Lesson Plan in Pe

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Lesson Plan in Physical Education

Prepared by: Juliet Antoniete M. Itliong

I. Objectives: At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:

a. Understand the five learning strands of physical education:
b. Demonstrate the activities that should be given for each grade levels:
c. Appreciate the importance of understanding the five learning strands.


Topic: Learning Strands of Physical Education
Reference: Principles of Teaching 2 (with T.L.E.) (pp)
Materials: Laptop, Projector

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
a. Daily routine
“ Good afternoon class” “good afternoon ma’am”

“may I request one student to lead a prayer” (one students leads the prayer)

“so how’s your day?”

“it’s good ma’am”
b. REview
“what was our previous lesson and what was (students raises their hands and answers the
it all about?” question)

c. Activity “
“so before we proceed to our next topic, let’s yes ma’am!”
have first a game. Are you familiar with the
game ‘Charades’?)

So I assume that you already know the “okay ma’am!”

mechanics of the game. This game will run
for 2 minutes per group. The group who got
a lot of word guessed will be the winner

“so this will be the group 1 and group 2, (chooses their representative)
please pick your representatives”

“okay so group 1 start!” (group 1 will strat to play the game)

“Time’s up! Group 2 your turn” (Group 2’s turn to play the game)

“Times up! So please go back to your seats” (will go back to their seats)

(announces the winner) “yehey”

d. Analysis
“ so did you have fun?” “yes ma’am”

“ okay good. So what have you observed in “body

our game? It involves?”

“right, have you experienced some of the

activities that were mentioned earlier in your
physical education class when you were still
in high school?”

“What are the experiences you had learned

in your P.E. class?”

“so why do you think your teacher taught

you those kind of things?”

e. Abstraction
The Physical literacy is consists of movement,
motor- and activity-specific skills

In physical education there are 5 learning

strands, these are:
1. Body management which includes body
awareness, space awareness, qualities and
relationships of movements and how these
are used dynamically in various physical
2. Movement skills related to the fundamental
movement patterns and motor skills that
form the basis of all physical activities.
3. Games and sports consisting of simple, lead-
up and indigenous games; as well as
individual, dual and team sports in
competitive and recreational settings.
4. Rhythms and dances include rhythmical
movement patterns; the promotion and
appreciation of Philippine folk dance,
indigenous and traditional dances as well as
other dance forms.
5. Physical fitness includes assessment through
fitness tests and records, interpreting,
planning and implementing appropriate
programs that support fitness and health

f. Application
“ so now with the same group, think of an
activity that is suited for grade 3,6,9,and 12
then demonstrate it in front”

IV. Assessment
“ well done class, it seems like you
already understand the 5 learning
strands so now are you ready for a

“okay get ½ sheet of paper and answer

these questions silently”

1. List the 5 learning strands and give a

situational example for each strand.
2. Why do you think it’s important to
give students activities that are
suited to their grade level?

“are you done class?”

“please pass your papers in front”

V. Assignment
“ for your assignment, I want you to
research different kinds of dance and its

“so that’s all for today, good bye class.”

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