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Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ /2014-15 Dt.


The Executive Engineer,

BPD-II, CPWD, Plot No.188/623,624,
Pokharipur, Bhubaneswar.

Sub: Regarding confirmation of genuineness of completion certificate.

Ref: This Office letter No. 1107 dtd. 07.07.2015 & Your Office letter No. 633 dtd.

On the captioned subject, this is to intimate that this Office has issued
completion certificate vide this Office certificate No. 1107 dtd.07.07.2015 is genuine. In
this regard, it is to mention here that the work “Construction of Urban Hostel complex at
Pokharipur,Bhubaneswar had been awarded to M/s. B.C.Bhuyan Constructions Pvt Ltd
vide agreement No. IDCO/UHD/30/2013-14 with a tendered value of Rs.10,64,56,314.00.
M/s. B.C.Bhyan Constructions Pvt Ltd has completed the work in all respect within his
completion date and his performance is very good.
Yours faithfully,

(Divisional Head)
IDCO, Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
This is to certify that Sri Bijaya Kumar Udaya Singh, Junior Engineer
(Civil) has worked from 06.06.2012 to 30.04.2015 under me in Urban Haat Division. He
was entrusted with various construction works viz: (i) Construction of Urban Hostel
Complex, Pokhariput,(ii) State Museum for Handicraft & Handloom, Gandamunda etc.
He is a very sincere & efficient worker and is very dependable. He
understand value of time.
I wish him all success in his career.

(Divisional Head)
IDCO, Urban Haat Division

Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ 436 /2014-15 Dt.

The Chief General Manager (Civil-II),
IDCO, IDCO Towers,

Sub: Deviation statement along with Extra items of construction of Handloom &
Handicraft Block and Workshop building of State Museum for Handicraft &
Handloom at Gandamunda, Bhubaneswar.
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
In inviting a reference to the above cited subject, enclosed please find
herewith the deviation statement along with extra item analysis which has been executed
to meet the requirement of the work. It is to mentioned here that those extra items for not
covered under the scope of contract has been executed by the Contractor for the above
work. The financial status of project as on date is detailed below.
1) Agreement value: Rs.4,82,48,180.00
2) Value of work executed: Rs.3,23,42,661.00
3) Value of Extra item executed: Rs. 14,59,369.00

It is highlight to mentioned here that the work has not been completed, in
this regard the Contractor has requested us in his memorandum of time for decision of
certain issues which has still pending, as the clearance of committee of the Handicraft
block could be taken up to Jan, 2015 due to non availability of site. This is with reference
kind information at site about the closer of contract, the agency has submitted his request
letter for final his contract and final bill. so the agency is no more interested to continue the
contract with a request for closer of contract, the letter of agency is enclosed herewith for
kind information.
In this context, he is requested CGM(Civil-II) may like to review the matter
and kind instruction may kindly be communicated to this Office for taking further action.

Encl: As above.

(Divisional Head)
IDCO, Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

The Manager (PR)

IDCO, Bhubaneswar.

Sub: Notice for Publication in odiya news paper for allotment of stalls at Ekamra
Haat, Bhubaneswar.

Enclosed please find the notice in duplicate which needs to be published in
two leading odiya news paper including uploading in IDCO web site for information of
Artisans/ weavers of Odisha state & out side states. Necessary action may please be
taken at an early date.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/
Copy to the Manager ( MIS),IDCO, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary
action. The notice may please be included in the IDCO web site for wide circulation.

Encl: As above
Divisional Head
Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/
Copy to Director, Handicraft & Cottage Industries, Govt. of Odisha / Director,
Textiles & Handloom, Govt. Of Odisha for kind information with a request to display the
notice on their notice Board for wide circulation.

Encl: As above
Divisional Head

Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Copy submitted to Chief General Manager (MSME), IDCO, Bhubaneswar for
favour of kind information.

Encl: As above
Divisional Head

Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/

Copy to AD,DC. Handicraft Govt. of India, Bhuddha Nagar, Bhubaneswar /
Copy to AD,DC. Handloom, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar for information & wide circulation.

Encl: As above
Divisional Head
Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/
Copy to All Divisions of IDCO for information with request to display the notice
on their notice Board.

Encl: As above

Divisional Head
Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/
Copy to Accountant / JE (C) maintenance / Notice board of Urban Haat Division
one copy of notice to Konark Urban Haat, Konark & Nilachal Urban Haat, Puri for wide

Encl: As above

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ /2014-15 Dt.


Chief General Manager(ID)

IDCO,IDCO tower,Bhubaneswar.

Sub:-Corrigendum to noticeno1818 dt.30.09.2014 for allotment of shop room at Ekamra


The brief advertisement for allotment of shop rooms at Ekamra Haat through lottery
basis has come out in the odiya daily The Samaja & Dinalipi,dt-11.10.2014.But complaint
has reached from one Mr. Arun Panda, claiming to be a journalist regarding the
insufficiency of information in the brief notice.
Therefore it is desirable to publish the total notice through a corrigendum which is
enclosed. the manager(PR) may please be advised accordingly

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/
Copy to Manager (PR) for information and he is requested to take step to
publish the corrigendum notice immediately since the last date of receipt of application
from is 25.10.14

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/

Copy to Manager (MIS) for information. He is requested to up load in IDCO web
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ /2014-15 1896 Dt.17.10.14


The Sr.Manager, Oriental Bank of Commerce,

Paradeep branch, Bank Street,Port Town,

Sub:- Extension of BGno-06270003313,submitted by Sri.Gajendranath Das

Ref:- your lettor no-CN/0627/BG,dt.16.10.2014.

With reference to your letter cited above and with reference to the request

made by Sri Ganjendranath Das.I would like to say that the BG may be extended for a

period of 3 months only instead of 1year as written earlier.

This stands valid till further correspondence is made in this regard.

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ /2014-15 Dt.

The Chief General Manager(ID),
IDCO,IDCO tower,Bhubaneswar.

Sub:-Corrigendum to noticeno1818 dt.30.09.2014 for allotment of shop room at Ekamra


The brief advertisement for allotment of shop rooms at Ekamra Haat through lottery
basis has come out in the odiya daily The Samaja & Dinalipi,dt-11.10.2014.But complaint
has reached from one Mr. Arun Panda, claiming to be a journalist regarding the
insufficiency of information in the brief notice.
Therefore it is desirable to publish the total notice through a corrigendum which is
enclosed. the manager(PR) may please be advised accordingly

Ecl: revised notice

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/
Copy to Manager (PR) for information and he is requested to take step to
publish the corrigendum notice immediately since the last date of receipt of application
from is 25.10.14

Ecl: revised notice Divisional Head

IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Copy to Manager (MIS) for information. He is requested to up load in IDCO web

Ecl: revised notice in pen drive

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

The Manager (PR)

IDCO, Bhubaneswar.

Sub: Notice for Publication in odiya news paper for allotment of stalls at Ekamra
Haat, Bhubaneswar.

Ref:-Our letter no 1181 dt30.09.14


Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
In continuation to the letter cited above it is to intimate that, revised notice for
allotment of stall at Ekamrahaat, Bhubaneswar, needs to be published in two leading
Odiya News paper before 13.10.14.

Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division


The Appolo Advertising & Communication

C/o Niranjan Dash
R-Shed No- 37 (1st floor),
Industrial Estate, Rasulgarh,
Bhubaneswar-751010, Odisha

Sub: Leasing of specific area for display of advertisement through Hoarding / Bill
Boards etc. at Ekamra Haat, Unit-III, Bhubaneaswar.

