Economy of The Early Roman Empire

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Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 20, Number 1—Winter 2006 —Pages 133–151

The Economy of the Early

Roman Empire

Peter Temin

M any inhabitants of ancient Rome lived well. Tourists marvel at the

temples, baths, roads and aqueducts that they built. Historians write,
“The Rome of 100 A. D. had better paved streets, sewage disposal, water
supply, and fire protection than the capitals of civilized Europe in 1800” (Mokyr,
1990, p. 20). Economists also want to understand the existence of a flourishing and
apparently prosperous economy two millennia ago. Market institutions and a stable
government appear to have been the combination that produced this remarkable
The evidence for this assertion unhappily is very limited, and historians who
start from different vantage points easily can disagree with one another. Ancient
economic history is in its infancy, both because few economists have learned much
about the ancient world and because ancient historians have typically not incorpo-
rated economics into their analysis. This essay provides an economist’s view of the
Roman economy that emphasizes the role of markets. Some ancient historians and
archaeologists have been receptive to this economic point of view, while others
disagree strongly with it.1
I focus on the early Roman Empire, which followed the Roman Republic in

Previous generations of ancient historians divided into “modernists,” who followed Marx as applied to
ancient history by Rostovtzeff (1958), and “primitivists,” who followed Polanyi as applied to ancient
history by Finley (1973). Ancient historians today universally argue that these positions are outmoded
and counterproductive, but they frequently lapse into one position or the other when pushed. This essay
argues that the Roman economy was more market-oriented than the medieval economy. I summarize
research reported in Temin (2001, 2004a, 2004b, 2005) and in Kessler and Temin (2005, forthcoming),
where fuller documentation can be found. For an archeological refutation of Finley’s views consistent
with the positions argued here, see Greene (2000).

y Peter Temin is Elisha Gray II Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technol-

ogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts. His e-mail address is 具[email protected]典.
134 Journal of Economic Perspectives

27 BCE with the development under Augustus of a monarchy known as the

Principate. The early Roman Empire was followed in turn by the late Roman
Empire that began around 200 CE, when the failings of Imperial control led to
political and economic instability (Goodman, 1997).2 Most of the surviving Roman
literature comes from the late Republic or the early Empire; today’s Roman ruins
overwhelmingly date from the early Empire. I offer evidence from the late Republic
and early Empire of widespread economic prosperity and possibly economic
I begin with some indications that suggest that the standard of living in ancient
Rome was similar to that of early modern period of seventeenth- and eighteenth-
century Europe, an extraordinary achievement for any economy in the ancient
world. I then argue that ancient Rome managed to achieve this high standard of
living through the combined operation of moderately stable political conditions
and markets for goods, labor and capital, which allowed specialization and effi-
ciency. After surveying the labor and financial markets in turn, I return to the broad
questions of how the Romans prospered and the economy appears to have grown.
Before exploring these themes, I need to explain why all statements about the
Roman economy are inferences from highly incomplete data. The Romans re-
corded most of their day-to-day transactions by incising the wax covering of wooden
oblongs about the size of modern roof shingles. This medium was highly perish-
able, and we have almost no written records of such transactions after two millen-
nia. We therefore are dependent on four kinds of evidence: casual remarks about
the economy in works of literature that have been preserved for other reasons;
proclamations or directives important enough to be chiseled into stone; archaeo-
logical evidence; and papyri from Egypt that were durable in the dry climate of that
land. There is a lot of information, but hardly any of what economists call data.
Our written sources typically are both indirect and late. They are indirect
because they seldom are economic documents, but rather indications of economic
activities in writings about other matters. Plutarch, for example, described the
character of a prominent Roman by saying that Cato (who died in 149 BCE) would
invest in a shipping consortium only if the consortium owned 50 ships and he could
take only one of at least 50 shares. This probably exaggerated observation suggests
that Roman shipping was organized in shifting partnerships similar to those in
colonial American shipping, although the seventeenth-century merchants never
aspired to a partnership of anywhere close to 50 ships. The sources often are late
because only copies or transcriptions of earlier documents have survived. We know
about Roman law principally through a sixth-century code made under Justinian
(an important emperor of that time), and historians debate how much of this code
was operational during the early Roman Empire.
Direct evidence therefore is exceedingly valuable. It comes in two forms. We

