Music Appreciation Syllabus

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Music Appreciation Syllabus

Fall 2021: Block 3

Choir Room 102

Teacher: Ehan Hartung Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: 816-316-5817 Email: [email protected]

Course Description

Music Appreciation is a survey course that explores the connections between musical elements
and time periods. Throughout the semester, students will develop new approaches to music
listening and reception. Students will also practice their critical thinking, analysis, presentation
skills, and awareness of other cultures and traditions than their own.

Expected Student Outcome Goals

Throughout this course, students will:

1. Listen, study and internalize the evolution and stylistic characteristics of principal forms
of music primarily after 1900.
2. Explore the stylistic elements and performance practices associated with these various
3. Develop a comprehensive analysis on one piece of music from these periods.
4. Continue to enhance philosophy and approach of quality in trends of both historical and
future music.
5. Have open, safe discussions with classmates on the findings of analyses and personal
6. Develop advanced presentational, writing, and communication skills.

Course Objectives

It is expected that after completion of this course students will be able to:

1. Categorize and summarize characteristics of historic forms including genres, significant

composers, performers, and cultures of music.

2. Demonstrate research techniques and the collection of information on assigned topics.

3. Demonstrate cursory knowledge of musical elements and analysis.
4. Demonstrate professional, organized presentational skills and supplementary materials.
5. Demonstrate comprehension and ability to write succinctly and proficiently with the
usage of quality primary and secondary scholarly research sources.
6. Demonstrate collaboration and discussion efforts with fellow classmates on a variety of
Required Materials

• Writing utensil
• Lined paper/notebook
• Folder

• Laptop or iPad (phones not accepted)

Writing Submissions

All written documents should be first approved by the teacher for clarity and neatness.

All typed documents should be:

1. In Times New Roman, Calibri, Cambria, or Arial font, in 12-pt size
2. Submitted electronically to the teacher on the day it is due, prior to class. No late
assignments will be accepted.

Any assignment without a name will be given 0 points without a chance for edit. The paper
must be rewritten to receive full points. TAKE CREDIT FOR YOUR WORK!


Presenters will be given 10 minutes to present their findings and research on a selected piece at
the end of the semester. Presentations must include a visual element (PowerPoint or similar
software/online presentation tool, poster, props, etc.). Additionally, the presenter must
incorporate audio/video recordings and score excerpt examples to supplement the presentation.

1. Presentations must adhere to given time limits and should be practiced prior to the
presentation date.
2. Presenters are to be dressed appropriately for a presentation or demonstration.
3. Each student is responsible for providing written and brief verbal feedback for their
4. A strict reading of the lecture/presentation will not result in a passing grade.
5. Assessment Criteria for presentations is outlined in each project rubric.


Attendance is crucial for developing your knowledge in all course material and for engagement
in collaborative group discussions. In the case of an illness or emergency contact the teacher
prior to class for it to be considered as an excused absence. Promptness to class is expected.

*School and athletic events will be considered excused absences as long as notice is given at
least one week prior to the scheduled event. *

2 Unexcused Absence: (for illness or emergency) no consequence

3 Unexcused Absences: grade lowered one letter
4 Unexcused Absences: grade lowered two letters
5 Unexcused Absences: grade lowered three letters

2 Tardies = One Unexcused Absence


Assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on the day they are due and late
assignments will not be accepted.

Listening Reflections:
Every week, students will be assigned a listening reflection during class. These reflections will
be submitted to the teacher and collected throughout the semester. For their final presentation,
students will be allowed to use their reflections to inform their research and writing.

In-Class Discussion: Each student will have the opportunity discuss, argue, and interpret
observations about music with their peers. These discussions will be safe, appropriate, civil, and
challenging. Student involvement will be notated for points. Any student who does not wish to
participate in the discussion will not receive points.

Mini Research Prompts: Every 2-4 weeks, students will be assigned a piece of music to listen to
and report back on. Each student will give a brief summary of the piece (composer/performer,
dates, historical significance, etc.) their best assessment of what they heard, and their honest
interpretation/opinion of it.

