Pharmacological Sheet

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Drug name General action Specific action indication contraindication Adverse effect Nursing responsibility
1. Cefuroxime -Antibiotic -Bactericidal: inhibits -lower respiratory -allergy to CNS: headache, -check for liver and
750mg IVTT q -Cephalosporins synthesis of bacterial infections caused by cephalosporins or dizziness, lethargy, renal dysfunction,
8H (second cell wall, causing cell S. pneumoniae, S. penicillins. paresthesias lactation, pregnancy,
generation) death. aureus, E.coli, -use cautiously with GI: N&V, diarrhea, and allergy to
Klebsiela, H. renal failure, anorexia, abdominal medication
influenzae, S. lactation and pain, flatulence, liver -sensitivity tets
pyrogenes. pregnancy. toxicity before and during
-septicemia caused GU: nephrotoxicity therapy if expected
by S. pneumoniae, S. Hematologic: bone response is not seen
aureus, E.coli, marrow depression -have vitamin K
Klebsiela, H. Local: pain, abscess at available in case of
influenzae. injection site, hypopro-
-Perioperative phlebitis, inflation at thrombinemia occurs
prophylaxis. IV site -discontinue if
reactions occur.
-teach pt to avoid
alcohol while taking
this drug, that the pt
will experience these
side effects: stomach
upset or diarrhea.

4. Metronidazole -Antibiotic -Bactericidal: Inhibits -preoperative, -hypersensitivity to CNS: headache, -assess for CNS or
500 g IVTT q -Antibacterial DNA synthesis in intraoperative, metronidazole; dizziness, alaxia, hepatic disease;
8H -Amebicide specifics anaerobes, postoperative pregnancy vertigo, candidiasis, blood
-Antiprotozoal causing cell death; prophylaxis for -use cautiously with incoordination, dyscarias, pregnancy,
antiprotozoal- patients undergoing CNS disease, hepatic insomnia, seizures, lactation.
trichomonacidal, colorectal surgery disease, candidiasis, fatigue peripheral -teach patient not to
amebicidal: -Trichonomiasis blood dyscrasias, neuropathy. drink alcohol severe
biochemical -Acute intestinal lactation. GI: unpleasant metallic reactions may occur,
mechanism of action amebiasis taste, anorexia, N&V, urine may be darker
in not known. -prophylaxis for diarrhea, GI upset, in color than usual;
patients undergoing cramps this is expected
gynecologic, GU: dysuria, -report severe GI
abdominal surgery, incontinence, upset, dizziness,
hepatic darkening of the urine unusual fatigue or
Drug name General action Specific action Indication contraindication Adverse effect Nursing responsibility
1. Cefuroxime -Antibiotic -Bactericidal: inhibits -lower respiratory -allergy to CNS: headache, -check for liver and
750mg IVTT -Cephalosporins synthesis of bacterial infections caused by cephalosporins or dizziness, lethargy, renal dysfunction,
q 8H (second generation) cell wall, causing cell S. pneumoniae, S. penicillins. paresthesias lactation, pregnancy,
death. aureus, E.coli, -use cautiously with GI: N&V, diarrhea, and allergy to
Klebsiela, H. renal failure, anorexia, abdominal medication
influenzae, S. lactation and pain, flatulence, liver -sensitivity tets
pyrogenes. pregnancy toxicity before and during
-septicemia caused GU: nephrotoxicity therapy if expected
by S. pneumoniae, S. Hematologic: bone response is not seen
aureus, E.coli, marrow depression -have vitamin K
Klebsiela, H. Local: pain, abscess available in case of
influenzae. at injection site, hypopro-
-Perioperative phlebitis, inflation at thrombinemia occurs
prophylaxis. IV site -discontinue if
reactions occur.
-teach pt to avoid
alcohol while taking
this drug, that the pt
will experience these
side effects: stomach
upset or diarrhea.

2. Ranitidine 50g -short-term -allergy to ranitidine, CNS : headache,

IVTT q 8H -Histamine2(H2) -Competitively lactation -assess for allergy to
treatment for active malaise, dizziness, drug, impaired real or
antagonist inhibits the action of -use cautiously with
duodenal ulcer somnolence, hepatic function,
histamine at the H2 impaired renal or
-short-term insomnia, vertigo lactation, pregnancy
receptors of the hepatic function,
treatment of active, CV : tachycardia, -decrease dose in
parietal cells of the pregnancy.
benign gastric ulcer bradycardia, PVCs renal and liver failure
stomach, inhibiting
-treatment of Dermatologic : rash, -report sore throat,
basal gastric acid
heartburn, acid alopecia fever, unusual
secretion and gastric
indigestion, sour GI: constipation, bruising or bleeding,
acid secretion that is
stomach. diarrhea, N&V, tarry stools,
stimulated by food,
abdominal pain, confusion,
insulin, histamine,

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