Many historians now use BCE for “Before the Common Era” and CE for “Common Era,” rather than
the using the abbreviation BC (“Before Christ”) and AD or “Anno Domini” (“in the year of the Lord”).
BCE and CE are thought to be more descriptive and less rooted in one theological tradition.
Peter Temin 135

find the occasional surviving economic document. The Muziris papyrus, for exam-
ple, records a maritime loan of an amazingly large size for a voyage starting out in
the Red Sea. The poor grammar of the record has led the document’s modern
translator to infer that this was a standard form that a scribe was copying rapidly,
indicating that maritime loans were common and that large loans were not unusual
enough to require separate care. The second form of contemporary evidence is
archaeological; buildings, aqueducts and ports, as well as durable products like
glass, metal and pottery. Ubiquitous amphorae that held olive oil and wine, whose
point of origin often can be determined with some precision, give evidence of
shipping that spread throughout the Mediterranean, and even more common oil
lamps indicate that many similar lamps were produced to extend the Romans’ days.
The volume of Roman shipwrecks and pollution levels in Greenland ice cores dated
to the Roman period provide independent evidence of economic activity in the
early Roman Empire by providing evidence of peaks in metallurgical activity (like
silver and copper smelting) and maritime trade (Hopkins, 1980; Hong, Candelone,
Patterson and Boutron, 1996; Saller, 2002).

The Standard of Living in Ancient Rome

A prominent ancient historian estimated that the Italian peninsula was about
30 percent urbanized in the early Roman Empire (Hopkins, 1978, pp. 68 – 69).
Using urbanization as an index of per capita income (as is routinely done in the
economic history of recent centuries, including David, 1967; Craig and Fisher,
2000, pp. 113–118; and Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson, 2002) suggests that GDP
per capita in Roman Italy was between that in 1700 in the Netherlands and Italy or
Spain, the most advanced European economies a century before the Industrial
Revolution.3 This very rough index is supported by an equally rough calculation of
urban real wages, defined as wages divided by the price of wheat (Allen, 2001;
Temin, 2005). We of course would prefer to have a broader index of the cost of
living, but Roman price data are very scarce.
Incomes were lower outside of Roman Italy, but it is hard to know how much
lower. Ancient historians and Malthusian demographers often speak of “subsis-
tence living,” but subsistence income is more a range than a discrete level. Lower
incomes in this subsistence range lead to slow population growth or population
decline, but not extinction unless famine conditions endure for a long time.
Archaeological evidence of urban growth indicates that population was growing in
the early Roman Empire, suggesting that average provincial consumption was at
least in the upper ranges of subsistence living. Provincial incomes in the early
Roman Empire then may have been in the range of European inland areas in the
1600s and 1700s.

The percentage urban in 1700 was 22 in Belgium and 39 in the Netherlands. It was around 20 for Italy
and Spain and around 10 for England, France and Germany (Craig and Fisher, 2000, p. 115).
136 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Urbanization rates were lower outside Italy, although Alexandria, Antioch and
Carthage were very large. Conventional views set the urbanization rate in the whole
Empire around 10 percent, suggesting that average Roman incomes in Italy were
about twice those in the rest of the Empire. That is similar to the gap in average
incomes and real wages between the high-income and low-income regions in
western Europe in 1700 (Maddison, 2001, p. 264; Allen, 2001). The evidence is
sparse, but not inconsistent with the view that incomes in the early Roman Empire
were comparable to those in late seventeenth century Europe.
Incomes and assets were distributed highly unequally in the early Roman
Empire. A very small elite group at the top of society and the economy, composed
of several hundred “senators” and a several tens of thousand “knights” in a
population of around 50 million, held great wealth—typically in the form of land
(Goldsmith, 1984). At the other end of the distribution were farmers and farm
laborers, both free and slave. In between, closer to the bottom than the top, was a
group of skilled and often literate tradesmen and service workers who provided
varied goods and services for senators and knights. This middling group was too
small to be called a middle class; they are better considered as skilled workers. Any
economic growth may have been captured primarily by the very rich, while poor
people may have suffered as increased interregional contacts promoted disease.
This speculative comparison of Roman and later incomes does not indicate
that the economy of the Roman Empire was an earlier version of early modern
European economies. It differed in several important respects. Romans did not
enjoy good health, and their life expectancy was only about 25 years, similar to
India and China around 1900 (Frier, 2000).4 Not all Romans were sick, of course,
but they lived in a high-disease environment. Malaria was a constant scourge in
Roman Italy, extending from marshes south of Rome that were not cleared until
the twentieth century to the valleys of the city itself (Sallares, 2002). The apparent
cruelty and casual treatment of life that is so typical of Roman life may be in part
a reflection of a more pervasive uncertainty of life.
The Romans lacked printing, and information was far more expensive in
ancient times than in early modern times. Economic historians have argued that
the institutions of “open science” and the Enlightenment were important precur-
sors of the Industrial Revolution (David, 1998, 2004; Mokyr, 2002); such a path to
industrialization would have been much more difficult without printing. In addi-
tion, the early Empire worked on a cash basis; there was no public borrowing. The
Romans were not Protestants, a prominent proxy for growth-enhancing culture.
And they used Roman numerals, which increased the cost of precise calculations.
Explanations for the surprisingly high standard of living in the early Roman
Empire cannot rely on any spectacular technologies of that time. Instead, the