Assessment Criteria Assessment Scale

Daily Class Preparation/Materials: 300pts 930-1000 points = A

In-Class Discussion: 400pts 900-929 points = A-
Mini Research Prompts: 150 pts 870-899 points = B+
Final Presentation: 150 pts 830-869 points = B
800-829 points = B-
770-799 points = C+
730-769 points = C
700-729 points = C-
630-699 points = D+
600-629 points = D
599 pts – below = F
Communication Policy

The main form of communication to students is expected to be through your school email. Please
refrain from using your personal email accounts to communicate with the conductor.

Weekly Schedule (Subject to Change)

Week Topic Prep/Reading Assignment Due

Week 1: Aug 23-27 What Do You In-Class: Sep
Already Know? Homework: 3
-Mini-Pres on Musical
Piece (Student Choice)
-Syllabus and Contract
Week 2: Aug 30-Sep 3 Historical YouTube In-Class: Listening Sep
Periods links Homework: 6
Overview Medieval/Renaissance
or Baroque collage
Week 3: Sep 6-10 Historical YouTube In-Class: Listening Sep
Periods links Homework: 13
Overview Classical or
(cont.) Renaissance collage
Week 4: Sep 13-17 The Elements Leonard In-Class: Listening Sep
of Music: The Bernstein Homework: 20
Big Picture Lecture Musical Analysis
Excerpt (Group A)
Week 5: Sep 20-24 The Elements Musical Form In-Class: Listening Sep
of Music: Homework: 27
Under the Musical Analysis
Microscope Excerpt (Group B)
Week 6: Sep 27-Oct 1 Connecting the In-Class: Listening Oct
Past and the Homework: 4
Present Mini-Pres on Musical
Piece (Teacher Choice)
Week 7: Oct 4-8 Connecting the In-Class: Listening Oct
Past and the Homework: 11
Present (cont.) Study Guide/Rubric
Week 8: Oct 11-15 Review & In-Class: Listening
Midterm Homework:
Week 9: Oct 18-22 New Song What is In-Class: Listening
Forms and the Ragtime? Homework:
Turn of the (YouTube)
Century 2:39-5:45
Week 10: Oct 25-29 Influences of The Birth of In-Class: Listening Nov
Other Cultures Jazz Homework: 1
The Blues Scale
Week 11: Nov 1-5 Influences of Rhythm and In-Class: Listening Nov
Other Cultures Blues Homework: 8
Week 12: Nov 8-12 Jazz to Rock N’ Is Blues the In-Class: Listening Nov
Roll (20’s to Mother of All Homework: 15
60’s) Music? Blues Scale
Week 13: Nov 15-19 Rock N’ Roll to What is Pop? In-Class: Listening Nov
Modern Pop The Influence Homework: 22
of Culture How has culture
affected music?
Week 14: Nov 22-26 R&B Was Here Evolution of In-Class: Listening Nov
the Whole Time R&B Homework: 29
Improv Revisited
Week 15: Nov 29-Dec 3 Modern Groove In-Class: Listening Dec
R&B/Hip-Hop Explained Homework: 6
What does groove mean
to you?
Week 16: Dec 6-10 Where Are We Fusion In-Class: Listening Dec
Headed? Homework: 13
Study Guide/Rubric
Week 17: Dec 13-17 Review and In-Class: Listening
Final Exam Homework:
Grandview High School
Music Appreciation
Mr. Hartung
Block 3
Room 102

I have read and understand this syllabus in its entirety. I understand the expectations, goals, and
consequent rewards or outcomes for my efforts. I also understand that I am in charge of my
success and that my work will always be reflected in my final grades.

___________________________ _________________________________
Student Name: Student Signature:

___________________________ _________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Signature:

**This form is to be completed and returned to Mr. Hartung no later than August 27th, 2021**

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