Weekly Memo From Dr. Joseph (March 2)
Weekly Memo From Dr. Joseph (March 2)
Weekly Memo From Dr. Joseph (March 2)
Schools have received their preliminary budget allocations. As we discussed at our last
budget meeting, we made an adjustment to our Title I allocations while simultaneously
increasing our school based budget allocations by $7 million dollars this school year.
This is the second consecutive year that we have made a significant investment in our
dollars going directly to schools. There are 20 schools that had a decrease in their
overall budget greater than 5% out of our 118 local schools that we fund.
Principals who do not believe they have the resources needed to effectively implement
our strategic priorities have an opportunity to complete an exemption request through
their principal supervisor. We will look at school requests on a case by case basis to
determine whether additional resources need to be provided to schools.
As promised, I included a list of the direct allocations (legacy positions) that schools
have historically received totaling over 1.5 million dollars. The direct hires affected
equity across the district because these were resources given above and beyond the
staffing formula through the exemption hire process. Zero basing legacy hiring and re-
evaluating annually is the most equitable approach to this process because it allows us
to assess the full district’s needs and allocate resources in a more equitable and
responsible manner based upon our strategic priorities and key performance
indicators. We can discuss this at our March 6 budget meeting in more detail.
We will be sending out the hiring and travel freeze memo on Friday, March 2. It is
attached. We will not stop hiring teachers. We will review all central office hires to see
if it is essential or if it can be deferred until June or July. We also will freeze
discretionary spending at the central office and schools. We have established a process
for principals and central office staff to request to use unencumbered funds. These
measures will allow us to close the gap we have in our budget as a result of the student
March 2, 2018 - Director of Schools Weekly Update - P a g e |2
reduction we had this school year. Travel and other expenses encumbered using grant
funds will not be stopped. Chris Henson will be speaking with Channel 5 today to
discuss how we are taking proactive measures to be good stewards of public dollars,
and he will also discuss steps we have taken this year to align our spending to our
strategic plan.
We have received some feedback about our sliding scale with Pre-K. As we have
discussed with you in the talking points you received, the loss of our grant warrants us
needing to charge a sliding scale for Pre-K. It will not affect poor children as they will
still be able to attend free. We are working on a way to offer families who may be
experiencing hardships a way to apply for a waiver. The budget department is looking
to see how much we can absorb without going into a deficit. We should have that data to
discuss with you as we move through the budget season. This could be an area we seek
funds for in the budget if the board wishes to do so. Our fees are cheaper than private
options, but we are sensitive to individuals’ unique financial situations. We know we
have much more need than seats available, so we do not anticipate this affecting our
ability to fill Pre-K seats. We have always required a sliding scale in our non Early
Childhood Centers.
In my meeting with CASEL, they were beyond excited about the direction we are moving
as we work to better support SEL. They shared that we are a leader in the nation
thinking about how to integrate SEL into our academic programs. My budget request
will propose a stronger quadrant structure to support SEL and dollars for more
intensive training and support. NOAH has been collaborating with us as well as
representatives from the PASSAGE initiative. We will be presenting this information to
you in the coming weeks.
Pastor John Faison of Watson Grove Baptist Church met with me to discuss possibilities
for the school system to collaborate with his church. He has approximately 2,000
members. He would like to begin communicating updates to his congregation and he is
also planning on hosting a Freedom School summer school program. Bishop Dr. Joseph
Walker from Mt. Zion Church with a membership of 30,000 and Pastor Dr. Vinny
Windrow with a membership of 5,000 also have expressed similar interests. Dr. Tamika
Tasby is working with them to see how we can coordinate their summer school efforts,
collaborate with our reading clinics, and provide summer meals for summer
programming at these three mega-churches in the area.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority honored the school district for our efforts to conserve
energy and our leadership towards helping students be energy conservationists. I
received an award on behalf of the school district on Thursday evening at their regional
conference at Opryland.
We have sent a save the date out to the community and principals about the School
Budget presentation. This year, we will hold the event at Overton HS on March 28. We
will send more information to you. We have been working diligently to meet with all
departments to understand budget needs. As we have discussed, this will be a difficult
budget season, and we will not be able to do everything that needs to be done this year.
We have already heard more than $65 million dollars of requests from offices, and we
still have a number of offices to hear from in this process. It will be critical for the board
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to discuss a multi-year priorities list based upon our strategic plan, so we can begin
thinking about and communicating in advance priority areas over the next few years.
Our short and long-term priorities should not be a surprise to the community or staff,
and we want to be able to begin building political support for funding over the course of
a school year.
The Research and Evaluation team will have some research conducted on some of our
big ticket items in our budget. They will be looking at the ROI of legacy programs in
addition to gathering data on pilot initiatives. This process will help us long-term as we
decide where to make strategic investments in both the short-term and long-term.
We continue to receive budget questions from board members. Thank you for sending
your questions in writing to David Sevier and cc’ing Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Pierce. Our
team is working to answer questions. As we are receiving a number of questions, we are
working to respond in a timely fashion while simultaneously preparing our budget
proposal and do the day to day management of the school system. We will work to
communicate reasonable timelines for data requests and we will communicate if there
are issues meeting deadlines. To date we have been good at meeting deadlines.
I received the proposal on charters from Candice McQueen this week. It did not change
much from the original proposal. Mark will send a copy to TSBA and Memphis for
review. I have attached the proposal in this update. I recommended to Mark that we
continue to advocate for the board’s authority to determine how we would like to share
information as opposed to not have any authority to decide on how things are done at
the local level. I will need your feedback on the proposal as a full board and I will share
feedback I receive from Memphis and TSBA prior to sending a response back to Dr.
McQueen. This will be a time sensitive issue as we have a mid-March deadline. I will
work with Anna to decide the best way to get the board’s direction on this issue.
Board members who attended the last Board meeting received a hard copy of our
communications for school walkouts/protests. I am attaching an electronic copy to this
memo. Please contact Michelle Michaud if you have any questions about it.
Northeast Quadrant
The leadership team will be hosted by one of their PENCIL partners, Gaylord, for their annual planning and budgeting
retreat on Thursday. The Donelson team is looking forward to spending the day focused on their school priorities and
developing a plan for next school year that effectively meets the needs of their students.
(formerly known as the PTO), while small in number, continues to sponsor engaging events to support students. DuPont
Tyler is also working on a collaborative partnership with Leadership Donelson that will include hosting career
exploration event for students.
Gra-Mar’s Student LIVE School incentive program is off to a GREAT start. Fifty –seven students received wristbands for
one of the following: Good/Improved behavior, academics, and attendance. For the entire week of February 5th thru
February 9th 2018 students with wristbands were allowed to come out of Standard School Attire. This was huge. The
numbers of students participating next month should triple.
Gra-Mar’s 5th Grade Team has some AWESOME Incentive Parties. For February 14th 2018 students with good and
improved behavior were able to participate in the Cupid & Kisses Valentine’s Day Party.
Gra-Mar is implementing a program called “Great 8”. This program was created and trademarked by 5th Grade Math
Instructor Mrs. Cynthia Hicks-McCall. The program is designed to hold kids accountable for their behavior and
academics. Every Friday of each week 8 students are chosen by the 5th Grade Team to be the “Great 8”.
