Sikadur-30 2011-10 - 1
Sikadur-30 2011-10 - 1
Sikadur-30 2011-10 - 1
Chemical Base Epoxy resin
Packaging 6 kg (A+B) Pre-batched unit
pallets of 480 kg (80 x 6 kg)
Not pre-dosed industrial packaging (pallets at 14 pails):
Component A 30 kg pails
Component B 10 kg pails
Colour Component A: white
Component B: black
Components A+B mixed: light grey
Shelf Life 24 months from date of production
Storage Conditions Store in original, unopened, sealed and undamaged packaging in dry condi-
tions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C. Protect from direct sun-
Density 1.65 kg/l ±0.1 kg/l (components A+B mixed) (at +23 °C)
Compressive Strength Curing Time Curing Temperature (EN 196)
+10 °C +35 °C
12 hours - ~85 N/mm²
1 day ~55 N/mm² ~90 N/mm²
3 days ~70 N/mm² ~90 N/mm²
7 days ~75 N/mm² ~90 N/mm²
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension ~11 200 N/mm² (+23 °C) (ISO 527)
Tensile Adhesion Strength Curing time Substrate Curing Adhesion (EN ISO 4624, EN
temperat- strength 1542, EN 12188)
7 days Concrete +23 °C > 4 N/mm² *
7 days Steel +23 °C > 21 N/mm²
*100 % concrete failure
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 2.5 x 10−5 per °C (Temperature range: -20 °C to +40 °C) (EN 1770)
Heat Deflection Temperature Curing time Curing temperat- HDT (ASTM-D 648)
3 hours +80 °C +53 °C
6 hours +60 °C +53 °C
7 days +35 °C +53 °C
7 days +10 °C +36 °C
Mixing Ratio Component A : Component B = 3 : 1 by weight or volume
When using bulk material the exact mixing ratio must be safeguarded by
accurately weighing and dosing each component.
Layer Thickness 30 mm max.
Sag Flow On vertical surfaces it is non-sag up to (FIP: Fédération Internationale de
3−5 mm thickness at 35 °C la Précontrainte)
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS See the “Method Statement for Sika® CarboDur® Ex-
ternally Bonded Reinforcement” Ref: 850 41 05 and
SUBSTRATE QUALITY the “Method Statement for Sika® CarboDur® Near Sur-
face Mounted Reinforcement” Ref: 850 41 07.
See the Product Data Sheet of Sika® CarboDur® Plates
and Sika® CarboDur® BC rods. CLEANING OF TOOLS
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika®
Colma Cleaner immediately after use. Hardened /
See the “Method Statement for Sika® CarboDur® Ex- cured material can only be removed mechanically.
ternally Bonded Reinforcement” Ref: 850 41 05 and
the “Method Statement for Sika® CarboDur® Near Sur- LIMITATIONS
face Mounted Reinforcement” Ref: 850 41 07.
Sikadur® resins are formulated to have low creep un-
MIXING der permanent loading. However, due to the creep be-
havior of all polymer materials under load, the long
Pre-batched units: term structural design load must account for creep.
Mix componentss A+B together for at least 3 minutes Generally the long term structural design load must be
with a mixing spindle attached to a slow speed electric lower than 20−25 % of the failure load.
drill (max. 300 rpm) until the material becomes A structural engineer must be consulted for load cal-
smooth in consistency and a uniform grey colour. culations for the specific application.
Avoid aeration while mixing. Then, pour the whole mix
into a clean container and stir again for approx. 1 more
minute at low speed to keep air entrapment at a min- BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA
imum. Mix only that quantity which can be used with- All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
in its potlife. based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
Bulk packing, not pre-batched: vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
First, stir each component thoroughly. Add the com-
ponents in the correct proportions into a suitable mix-
ing pail and stir correctly using an electric low speed
mixer as above for pre-batched units.
Please note that as a result of specific local regula-
tions the performance of this product may vary from
country to country. Please consult the local Product
Data Sheet for the exact description of the application
The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
be supplied on request.