2nd AUMP National Moot Court Competition 2018 Rules Regulations Updated

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Amity University Madhya Pradesh


The following rules shall be called the AUMP National Moot Court Competition Rules, 2018.

o ‘Organizers’ mean the Amity Law School, Amity University Madhya Pradesh.
o ‘Competition’ means the All India AUMP National Moot Court Competition,
o ‘Participating Team/ Institution’ means the team that has registered itself for the
competition as per the rules.
o ‘Venue’ means Amity Law School, Amity University Madhya Pradesh,
Maharajpura, Gwalior – 474005 M.P.

The Rules mentioned herewith are not exhaustive. The Rules shall be strictly adhered to, any
deviation from the same shall result in immediate disqualification, unless exempted by the
Organizers. All decisions made by the Organizers in case of any disputes, doubts or other problems
of such nature, shall be final and binding on the participating teams. The Organizers further
reserve the right to alter, amend or add Rules herein at any point of time. Imposition of penalties
is exclusively the right of the Organizers, in case the Rules are not adhered to by the Participating
1. Date: The Competition shall be held from 06th to 07th September 2018.
2. Venue: The Competition shall be held at Amity Law School, Amity University
Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior.
3. Dress Code: Participants are required to adhere to the following dress code while
present in any court room during the Competition.
i. Ladies: White Salwar and Kurta or White shirt and black pant / black skirt
along with black coat and black shoes.
ii. Gentlemen: White shirt, black trousers, black tie along with black coat and
black shoes.

The official language for the Competition shall be English only.

The Competition shall be open for ‘bona fide’ students who are pursuing an integrated 5 year B.A.
LL.B / B.B.A.LL.B. Programme or 3 year LL.B Programme in India. Such institution must be
recognized by the Bar Council of India.


1. Each college shall send only one team which shall comprise of three members. This number
cannot be modified under any circumstances.
2. Each team shall comprise of Two Mooters and One Researcher. Each team should identify
such speakers and researcher during registration. The researcher won’t be allowed to speak except
under special cases and only with express permission of the organizers/Judges.
3. Each team will be given a unique team code number which will thereafter be the identity of the
team and its members. Each team shall consist of a minimum of two members or maximum of
three members. There shall be no circumstance whatsoever that a team consisting of more than 3
members be allowed to participate. No observer/additional member can be part of a team in any
i. In case of a three-member team, there shall be 2 speakers and 1 researcher in the team.
ii. In case of a two-member team, there shall be two speakers and one of them will be eligible
for the researcher’s test.
4. The teams shall identify such speakers and researcher during registration.
5. Teams shall not disclose their identity whatsoever, i.e. the name of their institution, city, etc. or
any other information which has the effect of disclosing their identity and affiliation with a
particular university or institution, except in the registration form. Such disclosure shall result in
disqualification subject to the discretion of the Organizers.
6. Each team shall be allotted a team code before the competition. During the competition teams
shall be identified by the team code allotted to them. Teams shall not disclose their identity or that
of their institution or city etc. Any such disclosure shall invite strict penalty including
disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the Organizers.
7. The teams of respective institutions shall have to bear travelling expenses.
8. There will be no substitution of team member after a team has submitted its Registration form,
except with the permission of the organizers.
9. Participating Teams must register themselves by 20th August 2018. Registration form is

1. All participating institutions shall be registered on first come first serve basis by sending a soft
copy of the properly filled registration form along with a scanned copy of a demand draft/online
payment receipt via an email to [email protected].
2. Teams shall post the hard copies of the properly filled registration form along with a
demand draft of ₹3000 which shall reach the organizers by 20th August 2018.
3. Teams shall mail the soft copies of the properly filled registration form along with a
demand draft/Online payment receipt of ₹3000 which shall reach the organizers by 20th
August 2018.
4. The same shall be sent on the following address:
“Amity Law School, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Maharajpura, Opposite
Airport, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, Pincode-474005.”
5. The draft of ₹3000 shall be drawn in favor of “AMITY UNIVERSITY MADHYA
PRADESH”, payable at Gwalior.
6. Formal registration of the teams shall be done on 06th September,2018 at the venue at 08:15
7. Any change in the team composition shall be intimated to the Organizers before the Formal
8. Forms received after the deadline shall not be considered for registration.
9. Registration fee paid is non-refundable.

