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Csi Online Luxury Fashion

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The opportunity in

online luxury fashion

Sales are rising, but what
do consumers expect
from a luxury digital
Apparel Fashion & Luxury Practice February 2015

Authored by:
Jennifer Schmidt
Karel Dörner
Achim Berg
Thomas Schumacher
Katrin Bockholdt
The opportunity in
online luxury fashion
With global online sales for women’s luxury fashion
expected to surge, here’s what consumers in the U.S.,
UK and Germany want from their digital experience.
After a slow start, luxury fashion has earned its place in the digital universe. Most brands now
interact with consumers both through their own branded online store and on multi-brand
e-tailers. And even though pure online transactions are currently just a sliver of the total luxury
goods market, this isn’t going to stay the case for very long. Nearly half of luxury goods buying
decisions are already influenced by what consumers hear or see online.

By 2018, global digital sales for women’s luxury fashion are expected to grow from a current
3 percent of the total market to 17 percent, for a total market size of $12 billion. Propelling
this surge is solid market growth in developed, Western markets and exceptional expansion
in China. Annual online sales growth for women’s luxury fashion between now and 2018 is
expected to be 17 percent in U.S., 18 percent in UK, 12 percent in Germany and a whopping
70 percent in China.

Having overcome some of their initial reservations and concerns about exclusivity and control,
many luxury brands are now more comfortable selling and marketing on both their own site and
that of select department store or pure play luxury e-retailer partners in select markets. Brands
have come to accept that these channels are not mutually exclusive, since they target different
shopping occasions and therefore different consumer groups. Multi-brand sites, however, are
expected to capture a greater portion of the growth in online luxury fashion, as single-brand
sites have more limited growth potential.

Multi-brand e-tailers allow large luxury brands the opportunity to reach both time-pressed
consumers who don’t have time to shop around on multiple mono-brand sites and more rural
customers who aren’t easily able to visit urban boutiques. Yet along with this visibility to a wider
audience, multi-brand retail also carries the risk of over-exposure and dilution for luxury brands.
Because brand cache is so important, luxury fashion brands must have a clear strategy of how
to distribute and market offerings across both channels. Most luxury brands still actively steer
the selection of which items they put into multi-brand e-tailing. The “long-running classics” are
often only distributed through their own brand website, rather than multi-brand e-tailers.

Getting it right in multi-channel retail first means understanding what luxury consumers want
from their digital multi-brand experience. To this effect, we completed consumer surveys in
seven markets around the world, using McKinsey’s proprietary Rapid Brand Research survey
in an online panel. This research tool provides quick insights into how a company’s brand
is performing on key dimensions, including brand funnels and attitudinal and demographic
segmentation. Here, we present the distinctive attributes, as well as the commonalities, of three
key online luxury fashion markets – the U.S., the UK and Germany.

2 The opportunity in online luxury fashion

Jennifer Schmidt is a principal
in McKinsey’s New Jersey Online luxury fashion market development
office and Karel Dörner is
a principal in the Munich
office. Achim Berg is a CAGR
principal in Frankfurt, Thomas Market size online luxury fashion 2014-2018
Schumacher is an associate EUR mn In Percent
principal in Dusseldorf, and 2,799 3,279
1,723 2,017 2,376 17
Katrin Bockholdt is a fellow in
Hamburg. US

497 598 693 780 18


462 496 12
319 357 396

57 69 85 96 113 19

395 476 575 687 21


547 617 706 771 846 12


99 111 15
64 75 87
2014 15 16 17 2018
SOURCE: Euromonitor; team analysis

The US: Room for online growth despite department store dominance

U.S. respondents told us that they intend to spend about one-half of their luxury apparel and
accessories spending online over the next year, a figure that is consistent across the UK and
Germany as well. While this puts online activity in these three markets considerably above that
of the global market average, it is not clear how much spending will actually migrate online.
What’s certain, though, is that American luxury shoppers increasingly view online channels as a
legitimate and trusted source for luxury purchases. When buying luxury apparel or accessories
online, most customers (60 percent) say they go directly to an online shop they are familiar with,
whether mono- or multi-brand. Search engines still play a role, though: 46 percent say they use
one to find a specific product; 31 percent use one to find the brand they’re looking for.

The top reason U.S. luxury consumers give for purchasing products online is the ability to buy
whenever it’s most convenient (80 percent say this). The ability to compare and price items
before buying is also highly appealing (76 percent gave this reason), as is the absence of feeling
pressured by salespeople into buying something (63 percent).

In contrast to other categories of online shopping, the price of online luxury apparel and
accessories is not a big reason for consumers to go digital. Only 39 percent of luxury shoppers
say they find less expensive products online and about half say they find better deals and sales
online than in stores – both figures that deviate significantly from behavior in other categories
like consumer electronics.