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Ref: This office tender call notice No-1332 / dt.25.07.2014

With reference to the above said subject, we have the pleasure to intimate
you that, your offer has been accepted by IDCO. Hence, you are requested to deposit Rs.
3,21,000 ( Rupees Three lakshs twenty- one thousand) only in shape of pay order/
demand draft drawn in any National Bank in favour of “Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation” at Bhubaneswar on or before 9.10.2014 for taking further
action at this end. Failure to deposit the said amount in the stipulated time will be liable for
cancellation of your offer.
Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt__________/
Copy to Sri S.K. Panda, JE/ Accountant, IDCO, Urban Haat Division for
information & necessary action.

Divisional Head


1. (01.05.2010 to 30.04.2011) MR No 16 Rs. 1,01,000/-

M/s Metro Sign. 12.04.2010
365, Bomikhal, CTC road,

2. (01.07.2011 to 30.06.2012) MR. No.41338 Rs.20,000/-

M/s Moral Advertising 16.06.2011
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
3. ------ ------

4. (01.06.02013 to 30.05.2014) MR. No. 187 & 188 Rs.4,00,021/-

M/s Torrent Advertiser, 24.05.2013

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
The Chief General Manager (P & A)
Janpath, Bhubaneswar.

Sub: Request for awarding my long pending promotion / re-designation.

With due respect & humble submission, I would like to request you for the
following few lines for favour of your kind consideration & necessary action.
That, I am working as Jt Manager (C), in IDCO at present. But my promotion to
the post of Manger (C) is pending since 22.03.2011 for the reason not known to me.
Moreover, the post of Jt Manager has already been abolished in IDCO.
Therefore, promotion/ re-designation to the post of Manager (C) may kindly be
effected in my fafour from the day others have been awarded.
Yours faithfully,

(R.K. Nayak)
Jt manager (C)

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

Salary advance of Rs.21,000/- (Rupees Twenty-one thousand) only is

hereby sanctioned in favour of Sri Kabiraj Nayak, Treasury Sarkar, IDCO, Urban Haat
Division, Bhubaneswar for medical treatment of self, which will be recovered from his
salary in there consecutive equal monthly installment commencing from the month of

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No._________ Dt.
Copy to person concerned/ personal file/ Accountant, IDCO, Urban Haat
Division for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head
Memo No._________ Dt.
Copy to Chief General Manger (P&A), IDCO, Bhubaneswar for kind information.

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ 451/2014-15 Dt.

Plot No-2150/2744,Mangala Vihar

Sub: Construction of Raghurajpur, an Ethnic Self Reliant Craft Village

( Renovation & New Construction works)
Ref:- L.O.A No-1153 date.20.05.2015

With reference to your offer for the captioned work, you are requested to
start the work immediately as per the detail work order.
1.0 SCOPE OF WORK: Detailed enclosed at Annexure-A.
1.1 SCHEDULE OF PRICE: Rs. 6,29,30,451.00 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty nine lakh
Thirty thousand Four Hundred Fifty-one)only
The price mentioned in the schedule is inclusive of all taxes & duties, royalty of
whatever nature, octroi other local taxes etc., if any including works contract tax.
Time is the essence of contract. The entire scope of work shall be completed
within 9(Nine) calendar moths (including rainy Season) from the 10th day of issue of
the LOA or date of executing the agreement, whichever is earlier.
Equipment materials or execution of work offered must be as per the tender
specification and approved make of materials only. Installation & execution of work
are to be done strictly in accordance with owner’s specification.
Payment shall be made in accordance with Execution of work and norms of
Security deposit @ 5% of gross amount of bill shall be deducted from Final bills
and will be kept as Security Deposit in IDCO. This can be released after successful
completion of works and completion of defects liability period stipulated in the
Contract. Cess tax @ 1% will be deducted on the gross amount of the work bill as
per Govt of Orissa, labour & Employment Notice No. 12653/dt.15.12.2008

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
The contractor will furnish a guarantee for trouble free operation for a period of 10
years from the date of acceptance. Defects if any within the guarantee period of
contract, shall be rectied at his own cost and risk of Contractor
The contractor/firm has to get suitable labour license ESI and PF Number and
maintain all accounts regarding these as per Govt. of Orissa/Govt. of India rules.
Liquidated damage @ 1.00%( one percent)of the contract price of the undelivered
materials/installation. Work per week of delay in delivery and completion shall be
levied subject to maximum 10% of the contract price.
Sri B.K.Udaysingh Jr.Engineer(Civil),IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar.
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, Exhibition Ground,Unit-III,Bhubaneswar .
Dispute/Litigation, if any arising out of this contract shall be deemed to have been
entered into Bhubaneswar under the jurisdiction of Orissa High Court.
Please acknowledge the receipt of his work order and return the
acceptance copy enclosed duly signed in each page with official seal as a token of
acceptance within 7 (seven) days from the date of issue of this work order.
Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No._______________/Dt.
Copy submitted to the Chief General Manager(Civil-II),/Chief General
Manager(Fiancé),IDCO,Bhubaneswarfor favour of kind information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/
Copy to Sri B.K.U.Singh,J.E (Civil)/Accountant , IDCO,Urban Haat
Division ,Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division,

Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected]
IDCO/UHD/ 451/2014-15 Dt.

Name of work : Construction of Raghurajpur, an Ethnic Self Reliant
1 Craft Village ( Renovation & New Construction
2 Schedule of Price : Rs. 6,29,30,451.00 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty
nine lakh Thirty thousand Four Hundred Fifty-

3 LOA No & date : 1153 dtd.20.05.2015

4 Period of completion of work : The entire scope of work shall be complete

within 9(Nine) Calendar month(including rainy
5 Nos of item : 176(One hundred seventysix).

6 E,M.D : Deposited

7 I.S.D ; Rs.12,58,609.00(Rupees Twelve lakh Fifty-

Eight Thousand Six Hundred Nine)only.Vide
BG no-IBG 60581 dt.24.05.15
8 Additional performance : Rs.1,42,288.00(Rupees One lakh Forty-Two
security Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-Eight)only.
Vide BG no-IBG 60545 dt.22.05.15
Plot No-2150/2744,Mangala Vihar

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division

Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India


Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected]
IDCO/UHD/ 451/2014-15 Dt.

The Chief General Manager(Civil-II),
IDCO,IDCO Tower,Janpath,


Sub: Submission of Certified copy of Agreement No. 59 F2 of 2014-15 for

Construction of Raghurajpur, an Ethnic Self Reliant Craft Village
(Renovation & New Construction works)

Inviting a reference to the above cited subject, I am enclosing here with certified
copy of Agreement bearing No.59 F2 of 2014-15 for Construction of Raghurajpur, an
Ethnic Self Reliant Craft Village ( Renovation & New Construction works) at puri, district
favour of kind information and record.

Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No._______________/Dt.
Copy along with Certified copy of Agreement No.59 F2 of 2014-15 to Divisional
Head,(Elect),/ Divisional Head W/S & EC Division-II,IDCO,Bhubaneswar for information
and necessary action. .
Encl: As above
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No._______________/Dt.
Copy to Sai smurti Infrastructure pvt ltd, Plot No-2150/2744, Mangala Vihar
Sisulpalagarh,Bhubaneswar along with Certified copy of Agreement No.59 F2 of 2014-15
for information.
Encl: As above
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/
Copy to Sri B.K.U.Singh,J.E (Civil) along with Certified copy of Agreement No.
59 F2 of 2014-15 /Accountant, along with Original copy of Agreement No.59 F2 of 2014-
15, IDCO,Urban Haat Division ,Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.
Encl: As above

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division,

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]


53, SCR, Budha Nagar,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
PIN- 751006

Sub: Supplying fitting & fixing of Furniture for Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Market
Building Unit- II, Bhubaneswar

Ref: Your Quotation Dt.25.09.2014

With reference to be the above we are pleased to issue the purchase for
“Supplying fitting & fixing of Furniture for Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Unit-II, Bhubaneswar” as
per the following terms & conditions and specification.

