Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education I.Objectives

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Name: Mary Dazel Badilla Isales Subject: TEGR 113

Offering # :T253 Instructor: Mr. Dennis Joel L. Cerna


In the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a) Explain the Physical Activity
b) Describe the Different Body Parts
c) Identify the Different Body Composition

a) Topic: Physical activity and Understanding the body
b) References: Sing, sketch, stretch and Stay healthy
c) Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures
d) Values Integration: Taking good care of body parts through engaging
Physical Activities



A.Preparatory Activity


Everyone kindly stand for the prayer,

Ms. Aia Sophie kindly lead the prayer.
(Pupil’s start praying)
You may now take your sits, class.


Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am Isales!

How are you this morning? We’re good, ma’am.
Good to hear it, class.

*Checking of attendance

Ericka, who is absent today? None, ma’am.

Very good, class. Everyone is present.
B. Developmental Activity

I encourage everyone to please stand

and let’s sing the song “My toes, My Yes, ma’am Isales.
knees”. Touch or point to the part of
your body as it is named in the song.
Am I understood, class?

My Toes, My Knees

My toes, my knees
My shoulders, my head
My toes, my knees
My shoulders, my head (Pupil’s singing)
My toes, my knees
My shoulders, my head
Let’s all clap our hands together.

The song “My toes, my knees” mentions

only some parts of the human body.
There are other parts that you may
know. Can you name them? Foot, arm, leg and ankle ma’am.

Very good. Your body is made up of

different parts. And you can do many
Physical Activities using its different
C. Motivation

Now, I have here pictures of different

Physical Activities, class. All you have
to do is name the given pictures below. Okay, ma’am.


Sports, ma’am


Running, ma’am.


Biking, ma’am.

Your answers are all correct, class.

Very Good. Those pictures are Thank you, ma’am.
examples of Physical Activity.

Physical Activity is any bodily

movement. Physical activity refers to all
movement including during leisure time,
for transport to get to and from places,
or as part of a person’s work. Both
moderate- and vigorous-intensity
physical activity improve health.

In doing different Physical activity, we

use our body parts.

(Discuss different parts of the body and (Pupil’s listening)

show pictures and examples)
D. Activity
In this activity, we will play a game. Okay, ma’am.
Class, please stand and close your
eyes. Listen to me as I mention a body
part. Touch the part with your hands.
The pupil who does this first wins the

Teacher mentions the following: Pupil’s actively touches the mentioned

1) Head parts.
2) Toes
3) Knees
4) Ankle
5) Leg

How many parts did you identify during Three parts only, ma’am.
the game, Ela?

Can you name them? Head, knees and Leg only ma’am.

E. Analysis

(Discuss the body Composition) (Pupils Listening)

Now class, I will group you into three (Pupils starts counting)
groups. You will report the three
somatotypes of body composition.

Each group will report their assigned (Pupils starts discussing the flow of their
topic, I will give you 5 minutes to report with their groupmates)
discuss the flow of your report with your

Time’s up, class. Let’s start the Start reporting…


F. Abstraction
The teacher will present the activity
“Pick Me and Perform Me”. Teacher
will prepare a box and inside the
box are words about physical
activity. The students will pick one
word and they will be going to
perform it in front of the class. They
will also share what parts of the body
they use in doing such physical
(Pupils shows active participation of the
(Example word: Running) activity)

F. Application

I. List some Physical Activity

that you have performed this week.
And identify what body parts did you

II. Briefly explain the three(3)

body composition.
IV. Assessment

I. Direction: Read carefully the

questions below and fill in the blanks
the corresponding answer.
______1. Have lots of body fats, lots
of muscle and gain weight easily.
______ 2. It is used for
movements such as throwing and
picking up things.
3.They are athletic, solid and
strong. They are not overweight and
4. Allows bending your leg
________5. Long and lean, with little
body fat and a little muscle.
V. Assignment

For your assignment, draw a body in a

short bond paper and identify the four
major body parts. Be creative

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