The Model West, level 3, life table is considered descriptive of European Rome; Model South, level 2,
of Roman north Africa. These models imply mortality rates of 40 per thousand, compared with 35 per
thousand in early modern Europe.
The Economy of the Early Roman Empire 137

explanation offered in the following pages suggests that markets for goods, labor
and capital were relatively well-developed in ancient Rome, which in turn encour-
aged specialization and efficiency. These markets were able to work well in the
environment created by public authorities who provided local public services in
cities and a functional rule of law across most of the Empire.

A Mediterranean Market for Goods

Polanyi (1977) asserted that there are three different ways to organize the
economic functions of society: reciprocity, redistribution and exchange. Reciproc-
ity is an informal system in which people aim toward a rough balance between the
goods and services they give and receive, with relative values determined by social
obligations and traditions that change only slowly. Redistribution is a system in
which goods are collected by a central authority and distributed by virtue of custom,
law or ad hoc decision. Exchange is the set of economic transactions in which
people voluntarily exchange goods and services either in barter or for money. This
tripart schema corresponds also to a division of individual behavior. Customary
behavior generally is used for reciprocity, command behavior is typical of redistri-
bution, and instrumental behavior is used in market exchanges (Temin, 1980). We
therefore can discriminate between the various kinds of organizations by combin-
ing evidence from both aggregate and individual behavior.
One place to investigate how the economy was organized is with the problem
of obtaining food for the residents of Rome. The city’s population in the early
Roman Empire generally is estimated at about a million inhabitants. Rome there-
fore needed a lot of supplies—about 150,000 –300,000 tons (20 to 40 million modii)
of grain a year, plus extensive supplies of olive oil and wine. It was far cheaper to
ship food over sea than over land—as it would remain until the advent of the
railroad. Grain was shipped across the Mediterranean to Rome from Sardinia,
Sicily, Egypt and Africa. Olive oil was exported to Rome from Spain and Africa.
If the grain was offered to Rome as tribute or had been commandeered
directly by Roman authorities, then the movement of grain was redistribution. If
the movement resulted from sales of grain by farmers, it was composed of a series
of market exchanges even if the grain was purchased from tax revenues. Hopkins
(1980) began his often-cited discussion of the Roman economy with the “unexcep-
tional” proposition that most Roman taxes were paid in money. He noted that the
tax obligations were too large for customary or reciprocal actions to accomplish
them. Some taxes from Egypt and Africa were paid in kind with grain, and these
were used for free distribution in Rome (the annona), but only a small part of the
grain imported into Rome—perhaps 15 to 30 percent—was for free distribution.
The bulk of grain imports was privately owned. And grain from far away, even when
destined for the annona, was shipped in privately owned ships.
How extensive was the Roman grain market? Economists look first for prices,
but they are very hard to find in ancient sources. When we observe continuous price
138 Journal of Economic Perspectives