1. Each team shall be assigned a code upon registration.
2. There shall be two preliminary rounds, a Semi Final and a Final.


1) The Moot court Competition shall comprise of following rounds.
I) Researcher’s Test & Preliminary Round.
II) Quaterfinals
III) Semifinals
IV) Final
2) After the inaugural ceremony, the researcher's test shall commence.

3) Simultaneously, the draw of lots shall take place and the team of each college may have to argue
either for Petitioner or for Respondent in the preliminary round.

4) Top 8 teams based on the score of memorials, preliminary round and the researcher's test will
be selected for the quarterfinals. Further, the top 4 teams based on the results of the quarters shall
qualify for the semi-finals. Finally, the top 2 teams will be selected for the FINAL ROUND.

A. Memorials
1. The Memorials shall consist of following:-
I) Cover page

II) Table of contents

III) Index of authorities

IV) Statements of jurisdiction

V) Statement of facts

VI) Statement of issues

VII) Summary of pleadings

VIII) Argument advanced

IX) The prayer.

2. The Memorials shall be typed on A4 size on one side paper with margin 1.5 inches from left
side and one inch from the other sides.

3. Arguments must not exceed 20 (twenty) pages.

4. Font: - The font shall be Times new roman, font size being 12 and for footnotes 10 and line
spacing shall be 1.5.

5. Page numbering should be at bottom of each page.

6. The memorials shall be submitted neatly and shall be spiral bound in 8 (eight) copies i.e. 4(four)
copies from petitioner’s side and 4(four) copies from respondents’ side.

7. Participating teams shall submit their Memorial through e-mail on

[email protected] on or before 22nd August 2018.

8. The participating teams shall submit four (4) hard copies of memorials for both the sides (a total
of 8 hard copies) which shall reach the organizers on or before 30th August 2018.

9. The memorial submitted will not be returned at any point of time.

10. Covers must be placed on briefs as follows:

Petitioner: - Blue colour
Respondent: - Red colour.
11. Identity of the institution shall not be revealed anywhere in the memorial. Instead code
numbers allotted to the students should be mentioned. Violation of these provisions shall result in
penalties including disqualification. The decision of organizer shall be final in this regard.

12. The memorials must state the TEAM CODES on top-right of the cover page.
13. Once the written submissions have been submitted, no revisions, supplements, or additions
will be allowed.

14. Participants must follow the Bluebook 20th edition style of citation.

15. Submission of Soft and hard copies of the Memorials after the specified deadlines shall
result in a deduction of 5 marks each day.

16. Each team shall be provided with the copy of the written submission of the opponent team at
the draw of lots for the respective rounds.

17. The Organizers of this competition shall be permitted to use all the Memorials for any reporting
or compilation without further permission. The Submission would be deemed to be permission.
Moreover, the copyright in the prize winning Memorials would be vested with the Organizers and
the prize money shall be deemed to be the consideration.

18. The contents of the memorial should not be plagiarized or else it will amount to total deduction
of memorial marks or disqualification. The decision of the organisers shall be final.