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
No Specification Item Make/Model Unit QTY Rate Amount
Executive Table with
1 Side Runner of Size : 2016 Nos 1 Rs.36,437.00 Rs.36,437
1800mm × 900mm
2 Visitor Chair, PU Arms,
Pipe Stand, PU Moulded GB-406 Nos 4 Rs.3,901.00 Rs.15,604
Seat & Back Cusion,
Fabric Tapestry
Total Rs.52,041/-

Add towards VAT as Rs. 7,026/-

applicable @ 13.5 %

Total Rs. 59,067/-

(Rupees Fifty-nine thousand sixty -seven) only

1. Scope The rate covers, supply, delivery & fixing of materials at Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Unit-
II, Bhubaneswar including all taxes.
2. Contract The contract price for the scope of supply shall of is Rs. Rs.59,067/- (Rupees Fifty-
price nine thousand sixty -seven ) only and is inclusive of all taxes, fitting & fixing at
site complete.
3. Price Basis The above contract price is firm & for at Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Unit-
4. Delivery The materials shall be delivered and fixed at the site within 7 (Seven) days from
the date of issue of this purchase order.
5. Terms Full & final payment will be made on successful completion of delivery and
payment satisfactory installation at site. The supplier has to submit a certificate issued by
Utkalika Authorities regarding successful delivery & installation of the furniture.
6. Payment The payment will be made by Divisional Head, IDCO, Urban Haat Division,
officer Bhubaneswar. The bill along with other documents may be handed over to the
Divisiona Head, IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar with a copy to the
undersigned. The service tax registration Certificate, VAT clearance certificate &
PAN are to be furnished along with the bill.
7. Consignee
Sri B.K.U.Singh, Jr.Engineer(Civil),IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar.
8. Inspection The material will be inspected on delivery at site by the Utkalika authority &
testing Divisional Head, IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar. The furniture supplied
should be of approved quality and strictly in the line with the relevant specification &
Model. Materials supplied not as per specification will be rejected and the supplier
will have to remove the same from the site on notice and replace the same as per
specification, failing which the Corporation will remove the same at the cost of
supplier and no claims to the effect will be entertained.
9. Technical The materials to be supplied should be strictly in the line with the relevant
particulars specification & Model.
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
10. Jurisdiction Suits, if any arising out of the contract be deemed to have been entered into
of Court Bhubaneswar under the jurisdiction of Odisha High Court.
11. Liquidated In case the Supplier/Manufacture fails to supply the required furniture within the
damage approved time schedule, penalty will be levied and will be recovered @ 0.5 on the
value of the supply order for every week delay in supplying the above material. The
penalty will be however be limited to maximum 55 of the approved value of the
supply order.
12. Defect of The defect liability period of the supplied furniture is one year from the date of
liability supply. Any defect found during the defect liability period is to be repaired free of
period cost/ replaced by the supplier.
13. Guarantee/ The Suppliers should give guarantee/warrantee certificate for the materials supplied.
warrantee Damaged materials will not be accepted by us under any circumstances.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this purchase order & return the copy duly signed in
each page with official seal as token of acceptance.

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/

Copy submitted to the Chief General Manager (Civil) /C.G.M (Finance)/
IDCO, Bhubaneswsar for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Memo No. Dt.
Copy submitted to the Managing Director, Odisha State Co-operative Handicrafts Ltd,
D-2/3, Industrial Estate, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. The order
Has been placed with M/s WOOD ART as per selection of product.

Divisional Head,

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ 382/2014-15 Dt.


Sub:- Rough cost estimate of proposed Incubation centre at Chandaka.

Enclosed please find a rough cost estimate in plinth area basis amounting to Rs.
26,27,44000(rupees twenty six crore twenty- seven lakhs forty-four thousand) only for
B+G+6 Storied building.

This is for your kind information and further action.

Yours faithfully

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No.________________/DT.___________________
Copy forwarded to Chief General Manager(Civil)-II, IDCO, IDCO Tower,
Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Orissa Undertaking) ISO 9001 & 14001 CORPORATION
IDCO, IDCO Towers, Janpath, Office of:-
Bhubaneswar-751022 The Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division,
Phone: (0674) 542784,540820, Fax: 542956 IIDCO Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar
E-mail: [email protected] Tel Fax: (0674) 2393169.
E.mail: idco@ekamra
NO.IDCO/UHD/382/2012/13 Date

M/s.Aquaproof engineering
Prop: Bikash Chandra Behera
Goshala Road,Naya Bazar

Sub: Waterproofing on Roof top of Utkalika at Market


With reference to your offer for the captioned work, you are requested to
start the work immediately as per the detail work order.

1.0 SCOPE OF WORK: Detailed enclosed at Annexure-A.

1.1 SCHEDULE OF PRICE: Details enclosed at Annexure-A.
The price mentioned in the schedule is inclusive of all taxes & duties, royalty of
whatever nature, octroi other local taxes etc., if any including works contract tax.
Time is the essence of contract. The entire scope of work shall be completed
within 7 days from issue of this work order as per Annexure-A.
Equipment materials or execution of work offered must be as per the tender
specification and approved make of materials only. Installation & execution of work
are to be done strictly in accordance with owner’s specification.
Payment shall be made in accordance with Execution of work and norms of

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

Security deposit @ 5% of gross amount of bill shall be deducted from Final bills
and will be kept as Security Deposit in IDCO. This can be released after successful
completion of works and completion of defects liability period stipulated in the Contract.
Cess tax @ 1% will be deducted on the gross amount of the work bill as per Govt of
Orissa, labour & Employment Notice No. 12653/dt.15.12.2008
The contractor will furnish a guarantee for trouble free operation for a period of 10
years from the date of acceptance. Defects if any within the guarantee period of
contract, shall be rectied at his own cost and risk of Contractor
The contractor/firm has to get suitable labour license ESI and PF Number and
maintain all accounts regarding these as per Govt. of Orissa/Govt. of India rules.
Liquidated damage @ 1.00%( one percent)of the contract price of the undelivered
materials/installation. Work per week of delay in delivery and completion shall be
levied subject to maximum 10% of the contract price.
Sri B.K.Udaysingh Jr.Engineer(Civil),IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar.
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, Exhibition Ground,Unit-III,Bhubaneswar .
Dispute/Litigation, if any arising out of this contract shall be deemed to have been
entered into Bhubaneswar under the jurisdiction of Orissa High Court.
Please acknowledge the receipt of his work order and return the
acceptance copy enclosed duly signed in each page with official seal as a token of
acceptance within 7 (seven) days from the date of issue of this work order.
Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No._______________/Dt.
Copy submitted to the Chief General Manager(Civil,/Chief General
Manager(Fiance),IDCO,Bhubaneswarfor favour of kind information and necessary action.
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Copy to Sri B.K.U.Singh,J.E (Civil)/Accountant , IDCO,Urban Haat
Division ,Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division,


The Director, Culture &

Addl. Secretary to Govt.Department of tourism and Culture, Govt. of Odisha.

