T.A.Bill - Form Outer

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T.A.Bill of Er.C.Nithiya, Asst.Engineer ,M.P Sub.Dn I.

Salem for The Month of


17. That the claim made for the members of the Government Servants family ( daughters and sons ) is in respect of those who are Voucher No. …………………………. of …………………….
actually residing with him and wholly depend at on him.

18. That the repaid marches for which mileage allowance is claimed in this bill were in the interest of public service. M.T.C.FORM 52
19. Certified that on the days for which daily allowance of full rate or reduced rate is claimed, the Government Servant was not provided ( Subsidiary Rule 16 ( A ) under Treasury Rule 16 )
with free lodging at the cost of Central or State Government or at the cost of Local authorities etc. In which Government have Travelling Allowance Bill for non gazetted establishment
invested fund or in any Circuit House, Inspection Bungalow, Dak Bungalow, Rest House etc., and have paid the rent of hire charges Head of Service
at all such places.
MAJOR HEAD --------------------------------------------------------------------------
20. Certified that the Government Servant was not also provided with free boarding at the case of Central or State Government or Local MINOR HEAD --------------------------------------------------------------------------
authorities, In which Government funds have been invested on the days for which daily allowance either at full or reduced rate SUB - HEAD --------------------------------------------------------------------------
is claimed. DETAILED ACCOUNT HEAD ------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL ( IN WORDS ) OF BILL -------------------------------------------------------------------------
DETAILS OF TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE REFUNDED. HEAD CREDITABLE -----------------------------AMOUNT -----------------------

1. Certified that the amount claimed in the bill was not drawn before
Section of Name Period Amount Section of Name Period Amount 2. Contents received; also Certified that I have satisfied my self that the amounts include in bills drawn 1 month 2 months, 3 months
Establishment Establishment previous to this date with the exception of these detailed below ( of with the totals amount has been refunded by deduction from this
bill ) have been distributed to the Govt. servants there named and their receipts taken the acquittance rolls filled in my office with
Certified that : Rs.P Rs.P receipt stamp duly cancelled for every payment in excess of Rs.20 also that it was necessary for the officers for whom halting
allowance at H.Q. is drawn to keep up the whole or part of their camp equal page during such halt and that the expenses incurred
1) I have traveled beyond 8 KM from my H.Q. on this account was not less than the halting allowance s drawn.
3. That I have taken pain to ascertain the length of the marches by road or boat for which mileage is claimed and have shown them
2)This bill was not prepared and claimed before. accurately to the best of my knowledge and belief.
4. That no travelling allowance has been drawn in any case for days of Casual leave or for Sundays or authorised holidays not actually
spent in camp.
3) No TA Advance have been received by me.
5. (a) That the journey were not performed in a borrowed conveyance or if they were, that either the cost of the use and propulsion
was paid for by the Government servant or the cost of the use and propulsion of his own conveyance which immediately
4) The Bus, Train fare,I.C & Flat rate claimed in this bill are actually incurred by me. proceeded / followed the borrowed conveyance was paid for him and

5) The distance for which Flat rate claimed are more than 0.50 Km and covered the (b) that, in any case the cost of the use and propulsion of the conveyance has not been shared with any one and no part of that
distance by engaging hired vehicle. cost has been recovered from any other person. ( The certificate is to be given only in the case of a claim for mileage under rules
25 of the Madras Travelling Allowance Rules for road journeys. )
6. That the journeys were not made by motor car or motor - cycle. (This certificate is to be given only in the case of a claim for full
6) The journey performed is in the interest of Board only. mileage for road journeys involving no change of camp or from one camp to another by other if so the shortest route.

7. That the journeys were not made by motor cycle \ scooter. (The certificate is to be given in the case of a claim for mileage as 24
paise or 16 paise. )
8. That the road journey was not made by motor car \ motor cycle \ Scooter and that for the journeys between places for which full
mileage is claimed under rule 25 (a) of the Madras Travelling Allowance Rules, the places of not connected by a regular public
motor service. ( The certificate is to be given in the case of a Government Servant of Grade V or below.
9. That the concessional rates were not obtainable for the journeys covered by this bill.
( Head Of Office ) That the concessional rates were not obtainable for the journeys on could not be availed of for the following
reasons ( This certificate is to be given in the case of a claim for full railway allowance for travel by railway. The form of certificate
Passed for Rupees suited so the circumstances should be used )

Please Pay To 10. That for the railway journeys included in this bill, the Government Servant concerned travelled by the class for which travelling
allowance is claimed.
11. That the journey on between places connected by a public motor services \ railway were performed by road in the
Dated ---------------------- ( Controlling Officer ) interest of public service. ( This certificate is to be given in the case of all claims for mileage for a journey performed by a vehicle
other than a regular public motor service between two places connected partly by railway and partly by a regular public motor
Par Rupees ( in words and figures ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- service.
12. That for valid reasons the personal effects were carried by road or / and and that the sum of Rs. claimed in this
*From ------------------------------------------------------ Sub - Treasury. bill represents the expenses actually incurred there for and is limited to the amount that would be admissible had the maximum
number of kilograms been taken by goods train at the rate of Rs. ( here specify goods rate ) per kilogram.
Examined and Entered.
13. That the claim is further limited to the amount charged by the transport company at owner’s risk.
Dated ----------------------- 20 Treasury Officer 14. That for the railway journeys included in this bill the Government Servant’s family traveled by the class for which travelling allowance
is claimed.
Sub - Treasury Officer.
__________________________________________________________________________________ 15. That the conveyance and personal effects for the transport of which a claim has been made in this bill were actually in the Poisson
*To be filled up when payable from Sub - Treasury. of the Government Servant at the time of receipts of authoritative intimation of transfer.
Note - Certificates not applicable to particular claims should be scored out. 16. That the claim in respect of the members of the Government Servants family represents the actual payment made for the purchase
of tickets.

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