Drug Study Sittie

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Generic Name Recommended’ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name dosage, frequency, Action Responsibilities
Classification & route of
 ranitidine 50 mg IVTT q 8 hr Competitively Duodenal and Patients with CNS: headache, - use cautiously with
hydrochloride inhibits action of H2 gastric ulcer allergy to ranitidine malaise, dizziness, impaired renal or
 Raxide, receptors of the Maintenance Contraindicated to somnolence, hepatic function
Zantac parietal cells of the therapy for duodenal lactating mother insomnia, vertigo - administer oral drug
 Anti- stomach, inhibiting ulcer CV: tachycardia, with meals and at
ulcerative, gastric acid Heartburn, acid bradycardia bedtime
histamine H2 secretions indigestion, sour DERMATOLOGIC: - encourage pt. to avoid
antagonist stomach rash, alopecia smoking
GI: Constipation, -explain to clients the
diarrhea. Nausea, possible effects he
vomiting, abdominal might experience such
pain, hepatitis as constipation, or
GU: gynecomastia, diarrhea, nausea,
impotence or vomiting, headache
decrease libido -instruct pt. to report
HEMATOLOGIC: sore throat, fever,
leucopenia, unusual bruising or
granulocytopenia, bleeding, severe
thrombocytopenia, headache and dizziness
pancytopenia - don’t use aluminum-
based needles or
equipment when mixing
or giving drug
parenterally because it
is incompatible with

Generic Name Recommended’ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
Brand Name dosage, frequency, Action
Classification & route of
 cefuroxime 750 mg IVTT q 8 hr Inhibits cell wall or - preoperative Contraindicated to CNS: headache, -use cautiously with renal
 Aeroginox (-) ANST synthesis of bacterial prophylaxis pts. with allergy to dizziness, lethargy, failure, lactation and
 Antibiotic , cell wall, causing - pharyngitis, penicillin and and paresthesias pregnancy
cephalosporin cell death tonsillitis, infections cephalosporin GI: nausea, -asses skin status, renal
(2nd of urinary and lower vomiting, diarrhea, and liver functions
generation) respiratory tract and anorexia, abdominal -arrange for sensitivity
skin and skin pain, hepatotoxicity test prior to initial dose
structures infections HEMATOLOGIC: -inform pt. about with
- uncomplicated bone marrow the possible effects of the
UTI’s depression drug
-otitis media RESPIRATORY: -give oral drug with
-secondary bacterial dyspnea meals to decrease GI
infection of acute Skin rashes, phlebitis upset and enhance
bronchitis absorption
-instruct pt. not to crash
the tablet
-encourage pt. to avoid
alcohol while taking this
drug and 3 days after
-instruct pt to report if
there is a severe diarrhea,
dyspnea, and unusual
-discontinue if
hypersensitivity occur

Generic Name Recommended’ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name dosage, frequency, Action Responsibilities
Classification & route of
 acetaminophen 500 mg 1 tab q 4hr Analgesic: Thought -mild pain or fever Pts with allergy to CNS: headache -do not exceed
(paracetamol) prn if fever ≥ 38 to produce analgesia -arthritis and acetaminophen CV: chestpain, recommended
 Actamin, Banesin, degree Celsius by blocking pain rheumatic disorders dyspnea dosage
Panadol, Tempra, impulses by involving GI: hepatic toxicity -use cautiously with
Tylenol, Valorin inhibiting synthesis musculoskeletal and failure, renal impaired hepatic
 Nonopiod of prostaglandin in pain tubular, necrosis functions,
analgesic and the CNS or of other -common cold, flu HEMATOLOGIC: alcoholism,
antipyretic sensitize pain and other bacterial hemolytic anemia, pregnancy, lactating
receptors pain infections with pain neutropenia, -asses patien’s skin
receptors to and fever leukopenia, color
stimulation pancytopenia, -give drug with food
Antipyretic: hypoglycemia to decrease GI upser
reduces fever by Rash -use liquid form for
acting directky on children and
the hypothalamic patient’s with
heat-regulating difficulty in
center to cause swallowing
vasodilation and -discontinue if
sweating which hypersensitivity
helps dissipate heat occurs
-acetylcysteine is
the antidote in case
of hepatotoxicity.

Generic Name Recommended’ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name dosage, frequency, Action Responsibilities
Classification & route of
 metronidazole 500 mg IVTT q 8hr Bactericidal: inhibits -acute intestinal Contraindicated CNS: headache, -avoid use unless
 Metrogen, (-) ANST DNA synthesis in amebiasis with dizziness, ataxia, needed and
Protostat, specific (obligate) - amebic liver hypersensitivity to vertigo, insomnia, prescribed (maybe
Vandazole, anaerobes, causing abscess metronidzole, seizures, peripheral carcinogic)
Viaflex, Flagyl cell death -bacterial vaginosis opregnancy (do not neuropathy, fatigue -administer oral
 Amebicide , -Topical application: use for GI: anorexia, dose with food
antibacterial, treatment of trichomoniasis in nausea, vomiting, - apply topically
antibiotic, inflammatory first trimester) diarrhea, GI upset after cleansing the
antiprotozoal papules, pustules GU: dysuria, area
darkening of the - reduce dosage in
urine hepatic disease
-instruct pt. not to
drink alcohol
-explain to the client
the adverse effects
of the drug kike
darkening of the
-instruct pt. to avoid
sexual intercourse
during treatment for
-instruct pt. to report
severe GI upset,
dizziness, unusual
fatigue or weakness,
fever, chills

Generic Name Recommended’ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name dosage, frequency, Action Responsibilities
Classification & route of

Generic Name Recommended’ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name dosage, frequency, Action Responsibilities
Classification & route of

Generic Name Recommended’ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name dosage, frequency, Action Responsibilities
Classification & route of

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