Sub: - Renovation of anthropology gallery -Submission of revised estimate for placement

of funds

Ref: - This office, memo no.97 dt 09.01.14, and minutes of meeting dt.12.09.14

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
As per the requirement cited by museum authorities some additional items have

been executed in anthropology gallery of state museum. Minutes of meeting is

enclosed. Due to execution of extra items, deviation has taken place and the revised

estimate of Rs.21,12,303.00 is submitted for communicating necessary administrative

approval and placement of balance funds of Rs.6,12,303.00 with IDCO.

You are requested to kindly take early step in this regard

Ecl: as above.

Divisional Head
IDCO, Urban Haat Division
Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/
Copy submitted to the Chief General Manager (P&C), IDCO, Bhubaneswar
for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head
IDCO, Urban Haat Division

Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/

Copy to Superintendent, state museum, Lewis road Bhubaneswar for
information and necessary action
Divisional Head,

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
53, SCR, Budha Nagar,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
PIN- 751006

Sub: Supplying fitting & fixing of Furniture for Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Market
Building Unit- II, Bhubaneswar

Ref: Your Quotation Dt.25.09.2014

With reference to be the above we are pleased to issue the purchase for
“Supplying fitting & fixing of Furniture for Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Unit-II, Bhubaneswar” as
per the following terms & conditions and specification.

No Specification Item Make/Model Unit QTY Rate Amount
High Back Chair, PU
1 Arms, Nylon Base, Gas GB-401 Nos 1 Rs.5,976 Rs.5,976
Lift, PU, Moudled Seat
& Back Cushion, PP Seat
& Back Cover, fabric
2 Showroom Table of
Size : NUMERO-3 Nos 3 Rs.16185 Rs.48,555
Rs.54,531 /-
Add towards VAT as Rs. 7,362/-
applicable @ 13.5 %

Total Rs. 61,893/-

(Rupees Sixty-one thousand eight hundred ninety-three)


1. Scope The rate covers, supply, delivery & fixing of materials at Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Unit-
II, Bhubaneswar including all taxes.
2. Contract The contract price for the scope of supply shall of is Rs. Rs. 61,893/- (Rupees Sixty-
price one thousand eight hundred ninety-three ) only and is inclusive of all taxes,
fitting & fixing at site complete.
3. Price Basis The above contract price is firm & for at Utkalika, Ashok Nagar, Unit-
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
4. Delivery The materials shall be delivered and fixed at the site within 7 (Seven) days from
the date of issue of this purchase order.
5. Terms Full & final payment will be made on successful completion of delivery and
payment satisfactory installation at site. The supplier has to submit a certificate issued by
Utkalika Authorities regarding successful delivery & installation of the furniture.
6. Payment The payment will be made by Divisional Head, IDCO, Urban Haat Division,
officer Bhubaneswar. The bill along with other documents may be handed over to the
Divisiona Head, IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar with a copy to the
undersigned. The service tax registration Certificate, VAT clearance certificate &
PAN are to be furnished along with the bill.
7. Consignee
Sri B.K.U.Singh, Jr.Engineer(Civil),IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar.
8. Inspection The material will be inspected on delivery at site by the Utkalika authority &
testing Divisional Head, IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar. The furniture supplied
should be of approved quality and strictly in the line with the relevant specification &
Model. Materials supplied not as per specification will be rejected and the supplier
will have to remove the same from the site on notice and replace the same as per
specification, failing which the Corporation will remove the same at the cost of
supplier and no claims to the effect will be entertained.
9. Technical The materials to be supplied should be strictly in the line with the relevant
particulars specification & Model.

10. Jurisdiction Suits, if any arising out of the contract be deemed to have been entered into
of Court Bhubaneswar under the jurisdiction of Odisha High Court.
11. Liquidated In case the Supplier/Manufacture fails to supply the required furniture within the
damage approved time schedule, penalty will be levied and will be recovered @ 0.5 on the
value of the supply order for every week delay in supplying the above material. The
penalty will be however be limited to maximum 55 of the approved value of the
supply order.
12. Defect of The defect liability period of the supplied furniture is one year from the date of
liability supply. Any defect found during the defect liability period is to be repaired free of
period cost/ replaced by the supplier.
13. Guarantee/ The Suppliers should give guarantee/warrantee certificate for the materials supplied.
warrantee Damaged materials will not be accepted by us under any circumstances.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this purchase order & return the copy duly signed in
each page with official seal as token of acceptance.

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/

Copy submitted to the Chief General Manager (Civil) /C.G.M (Finance) / IDCO,
Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Memo No.___________/Dt.
Copy to Sri B.K.U.Singh,J.E(Civil) information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

The Festival advance of Rs.15,000.00 (Rupees Fifteen thousand) only is

hereby sanctioned in favour of each of the following staff for celebrating “Durga Puja” as
per IDCO rules.


Sl. Name of the Staff Designation Amount

1. Abhimanyu Das Hd.Sweeper Rs.15,000.00

2. Krushna Ch.Nayak Hd. Watchman Rs.15,000.00
3. Kabiraj Nayak Treasury Sarkar Rs.15,000.00
4. Naba kishore Swain Sr. Daftary Rs.15,000.00
5. Chita Ranjan Mohapatra Clerk Rs.15,000.00
6. Satya Naryana Mishra C.M.O. Rs.15,000.00
7. Dillip Ku. Behera Accountant Rs.15,000.00
8. Braja Kishore Patra Mech Helper Rs.15,000.00
9. Laxmidhar Swain Work Sarkar Rs.15,000.00

Yours faithfully

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Copy to Person concerned / Personal file/ Accountant, IDCO, Urban Haat
Division formation & necessary action.

Divisional Head
Memo No. _________ /Dt
Copy to Chief General Manger (P&A), IDCO,Bhubaneswar for kind information.

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ /2014-15 Dt.


The General Manager (Elect.)

IDCO, IDCO Towers,

Sub: Illumination of Ekamra Haat, Bhubaneswar.


With reference to the subject stated above, it is to bring to your kind notice that
the lawn light and mercury light installed are not functioning since 7 days. As a result, due
to lack of proper lighting facilities, the Haat premises is remaining very dark in the night.
I therefore request you to kindly depute your electrical staff to inspect the same
and necessary repair may kindly be done at an early date.
Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head
Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt
Copy to the Chief General Manager (P& C),IDCO,Bhubaneswar for favour kind
information and necessary action.

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

Sri Bidyadhar Swain,

Spl.Class Contractor,
Qtr No. MA/387, Madhuban, Paradeep,
Dist. Jagatsinghpur.

Sub: Construction of OAT at Odisha, Craft Museum Complex,Gandamunda

Ref: Your willingness dt. 12.08.2014


As per your willingness to execute the construction work of OAT at Odisha for
Craft Museum at Gandamunda, you are hereby allowed to go ahead with the construction
work of OAT at the same item rates and terms & condition of your agreement already
executed for Construction of Handloom & Handicraft Block and Workshop Building of
Odisha Craft Museum for Handicraft & Handloom at Gandamunda.
Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt
Copy to Chief General Manager (Civil), IDCO,IDCO Tower, Bhubaneswar for
kind information.
Divisional Head
Memo No.___________/Dt.
Copy to Sri B.K.U.Singh,J.E(Civil) incharge of work for information and
necessary action.

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ 386/2009-2010/ 1758 Dt.22.09.2014


The Architects’ Studio,

E- 47, Infocity,
Chandrasekhapur, BBSR

(Kind attention - Ar. Deepak Panda.)

