Paul Hookham
Have you ever played a game called “Who’s in Charge?”
It tends to raise its ugly head at meetings where one
or more of the attendees has the audacity to challenge
Paul Hookham is a highly experienced the leader. It’s a simple, straightforward game but can
and successful IT delivery executive
with an outstanding track record
only ever have one winner and it’s never the attendees.
working for some of the world’s most It’s a command and control game that ultimately nobody
demanding customers. wins and everybody loses.
He is passionate about quality and The leader may think he or she has won—they haven’t.
believes that people do their greatest In the UK, the skills and capability gaps are getting
work in an empowered, blame-free, wider year on year, and this is one of the most exciting
supportive, and learning environment. times for the technology industry. It’s a major concern.
He is comfortable working in Leadership needs to look at its reflection in the mirror
software development, application and appreciate that these problems will never be solved
support, or infrastructure delivery
without fresh thinking and a totally different approach.
and is an evangelist for continuous
improvement. People leave bosses, not jobs. This is not news, but
sadly not many companies I have worked with put their
Paul is also a master practitioner of
neurolinguistic programming (NLP), an people first. Leaders have not walked the talk as often as
NLP master coach, a published author, they should. I would argue that people are the only asset
and an experienced speaker. any company has on the basis that most other things can
He can be contacted at paul@ be replaced, albeit with some d isruption. Some really
exceedus.co.uk. get it; many don’t.
So how do some companies manage to any evangelical speeches to the nation. All
attract and retain the very best people and of them, if addressed properly, will get most
others do not? Today, it is more important people interested in what the new leader
than it’s ever been. has to say (but bear in mind that you can’t
This article explores the areas that t echnology please everyone).
leaders should focus on in order to achieve
great things. ■■ They do not come to work to make man-
The world of leading IT workers has been agement’s life a misery.
turned on its head—ignore it at your peril. ■■ They like to be listened to—they are the
ones doing the detailed technical work
Leadership Insights and therefore know where many of the
How should IT workers be led? big ticket improvements need to be made.
What works and what doesn’t? ■■ They hate, loathe, and detest micro-man-
This is the main thread running through- agement. It suffocates them.
out this article, which is based purely on ■■ They thrive on technical challenges.
my experience at the IT delivery coalface, ■■ They need access to contemporary tools,
stretching back to the early 1970s. It r epresents ideally of their choice, that will automate
the good, the bad, and the ugly that I have all of the manually intensive tasks that
witnessed throughout a long, war-torn, and add little or no value to anything.
battle-scarred career. ■■ They need support and encouragement
So where to start? from their leaders—in an environment
Let’s assume that our particular IT where innovation is high on the agenda
organization is in need of a major s prinkling and fear/blame does not play any part.
of improvement dust. They are light years ■■ They need to understand the company
away from becoming a technology giant vision and goals—what great looks like
and are in desperate need of a kick, in and why? Where are they headed?
terms of delivery speed and q uality. Their ■■ They would love to be in charge of their
internal customers are restless and are own personal development.
considering going their own way for their ■■ They enjoy seeing their work in regular use
technology needs. The employees are by their customers, so they can continuously
sharpening up their resumes—well the improve it, based on real-world feedback.
best ones are.
The head honcho recognizes all of this These may simply scratch at the surface
and has appointed a new technology leader but do provide a firm foundation on which
to mobilize and motivate the troops—to lead to build.
them on a journey to the heady heights of It’s not a bad start and worth bearing in
customer and employee delight. There is mind if one has aspirations to become a
much work to be done. great technology leader. It will give some
So what should happen? What are the indication of the type of person that occu-
priorities? What’s going to be different this pies the territory.
time around? Why on earth bother? However, before doing anything, the leader
Before addressing these questions, let’s should ask everybody this one simple question:
take a look at what the vast majority of IT “At this moment in time, would you recom-
workers like and dislike. mend this organization as a great place to work
These are pretty smart people for sure, and to your best friend? If not, why?”
from my personal observations, I’ve listed The answers can form the basis of a cred-
below the major considerations that need to ible action plan that will get the journey
be taken on board by a new leader before off to a flying start, although as with many
flights, expect that unexpected turbulence tools can be inexpensive and a ppeal to the
(usually when the hot drinks are served). vast majority. Use them or lose them.
Expect resistance—both overt and covert— So is that all it takes to lead IT workers to
as humans do not gladly embrace change, the Promised Land?
so each stakeholder needs to know what’s If only it was that easy to transform an IT
in it for them. function into a high-performing powerhouse.
So what are the vital few things that the If it were, then there wouldn’t be so many
leader needs to get right—the must-dos? initiatives that didn’t quite deliver what they
Communication is critical and the set out to and I’m being very diplomatic here
strategy needs to cater for everybody’s
as failure is such a subjective word.
needs as they will not all be the same. It The change curve is a scary place that
is also not good enough to just stand up in resides well outside the district of Comfort
front of e verybody once and tell them how Zone. It lurks in dark corners of the office,
much better the world will look moving ready to pounce on any signs of weakness.
forward. People need help to navigate the curves of
Why? shock and denial to emerge into the posi-
Our brains are bombarded with millions tive fast straights of learning and integra-
of pieces of information every single day. tion. Some will do it quicker than others,
The only way this can be managed is to but all needs must be catered for.
delete, distort, and generalize what we see, Any change or transformation can be
hear, and feel. It’s the reason everyone brutally painful. Many organizations have
will get a slightly different message unless made conscious decisions to ignore the
the communication is so regular and con- signs and, as a result, are no longer with us.
sistent that it becomes part of the uncon- In order to significantly increase the
scious mind. chances of success, consider introducing a
There are many examples from history culture of coaching from day one. How-
that bear this out. ever, it is not something to be taken lightly.
Many years ago, I listened to an outstanding, These sessions must never resemble
charismatic speech from an IT director, one cozy fireside chats, which is why it is best
that engaged the audience throughout and practice to use the services of experienced
really inspired me. Unfortunately, there external coaches, complemented by i nternal
was no follow-up, so the people simply ones who have shown an aptitude and been
assumed that the content was not the most professionally trained. I have seen so many
important thing the company was doing, job descriptions where the prospective job
and as a result, nothing much changed. He holder must be able to coach less-experienced
might as well have said: “Now get on with team members.
it. Give me a call when you’re finished. I’m Really? How can this be?
off to the beach!” At interviews, why do the hiring managers
Virtually the whole company forgot the insist on seeing evidence of professional,
messages overnight. Why on earth would accredited project and program management
he do that? qualifications—and not coaching?
Back in those days, apart from face-to-face For me, it’s so much more important as
events, there were only presentation slides, it involves direct interfaces with your great-
emails, and newsletters. Today, there are so est assets and challenges them to meet their
many other great communication channels goals, both personal and organizational.
that there is no excuse for failing to keep get- It will be obvious if the coach hasn’t been
ting the message out there. Social media, trained, so please select them carefully;
video channels, web pages, and c ollaboration otherwise lip service will be paid to the