they came very close to each other. Apprehending serious repercussions
of their close association in the village, both started meeting clandestinely. When somebody informed
about these meetings to Savita’s father Radheysham, he strictly warned her not to meet Bhure otherwise
both of them will face dire consequences. But the warning went in vain and Sarita continued to meet
Bhure. In the meantime Radheysham got a suitable Brahmin match for Savita and an auspicious date was
fixed for her engagement ceremony. Savita, feeling helpless, somehow prevailed upon Bhure to marry her
as per Arya Samaj rites in a city temple whose caretaker was known to him.
On 14 April, 2014, at odd hours in the night, they eloped from the village and got married on 16
April, 2014. On 15 April 2014, Radheysham, unable to trace Savita and Bhure reported the matter to the
police alleging that Bhure, by criminal intimidation, has kidnapped his minor daughter Savita.
Accordingly, F.I.R. no. 355/2014 u/s. 363/506 IPC was registered and the investigation was entrusted to
Sub Inspector Brahm Prakash. The I.O. accompanied by Ct. Swaroop and Ct. Suresh started search for
Savita and Bhure but could not trace them. The village community was highly agitated by the incident and
even staged dharna outside the police station for its failure to trace Bhure. The IO called Bhure’s mother
Mst. Kela to the police station every day. She was made to sit there for long hours and pressurized to
reveal the possible hideouts of Bhure and even threatened to implicate her also. Mst. Kela pleaded
helplessness in the matter. Unable to bear the mental torture by the police party ( IO and Cts. Swaroop and
Suresh) Mst. Kela jumped into a well and committed suicide.
On 15 May 2014, at 7 p.m., Savita and Bhure, of their own, returned to the village. The police
immediately apprehended Bhure and brought him to the police station. The IO recorded the statement of
Savita the next day wherein she stated that she was a major and had gone with Bhure of her own will and
being adult, got married to Bhure as per Arya Samaj rites. She also produced her 10 th Pass Certificate as
proof of age and Marriage Certificate as proof of marriage. Savita struck to her statement u/s 164 Cr. P. C.
which was recorded by concerned Magistrate before whom she was taken by the IO the same evening.
She pleaded that Bhure be released as he has not committed any offence.
IO Brahm Prakash and the said Cts. Swaroop and Suresh assured Savita that no action will be
taken against Bhure but, somehow, persuaded Savita and Bhure to accompany them to the village in a
police jeep. The police party, on reaching the village, handed over both of them to P-1 to P-5, the five
Panchas of the village Panchayat. The Panchas called an urgent Panchayat meeting to be attended by
entire village community including Savita’s family members. There was lot of commotion in the meeting.
The agitated community exhorted the Panchas for strict action against Bhure and Savita for their highly
shameful and condemnable act and set a lesson to others that such a marriage between high caste and low
caste will never be tolerated by them under any circumstances. Radheysham vainly pleaded mercy for his
daughter. P-1 to P-5 decided to give exemplary punishment to Bhure and Savita and announced a dictat
that both be confined in a hut situated in a field quite away from the village and that nobody should
provide them with food and even water. They deputed two lathi wielding youth namely Bholu and Parna
to lock the said hut from outside and keep constant vigil so that nobody should approach Bhure and
Savita. As per the said dictat, Bhure and Savita were confined in the said solitary hut locked from outside,
under the strict vigil of Bholu and Parna. The confinement continued for 4 days. Unable to bear hunger
and thirst, Bhure and Savita fell unconscious. When the two vigilants did not find any movement from the
hut, they peeped inside and found both Bhure and Savita lying motionless on the floor. They informed P-1
to P-5 accordingly. All presumed that both Savita and Bhure are dead. P-1 to P-5 asked Bholu and Parna
to heap dry grass on the hut and set it on fire, evidently with a view to wipe out any sign of crime.
In the meantime, Radheysham informed the higher police officials about the entire episode as the
local police did not respond to his entreaties. On 20 May, 2014, a police party headed by DSP Suryakant
visited the site, got the fire extinguished, recovered half burnt bodies of Bhure and Savita and sent them
for post mortem. On the basis of the complaint by Radheysham F.I.R. u/s. 302/ 120B/201/34 IPC was
registered and the accused P-1 to P-5, Bholu , Parna, SI Brahm Prakash and Cts. Swaroop and Suresh
were arrested for entering into conspiracy to commit murders of Bhure and Savita. The IO found that SI
Brahm Prakash and Cts. Swaroop and Suresh have also committed the offence of abetment of suicide of
Mst. Kela and accordingly section 306 IPC was also added. In due course the post mortem report had also
been received which stated that the death of Bhure and Savita was “due to burn injuries” .
After investigation, the IO submitted the Charge Sheet in the Court for trial of the accused for committing
above offences.
The Trial Court observed that it was a clear case of “Honour Killing” for which the guilty deserve
no leniency. All the accused were held guity of entering into conspiracy and committing murders of Bhure
and Savita. P-1 to P-5, Bholu and Parna were awarded capital punishment whereas SI Brahm Prakash, Ct.
Swaroop and Ct. Satish were awarded life punishment. The police party was also held guilty for the
offence of abetment to suicide of Mst. Kela and awarded 5 yrs. RI. Both the sentences were to run
All the convicted persons appealed to the High Court of Punjab and Haryana against the judgment
of the Trial Court. The High Court, maintained capital punishment to P-1 to P-5, Bhure and Parna for the
said offences committed by them. SI Brahm Prakash, Cts. Swaroop and Suresh were held guilty for
committing the offence of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and awarded 7 yrs. RI. The police
party was acquitted of the offence of abetment of suicide.
Now all the convicts have now approached the Apex Court against the impugned judgment of the
High Court.
The State has also appealed against the said judgment whereby the police party has been absolved of
committing offences of murder of Savita and Bhure, and, abetment of suicide of Mst. Kela.
April 5th to 7th, 2018

Registration Form


Full Name
Mobile ________________________________e-mail
Designation ________________________Faculty in charge.


(M/F) ____________ Mobile _______________________Email



(M/F) ____________ Mobile _______________________Email



(M/F) ____________ Mobile _______________________Email

Affix Photo Affix Photo Affix Photo


We, the undersigned declare that the institution and its Team Members will abide by all the Rules of the
Com-petition set out in the Rules and as notified to us from time to time throughout the period of the
Competition. We also declare and confirm that all the information provided in the Registration Form is true
and accurate.
We, the undersigned further declare that we shall bound by the instructions of the Disciplinary Authorities
and Rules of the SGT University and also it’s Hostel Authorities
SPEAKER 1________________________________________________

SPEAKER 2________________________________________________


FACULTY INCHARGE________________________________________________


Note: One Passport size photograph of the participating student should be sent along with the registration
form with the name of the student written on the back side of the photograph.

April 5th to 7th 2018

Travel & Accommodation Form


Name of Participating University:_______________________________________________

Mode of Travel (Air/Train/Bus/car):____________________________________________

Details (Flight No. / Train No. With Coach/ Bus Details)__________________________________
Date and time of Arrival_____________________________________________________
Whether Accommodation Required [Yes/No]________________________________________
If Yes; No. of Male and Female Members in the Team M _____F______


Mode of Travel (Air/Train/Bus):________________________________________________

Details (Flight No./ Train No. With Coach/ Bus Details:_________________________________
Date and time of Departure___________________________________________________

Signature of Team Member

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