B. Researcher's Test
1. There shall be a researcher’s test comprising multiple choice questions which shall carry 50
2. The duration of the Researchers’ Test shall be 1 hour.
3. In case of Teams with three Members, only the designated Researcher shall write the test and
such Researcher shall not be allowed to address the forum during the Oral Rounds. A Team
violating this rule may be disqualified from the Competition.
4. In case of Teams with only two Members, either of those Members may write the test.
5. Researchers’ Test is mandatory for all Teams and failure to participate may result in
disqualification subject to the discretion of the organizers.
C. Oral Submissions:
1. As specified hereinabove, each team shall have two speakers who shall further divide the oral
submissions between themselves.
2. At no point of time during the competition any speaker shall reveal the identity of their
college/institute by any means whatsoever.
3. Any memorials/compilation or detailed pleadings will not be entertained. The participants are
requested to bring with them the authorities/case laws on which they want to rely during the
arguments. However, if the participants want, they can submit ‘Synopsis of the Points of
Arguments’ (not exceeding three pages) and Xerox copies of the Case-laws on which the
participants desire to rely during the arguments.
4. At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team must notify to the Court
Officer the amount of time that the team wants to reserve for their rejoinder / sur-rejoinder. A
maximum of 5 minutes can be reserved for the rejoinder/ sur-rejoinder.
5. At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team shall notify the court
Officer as to the division of time between the two speakers.
6. Two minutes before the completion of the allocated time for each speaker there will be a warning
bell, and at the completion of the allocated time for each speaker there will be a final bell.
7. In case a speaker continues to speak after the completion of his/her specified time, the additional
time which he/she consumes will attract negative marking at the discretion of the judges; the judges
shall have all the rights to grant opportunity to give rejoinder or sur-rejoinder and to allocate
additional time.
8. During the course of oral submissions the participants cannot submit to the court any material
containing pictorial representation whatsoever. Further the participants will not be permitted to
make any audio/visual representation nor will be allowed to use personal computers, laptops and
any other technical or mechanical device during their submissions.
9. If at any instance a submission is made with any material in violation of rules and if any picture,
sketches, photos, cartoons, caricatures, audio film, video film, projector-slide or a computer-
generated image is used or submitted or presented to the court, the teams shall be subject to
a. Preliminary Round
1. Time limit for the oral submissions in each round shall be twenty minutes (20) for each team.
This shall include the submissions of both the speakers from the team and the time reserved for
rebuttal/surrebuttal. No speaker may reserve more than twelve (12) minutes for his/her individual
oral submissions.
2. Only one speaker from each team shall be permitted to rebut/surrebut and team shall not reserve
more than five (5) minutes for rebuttal or surrebuttal; and the surrebuttal shall be limited to the
rebuttals made by the opponent team.
3. All the participating teams are expected to carry with themselves case laws and authorities which
they intend to refer along with their own copies of memorials.
4. The participants during the course of oral submissions will not be permitted to make any
audio/visual representation nor will they be allowed to use personal computers, laptops and any
other technical or mechanical device.
5. If any participant exceeds the time limit, it will result into the loss of marks. However, the time
can be extended on the discretion of judges.

➢ Scoring Criteria for Preliminary Round

The Marks shall be given as per following criteria for preliminary round
• Written memorials- 50 marks
• Oral arguments - 100 marks
• Researcher's test- 50 marks
• Total - 200 Marks
The decision of the judges as to assessment of oral submission shall be final.

b. Quaterfinals, Semifinal And Final Round

1. Time limit for the oral submissions in quarter final round shall be twenty minutes (20) for
each team. This shall include the submissions of both the speakers from the team and the time
reserved for rebuttal/surrebuttal. Each team shall have twelve minutes (12) for their oral
2. Time limit for the oral submissions in semifinal and final rounds shall be thirty minutes (30)
for each team. This shall include the submissions of both the speakers from the team and the time
reserved for rebuttal/surrebuttal. Each team shall have twenty minutes (20) for their oral

➢ Scoring Criteria for Oral Arguments

Sr. No. Criteria Marks

1. Application of law relevant to the case 20
2. Answers to court questions 15
3. Advocacy and presentation 15
4. Interpretation and use of facts 10
5. Research relevant to the case 10
6. Time adherence 10
7. Overall performance 20

➢ Marking Scheme of Memorials

Every Memorial will be marked on a total of 50 marks. The following is the criteria for evaluation
of memorials:

Sr. No. Criteria Marks

1. Knowledge of facts and Law 10
2. Quality and Extent of Research 10
3. Recognition of Issues and Structure of Arguments 10
4. Proper and Articulate Analysis 10
5. Overall Presentation 10
(Clarity, Style, Grammar, Language, Structure, Format,
Citations and Plagiarism)
The final results and the winners will be announced during valedictory ceremony. The decision of
the judges on the performance of the participants shall be final and binding on all the participants.