Gra-Mar had its Parent Stakeholder Brunch with Principal Brooks on Tuesday, February 20th 2018 at 12:00 noon. Gra-
Mar had 15 guest in attendance. Gra-Mar pulled student data for all the families in attendance. Gra-Mar discussed our
School wide Restorative Practice Plan, MAP and I-Ready Data, as well as upcoming events.
Gra-Mar also held Attendance Review Board Meeting on February 20th 2018. Gra-Mar had several families struggling
with attendance/truancy issues in attendance. Gra-Mar is currently looking at another day to catch the families who were
unable to attend.
Stratford Middle Prep (Lower Campus) Science Olympiad team attended the Regional event in Murfreesboro on February
26th. The team this year came from Day of Discovery students and faculty hopes the kids bring back stories of the fun
they had.
Two Rivers Middle Prep had a Safety Presentation reviewing all of the safety drills and procedures to ensure student and
faculty safety on Monday, February 19th. They engaged families in a Family Involvement Event, Literacy Night on Tuesday
February 20th.
Two Rivers is in the process of scheduling student safety meetings for all grade levels next week and will invite parents to
these. They are working with school security to schedule a Safety Night as another Title 1 Parent Involvement Event.
Southwest Quadrant
Overton took 1st Runner Up in the Middle Tennessee Battle of the Books Competition!
Overton's admin team is participating in the CEIQ Effective Coaching Model this year, the only high school in the pilot.
Aside from official evaluation visits, they have collectively completed over one hundred mini feedback sessions with
teachers this semester.
100 students from the Academy of Art, Design, and Communications attended a Creative Careers event at the Frist Center
on Tuesday, February 13th. They listened to a number of engaging speakers who described careers in visual arts, digital
design and marketing, virtual reality, video editing, and more. Students also visited the Frist Art Galleries.
Hillwood teachers joined Hillsboro educators to experience the Poverty Simulation on Monday, February 19th. The group
developed a deeper understanding of the needs of many of the students.
Art Design and Communications students Auston Thomas and Chris Nix were named “All District 12AAA.” Chris Nix was
named “District 12 Player of the Year.”
During the month of February, the Bass English Department led cross curricular planning for Black History Month. The
English Language Arts team promoted rigor, relevance and relationships through the study of the African American
Culture. In the culminating lessons, the students in the ALC, Transitioning Program, Adult Program, and teachers
designed and presented projects to show their knowledge and understanding about Black History. These presentations
were shared during school-wide assemblies.
Hillsboro student, Stephen Mast, who is training for the Special Olympics was filmed by Channel 5, as a Special Interest
story. If you have not seen it yet, you can watch it at this link.
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Hillsboro expressed sincere appreciation to their community partner and Professional Learning Team group leader for
EPIC girl, Stacia Freeman, for leading two hours of ACES training on their PD day.
Congratulations go to the following students for their outstanding work in AV3/Digital Design in TN High School Press
Association. State finalists include: Kailey Williams: Credit Union Commercial AV3, Zach Williams and Steven Young:
Manga Club Design DAD, Elijah Harris: Writing "Repping the H"' video AV3.
The community-based class at Martin that manages “Java Love Café” has raised over $400.00.
The Cora Howe faculty engaged in learning about appropriate social interactions for low-incidence populations on
February 19th. A designated part of that day was also spent in reflective discussions concerning school safety and
At the end of March, Cora Howe will send representatives to a conference hosted by the Association of Supervision and
Curriculum Development. Representatives will bring back valuable practices and insights to share with the entire school
Johnson Learning Center continues to help students prepare to show what they know on their assessments for the Spring
semester. High school students are conducting research projects regarding universities they are interested in attending
and the requirements for acceptance. Students are creating posters and preparing presentations to share with a selected
audience of staff and students.
Mr. Grader is overseeing the community garden. The garden beds are being cultivated and plants are being pruned and
planted. Students are experiencing the joy of preparing the garden for planting vegetables. They are learning about the
different types of plants, as they research and learn with guidance from local college students and community
Southeast Quadrant
The second session of the morning included a close look at what Mt. View is doing now aligned with TLS, with a third
session looking at setting goals for the future. Teachers also set individual professional goals using TLS and shared those
goals using the protocol Inside Outside Circle. Next steps include Leadership Team reviewing the leadership practices
and goals identified by teachers, taking the work to grade level teams, and creating a 3-year plan for Mt. View.
Northwest Quadrant
TSU’s National Panhellenic Council visited to give HBCU historical overview and the histories of Black Greek
Joelton will conduct MAP testing for all grade levels. Math teachers will be attending IFL trainings with both Deans. ELA
teachers as well as Jere Baxter’s ELA teachers will receive on-site training from both school's LTDS. The main emphasis
will be on lesson planning.
Administration will be observing all ELA teachers 10 minutes in every class, each day, collecting data on fluency and turn
and talks. Classes will also be observed to make sure students are doing the work and the thinking, thereby, less on the
teacher's part. Pre-conferences will begin this week around the planning domain.
Madison Middle School “A School on the Move”, Instructional Leadership Team completed Instructional Walkthroughs in
all ELA classes using the district’s walkthrough tool with TNTP and the Office of School Innovations. Additionally, Madison
hosted the first ever BETA Club Induction Ceremony. The Instructional Leadership Team will complete an Instructional
Walkthrough of all of the Social Studies classes using the district’s walkthrough form for Social Studies, as we look to
continue to “Raise the Bar” with quality instruction in our classrooms.
Napier received a donation of a Washer and Dryer from Harpeth Hills. Thanks to this contribution in the building,
because it will help provide additional support for our students and families with clothing needs.
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Second grade students participated in a culminating activity that included the celebration of the Chinese New
Year. Students demonstrated cultural songs, crafts and gifts highlighting the learning objectives from the unit. The entire
student body cheered them on as they paraded through the building.
Additionally, warm congratulations are extended to student Destiny Lewis for her 4th Place Wrestling State finish!
Destiny made history as the first PCHS female student to place in the state!
Community Achieves
• Nine Community Achieves schools plus East Middle and Dan Mills will attend the first game of the Women’s SEC
tournament on Wednesday. Jere Baxter Band will perform the National Anthem.
• Recent/upcoming meetings regarding current or potential partnerships: Upmetrics.
• Recent/upcoming partnerships & programs taking place in CA schools – Girl’s Inc. Nashville Ballet, Parallon Math
tutoring, FLY girls, YES mentoring, Free Hearts mentoring, Girl Scouts.
Discipline Services
• Discipline Review Board (DRB) currently meeting with 268 students, within their respective clusters, that returned
from the ALC during the 17/18 school year.
• The DRB’s are making their biweekly visits with students. Working with schools to make sure the students are
receiving the services and recommendations that was placed in the student’s re-entry plan.
• Currently we are visiting schools within their clusters assisting with over 90 students that already have multiple
discipline infractions with tools and recommendations to help them be successful and prevent expulsions.
• Reviewing of the Student-Parent Handbook with principals, community superintendents, and other stakeholders is
• Implementation of Rites of Passage continues.
• Trained Principals of North East Quadrant on February 22.
• Trained Dean of students at Joelton Middle on Discipline Issues.
