Building A Quality System in Office 365: Paul Hayes

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Building a Quality System

in Office 365
Paul Hayes

Business Systems and Office 365

Microsoft has a clear message in respect of Office 365.
The tagline is: “Dive into PowerApps—Build Apps That

Figure 1: Dive Into Power Apps: Building Apps That

Mean Business Without Writing Code

Paul Hayes is a quality practitioner,

manager, and consultant with
experience in marine renewables Mean Business Without Writing Code.”1 The script that
testing, medical device prequalification accompanies this is—“Building business applications
and inspection using the main
management standards, and those
has never been easier. There are always c­ onflicting
relating to test and measurement priorities between IT and business and most apps
uncertainty and medical devices. don’t merit the time and cost of traditional software
­development. ­PowerApps is an enterprise application
platform for d
­ elivering ­line-of-business apps without

The graphic is from a slide David Parker (davidp@bvisual.
net) saw in “Dive into PowerApps, building apps that mean
business without writing code” talk from Microsoft Principal
Product Manager Saurabh Pant at Microsoft Tech Summit,
Birmingham, 28th March 2017. The same message if not the
same graphic is consistent whenever Microsoft introduces

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94709-813-8 (2018) Expert Insights

Building a Quality System in Office 365

writing code. It ­fundamentally t­ ransforms Figure 2a: Early Word Processor

and a­ccelerates how o ­rganizations pro- Figure 2b: Early Database Software for
vide employees seamless access to busi- Business Microcomputers
ness apps and information. PowerApps
now features built-in support for the
common data model, enhanced connec-
tivity, support for more devices and in-
tegrations with other Microsoft business
The supporting graphic shows the ­direction
of travel back to the origins of ­office
­software and enabling citizen d ­ evelopers
and power users to provide ­applications for “I remember it well”! Using the first
digitizing line-of-business processes that spreadsheets and databases was a heady
can be used with ease and effectiveness. freedom from extremely limited corporate
The aim is to solve the ­dichotomy between resource I first used. Ones that were still
concerns of the ­corporate IT department not that far from the beginnings of ICL
for security, scalability, compliance, and (the early UK competitor to IBM) in the
integration with a managed IT portfolio management of Lyons Tea Houses core
and the user requirement for fast, iterative, business. I wrote my first paper tape pro-
cross-platform, beautiful, and easy-to-use grams for an English Electric Leo Marconi
applications. in K-autocode!
This is a major shift in emphasis and “Supercalc” for spreadsheets and “dBASE”
opportunity. Looking back to see what
­ for databases was amongst a growing list of
has happened since the digital revolution early software that I first used some 10–15
­began and what has changed will provide years later and these classes of local back
vital background and context and reveal office programs enabled digitization of
the scope of what is on offer here. ­record keeping, which is still proceeding
This offering has very important apace today.
­connections to the development of d ­ igital
Quality Management Systems (QMSs) and DOS to Windows
picks up on tools and opportunities that Windows opened the WYSIWYG (What
were largely stripped out over time from You See Is What You Get) world of seeing
the software we used to develop early on screen as you worked what you were
QMSs. But to understand the extent to also going to see when the document was
which the clock is being beneficially turned printed off. This has now matured into
back, we also need to look at what has portable document formats such as Adobe
changed for the good in the ­intervening Reader that are guaranteed to reproduce
period and reframe this apparently new, faithfully in widely diverse computer
but also very original, shift in emphasis environments.
and opportunity.
Office Software
Digital Revolution Beginnings Standardization of software enabled defi-
The Advent of the Business Micro nition of the main office software suite of
There are important echoes of the ­opportunities Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presenta-
that came with the advent of the business tion, Database, and email client. But early
micro, very important c ­ onnections, and on it was clear that other software needs
­significant and vital differences that this would soon emerge, and early appearances
article explores. of Project Management and Diagramming

2 © Business Expert Press 978-1-94709-813-8 (2018) Expert Insights
Building a Quality System in Office 365

software matured into the important office We now have a computing world that is
companion tools we know and love today! dominated by very powerful proprietary and
It is important to remember that open source database servers operating in a
these early programs, particularly the range of widely diverse proprietary and open
Lotus suite of programs and dBase II to source operating systems. The common
give some ­ examples, had very powerful ­feature they generally all share is a common
programming facilities that today have
­ language for extracting and manipulating
­migrated into the domain of programmers data—Standard Query Language (SQL).
as Visual ­Basic—which is anything but ba- Principles of data design and easy and
sic for most ­current power users and cit- safe use of query language have been
izen developers to use and into a whole ­simplified greatly since the early days of
range of languages far more powerful than office software and the offerings on Office
the Fortran, Algol, C
­ obol, Pascal, and oth- 365 reflect this.
ers that early adopters and users had to
master. SharePoint and Software as a Service

Hypertext, Hyperlinking,
and the Internet
As document creation and management
­developed, so did the need to link i­ nformation
in a nonlinear manner and enable branch- SharePoint had several starting points and
ing within and between ­documents for ease one was as a means of rapid ­development
of use and to add value. So ­hypertext and of team websites for a company ­network.
hyperlinks emerged and revolutionized use ­Another was easy file and ­document ­sharing.
of documents in Word Processing, Presenta- SharePoint combined “network administration
tion, and Spreadsheet Software. actions with the email, c­ alendaring, contacts,
The internet developed from this c­ oncept. and to-do list ­technology ­contained within
In 1989, Berners-Lee proposed a “­distributed Exchange.”2 It developed into shared ­document
hypertext system” for the “management of ­management and indexing a ­ pplications
general information . . . at CERN” [Berners-Lee and is at the heart of Office 365. The most
1989]. The exchange of data in this proposed recent development is “Hybrid SharePoint
system was based on an interchange format Environments” providing the flexibility of
very similar to an SGML [ISO 1986] applica- using SharePoint in both a local server and
tion. This ­interchange format had explicit ­cloud-based setting. SharePoint lists e­ nable
representations of hypertext links and was the presentation of columns and rows of
to be used in conjunction with a protocol for ­table data and interfaces with databases.3
addressing and requesting documents over
a large network. Process Management
In parallel with the development of Qual-
Key Developments on the Way ity Software, the process model became
Databases and How to Query Them more central and much business system
Databases developed massively outside the
scope of office software and, although the History of SharePoint: The Past, Present
offerings were used so effectively in early and Future, Karim Roumani, https://www
QMSs and were good for safe use on small .­
office networks, but for wider use they 3 
SharePoint lists I: An introduction, https://
were completely insecure and generally
lacked facilities for recovery and rollback lists-I-An-introduction-f11cd5fe-bc87-4f9e-9bfe-
when needed. bbd87a22a194.

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94709-813-8 (2018) Expert Insights


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