E. Awards:
1. THE WINNING TEAM shall be awarded with Trophy, Certificate & a Cash Prize of
₹ 10,000
2. THE RUNNER UP TEAM shall be awarded with Trophy, Certificate & a Cash Prize of
₹ 7,000
3. BEST MEMORIAL shall be awarded with Trophy, Certificate & a Cash Prize of
₹ 5,000
4. The BEST MOOTER shall be awarded with Trophy, Certificate & a Cash Prize of
₹ 3,000
5. The BEST RESEARCHER shall be awarded with Trophy, Certificate & a Cash Prize of
₹ 3,000
6. CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION shall be given to all the participants after the
competition is over.

Date of the Competition 06th -07th September, 2018

Last date for mailing the scanned copies of registration 20th August, 2018
form and Demand Draft/online payment receipt
Last date by which the hard copies of registration form and 20th August, 2018
Demand Draft should reach the organizers
Last date for mailing softcopy of memorials 22nd August, 2018
Last date by which the 8 (4 for each side) hard copies of 30th August, 2018
memorials should reach the organizers
The participants are expected to arrive at the venue of the Competition on 06th September, 2018 at
08:15 hrs for registration.


1. Accommodation- Accommodation shall be provided only to the outstation teams on the days of
the competition i.e. from the evening of 05th September, 2018 till morning of 08th September. It
shall be provided to only members of the participating team (maximum three).
2. Costs of one additional night, if required will be borne by the participants as per the nominal
additional amount. Team/s shall be responsible for any/all damages caused by them during their
3. Food- Food shall be provided to all the teams.

1. Strict action will be taken including ejecting from the competition to any team found scouting
through a team member or otherwise or through any other unfair means.
2. All participants are expected to maintain proper decorum in the Court during the competition
and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the legal profession.
3. The Organizers reserve the right to take appropriate action for any unethical, unprofessional and
immoral conduct.
4. The Organizers decision as regards the interpretation of rules or any other matter related to the
competition will be final and binding.
5. If there is any situation which is not contemplated in the rules, the Organizers decision on the
same shall be final and binding.
6. The Organizers reserve the rights to vary, alter, modify, or repeal any of the above rules if so
required and as they deem appropriate.
1. Participating teams may seek clarifications to the moot problem via e-mail to
[email protected] with subject title ‘Moot Clarification 2018’.
2. The last date for seeking any such clarification is 20th August 2017.
2. Any other clarifications regarding registration/submission of memorials, accommodations,
transport can be mailed at [email protected].

Further, the following can be contacted for clarification of any queries:

• For clarifications regarding the MOOT PROBLEM, MEMORIALS AND

Dr. Sandeep Kulshreshtha (Convener, Moot Court): 8964882928

Ms. Anu Bhatnagar (Head, Student Coordinator): 8349956152
Ms. Nomita Mishra (Student Coordinator): 9179699861
Mr. Harshit Sharma (Student Coordinator): 9753434331

• For clarifications regarding ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORT:

Mr. Raj Kishor: 9461030707
Mr. Rohit Bansal: 8109780082
Ms. Shivangi Jain: 9753340937
Mr. Sajal Gupta: 9806475620

For any further queries you can reach us at-

Amity Law School, AUMP: 0751-2496054
(Monday – Friday, 10 am – 4.30 pm)
Or mail your queries at [email protected]

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