• Trained Freshmen Academy teachers at McGavock on handling class room discipline on January 31.
• Crisis Support Pearl-Cohn High School.
• Threat assessments completed at Joelton, Johnson ALC, and DuPont Hadley.
• 1st Time Drug Offender class held with 31 students and their parents.
Student Health
• District policy on the use of Narcan created. Working on District policy for emergency medication for adrenal
• Collaborating on the first Health Week to be held May 7-11. Have a different health themed topic for each day and
brainstorming various activities and lessons to coordinate with each day.
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• Early jump on 7th grade immunizations compliance for upcoming 7th graders. 6th grade immunization audit will
occur. We are collecting the names and missing immunizations of upcoming 7th grade student required for entry.
From there we will offer immunization/EPSDT clinics at the schools to get the students immunized.
• We have hired 23 school nurses total this year (includes vacant positions from last year, Vanderbilt’s two added
positions, retirees etc.). Next Monday two more are starting so that will be 25. This is an increase of 15 NEW
positions to MNPS this year with council’s funds.
• The AON Office is putting last minute work into the Nashville Hub Study Visits planned for March 5-7th. We will host
450 participants from across the country and the UK. On Monday, March 5th @ 6pm, Dr. Joseph will welcome the
participants at the Music City Center as they hear the Academies of Nashville Transformative Story. On Tuesday,
March 6th, all of our academy high schools (except Hillsboro and Glencliff) will be hosting the 450 participants. This is
our biggest tour to date and we are including TN DOE and MNPS Board members on the school tours to allow our
leaders to see the Academies of Nashville in action. The conference will conclude on Wednesday, March 7th at the
Trevecca Boone Center with a half day of typical conference sessions and lunch.
• Donna Gilley and PENCIL staff will present to a Chamber team from Florida about the Academies of Nashville during
a luncheon at the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce on February 27th.
• EPSOs are increasingly more important to our work in the Academies of Nashville. Donna Gilley and Brian Brewer
met with Nashville State Community College to start a plan for students to earn Technical Certificates while still in
high school. Phase I of the plan will include the following programs: Mechatronics (Antioch and McGavock), Logistics
(Hillsboro), Culinary (Antioch and Glencliff) and Music Business (Pearl Cohn). The AON/CTE office will work with the
schools that represent this programs of study to begin to market this opportunity to start during the 2018-19 school
year. NSCC hopes to be able to offer 2-3 phases of implementation to allow for multiple Technical Certificates for
student while in high school.
• We are continuing to work with our schools to ensure Industry Certification and Dual Credit testing is on schedule.
Gaye Martin and Brian Brewer continue to work on ensure the testing window of March 19—29th is a success. The
Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce and PENCIL are working with business partners to provide mentorship to
students for the home stretch for the testing in March.
• The CTE Department is offering a two-day Literacy in CTE on February 28—March 1st to continue to support our CTE
teachers to ensure literacy is a component of all classrooms.
Advanced Academics
Good News is……. Carol Swann has been selected as a National Leaders Coach with the National Association of Charter
School Authorizers. One of only 11 in the country among a highly competitive process. Congratulations to Carol who will
represent Metro Nashville well.
On February 26th, 10:00AM-11:00AM, in the Board of Education large meeting room, MNPS hosted Because of You:
Honoring the Nashville 16. This very well attended celebration highlighted the “Nashville 16” students who bravely
desegregated Metro Nashville Public Schools. School Board members, local officials, principals, students, Central Office
March 2, 2018 - Director of Schools Weekly Update - P a g e | 12
staff, and media recognized and celebrated the local heroes of desegregation and their families. There wasn’t a dry eye in
the room during this inspirational event.
A Parent University was offered on Monday, February 27th featuring a brief overview of assessments, sharing MNPS
performance data and hosting a Q& A session for parents. The training was offered by Dr. Paul Changas and Dr. Tina
Stenson. A Parent Advisory Council orientation was also presented and Hillsboro PAC shared some of their group’s best
Additionally, over 50 families at Gateway Elementary were provided with training on TN Ready assessment.
On February 21st, Tasha Fletcher, presented on What’s Up with Black Girls? at the Wellness Center Large Conference
Room. Tasha’s presentation focused on African American girls, the fastest growing demographic to be suspended and
expelled. The session focused on exploring ways to promote the brilliance and leadership of Black girls. Approximately
33 MNPS Central Office and school staff attended the session. This event was also featured on Channel 4 News!
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On February 23rd, the Family and Community Engagement Leaders’ 4th Cohort Gathering was hosted from 8:00 a.m. -
3:30 p.m. Approximately 10 school leaders and a panel of community partners engaged in conversations about possible
collaboration. Additionally, the cohort reviewed the collaborative inquiry process to consider their data for further
Translation Unit:
Several Parent Outreach Translators have been accepted in Mayor’s “My City” Academy Program. My City Academy
empowers New Americans to understand and participate in Nashville's government. This program is the first of its kind in
the nation. Over the course of seven months, My City participants meet with leaders from Metro departments and tour
Metro facilities. In doing so, they gain a better understanding of how their government works and learn how to resolve
issues and obtain information. Upon graduation, My City participants are able to help their communities understand and
access government services. My City graduates also have the opportunity to interact with New Americans from other
communities through their participation in the My City alumni network.
Elementary school special education teachers are meeting with Pre-K special education teachers along with special
education coaches to discuss and collaborate on Pre-K students who will be transitioning to Kindergarten. This
collaboration time has been very effective to ensure all supports in place as students transition.
The Department of Exceptional Education volunteered at Battle of the Books on Friday, February 23rd and really enjoyed
listening to students and connecting with students. Staff were excited to be part of this great event.
The Department of Exceptional Education, Tennessee Department of Education and Vanderbilt University met last week
to brainstorm on how to better network Transition services for students who have an IEP. MNPS will apply to be part of
this network and if accepted MNPS will receive support in looking at the TN data system for all transition and post-
secondary outcomes. This network will assist in providing training and support in the area of transition which is an area
that additional support is needed in.
The Department of Exceptional Education continues to support MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support). The TDOE
(Tennessee Department of Education) released the presentation that Dr. McQueen presented at the TDOE Partners In
Education Conference (PIE) which included MTSS. This presentation was shared with MNP’ school psychologists to
support them with planning with MTSS in mind. School psychologists are excited about the MTSS work and believe the
work they are doing will pay off with regards to better outcomes for all students. School psychologists are excited about
taking ownership of defining their role in MTSS and using National Association School Psychology (NASP) standards to do
so. Collaborative work occurred and school psychologists and school social workers co-presented their MTSS plans!
The Department of Exceptional Education provided professional development to Assistant Principals on how to raise
achievement for students with disabilities. Assistant Principals continue to be receptive to improving outcomes for
students with disabilities. They shared great ideas about what’s happening in their schools as well as the areas that they
can improve in to better support students with disabilities.
A Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Event was offered to Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs) on February 19th on
Language Difference vs. Disorder. Jose Galarza, M.A., CCC-SLP is a bilingual SLP. He is the Program Director for
Multicultural and Bilingual Programs for EBS Healthcare. The focus of this course is on addressing the informational
needs of school-based SLPs working with students exposed to more than one language. The information presented will
increase familiarity with the context of language development for English Language Learner (ELL) students.
