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Segmentation, targeting, positioning

Market segmentation is the identiIication oI portions oI the market that are diIIerent
Irom one another. Segmentation allows the Iirm to better satisIy the needs oI its potential
Musette uses this concept in order to understand and satisIy the needs oI the customers better
than the competition. Musette`s core consumer is a woman who appreciates quality and comIort
but also desires pieces that are distinct and rare
Consumer markets can be segmented on the various customer characteristics. One oI
these is geographic segmentation, according to which The company tends to Iollow clients Irom
Europe, North America or Eastern Asia (Israel), areas where people usually have a higher
income and interest in Iashion. Also, Musette Iocuses on urban zones, with a high density oI
people open to new things, such as New York, Luxembourg.
Psychographic segmentation groups customers according to their liIestyle. Women who
buy Irom Mussette are characterized as strong and independent women who have a big interest
in Iashion and Iind it as a way oI expressing themselves. They have a job which provides them a
higher income than the usual one and allows them to purchase goods oI Iine quality.
Nevertheless, behavioralistic segmentation is based on actual customer behavior toward
products. Loyalty is one oI the Ieatures oI this segment oI interest. ThereIore, the society is
enhancing this type oI behavior and Mussette has take advantage oI the clientele who buys
usually Irom it, which is numerous, and on the one that purchases Ior special occasions, such as
weddings, parties or other celebrations.
On the other hand, targeting recognizes the diversity oI customers and does not try to
please all oI them with the same oIIering. So, Musette Iocuses very much on the American
market, where people usually spend more on Iashion and they are more open to new comers than
the European market, which usually preIers companies with experience and an already-built
brand. The company opened its Iirst store oversees in the Iashion-Iorward neighborhood Soho,
with inventive pursers, bags and leather accessories. New York people represent the target oI the
company, who are world renowned by their originality and interest in Iashion. Moreover,
Musette has diIIerent marketing strategies to target trendy casual price shopper, who is interested
more in Ilats or boots without heels and does not spend too much on Iashion but on quality and
comIort. Also, there is the mainstream shopper, who preIers high heels and spends more than 80
euros Ior a pair oI shoes.
AIter the organization has selected its target market, the next stage is to decide how it
wants to position itselI within that chosen segment. Positioning reIers to how organizations
want their consumers to see their product`. II you don't deIine your product or service, a
competitor will do it Ior you. Your position in the market place evolves Irom the deIining
characteristics oI your product.
Musette develops a strategy which positions the company away Irom their competitors.
The prices oI Musette are above the usual market price, because the quality and design
distinguish the products among the competitors and the price expresses the care that the
entrepreneurs take Ior their clients. But the price oI goods do not enter the haute-couture area.
The products oI the company are high heel shoes, Ilats and bags. The prices Ior high heel shoes
rank between 300 Ron and 500 Ron, but Ior the sales period, the solds are considerably
advantageous Ior the customers between 50 and 70 . Secondly, Ilats represent the an
important part Irom everyday liIe oI each woman. Prices are between 250 Ron and 350 Ron.
Last, bags are the product that represent the company mostly. prices rank between 175 Ron and
800 Ron.
Quality is a principle oI the Iirm. The raw materials the company is using is imported
Irom Italy, because oI the quality oI the leather Musette shoes incorporates, and the latest
technology - including sachetto and laser embroidery - to create unique, comIortable and durable
styles. There is even a complete line devoted exclusively to the consumer that is looking Ior
comIort. Moreover, clients have a guarantee policy, which allows them to return to product in
term oI 10 working days, along with the receipt Irom the cash register. Also, the company
commits to pay back the mistake by oIIering another product in exchange or discounts Ior Iuture
Services regarding the products are oIIered by the company, some oI them costless or at
the price oI the speciIic good. For customizing a belt, there are no Iees included or a client can
ask Ior a speciIic type oI model Irom a previous collection and it will be manuIactured.
Nevertheless, the US store will also have exclusive collections just Ior the SoHo store, such as a
python heel available in 2 diIIerent styles, as well as limited edition pairs with diIIerent leather,
colors and animal skins. Adding to this, each year, Musette produces two unique collections,
Spring Summer / Fall Winter. Every collection oIIers consumers more than 100 shoe styles
and 50 bag and accessory styles. Due to their wide selection, every two weeks the NY store will
bring in 20 new styles, oIIering consumers a constant selection oI new and exciting pieces. Also,
every bag is oIIered with a protection sac, Ior maintain the aspect oI the item as long as possible,
protecting Irom sunlight or dust.
Speaking about distribution, customers can easily have access to the company`s products
since every store oI Musette is situated in the center oI an important city or in a very visited
shopping center oI the country. In North America, New York, NY- Fashion and New York City
go hand in hand. Located in the heart oI New York`s most Iashion-Iorward neighborhood,
Musette satisIies the need oI unique and quality goods.
Moreover, packaging makes a strong statement. Every product is delivered in a stylish
white bag, depending on the size oI the bought item. The message the company wants to send is
that simplicity means reIinement and luxury and the name oI the company written simply in
black on the white bag is a statement Ior the selI conIidence oI the company and Iine quality.
So, positioning is a competitive strategy, which highlights the uniqueness and special
attention paid to leather. The Iirm`s strongest strengths are desgn, quality and comIort, which
build the equity oI the brand.

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