Mozart & Schubert - WORKSHEET

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Mozart and Schubert

1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Peter Schubert are two huge names in the
world of classical music. But how much do you know about them? Do the quiz and
find out.
If your answer is Mozart, write M next to the statement. If your answer is Schubert,
write S and if your answer is Both of them, write B.

1. He was born and died in Vienna.

2. His talent was recognised from an early age.

3. He was a student of composer Antonio Salieri.

4. He died before he reached 36.

5. He was famous in his lifetime.

6. He wrote many songs, including Ave Maria.

7. He was married with two children.

8. He earned a lot of money from his music.

9. He died a poor man.

10. His memorial is in Zentralfriedhof (the largest cemetery), in Vienna.

11. He was a member of the secret society, the Freemasons.

12. He was a great fan of the composer Beethoven.

13. He was part of the movement called the Viennese School.

14. He worked as a schoolteacher.

15. He was a composer of the Classical Era (1750-1820).

2. Work in pairs. Read one half of Worksheet B. Then work together with your
partner to check your answers to the quiz.

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Inside Out

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

was born in Salzburg on January 27th, 1756. His father, a musician
and composer, saw that his son had a great talent. At the age of
three, young Wolfgang could play tunes on the piano by ear, and
by the age of six he was composing. His father took him on tour to
play in the courts of Europe from the age of six. He became
famous, but as he grew from boy to man he remained childish
despite his musical genius.
In 1781, at the age of 25, he moved to Vienna. The following year
he gave his first big concert and was a huge success. In the same
year he married Constanze Weber. Over the next eight years they
had six children but only two survived.
In 1784 Mozart joined the Freemasons. The period between 1784
and 1791 saw Mozart at his busiest. Although he made a lot of
money from his music, he and his wife lived beyond their means
and were always running out of money. His health suffered due to
his increased workload and he died of kidney failure in Vienna on December 5th, 1791. He died poor
and was buried in an unmarked grave. Many years later a memorial was erected in the
Zentralfriedhof (the largest cemetery) in Vienna. There have been stories that he was murdered by
composer Antonio Salieri (1750-1825) who was jealous of Mozart’s genius. It seems unlikely as not
only was Salieri a great fan of Mozart’s, he also taught one of Mozart’s sons. Another fan of
Mozart’s was Beethoven (1770-1827), a composer, like Mozart, of the Classical Era (1750-1820).
Both Mozart and Beethoven belong to a group of composers known as the Viennese School.

Franz Peter Schubert

was a composer from the Classical Era (1750-1820) who
belonged to a group of composers known as the Viennese School.
Schubert’s great gift was his poetry, and his many songs, like Ave
Maria, remain as fresh today as when they were first written.
He was born in Vienna on January 31st, 1797. In 1808, at the age
of 11, he passed an audition for the Imperial Chapel and entered
the Stadtkonvit under the direction of the composer Antonio
Salieri (1750-1825). Salieri recognised young Schubert’s talent
and remained his teacher long after Schubert had left the
Stadtkonvit. At the age of 16 Schubert composed his first
symphony. However, rather than rely on his music to provide him
with an income, he trained as a teacher, like his father. While he
taught, he continued composing, writing 600 songs, five
symphonies and two masses by the time he was 20. The
following year Schubert left teaching and decided to become a freelance musician. Although his
output was extensive, he didn’t really earn much money from it. He relied on his close circle of well-
connected friends to provide food and accommodation. At the time of his death, only less than 100 of
his 1,000 songs had been published. The rest were not published until more than 40 years after his
Schubert was a great fan of the composer Beethoven (1770-1827), and carried a torch at the funeral
of the great man, in 1827. 10,000 people gathered at Beethoven’s funeral, whereas only a handful
were in the same place one year later to bury Franz Schubert who, at 31 years old, had died of
typhoid. Schubert’s memorial is next to Beethoven’s in the Zentralfriedhof in Vienna.

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