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The Department of Exceptional Education offered the 3rd session of Strand 1 training of the State Professional
Development Grant (SPDG). SPDG focuses on Increasing Access to Core Instruction for all students. Six schools (i.e.,
GraMar, Marshall, Hillsboro, Overton, Gower, and Norman Binkley) were present and three Central Office administrators.
The participants were engaged and actively participated in the activities. Overton High School teachers shared effective
instructional practices for ALL students! The SPDG has really been an asset to so many schools and teachers!
The Department of Exceptional Education is in the process of preparing for TDOE’s (Tennessee Department of Education)
fiscal monitoring on IDEA (Individual with Disabilities Act) expenditures.
The English Learners (EL) Teacher Council invited the Department of Exceptional Education to engage in a fishbowl
activity on a problem of practice. There were great collaborative conversations between EL teachers, Speech and
Language Pathologists and School Psychologists. There was confusion on eligibility criteria for students who are EL. The
Department of Exceptional Education will work with the Department of EL so that all EL teachers have a better
understanding of the assessment process and the Department of Exceptional Education’s assessment specialists have a
better understanding of the expectations of EL teachers.
The Department of Exceptional Education offered professional development to charter school Psychologists on dyslexia
awareness and assessment processes. There was great collaboration between MNPS’ school psychologists and contracted
charter school psychologists.
The Department of Exceptional Education is in the process of developing RFPs (Request for Proposals) for the following:
Child Find Screenings; Medicaid Reimbursement, and Special Day School. All of these have existing contracts with
companies, but the contracts will end this school year.
Recently, some members of the Department of EE attended a training by Dr. Rich Allen. He provided them with great
insight into additional ways to help students with memory and engagement. Making words into cartoons is one effective
way to support students with dyslexia, ADHD and Autism. Please see the websites below, explore and have fun with
student learning.
a. www.greenlighteducation.net
b. www.wordtoons.com
A Hillsboro High School Junior is working toward his goal to compete in the Special Olympics track and field events in
March. This student has received national attention and News Channel 5 ran a story about the this student. Please take
time to view the story on News Channel 5.
Congratulations to Harpeth Valley Elementary School and Rosebank Elementary School! Both schools were recognized
at the Partners In Education (PIE) Conference as being model demonstration schools for RTI-B (Response to Intervention
– behavior) (MTSS- Multi Tiered Systems of Support)
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Department of Pre-Kindergarten:
Bridging Session to Create Plan to Transition Pre-K Students with IEPs to Kindergarten
The team held three of four quadrant bridging sessions for the transition to kindergarten. Sessions attended by Special
Education Coaches, Pre-K Special Education teachers, elementary Special Education teachers, and related service
providers exceeded expectations. Verbal and email feedback was voluntary and was very positive. Session Dates were
held in each quadrant - Northwest Quadrant (2/19), Southeast Quadrant (2/19), Northwest Quadrant (2/20)
Battle of the Books – Each year, the students in participating High Schools (11 competed this year) demonstrate content
knowledge and demonstrate teamwork as they “battle” to win this literacy event. Each school team reads all of the chosen
books (15 total books this year) and then compete head to head with the other high school students in a round robin,
timed question and answer sessions facilitated by MNPS staff. The final two school teams engage in a championship
showdown with all of the other schools looking on. This year, Cane Ridge High School won; now having back to back
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Carter Lawrence Elementary School will be receiving a donation of $20,000 from the Elmington Property Management
Group on March 1st (http://www.elmingtonpm.com/). The money will be used to buy additional laptops for the school.
Inta Sanford (Principal) is working hard to increase the amount of access to technology for her students.
• The Division of Teaching and Learning’s direct reports have been asked to submit names of 1-2 team members who
will participate on a cross-functional team to focus on various problems of practice across the Division. This team
will identify 2-5 projects that impact various Departments and smaller workgroups will form and will be responsible
for completing these projects
• Early College – Dr. Tasby joined Dr. Joseph on a radio segment on 92Q to discuss the Early College program and the
benefits four students. Additionally, at the Pathways Tennessee Northern Middle regional meeting last Friday, Dr.
Tasby shared information about MNPS’ Early College program. Many districts are very interested in what MNPS is
doing and are interested in learning more about how they can potentially form this same type of partnership within
their own school district.
• Deborah, Sharon, Lisa, Amber and Shannon attended the Extended ELT meeting, where the Strategic Framework for
the Our People initiative was the focus. The entire Extended ELT team gave feedback on the Our People presentation
and participated in a brainstorming session about customer service training.
• Deborah, Sharon, Lisa and Judy attended a meeting with Dr. Joseph and the Chiefs on the HR/OD Sy18-19 budget.
Judy presented the results of the compensation study and Deborah presented the draft budget for consideration.
• Sharon, Lisa and Heidi participated in the interview process for MNUTR residents at Belmont.
• Lisa participated in a committee meeting for New Employee Orientation.
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Organizational Development:
• OD kicked off Assistant Principal meetings at TSU. APs focused on Developing Professional Expertise in Standards-
Driven Systems with Bruce Wellman. They also attended sessions on best practices for special education and EL
students, multi-tiered system of support, and student-based budgeting. AP meetings will continue on Feb. 20th, April
10th and April 12th. The Office of OD collaborated with the Office of School Support and Improvement to continue
interviews for the AP pool. In addition to finalizing the AP pool, OD will hold additional interviews for external
candidates and internal candidates who did not have the opportunity to attend FAW. The second round of PDTs are
currently underway for all AP 1s and Principal Residents.
• Shannon and Courney assisted with the Poverty Simulation at Hillwood on the 19th.
• New Teacher Academy 2018 Work Teams Kick-Off Meetings (two teams: Content and Logistics) were held.
• Shannon facilitated the kick off meeting for MAP PD Development.
• Shannon conducted Interviews for the TM Coordinator position.
• The Talent Management team finalized the 16-17 Tenure Analysis and sent 303 names to the board for approval.
• Working with Kronos on having the system pay out vacation for employees on Kronos who transfer from 10-11
month employees to 12 month employees and 12 month employees who transfer to 10-11 month employees.
Completed test scenarios and working on identifying employees to test with based on the criteria in the test scenario.
• Working on creating a list of responsibilities between Kronos and Benefits so each group knows who is responsible
for what and will set up a meeting between Kronos Support and Benefits to review
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• Completed videos that were lost when Maggie’s computer died and sent them to Communications to be placed on the
My MNPS website
• Communications has placed the Kronos documentation and videos on the My MNPS website. Sent out communication
to all employees as well as timekeepers to direct employees to My MNPS
• Lisa and Maggie have completed one of the two Organizational Reporting classes in the Kronos KnowledgePass
training and are working on the second training class.
• Maggie removed STO in Kronos for March 16th and added in schedules for all employees who were scheduled to be
off for the makeup inclement weather day.
Pre CRP2 Accomplishments:
• Updated Fast Formulas for IOD, 401k employer match and SEIU union dues.
• Validated that we can attach a list of the bank transit numbers in the R12 application and Self Service.
• Configured the maximum values for FSA and Dependent FSA elements.