Sub: (i) Construction of State Handicraft & Handloom Museum at Gandamunda and
(ii) Construction of Multi Purpose Hall (OK & VIB) at Gandamunda.
You are yet to comply the following points / issues & needs your utmost attention.
1) BDA approval of Craft Museum & Multipurpose Hall is still not done by you.
2) Working drawing in details for Craft Museum is still not received by this office.
3) Soft copy of drawing not at all provided.
4) Drawings are not submitted in 4 sets
5) Revised estimate of the total project be provided within 15 days for approval of Govt.
in Textiles, Handloom & Handicraft Department.
6) Detail drawing of OAT is yet to be provided for which the work has been stopped.
Please note that the piece-meal basis of providing drawings is seriously hampering
the progress of work.
The above requirement s should please be complied without delay.
Yours faithfully
Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division
Memo No. 1759 /Dt.22.09.2014
Copy to Chief General Manger (Civil), IDCO for kind information.
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Divisional Head

Memo No. 1760 /Dt 22.09.2014

Copy to Member Secretary, SIDAC, Gandamunda for kind information.
Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ 005 /2014-15 Dt.

The Director,
Handicrafts & Cottage Industries,
Odisha, Barrack no. 12-A,
Unit-V, Bhubaneswar

Sub: Reservation two dormitories in Ekamra Haat, Bhubaneswar from

14.10.2014 to 20.10.2014 for accommodation of the artisans for Annual
Terra-cotta Exhibition, Mruttika-2014

Ref: Your letter No-5703 dt.10.09.2014


With reference to the above captioned subject and letter in reference, the
calculation of rent is given below.

01) Dormitories (2 No) Period Amount

(Gents’ & Ladies’)
14.10.2014 Rs.600/- per day
20.10.2014 Rs.600×7days = Rs4,200/-
(Rupees four thousand two hundred only)
You are requested to deposit the above said amount at an early date towards
booking of two dormitories at Ekamra Haat, Bhubaneswar

Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/UHD/ /2014-15 Dt.

The Chief General Manager (P&A)
Janpath, Bhubaneswar.

Sub: Allegation made by Sri Kabiraj Nayak, Treasury Sarkar, Urban Haat Division.
Ref: letter no. 18568 dt. 12.09.2014 of Manager (Admin)
The undersigned has gone through the letter of Sri Kabiraj Nayak, Treasury
Sarkar and the following observation is made after careful study of the matter.
It is true that Sri Kabiraj Nayak met an accident on 31.05.2013 when he was on
duty during office hour. Some unknown people helped by carrying him to Capital Hospital
from the place of accident. After getting the news of his accident, the undersigned
directed the office staff to provide immediate succour and regular monitoring was done
The undersigned has taken verbal statements of some of the employees of
IDCO & other persons who were someway connected in this regard.
The employees/ persons from whom verbal statements have been taken are:
1) Sri B.K.U’singh, JE(C), Urban Haat Division
2) Sri Dilip Kumar Behera, Acct. Urban Haat Division
3) Sri Chitaranjan Mohapatra, Clerk, Urban Haat Division
4) Sri Bikram Naik, Daftari, W/S & El (II) Division
5) Sri C.R. Jagdev, Sr. Asst, BCD-I
6) Sri Kailash Chandra Pradhan, Ex-Sr Daftari
7) Sri Salil Kumar Das, Sr.Asst, Angul Division
8) Sri Gajendranath Das, Spl class Contractor,for JNV konark Work.
After interrogation of the above employees / persons the following fact comes

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
(i) Rs.5000/- was collected immediately from the staff of Urban Haat Division. Sri
B.K.U’Singh, JE, Sri Dilip Behera, Acct, Sri C.R.Mohapatra, Clerk of Urban Haat Division
rushed to Capital Hospital in the vehicle of Sri G.N.Das, Spl Class Contractor , Sri G.N.
Das also accompanied our staff to Capital Hospital.

Rs.5000/- was handed over to the wife of Sri Kabiraj Nayak by Sri Dilip
Behera,Acct in presence of all the staff mentioned above. Sri Bikram Naik, who happens
to be a close confidant of Sri. Kabiraj, identified the wife of Kabiraj Nayak for handing over
Rs. 5000/-
(ii) Capital Hospital referred the case to Kalinga Hospital the same day. Sri
Bikram Naik, Daftari & some others took complete charge of shifting him to Kalinga
Rs. 20,000/- was borrowed from Sri G.N.Das, Spl Class Contractor to meet the
emergency expenses, and cost of admission, etc at Kalinga Hospital. Sri Dilip Kumar
Behera,Acct accompanied by C.R.Mohapatra, Clerk went to Kalinga Hospital in the same
evening and handed over Rs. 20,000/- to the son of Sri Kabiraj Nayak in the presence of
wife of Sri Kabiraj Nayak and other IDCO employees, viz Bikram Naik, C.R Jagdev, Kailas
Pradhan, Salil Kumar Das & few others.
It is learnt that Sri Bikram Naik & Sri Kabiraj Nayak belong to the same village &
are neighbours. Mrs & Mr Bikram Naik have rendered selfless service almost day & night
to Sri Kabiraj Nayak as attendant during the hospitalization period at Kalinga Hospital. On
12.06.2013, after Sri Kabiraj Nayak got well to a comfortable extent, applied for salary
advance of Rs. 15,000/- & festival advance of Rs.10,000 to return the borrowed amount of
Rs. 25,000/- and this amount has well been refunded to the concerned persons.
(iii) An advance of Rs.1,00,000/- was sanctioned by Head Office towards
treatment of Sri Nayak vide office order no.12453 dt.19.06.2013 recoverable in 20 equal
installments. Accordingly an amount of Rs. 5000/- was deducted from his salary for the
month of October. However, on his representation dt 31.10.2013 further deduction @
Rs.5000/- per month has been kept in abeyance.
Allegation of ‘Unfair treatment’ by employees of Urban Haat Division in the ground
of ‘Lower class’ is totally baseless. The undersigned has no knowledge about any ill
treatment to him by anybody.

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
None of the allegations brought by Sri Kabiraj Nayak is true. It is most unfortunate
& shocking what made him to write such baseless allegations. Instead of owing a debt of
gratitude for the help and assistance by our staff, bringing such fabricated allegation is
really inhuman & condemnable.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: 7 pages
Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

It is brought to the notice of the Food stall owners at Ekamra Haat that they
shall close their business well before 11.00 p.m. positively. The entrance gate of Ekamra
Haat will be closed at 11.00 p.m. sharp and nobody will be allowed to stay or enter into
Ekamra Haat after 11.00 p.m. Violation of the rule may lead to cancellation of food stall.

Divisional Head
Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt
Copy to Jagannath Security Service, they are instructed to pass instruction to
the security men to close the Ekamra Haat gate shop at 11.00p.m.

Divisional Head Memo

No. _________ /Dt
Copy to Sri Chitta Ranjan Mohapatra for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Odisha Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

IDCO/E&Q/237/2014-15/ DT.

The Chief General Manager (Finance)
IDCO, IDCO Towers,

Sub: Information required for computation of bonus and incentive as applicable

for the year-2013-2014
Ref: Your letter No-17390 dt- 28.08.201
With reference to the subject cited above, we are enclosing herewith the
incentive & bonus statement as per format of regular employee & contractual JE (Civil) of
IDCO, Urban Haat Division, and Bhubaneswar for further action at your end.

Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
1. As such there is no direct role of CGM (in charge of Ekamra Haat Division) so far as
allotment of shop room at different Urban haats are concerned. Generally the
stalls/shops are allotted on monthly basis through draw of lottery held annually.
In case of vacancies of stalls, the stalls are filled up from among the available
applicanton merit as per the decision of the Haat Management Committee from
time to time. The Haat Management Committee formed by the Governing Body
primarily looks after the allotment and smooth functioning of the haats including
eviction of unruly artisans/ craftsman/ allottees etc.
3. The Divisional Head had not mentioned about ‘allotment to any body’ directly
or indirectly but, it was only meant for Ms. Debajani Sahoo, ID
No.______________ as she occupied the stall since May 2008 in various fake
names, also in the name of dead person (list enclosed) etc. It is very clear from
the list how Ms. Debajani Sahoo managed to occupy stalls indirectly for about 4 &
½ years.
5. Asst Directors of DC (H) & DC (HL), Bhubaneswar, Govt. of India are the
Governing Body members of Urban Haats. Since the stalls for ‘other states quota’
in Urban haats are remaining vacant, it was felt necessary to invite them in the
regular Haat Management Committee meetings so that they will take steps to get
their quota of stalls filled up by artisans/weavers belonging to other states so that
varieties & qualitative goods/iteams are available in the haats which will attract
more foot-falls. Therefore members (Asst Director DC(H) & DC(HL) are invited to
make the stall allotment more participatory & transparent.

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Status of on-going works:

Sl.No Name of Work A/A Cost Stipulated Dt. Of Stipulated Dt. Present Hindrance, if
Commencement of Completion Status any & reasons
for hindrance

Sl.No Name of work A/A Cost Revised A/A Position of Final bill Remarks
Revised Estimated Cost

Status of completed works (List of completed works within last 5 years)

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
The Asst. Director (H)
Marketing & Service Extension Center
O/O D.C. Handicrafts, Bhubaneswar
39- Budha Nagar.BBSR.
Sub: Functioning of Urban Haats.
Ref: Your letter No. - 438/11.08.14 of Deputy Director (H) Incharge ERO, Kolkata-
With reference to the subject and letter in reference, the information as required
on the Ekamra Haat, Bhubaneswar,Nilachal Urban Haat, Puri, Konark Urban
Haat,Konark. Are given below-

No.s of
Sl.No Year Occupancy Days Organised Benefits to Articians
No. of Artisans Sale

50 stalls×365
1 2012-13 days 26 1063 11978947.00
50 stalls×365
2 2013-14 days 24 1141 13674415.00
up to 51 stalls×90
3 30.6.14 days 6 295 2994863.00

Nilachal Urban Haat, Puri

1 2012-13 36 stalls×75 days 23 176 1783584.00

22 stalls×61 days
2 2013-14 3 stalls×365 days 40 205 2097470.00
up to june
3 2014 3 stalls 90 days 6 30 360150.00

Konark Urban Haat,Konark

40 stalls×135
1 2012-13 days 9 72 936000.00
2 2013-14 11 stalls×13 days 1 11 99088.00
1 Amphitheatre×1

3 2014-15 day 1 1

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
1) Though Ekamra Haat, Bhubaneswar is operational since Nov 2002,still it requires publicity
including installation of hoading and through electronic media,mainly Tv,radio etc.

2)Funds may be provided for repairs & renovation of haat.

3)At least four exhibition in 4 quarters may be sanctioned for popularisation of the Ekamra

4)So far as Puri & Konark Urban Haats are concerned,in spite of organisaing exhibition by
state Govt.,as well as installation of musical foundation & also organisation of cultural
programmes, these two urban haat are lying vacant for most of the days. So it may be
decided to invite EOI to made if eventful through PPP mode.

Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Memo No. _________ /Dt

Copy to Deputy Director(H) Incharge ero Kolkata-700064 for kind

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Orissa Industrial Infrastructure

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]


Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected]

The Chief General Manager(Civil),


Sub: Request for grant of C.L .from 28.01.2015 to 31.01.2015 & 02.02.15 to
03.02.15 along with HQs leaving permission from 28.01.15 to 04.02.15

As, I am required to attend a social function outside the state, I may kindly
be allowed C.L. along with HQs leaving permission as mentioned above for
which I shall be obliged. .
With regards
Yours faithfully,

( Rajkishore Nayak )
Divisional Head
Urban Haat Division
Memo No. Dt.
Copy to CGM (P&C)/CGM (MSME)/CGM (civil-II) for kind information

Rajkishore Nayak

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Assistant General Manager A.T.M.
State Bank of India, Main Branch, BBSR-9
Sub: Outstanding dues towards ATM shop room rent & electricity charges for
the month of March-2014 to July-2014.

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Ref:- Our previous letter no-955 dtd-14-05-2014
With reference to the above captioned subject, it is to intimate that the
following rent and electricity charges against your ATM counter at Ekamra Haat Premises
for the month from March-2014 to July-2014 is outstanding with you. The details of dues
are given below –
(A) Shop rent of A.T.M at Ekamra Haat, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
For period from April-2014 to July-2014= 4 months
The rent @ Rs.= 7935/- per month×4 (four) months Rs.= 31,740.00
(B) Electricity charges of (ATM counter as per meter reading)
02-April-2014-------------------------------------------- Rs.7995.28
03-May-2014--------------------------------------------- Rs.8261.31
04-June-2014-------------------------------------------- Rs.8390.73
05-July-2014--------------------------------------------- Rs.6923.97
Rs.38, 999.35
Total- (A+B) (Rs.=31,740.00+38,999.35)= Rs.70,739.35
(Rupees seventy thousand seven hundred thirty nine & paisa thirty five) only
You are requested to please clear the dues at the earlist.
Encl. Previous letter-1 Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

It has been decided by the Haat Management Committee to impose a user

fee of Rs.150/- per person per month who are residing at Ekamra Haat premises for
maintenance of bath room & toilets.
Therefore, the allottees of shops & food stalls are required to give the names
permanent address & one photograph of persons who are residing at Ekamra Haat for
information and approval by the undersigned. The allottees have to pay the user fee
separately during payment of stall rent. In case somebody is not willing to pay the user fee
will not the allotted any stall at Ekamra Haat. This is applicable only for those who are
residing at night inside Ekamra Haat premises.

Divisional Head
Urban Haat Division
Memo No. _________ /Dt
Copy to Sri Chitta Ranjan Mohapatra for information and necessary action. He is
instructed to collect the user fee during rent collection.

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Chief Instructress,
HETC, Jharpada, Laxmi sagar,

Sub: Construction of Hostel building at HETC Campus.

Three, out of four blocks of the new hostel building of HETC has come up and
are at different stages of construction. But one block has not yet been started since the
quarters presently occupied by Mrs. Bisoi, AI has not been vacated.
It is pertinent to bring to your notice that, the available vacant quarters has
already been repaired and made ready for occupation.
You are requested to immediately take step to vacate the said quarters and
handover to IDCO for taking up the construction work of remaining block immediately.

Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No. __________ /Dt.
Copy to Director, Social Welfare Deptt. of W&CD, Government of Odisha for kind
information & necessary action
Divisional Head
Memo No. _________ /Dt.
Copy to Chief General Manager (Civil), IDCO for kind information and necessary

Divisional Head

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION

Minutes of Haat Management Committee meeting held on 6.8.2014 in the office chamber
Of Divisional Head at Ekamra Haat.
The Divisional Head welcomed all the members and after detailed discussion the
following decisions were taken
1) Allotment of stalls at Ekamra Haat :
Some artisans/weavers who have been allotted stalls in the Ekamra Haat are very
irregular in opening their stalls. Action should be taken to remove them and
allotment be made & to those applicants as per merit. The discretion is left to the
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO.
2) Allotment of stalls at Puri & Konark Haat:
These two haats are practically dead. So advertisement should be published in local
News paper regarding availability of stalls for artisans/weavers for display of
Handicrafts & Handloom items. Depending upon the demand received for stalls,
further course of action can be taken.
3) Letter will be written to DC, Handicraft/ DC, Handloom and Regional offices of
Handicraft & Handloom, Government of India to take step to send artisans/weavers
belonging to other state to Odisha.
4) Revision of rent of stalls & other facilities at Ekamra Haat :
The rents of stalls were revised last during out 2008. In the mean time cost of
electricity, Labour & other maintenance cost have increased manifold. So, the
proposal for revision of rents are suggested as given below.

i) Stalls Present rent Proposed rent

(a) Artisan/weaver Rs.50/- per day Rs.80/- per day
(b) NGO/SHG/Societies Rs.75/- per day Rs.120/-per day
ii) Dormitory Rs.300/- per day Rs.500/- per day
iii) Amphitheatre Rs.1200/- per day Rs.2000/- per day

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
5) It is a matter of concern that maintenance of toilets & bath rooms at Ekamra Haat

is becoming very difficult. The taps, basins and other fitting are found broken
frequently. Notorious people are excreting in the bathroom floor etc.
So, it is decided that:
i) More than one artisan/weaver per stall will not be allowed to stay in the haat at
ii) A user fee of Rs.150/- per person per month will be levied. In case any allottee
refuses to pay the user fee should not be allotted stalls or food stalls at Ekamra
Haat. This should be applicable for the month of October 2014. The allottees
should submit the names of persons staying at haat to the Divisional Head for
information and approval.
6) One handloom exhibition to the held at Ekamra Haat during puja vacation out of
the state budget. Action should be taken by Divisional Head, Handloom.
7) Project proposal shall be given by IDCO to Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India for
sanction of exhibition at Ekamra Haat, viz. Gandhi shift Bazar.

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
The Chief General Manager (P&A).I/c
IDCO, Bhubaneswar
IDCO Tower, Janpath, BBSR

Sub: Submission of Essentiality Certificate along with medical bills

(original) of Master. Jitendra Nayak, son of Sri Jogendra
Nayak, Electical Helper of this Division

Ref: Your letter no-7191. dt-10/04/2014


With reference to the subject cited above, we are forwarding herewith the
following documents submitted by Sri Jogendra Nayak Electrical Helper, after 2 nd eye
operation of his son Master. Jitendra Nayak towards adjustment & balance amount for re-
imburesement which may kindly be considered.

Encl:- 1: Essentiality certificate……04 Nos.(orginal)

Duly signed by Docteor & medical retainer)

2: Cash memos/receipts……07 Nos (original)

Duly signed by Doctor & medical retainer)

3: Discharge record/certificate….05 Nos. (original)

Duly signed by Doctor & medical retainer)

4: Original application with…..01 Nos. (original)

Expenditure format.

Yours faithfully
Encl. As above

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
The Chief General Manager ( Civil)

Sub: Deposit of fund by Ekamra College for Construction of New Block &
Library( 1st floor) College,Bhubaneswar


Enclosed please find three numbers of cheques bearing No. 181351 & 180256 dtd.
07.08.2014 and cheque No. 181352 dtd 7.08.2014 of State Bank of India amounting to
Rs.25,00,000 15,00,000& 5,00,000 ( total Rs.45 laksh) respectively received from Principal,
Ekamra College, Bhubaneswaqr towards Construction of New Block, Ekamra College &
Bhubaneswar for taking further action at your end.

Yours faithfully
Encl. As above

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Orissa Undertaking) ISO 9001 & 14001 CORPORATION
IDCO, IDCO Towers, Janpath, Office of:-
Bhubaneswar-751022 The Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division,
Phone: (0674) 542784,540820, Fax: 542956 IIDCO Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar
E-mail: [email protected] Tel Fax: (0674) 2393169.
E.mail: idco@ekamra
No-IDCO/UHD/382(II)/2013-14/ Date:
The Managing Director,
Odisha State Co-Operative Handicrafts Corporation Ltd
Indl. Estate Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar

Sub: Submission of statement of expenditure with other documents related to interior

decoration work & Deposit of balance funds for “Construction of Expansion/
Renovation of existing Utkalika building at Unit-II, Bhubaneswar.

Ref: Your letter No.1997 dt.19.08.2014


With reference to the subject cited above, enclosed please find herewith the detail
statement of expenditure with related documents for the work Expansion/ Renovation &
Interior decoration work of Utkalika building at Market building,Unit-II, Bhubaneswar for
necessary action at your end.
Further it is to state that, The total expenditure comes to Rs.1,80,95,795/-. A sum of
Rs.1,25,41,171/- has been deposited with IDCO till now. So, the balance amount of
Rs.55,54,624/- should please be deposited with IDCO immediately to make payment to
different agencies..

Yours faithfully
Encl. As above

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No. Dt.
Copy to the Director Handicrafts & Cottage Industries,Odisha, Bhubaneswar for her kind

Divisional Head

Memo No. Dt.

Copy to the Chief General Manager (Civil-II), IDCO, Bhubaneswar for his kind information

Divisional Head,

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Orissa Undertaking) ISO 9001 & 14001 CORPORATION
IDCO, IDCO Towers, Janpath, Office of:-
Bhubaneswar-751022 The Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division,
Phone: (0674) 542784,540820, Fax: 542956 IIDCO Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar
E-mail: [email protected] Tel Fax: (0674) 2393169.
E.mail: idco@ekamra
No-IDCO/UHD/382(II)/2013-14/ Date:
The Managing Director,
Odisha State Co-Operative Handicrafts Corporation Ltd
Indl. Estate Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar

Sub: Release of funds against the interior decoration work for “Construction of
Expansion/ Renovation of existing Utkalika building at Unit-II, Bhubaneswar.

Ref: Your letter No.672 dt.18.03.15 & This office letter No.176 dt.06.02.15


The above mentioned work has been completed since July-2014 and handed over to
Utakalika and is in use. the contractor are sitting outside my office for release of their
Please release us the amount of Rs.55,54,624/- .So that check
measurement can be done for making contractor payment
The documents sought for by you will be submitted with in 15 days.

Yours faithfully

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No. Dt.
Copy to the Chief General Manager (Civil-II), IDCO, Bhubaneswar for his kind information

Divisional Head,

Memo No. Dt.

Copy to the Divisional Head (Elect), IDCO, Bhubaneswar for kind information and
necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956 ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION
Email: [email protected]

IDCO/UHD/ 434/2013-14 Dt.

The Chief General Manager ( Civil)

Sub:- Deviation statement along with Extra Items of Urban Hostel,


Enclosed Please find the deviation statement along with the extra items
that were required to be executed for completion of the building for making it fully
functional. Some items have been substituted for the better and some items are
also required to be executed which were not covered during preparation of BOQ.

The deviation amount comes to Rs.11,12,34,845.00 which is 5.68% excess

as per Estimate value. The amount in extra item is Rs.1,71,99,969.00. The total
amount of work comes to Rs.12,84,34,814.00

The deviation statement along with extra items may please be approved
for making payment to the contractor.