The opportunity in online luxury fashion 3

Possibility of purchasing whenever it is convenient is
top reason to purchase online in the US
Reasons for shopping online All respondents
n=508, Top 2 Box, in %

I like being able to buy whenever is convenient for me 80

I like to be able to compare items and prices before I buy 76
I don't want to be pressured by salespeople to buy something 63
It is easier to nd unique or hard to locate items online 62
Online buying is less time-consuming than going to a
store to buy 61
A broader selection of products is available online than in stores 57
I have direct access to other people's thoughts on the products:
Ican see reviews, style suggestions and recommendations easily
I can get products that are only available online 53
I can find better sales and deals online than in physical stores 49
It's easier to find my size in-stock online than in physical stores 48
I find that products are less expensive online 39
I can’t go to the store as it is too far away 28
I look online for inspiration and then end up buying the product
then and there
I don't find good service or advice at physical stores or boutiques 13

Question: Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements
using the scale below.

SOURCE: McKinsey consumer survey, June 2014

In terms of what American consumers expect from their digital luxury experience, a convenient
return policy and free shipping are far and away the most important for the vast majority of
respondents (90 percent). Having access to items not available in the physical store is also
important (60 percent). VIP access that only selected shoppers can access and same day
delivery are relatively unimportant. Yet this isn’t to say that consumers are willing to wait for their
items. Four days until delivery is acceptable, 2.6 is ideal and anything over seven days is an
eternity and thus unacceptable. These expected wait times are similar to those in the UK and
Germany and largely in line with what consumers are used to in other categories.

There are several key areas of potential improvement for online stores. Sixty percent of U.S.
luxury consumers say they would be more likely to buy at an online shop if it offered luxury
brands that no one else sold online. Price, now relatively unimportant, could be more of a
motivator. Forty-one percent say they would be more likely to buy online if they there were
better prices offered. A better web site with stronger functionality and customer reviews and
recommendations would also help inspire customer satisfaction.

(There is no one type of designer product that a majority of shoppers prefer to buy online. Small
leather goods, handbags, silk scarves, jewelry, watches and beauty products are the most
frequently purchased. Items that require trying on – clothes, footwear, sunglasses – are less
likely to be bought online.

4 The opportunity in online luxury fashion

Exhibit 1 changes in online selling in order to
foster larger share
Selected respondents
n=374, Top 2 Box, Percent
0 100

They offered luxury brands that

nobody else sold online

They had better prices 41

They had a better website with

stronger functionality

They had more physical store

locations that I could visit

They had customer reviews and


They had better product

photography on their site

They offered additional luxury


Question: What would make you more likely to buy at an online shop?

SOURCE: McKinsey consumer survey, June 2014

In the U.S., department stores dominate in the online luxury fashion market, as these players
continue to expand their offline strengths into online. Nordstrom.com leads, with 71 percent
of all respondents saying they have purchased or considered purchasing from this site in the
last year. Equally revealing is the site’s approval rating. Half of the respondents asked to rate
Nordstrom.com say it is their favorite. Fifty-six percent of U.S. respondents have purchased
from Neiman Marcus and 53 percent from Bloomingdales.com. Brand-owned sites play a
modest role. Sixty-three percent of consumers have shopped there, though this is spread over
numerous properties.

The UK: Multi-brand player Net-a-porter.com stands out

The top site for British luxury shoppers is also a department store – Selfridges.com, where 65
percent of respondents say they have either considered buying or have bought luxury goods.
But here pure-play Internet sites have a bigger role than in the U.S. Net-a-Porter, which 32
percent say they have purchased from, is among consumers’ favorites, staking out firm ground
in its home market. The site, which features an authoritative range of products, a high service
ethic and unique editorial content, counts the UK as its second largest market, after the U.S.
Forty-two percent of British luxury consumers say it is their favorite, ahead of all department
store sites except Selfridges.com, where 54 percent say it is a favorite. Although Farfetch.com,
a marketplace for upmarket independent (brick and mortar) fashion boutiques, garners just a
small share of luxury apparel market, it too has high approval ratings: 36 percent of consumers
rate this site highly. With a commission-based model, Farfetch ships products

The opportunity in online luxury fashion 5

directly from stores and has the same software module installed in each boutique. Brand-
owned online sites play an important role as well. Fifty-six percent of British luxury consumers
say they have shopped with at least one.

British consumers are more likely than Americans to use search engines to find specific
products, providing greater access opportunities for new players. They use search about as
often as they navigate directly to an online shop. When making the decision to buy luxury goods
online, Brits are less motivated by the appeal of 24 hour shopping than they are by a convenient
return policy (75 percent) and free shipping (73 percent). Forty four percent say that having
access to items not available in a store is important. Just as in the U.S., services like VIP access
to select products and same day delivery aren’t big motivators.

British consumers also would be willing to buy more online if there were better prices offered
(48%) and if online shops had exclusive luxury brands that nobody else sold online (41%). They
would appreciate the addition of customer reviews and recommendations, though a better web
site with stronger functionality isn’t as important to them.