• Configured deduction priority numbers for TCRS elements and non TCRS elements.
• Completed configuration of Involuntary Deductions to produce child support fee.
• Conducted Multiple job MD050 review meeting
• Conducted weekly Payroll Team action item review meeting.
• Conducted meeting to review options for Professional Development payments to MNPS team
• Conducted Payroll Balance Conversion follow up meeting
• Conducted Labor Distribution/Costing meeting
• Conducted user testing of arrears fast formula
• Attended Cross Module Topic Meeting
• Validated CRP2 test scenarios.
• Data entry not able to support mass updates – Resolved with data loader program.
• Complexity Taleo workflows, JD’s, posting positions will require additional resources to support within HR.
Workflow configuration and document management post R12 go live.
• Taleo not being brought into project until after development work is completed and tested on Employee Data Entry
• Process payroll for non-Kronos employees (exceptions to POSH). May have to implement OTL (Oracle Time Labor).
March 2, 2018 - Director of Schools Weekly Update - P a g e | 19
• 4 new job descriptions written
• Finalized attendees for Taleo Classes – to be scheduled in April 2018.
• Attended cluster budget meetings – overview of 2018-2019 school budget tool. Provided clarity around supplements,
stipends, and bi-weekly payroll accountability.
• Attended New Employee Orientation planning meeting.
• Completed December 1st report. Uploading scheduled for this week.
• Met with Kronos team concerning project plan to move bus drivers and monitors to Kronos by August 1, 2018.
• Working with CSS consultant on procedures to move accruals from EBS to Kronos post his departure from Metro
Government in April of 2018.
• Discovered 120-day employees are FICA exempt. Process review underway to ensure future contacts are FICA
exempt within payroll.
• Notification sent to all employees concerning changes to federal income taxes and 1095s being mailed.
• Identified need to establish a calendar committee.
• Established who will take lead concerning establishing labor accounts within Barry Bookers area.
• Working on fix for MNPS Classification Code “D” (Support Administrative) in EBS.
• Working with Barry Booker to fix issue with using pay code 963 (compensatory time payouts) when used within
• Working on FAQ document for the SEIU Memorandum of Understanding.
FY18 FY19 FY19 FY18 FY19
FY18 SY17-18
AS OF VS. SY16-7
School $812 TO 75% STATUS POVERTY
FY18 FY19 FY19 FY18 FY19
FY18 SY17-18
AS OF VS. SY16-7
School $812 TO 75% STATUS POVERTY
East Nashville High School 3,947,696 3,747,115 (200,581) -5% $ - $ 4,191,728 $ 3,747,115 -11% 62.83%
East Nashville Middle School 2,616,681 2,590,302 (26,379) -1% $ 283,388 $ 2,792,325 $ 2,873,690 3% 80.60%
Fall-Hamilton Elementary Sch 2,076,148 2,111,941 35,792 2% $ 173,768 $ 2,193,244 $ 2,285,709 4% 84.25%
Gateway Elementary School 2,107,118 2,069,181 (37,938) -2% $ 201,376 $ 2,247,830 $ 2,270,557 1% 87.63%
Glencliff Elementary School 3,209,012 3,414,240 205,228 6% $ 346,724 $ 3,452,060 $ 3,760,964 9% Bottom 10% 87.14%
Glencliff High School 6,894,111 6,406,236 (487,876) -7% $ 803,880 $ 7,472,703 $ 7,210,116 -4% 78.95%
Glendale Elementary School 2,657,948 2,402,095 (255,853) -10% $ 2,657,948 $ 2,402,095 -10% 3.46%
Glengarry Elementary School 2,471,125 2,725,039 253,914 10% $ 299,628 $ 2,654,641 $ 3,024,667 14% Bottom 10% 100.00%
Glenview Elementary School 4,146,249 3,952,922 (193,328) -5% $ 491,260 $ 4,458,669 $ 4,444,182 0% 100.00%
Goodlettsville Elementary Sch 2,222,926 2,245,849 22,923 1% $ - $ 2,333,134 $ 2,245,849 -4% 65.62%
Goodlettsville Middle School 3,107,145 3,603,420 496,274 16% $ 365,400 $ 3,314,277 $ 3,968,820 20% 78.67%
Gower Elementary School 4,347,843 3,649,881 (697,963) -16% $ 4,347,843 $ 3,649,881 -16% 38.67%
Gra-Mar Middle School 2,176,694 2,285,483 108,789 5% $ 279,328 $ 2,352,338 $ 2,564,811 9% Bottom 10% 100.00%
Granbery Elementary School 4,062,981 4,198,963 135,982 3% $ 4,062,981 $ 4,198,963 3% 30.11%
H G Hill Middle School 3,108,215 4,125,642 1,017,427 33% $ - $ 3,329,615 $ 4,125,642 24% Focus 67.48%
Harpeth Valley Elementary Sc 4,217,979 4,088,853 (129,126) -3% $ 4,217,979 $ 4,088,853 -3% 21.16%
Hattie Cotton Elementary Sch 2,028,211 2,079,010 50,799 3% $ 213,556 $ 2,168,431 $ 2,292,566 6% Bottom 10% 100.00%
Haynes Middle School 1,840,556 1,844,048 3,492 0% $ 203,812 $ 1,979,300 $ 2,047,860 3% Bottom 10% Priority 99.21%
Haywood Elementary School 4,159,955 4,148,639 (11,316) 0% $ 518,056 $ 4,539,779 $ 4,666,695 3% 100.00%
Head Middle School 3,062,476 3,032,684 (29,792) -1% $ 3,062,476 $ 3,032,684 -1% 39.93%
Henry C. Maxwell Elementary 3,841,587 3,755,560 (86,027) -2% $ - $ 4,052,655 $ 3,755,560 -7% 67.34%
Hermitage Elementary Schoo 2,300,311 2,199,342 (100,969) -4% $ - $ 2,409,043 $ 2,199,342 -9% 59.47%
Hickman Elementary School 3,335,252 2,960,599 (374,653) -11% $ 309,372 $ 3,530,576 $ 3,269,971 -7% 79.71%
Hillsboro High School 6,379,123 6,239,936 (139,187) -2% $ - $ 6,710,731 $ 6,239,936 -7% 45.57%
Hillwood High School 6,139,961 5,594,344 (545,617) -9% $ - $ 6,451,889 $ 5,594,344 -13% 52.01%
Hull-Jackson Montessori Mag 2,081,243 2,110,622 29,378 1% $ 190,820 $ 2,196,863 $ 2,301,442 5% 77.30%
Hume-Fogg Magnet High Sch 4,205,426 4,196,514 (8,912) 0% $ 4,205,426 $ 4,196,514 0% 12.78%
Hunters Lane High School 7,888,253 7,127,310 (760,943) -10% $ 950,852 $ 8,508,665 $ 8,078,162 -5% Bottom 10% 82.70%
Inglewood Elementary School 1,588,582 1,716,288 127,707 8% $ 155,092 $ 1,680,586 $ 1,871,380 11% Priority 100.00%
FY18 FY19 FY19 FY18 FY19
FY18 SY17-18
AS OF VS. SY16-7
School $812 TO 75% STATUS POVERTY
Isaac Litton Middle School 2,795,508 3,014,514 219,005 8% $ - $ 2,967,216 $ 3,014,514 2% 66.27%
Isaiah T. Creswell Middle Sch 2,455,164 2,427,138 (28,026) -1% $ 251,720 $ 2,606,208 $ 2,678,858 3% Bottom 10% 75.06%
J E Moss Elementary School 4,899,745 5,108,438 208,693 4% $ 541,604 $ 5,262,841 $ 5,650,042 7% 86.18%
J. F. Kennedy Middle School 4,397,935 4,703,579 305,643 7% $ - $ 4,666,567 $ 4,703,579 1% Focus 63.49%
Jere Baxter Middle School 2,068,376 2,025,218 (43,158) -2% $ 236,292 $ 2,213,516 $ 2,261,510 2% Priority Priority 100.00%
Joelton Elementary School 1,793,058 1,941,458 148,400 8% $ - $ 1,870,794 $ 1,941,458 4% 64.32%
Joelton Middle School 2,149,497 2,284,028 134,531 6% $ 264,712 $ 2,312,841 $ 2,548,740 10% Priority Priority 100.00%
John B Whitsitt Elementary Sc 2,647,982 2,801,703 153,721 6% $ 316,680 $ 2,850,686 $ 3,118,383 9% Priority 94.43%
John Early Middle School 2,729,594 2,241,921 (487,673) -18% $ 298,004 $ 2,920,982 $ 2,539,925 -13% Bottom 10% 100.00%
John Overton High School 10,781,123 10,687,837 (93,286) -1% $ - $ 11,502,887 $ 10,687,837 -7% 69.64%
John Trotwood Moore Middle 3,751,346 3,988,347 237,002 6% $ 3,751,346 $ 3,988,347 6% 37.59%