Enclosed:- Yours Faithfully

1. Deviation Statement.
2. Statement of Extra Items.
3. Recommendation letter of consultant. Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Orissa Industrial Infrastructure
Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956 ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION
Email: [email protected]

IDCO/UHD/ 382 (A)/2013-14 Dt.

The Chief General Manager ( Civil)

Sub:- Final-Deviation statement along with Extra Items of Interior furnishing

Utakalika Show room building, Unit-II,Bhubaneswar

Enclosed Please find the final-deviation statement along with the extra
items that were required to be executed for completion of the building for making
it fully functional. Some items are also required to be executed which were not
covered during preparation of BOQ.

The deviation amount comes to Rs. 14,39,788.00(Rupees Fourteen lakhs

Thirty-nine Thousands Seven Hundred Eighty-eight)only being (+)38.874% Excess
than the Original Agreement value of Rs 37,03,715.00 Vide Agreement No:47F-
2/2013-14/Dt.20.11.13. The amount in extra item is Rs.18,36,321.00.00. The total
amount of work comes to Rs.51,43,502.00

The deviation statement along with extra items may please be approved
for making payment to the contractor.

Enclosed:- Yours Faithfully

1. Deviation Statement.
2. Statement of Extra Items.
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
3. Recommendation letter of Clients. Divisional Head,
IDCO,Urban Haat Division

Orissa Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956 ISO 9001 &1400 CORPORATION
Email: [email protected]

Please find attached the OAT drawing and the area are
Handloom Block-1812 Sqmt.
Handicraft Block-1602 Sqmt.
Workshop Block-1531 Sqmt.
OAT -768 Sqm
Canteen Block---194 Sqmt.


Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground,

9001 &1400Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected]
IDCO/UHD/ 453/2014-15 Dt.
Plot No-2150/2744,Mangala Vihar

Sub: External Development and Land scaping work for State Handicraft & Handloom
Museum at Gandamunda Bhubaneswar.

Ref:- L.O.A No-12972 date.10.06.2015

With reference to your offer for the captioned work, you are requested to
start the work immediately as per the detail work order.
1.0 SCOPE OF WORK: Detailed enclosed at Annexure-A.
1.1 SCHEDULE OF PRICE: Rs. 4, 58, 91,578.00 (Rupees Four Crore Fifty Eight lakh
Ninety One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Eight)only
The price mentioned in the schedule is inclusive of all taxes & duties, royalty of
whatever nature, octroi other local taxes etc., if any including works contract tax.
Time is the essence of contract. The entire scope of work shall be completed
within 11(Eleven) calendar moths (including rainy Season) from the 10th day of
issue of the LOA or date of executing the agreement, whichever is earlier.
Equipment materials or execution of work offered must be as per the tender
specification and approved make of materials only. Installation & execution of work
are to be done strictly in accordance with owner’s specification.
Payment shall be made in accordance with Execution of work and norms of
Security deposit @ 5% of gross amount of bill shall be deducted from Final bills
and will be kept as Security Deposit in IDCO. This can be released after successful
completion of works and completion of defects liability period stipulated in the
Contract. Cess tax @ 1% will be deducted on the gross amount of the work bill as
per Govt of Orissa, labour & Employment Notice No. 12653/dt.15.12.2008



Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
The contractor will furnish a guarantee for trouble free operation for a period of 10
years from the date of acceptance. Defects if any within the guarantee period of
contract, shall be rectied at his own cost and risk of Contractor
The contractor/firm has to get suitable labour license ESI and PF Number and
maintain all accounts regarding these as per Govt. of Orissa/Govt. of India rules.
Liquidated damage @ 1.00%( one percent)of the contract price of the undelivered
materials/installation. Work per week of delay in delivery and completion shall be
levied subject to maximum 10% of the contract price.
Sri B.K.Udaysingh Jr.Engineer(Civil),IDCO, Urban Haat Division, Bhubaneswar.
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, Exhibition Ground,Unit-III,Bhubaneswar .
Dispute/Litigation, if any arising out of this contract shall be deemed to have been
entered into Bhubaneswar under the jurisdiction of Orissa High Court.
Please acknowledge the receipt of his work order and return the
acceptance copy enclosed duly signed in each page with official seal as a token of
acceptance within 7 (seven) days from the date of issue of this work order.
Yours faithfully,

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No._______________/Dt.
Copy submitted to the Chief General Manager(Civil-II),/Chief General
Manager(Fiancé),IDCO,Bhubaneswarfor favour of kind information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/
Copy to Sri B.K.U.Singh,J.E (Civil)/Accountant , IDCO,Urban Haat
Division ,Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division,

Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India
Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground,
9001 &1400Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected]
IDCO/UHD/ 453/2014-15 Dt.

Name of work : External Development and Land scaping
1 work for State Handicraft & Handloom
Museum at Gandamunda Bhubaneswar.

2 Schedule of Price : Rs. 4,58,91,578.00 (Rupees Four Crore Fifty

Eight lakh Ninety One Thousand Five Hundred
Seventy Eight)only

3 LOA No & date : 12972 date.10.06.2015

4 Period of completion of work : The entire scope of work shall be complete

within 11(Eleven) Calendar month(including
rainy Season)
5 Nos of item : 114(One hundred Fourtee).only

6 E,M.D : Deposited

7 I.S.D ; Rs.3,78,832..00(Rupees Three lakh Seventy

Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty
Two)only.Vide DD no-398013 dt.09.06.15
Federal Bank,BBSR
8 Additional performance : Rs.19, 426.00(Rupees Nineteen Thousand Four
security Hundred Twenty Six) only. Vide DD no-
398022 dt.11.06.015 Federal Bank,BBSR
Plot No-2150/2744,Mangala Vihar

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division

Odisha Industrial Infrastructure

Development Corporation
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022, Odisha, India


Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Phones: (0674) 542784, 540820, Fax: 542 956
Email: [email protected]
IDCO/UHD/ 451/2014-15 Dt.
The Chief General Manager(Civil-II),
IDCO,IDCO Tower,Janpath,

Sub: Submission of Certified copy of Agreement No. 60 F2 of 2014-15 for

External Development and Land scaping work for State Handicraft & Handloom
Museum at Gandamunda Bhubaneswar.
Inviting a reference to the above cited subject, I am enclosing here with certified
copy of Agreement bearing No.60 F2 of 2014-15 for External Development and Land
scaping work for State Handicraft & Handloom Museum at Gandamunda Bhubaneswar.
favour of kind information and record.

Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No._______________/Dt.
Copy along with Certified copy of Agreement No.60 F2 of 2014-15 to Divisional
Head,(Elect),/ Divisional Head W/S & EC Division-II,IDCO,Bhubaneswar for information
and necessary action. .
Encl: As above
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No._______________/Dt.
Copy to Sai smurti Infrastructure pvt ltd, Plot No-2150/2744, Mangala Vihar
Sisulpalagarh,Bhubaneswar along with Certified copy of Agreement No.60 F2 of 2014-15
for information.
Encl: As above
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division
Memo No_____________./Dt. __________/
Copy to Sri B.K.U.Singh,J.E (Civil) along with Certified copy of Agreement No.
60 F2 of 2014-15 /Accountant, along with Original copy of Agreement No.60F2 of 2014-
15, IDCO,Urban Haat Division ,Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.
Encl: As above

Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division,


Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]
Divisional Head,
Urban Haat Division,

Divisional Head, Urban Haat Division, IDCO, Exhibition Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar,
Phone No. (06742393169. Fax- 2393169, Email: [email protected]

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