Drug Study: West Visayas State University

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West Visayas State University

Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 to 78 loc. 1313 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: [email protected]

Name of Patient:_________________ Attending Physician:________________
Age:____________ Ward/Bed Number:________________ Impression/ Diagnosis:______________

Dosage, Route,
Name of Drug Frequency and Mechanism of Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Timing Action
Generic: Dosage: 30 cc Breaks down into To prevent and treat GI: Abdominal cramps Use cautiously to • Inform patient about
lactic acid and small constipation, hepatic and distention adverse reactions and tell
amounts of formic and
patient with diabetes
lactulose encephalopathy ENDO: Hyperglycemia them to notify prescriber if
acetic acids, acidifying mellitus
Other: Hypernatremia, reactions become bothersome
Route: PO fecal contents. hypokalemia, or if diarrhea occurs.
Acidification leads to Replace fluid loss
Brand: hypovolemia
increased osmotic
pressure in the colon, • Instruct patient not to take
which, in turn, other laxatives during
Frequency: BID increases stool water lactulose therapy
content and softens

Classification Contraindications Side Effects

Timing: 8 8 Contraindicated in Flatulence, gaseous •Inform patient that bowel
Functional: patients on a low distention, nausea, movement may not occur for
Laxatives 24 to 48 hours after taking
galactose diet vomiting drug.

•Instruct patient to increase
Synthetic fluid intake if frequent bowel
disaccharide movements occur.

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