Jones Paideia Magnet School 1,906,245 2,000,913 94,668 5% $ - $ 2,012,517 $ 2,000,913 -1% 73.01%
Julia Green Elementary Schoo 2,508,736 2,568,052 59,316 2% $ 2,508,736 $ 2,568,052 2% Focus 9.35%
Lakeview Elementary School 3,898,783 3,495,301 (403,483) -10% $ 354,844 $ 4,145,767 $ 3,850,145 -7% 77.90%
Lockeland Elementary School 1,924,756 2,000,783 76,027 4% $ 1,924,756 $ 2,000,783 4% 6.27%
Madison Middle School 3,377,505 3,396,366 18,862 1% $ 461,216 $ 3,758,313 $ 3,857,582 3% Priority Priority 100.00%
Maplewood High School 4,969,980 4,685,236 (284,744) -6% $ 704,004 $ 5,441,316 $ 5,389,240 -1% Bottom 10% Priority 100.00%
Margaret Allen Middle School 2,834,895 3,016,984 182,089 6% $ 297,192 $ 3,058,263 $ 3,314,176 8% 82.25%
Martin Luther King, Jr. Magne 5,690,571 5,962,664 272,093 5% $ 5,690,571 $ 5,962,664 5% 18.50%
May Wherthan Shayne Eleme 4,187,427 4,174,726 (12,702) 0% $ - $ 4,380,291 $ 4,174,726 -5% Focus 51.60%
McGavock Elementary Schoo 1,941,384 1,963,034 21,649 1% $ 164,836 $ 2,049,132 $ 2,127,870 4% 81.53%
McGavock High School 12,471,232 12,985,480 514,248 4% $ - $ 13,217,596 $ 12,985,480 -2% Focus 65.04%
McMurray Middle School 5,100,515 5,048,717 (51,798) -1% $ 644,728 $ 5,518,715 $ 5,693,445 3% Priority 99.25%
Meigs Magnet Middle School 3,411,801 3,394,406 (17,395) -1% $ 3,411,801 $ 3,394,406 -1% 13.16%
Moses McKissack Middle Sch 2,671,474 2,400,229 (271,245) -10% $ 267,960 $ 2,840,722 $ 2,668,189 -6% Bottom 10% Priority 100.00%
Mt. View Elementary 4,108,963 4,001,667 (107,296) -3% $ - $ 4,314,619 $ 4,001,667 -7% 57.84%
Napier Elementary School 2,667,713 2,047,796 (619,917) -23% $ 207,872 $ 2,822,201 $ 2,255,668 -20% Priority 100.00%
Nashville School of the Arts 2,820,872 2,715,845 (105,026) -4% $ 2,820,872 $ 2,715,845 -4% 26.81%
Neelys Bend Elementary Scho 2,365,390 2,085,377 (280,013) -12% $ 237,916 $ 2,553,334 $ 2,323,293 -9% Bottom 10% 91.28%
FY18 FY19 FY19 FY18 FY19
FY18 SY17-18
AS OF VS. SY16-7
School $812 TO 75% STATUS POVERTY
Norman Binkley Elementary S 3,760,947 3,526,425 (234,521) -6% $ 388,136 $ 3,988,743 $ 3,914,561 -2% 91.22%
Old Center Elementary Schoo 2,286,436 2,275,302 (11,134) 0% $ 224,924 $ 2,437,480 $ 2,500,226 3% 88.22%
Paragon Mills Elementary Sch 3,959,840 3,646,930 (312,910) -8% $ 442,540 $ 4,271,276 $ 4,089,470 -4% Bottom 10% Priority 100.00%
Park Avenue Elementary Scho 3,494,322 2,630,308 (864,015) -25% $ 308,560 $ 3,709,818 $ 2,938,868 -21% 100.00%
Pearl-Cohn High School 4,431,379 4,142,697 (288,682) -7% $ 552,160 $ 4,758,067 $ 4,694,857 -1% Priority Priority 100.00%
Pennington Elementary Schoo 1,986,316 2,032,945 46,629 2% $ - $ 2,069,956 $ 2,032,945 -2% 59.04%
Percy Priest Elementary Scho 2,826,511 2,899,409 72,898 3% $ 2,826,511 $ 2,899,409 3% 2.62%
Robert Churchwell Elementary 2,530,110 2,347,502 (182,608) -7% $ 262,276 $ 2,714,118 $ 2,609,778 -4% Priority Off Priority 100.00%
Robert E. Lillard Elementary 2,104,165 2,177,893 73,728 4% $ 242,788 $ 2,268,001 $ 2,420,681 7% Priority 100.00%
Rose Park Middle School 2,337,561 2,288,032 (49,529) -2% $ 2,337,561 $ 2,288,032 -2% 31.87%
Rosebank Elementary School 1,808,736 1,990,208 181,471 10% $ 177,828 $ 1,926,816 $ 2,168,036 13% Bottom 10% 96.48%
Ruby Major Elementary Schoo 3,216,965 3,064,691 (152,274) -5% $ - $ 3,377,357 $ 3,064,691 -9% 64.90%
Shwab Elementary School 2,578,424 2,135,061 (443,363) -17% $ 207,872 $ 2,713,232 $ 2,342,933 -14% 100.00%
Smith Springs Elementary 3,365,085 3,469,228 104,143 3% $ - $ 3,534,333 $ 3,469,228 -2% 61.07%
Stanford Elementary School 1,949,468 2,055,251 105,783 5% $ 1,949,468 $ 2,055,251 5% 24.73%
Stratford STEM Magnet Schoo 6,632,094 6,619,913 (12,180) 0% $ 897,260 $ 7,173,786 $ 7,517,173 5% Bottom 10% 100.00%
Sylvan Park Elementary Scho 2,716,142 2,866,155 150,013 6% $ 2,716,142 $ 2,866,155 6% Focus 31.51%
Taylor Stratton Elementary Sc 3,329,029 3,112,634 (216,396) -7% $ 397,880 $ 3,599,629 $ 3,510,514 -2% 97.80%
Thomas A. Edison Elementary 4,188,416 4,209,175 20,759 0% $ - $ 4,449,668 $ 4,209,175 -5% 72.12%
Thurgood Marshall Middle Sch 5,084,954 5,933,749 848,794 17% $ - $ 5,375,234 $ 5,933,749 10% 61.68%
Tom Joy Elementary School 2,761,239 2,859,825 98,586 4% $ 306,124 $ 2,954,595 $ 3,165,949 7% Bottom 10% Priority 100.00%
Tulip Grove Elementary Schoo 3,491,792 2,953,166 (538,627) -15% $ - $ 3,662,516 $ 2,953,166 -19% 66.94%
Tusculum Elementary School 4,471,853 4,524,890 53,037 1% $ 575,708 $ 4,796,081 $ 5,100,598 6% Bottom 10% 100.00%
Two Rivers Middle School 2,680,875 2,545,733 (135,142) -5% $ 301,252 $ 2,887,023 $ 2,846,985 -1% Focus 88.76%
Una Elementary School 4,927,884 4,736,031 (191,854) -4% $ 485,576 $ 5,283,600 $ 5,221,607 -1% 79.63%
Warner Elementary School 2,059,172 1,844,760 (214,412) -10% $ 215,180 $ 2,240,720 $ 2,059,940 -8% Priority 100.00%
Waverly-Belmont Elementary 3,058,038 3,090,374 32,336 1% $ - $ 3,174,642 $ 3,090,374 -3% 47.03%
West End Middle School 2,934,217 2,966,938 32,721 1% $ 2,934,217 $ 2,966,938 1% 42.62%
Westmeade Elementary Scho 2,769,565 2,558,813 (210,751) -8% $ - $ 2,886,661 $ 2,558,813 -11% 46.68%
FY18 FY19 FY19 FY18 FY19
FY18 SY17-18
AS OF VS. SY16-7
School $812 TO 75% STATUS POVERTY
Whites Creek High School 4,172,230 3,698,278 (473,953) -11% $ 496,132 $ 4,498,918 $ 4,194,410 -7% Bottom 10% 89.59%
William Henry Oliver Middle S 4,555,587 5,273,609 718,021 16% $ 4,555,587 $ 5,273,609 16% 46.83%
Wright Middle School 4,154,606 4,667,708 513,102 12% $ 563,528 $ 4,505,402 $ 5,231,236 16% Bottom 10% Priority 96.93%
Charter schools and MNPS program schools are not included in this analysis as their local allocation amounts are pending as of 2.12.18.
FY18 Direct Allocations
Only schools that received a direct allocation for the 2017-18 school year are included.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Programmatic Allocations Legacy Allocations
Day 40, K-12 Reading Reading Enhanced
Quadrant School Enrollment Recovery Interventionists Music Makes Us World Language Suzuki Strings STEM Teacher AART IB Teachers Staffing TOTAL
Northeast Caldwell Elementary EO 230 $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northeast Chadwell Elementary 312 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northeast Hattie Cotton Elementary 261 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northeast Dodson Elementary 408 $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northeast Donelson Middle 766 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northeast Dupont Elementary 358 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northeast Dupont Hadley Middle 657 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northeast Glenn Elementary EO 161 $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northeast Hermitage Elementary 301 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northeast Tom Joy Elementary 387 $ 137,400 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 171,750