Respondents typically go directly to online shop or use a

search engine to find a product they’re looking for
Online purchasing behavior for All respondents
luxury apparel and accessories n=504, Percent

I typically go directly to the online shop 51

I typically use a search engine (e.g.,Google, Bing,

Yahoo) to find the product

I typically use a search engine (e.g.,Google, Bing,

Yahoo) to find the brand

I typically start at a favorite fashion-related website

(e.g., fashion blog, editorial) and then go to an 13
online shop through a link

I typically browse the Internet, not in search of any-

thing specic, and go to an online shop through a 8
link or platform (e.g., shared by a friend on Facebook)

I never look for luxury apparel and accessories online 0

Question: When you purchase luxury apparel and accessories online, select the option(s) that best reflects
your typical experience

SOURCE: McKinsey consumer survey, June 2014

6 The opportunity in online luxury fashion

Convenient return policy and free shipping as most important
factors influencing German/Austrian respondents decision to
shop online
All respondents Factors influencing the decision to shop online
n=550, Top 2 Box, Percent

Convenient return policy (74%)
Free shipping (69%)

60 Having access to items not available in store (59%)

Receiving the product in 2 sizes so I can try on and exchange what doesn’t t (46%)
Earlier product availability than in store (38%)

Newsletter or on-site editorial content (25%)

20 Has a physical store location that I have previously visited (20%)
VIP access that only selected shoppers can purchase from (17%)
Personnel shopper (17%)
Same day delivery (11%)

Question: How important are each of the following in your choice of shopping and buying from an online luxury shop?

SOURCE: McKinsey consumer survey, June 2014

Germany: Growing but with a demanding customer base

In Germany, brand-owned online shops lead the market, with 57 percent of luxury consumers
saying they shopped at one in the last year. The Berlin-based German department store
KaDeWe is the strongest multi-brand online shop, with 40 percent of consumers shopping
there. Net-a-Porter and other pure play multi-brand sites like Mytheresa.com, a well-
established Munich-based site known for its curated offer, and Stylebop, which features hard
to find items and designers, are each cited by roughly 15 percent of consumers. The online
shops of US-based department stores Bloomingdales, Barneys and Nordstrom also have a
small presence.

German consumers are generally accustomed to a high service level in online retailing, and
when it comes to luxury, they are even more demanding and discerning. As a result, they do
not have a high level of satisfaction with the luxury fashion sites they frequent most often. Only
34 percent say that KaDeWe is their favorite site. Their highest praise goes to Matches Fashion,
a London-based luxury fashion retailer, and pure play Theoutnet.com, both of which are
frequented by less than 10 percent of luxury consumers.

Germans give similar weight to specific online features as Brits. A convenient return policy
and free shipping are the most important factors influencing online purchasing for 74 percent
and 69 percent respectively, while same day delivery and personal shoppers are relatively
unimportant. Germans are unique in valuing the ability to order a product in two sizes so that

The opportunity in online luxury fashion 7

they can return the one that doesn’t fit, a pattern consistent with what we have seen in lower
and mid-priced online fashion in Germany. This two-size feature is one of the main reasons for
multi-channel e-tailer Zalando’s success in Germany. Forty-six percent of respondents say this
is an important factor in their online purchasing.

Germans say they would be likely to do more online buying if sites had better prices or sold
brands that nobody else sells online. Having customer reviews and recommendations is
somewhat important and a better web site with stronger functionality is somewhat unimportant.
Germans also value the importance of having a localized web site with local payment options,
clothes sizing, and customer service, as well as a German language site. Having local brands,
however, is a less important feature.

Like their British and American counterparts, German luxury consumers buy a wide range of
designer products online, with items that don’t need to be tried on more popular than designer
clothing. These include small leather goods, silk scarves, beauty products, handbags and

¡ ¡ ¡

These findings highlight important execution considerations for luxury players around the
globe. The commonalities among the U.S., UK and German markets reveal that online sites,
whether mono-brand or multi-brand, have a distinct opportunity to drive sales through both
a better approach to pricing and the offer of unique products or brands that aren’t available
elsewhere online.

The differences are also revealing. In the U.S., the fact that brick and mortar department
stores have been able to expand their offline strength into online markets – thanks in part to
the tendency of consumers to go directly to specific web sites – means higher table stakes for
market success, especially for new entrants. To compete, both luxury brands and multi-channel
e-tailers must offer consumers an exceptionally well-designed site and superior customer
experience. In Germany and the UK, we see greater chances for market entry since consumers
tend to find luxury fashion through Google and other search websites. This, however, also
means a higher online marketing spend and greater degree of marketing efficiency. Also in the
German and UK markets, return policies are critical to business success, whereas in the U.S.,
they are barely a differentiating factor.

8 The opportunity in online luxury fashion

The opportunity in online luxury fashion 9
Apparel Fashion & Luxury Practice
February 2015
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