Northeast Isaac Litton Middle 516 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northeast Lockeland Elementary 303 $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northeast McGavock High 2,441 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northeast Maplewood High 883 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 602,300 $ 602,300
Northeast Dan Mills Elementary 498 $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northeast Napier Elementary EO 257 $ 137,400 $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Northeast Pennington Elementary 269 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northeast Rosebank Elementary 222 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northeast Shwab Elementary 252 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northeast Tulip Grove Elementary 480 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northeast Warner Elementary EO 263 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Amqui Elementary 472 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Northwest Bellshire Elementary 312 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Buena Vista Elem EO 243 $ 68,700 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 103,050
Northwest Carter Lawrence Elem 282 $ 137,400 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 171,750
Northwest Cockrill Elementary 311 $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northwest Cumberland Elementary 351 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Gateway Elementary 272 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Goodlettsville Elementary 318 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northwest Goodlettsville Middle 568 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northwest Alex Green Elementary 273 $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northwest Haynes Middle 255 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northwest Head Middle Magnet 589 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northwest Hume Fogg Magnet 896 $ - $ - $ - $ 13,740 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,740
Northwest Hull Jackson Montessori 310 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northwest Jones Paideia 288 $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northwest Robert E Lillard Elem 302 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northwest Madison Middle School 592 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northwest Meigs Middle Magnet 691 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ 34,350
Northwest Neelys Bend Elementary 324 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Park Avenue Elementary EO 387 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Pearl Cohn High 721 $ - $ 34,350 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Northwest Rose Park Middle 438 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ 103,050
Northwest Stratton Elementary 503 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Robert Churchwell Museum 332 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Northwest Whites Creek High 702 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 660,200 $ 694,550
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Programmatic Allocations Legacy Allocations
Day 40, K-12 Reading Reading Enhanced
Quadrant School Enrollment Recovery Interventionists Music Makes Us World Language Suzuki Strings STEM Teacher AART IB Teachers Staffing TOTAL
Southeast Lakeview Elementary 548 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southeast Cane Ridge Elem 1,006 $ 343,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 343,500
Southeast Cole Elementary 723 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southeast Fall Hamilton Elem EO 254 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Southeast J E Moss Elementary 779 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southeast Glencliff Elementary 479 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southeast Glencliff High 1,288 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Southeast Glengarry Elementary 365 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Southeast Glenview Elementary 611 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southeast Kennedy Middle 792 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Southeast Maxwell Elementary 577 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southeast Mt View Elementary 615 $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Southeast Apollo Middle 842 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Southeast Paragon Mills Elementary 549 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southeast Una Elementary 765 $ 274,800 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 274,800
Southeast Whitsitt Elementary 416 $ 137,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,400
Southeast Wright Middle 729 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Southwest Bellevue Middle 643 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700
Southwest Norman Binkley Elementary 526 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
Southwest Eakin Elementary 565 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ 34,350 $ - $ 68,700
Southwest Julia Green Elementary 427 $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ 34,350 $ - $ 137,400
Southwest Harpeth Valley Elementary 741 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ 34,350
Southwest Haywood Elementary 651 $ 274,800 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 274,800
Southwest H G Hill Middle 655 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Southwest Hillwood High 1,116 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,350
Southwest McMurray Middle 798 $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 103,050
Southwest J T Moore Middle 687 $ - $ - $ - $ 48,090 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 48,090
Southwest Overton High 2,057 $ - $ - $ 41,220 $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 75,570
Southwest Percy Priest Elementary 534 $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ 103,050
Southwest Sylvan Park Elementary 447 $ - $ - $ - $ 68,700 $ - $ - $ 34,350 $ - $ - $ 103,050
Southwest Tusculum Elementary 726 $ 206,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,100
69,887 $ 5,564,701 $ 583,952 $ 899,973 $ 542,734 $ 68,705 $ 137,406 $ 206,107 $ 68,708 $ 1,262,509
Program Allocations; Columns 1-3: $7,048,654 Legacy Allocations; Columns 4-9: $2,286,183 TOTAL: $ 9,334,837
Points to consider regarding funding options for FY19
MNPS Federal Programs and Grants
2.12.18 DRAFT
Charter schools and MNPS program schools are not fully incorporated into this analysis
as their local allocation amounts are not available.
FY19 Option C
* $3.4 million more than FY18 in Title I funds to schools with 100% poverty
* $1.97 million more than Option E in total funds to schools with 100% poverty
* $1.3 million more than FY18 in total funds to schools currently designated
Priority or Bottom 10%
• All travel requests approved as of the date of this memo where local funds have already been
expended on items such as conference registrations, non-refundable airline tickets, etc. will be
• All travel requests approved as of the data of this memo where local funds have NOT already
been expended will go through the exception approval process. Each request must have the
appropriate Chief’s approval on the attached form prior to being submitted to the Director of
Schools for consideration.
• All other travel requests using local funds must have the appropriate Chief’s approval on the
attached form prior to being submitted to the Director of Schools for consideration.
District Meetings/Events:
• No food, meals, or snacks may be purchased for meetings or events using local funds without the
written approval of the Director of Schools.
Though we are not encouraging exceptions, we do realize that there will be some that are justified. The
process for requesting exceptions is outlined below:
• If you feel that your department needs to request an exception to the hiring freeze, complete and
email the attached Hiring Freeze Exception Request Form to your respective Chief for review and
approval. He/she will submit it to Deborah Story, Chief Human Resources Officer via
[email protected].
• If you have an out-to-town travel freeze exception or district meeting meals exception, complete
the attached Travel Freeze Exception Request Form or Meeting Expenditures Freeze Exception
Request Form and submit it to your respective Chief for review and approval. He/she will submit it
to Dr. Joseph via [email protected].
• If you are approved to hire a new employee, submit a copy of the approved form to your HR
Partner before submitting a Vacancy Request via SharePoint.
Your cooperation during this hiring, travel, and meals freeze is appreciated.
Attachments: Hiring Freeze Exception Request Form, Travel Freeze Exception Request Form, Meeting
Expenditures Freeze Exception Request Form, Human Resources Quick Reference Guide
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Travel Expenditures Freeze Exception Request
All staff will use this form to request travel for district events that requires local funds for the duration of the hiring
and spending freeze. The form must be completed in its entirety with appropriate detail.
The form must be sent through the appropriate approval process, up to the department Chief. If the Chief supports
and approves the travel, the request will be submitted to the Director of Schools at [email protected]
for final approval. The final travel disposition will be provided to the Chief to share with the Executive Officer or
Community Superintendent who will in turn share the disposition.
Who is attending and how are they connected to the intended purpose?
What goal(s) in the School Improvement or district priorities plan will this request address?
List and reference the goals(s) in the school improvement plan if applicable.
b. Topic to be shared?
Principal/Department Staff
Director of Schools
All sections must be completed and the appropriate Chief must sign. Forward completed form to
Chief Human Resources Officer at [email protected].
The HR Department will return a copy of the form indicating approval status. If your request is
approved, submit a copy of the approved form to your HR Partner before submitting a Vacancy
Request via SharePoint.
Job Title:
Funding Source:
Request Type:
If replacement position:
Can other employee(s) in the department perform the duties of this position? If no, explain.
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Additional Comments:
_________________________________ ________________
Chief Human Resources Officer Date
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Meeting Expenditures Freeze Exception Request
All staff will use this form to request food, meals and snacks for district events that requires local funds for the
duration of the hiring and spending freeze. The form must be completed in its entirety with appropriate detail.
The form must be sent through the appropriate approval process, up to the department Chief. If the Chief supports
and approves the request, the request will be submitted to the Director of Schools at
[email protected] for final approval. The final disposition will be provided to the Chief to share with
the Executive Officer or Community Superintendent who will in turn share the disposition.
Meeting Expenditures
Who is attending and how are they connected to the intended purpose?
What food, meals or snacks are proposed for the meeting and what is the justification for the request?
_____________________________________ Date: ______________
Principal/Department Staff
Director of Schools
This policy outlines the requirements for the request and use of student contact information for charter
schools and chartering authorities.
1. Each LEA and charter school shall annually provide parents, by a method reasonably designed to
provide actual notice, information on parental rights under state and federal law with regards to
student records and opt-out opportunities for the disclosure of directory information, including
the student contact information listed above, as required under the FERPA.
2. LEAs shall provide student contact information to the requesting charter school or chartering
authority within thirty (30) days of receiving such request.
3. Chartering authorities or charter schools shall only request the student contact information of
students who are eligible to attend the charter school or schools under the jurisdiction of the
chartering authority.
a. Contact information for students beyond the grades served by the charter school shall
not be requested or provided.
b. The Achievement School District (ASD) or charter schools authorized by the ASD may
request student directory information for the students zoned to attend or enrolled in a
school that is eligible to be placed in the ASD.
i. Charter schools authorized by the ASD that have a composite TVAAS score of 4
or 5 may request student contact information for additional students not zoned
to or enrolled in a priority school provided. Per state law, the total enrollment of
such students in an ASD authorized charter school may not exceed 25% of the
total student enrollment.
4. Student contact information of students whose parent has opted-out of disclosing this
information shall not be shared with charter schools or chartering authorities.
5. A charter school or chartering authority that receives student contact information from an LEA
shall not release such contact information to outside parties without prior written consent from
the parent or eligible student.
6. A charter school that has received student contact information from an LEA shall not sell or rent
such information to any third party.
7. Each recipient of such contact information shall adopt and implement a policy allowing parents
or eligible students to decline to receive further information from the charter school or
chartering authority. The policy shall ensure clear directions on how a parent may decline to
receive further information and a person to contact for questions.
8. When using student contact information to inform parents and students of their educational
options, LEAs, charter schools and chartering authorities shall not:
(a) Include content that disparages, belittles or vilifies a person or another school
or school district;
(c) Release the information to third parties for the intent of utilizing the
information for door-to-door marketing campaigns.
9. No later than sixty (60) days after the first day of school, each charter school shall submit a list
of all students enrolled for that school year to the authorizing LEA.
10. The authorizing LEA and the chartering authority or public charter school may enter into an
agreement whereby the LEA may use its existing communications infrastructure to provide
information on the chartering authority or public charter school to parents or guardians of
eligible students.
Communications Plan
Nationally Recognized School Walkouts on March 14 & April 20
***Note: If your school is experiencing an unplanned event outside of these dates,
contact us for help and guidance.
Principals, we know this is a challenging time. We are here to help you. Please do
not hesitate to reach out to any or all of the team members for assistance.