series, for Babylonia in the three centuries before the start of the Roman Empire,
we find they moved in a random walk like modern prices (Temin, 2002). Wheat
prices for Rome are much rarer and corrupted by the presence of free distribution
through the annona, but occasional price quotations have survived. Given that
wheat was grown in many places for both local consumption and shipment to major
cities like Rome, prices in outlying areas should have been lower than in Rome, the
largest location of excess demand for wheat.
Kessler and Temin (2005) compared prices in various places with contempo-
raneous prices in Rome. They found only a half-dozen such pairs over two centu-
ries. However, prices appeared to be roughly stable over this period, which makes
it plausible to regress the price difference on the distance from Rome.5
As background for this calculation, it’s useful to know that the monetary system
of Rome was based on the silver denarius. This coin became the ubiquitous penny
of the medieval period and survived into the twentieth century as the “d” in the
abbreviation for pennies in the English pounds-shillings-pence system. The denarius
was divided into four bronze sesterces, which were the common unit of commerce in
the early Roman Empire. Sesterces were divided in turn into four copper asses, and
this European, Latin set of coins was linked to a Middle Eastern, Greek set by a
fixed exchange rate. The silver drachma was the equivalent of the sestertius, and it was
divided into six and later seven bronze obols. For calibration, one modius
(6.5 kilograms) of wheat cost four to six sesterces (on the private market) in Rome
during the first century CE, and the daily wage was between three and four sesterces.6
Figure 1 shows the six available points and a simple regression line drawn
through them. The vertical axis shows local prices less the contemporary Roman
price; the horizontal axis shows distance from Rome. Prices clearly were lower
farther from Rome. The coefficient on distance is the estimated cost of transporting
wheat. Given the roughness of the data, the relatively close fit of this line is
surprising. There must have been times when transport was unavailable or when
local harvests failed and various localities were separated from the general market,
but we probably never will know how often that happened. In the absence of such
impediments, there appears to have been a flourishing wheat market across the
Mediterranean area in the early Roman Empire.
This wheat market was mostly private, although the line between public and
private often was far from clear. Wheat merchants and traders made use of agents,
maritime loans, a strong legal framework, and provisions designed especially for
grain merchants to overcome problems of asymmetric information. Receipts iden-

As one example of the different ways that ancient historians and economists tend to study the world,
the regression reported below Figure 1 was rejected as a fluke by referees for several journals of Roman
Assuming a return on capital of 6 percent (see below), a senator with minimum wealth had an annual
income roughly 100 times that of a fully employed worker at the average wage—about the same gap as
today between earnings at the poverty limit and of the CEO of a middle-sized firm ($20,000 versus
$2 million).
Peter Temin 139

Figure 1
Relationship between Distance and Wheat Price Discount


Price discount from Rome

Palermo (Sicily)
(sesterces per modius)


Madrid (Lusitania)
⫺3 Po valley

⫺3.5 Turkey (Pisidian

⫺4 Egypt (the Fayum)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Distance from Rome (km)
Notes: The specific regression is Price differential (in sesterces per modius) ⫽ ⫺1.10 ⫺ .0012 (distance
from Rome). The t-statistics for the slope coefficient is 3.9. The 5 percent value of the t-statistic for
four degrees of freedom is 2.8. The regression has an adjusted R2 of .74 and F(1,4) of 15.

tified to whom a wheat cargo belonged, to whom it was being shipped and specific
attributes of the grain, such as the year of harvest and the quality of the product.
Some receipts existed in triplicate and were sent to different offices, providing
evidence of a system of quasi-permanent recordkeeping. Merchants also often sent
sealed pots or pouches containing a sample of the grain cargo on trading ships
throughout the late Republic and early Empire. When the cargo arrived at its
destination, the recipient could open the sealed container and test the grain in it
against the grain in the ship’s main hold; any difference suggested that the bulk of
the grain had been degraded in some way, perhaps by adulteration or substituting
a cheaper grain. These seals were signed by the granary official and a merchant,
with an additional signature from a witness.
Informal Roman institutions also proved useful in addressing problems of
incomplete information. Agents and principals typically came from the same elite
social groups, and their informal relations supported and aided their commer-
cial transactions. For example, the primary physical institution for grain infor-
mation exchange in Ostia (the port of Rome) was a large building with a
colonnade surrounded by many small offices that housed numerous types of
merchants, promoting casual communication between merchants (Kessler and
Temin, forthcoming).
Roman Italy gained greatly by being at the hub of an empire and a large
trading network, as Spain and Holland did much later. Rome imported food from
140 Journal of Economic Perspectives

around the Mediterranean, bringing in wheat, olive oil and wine from as far west
as Iberia and as far east as Egypt and the Middle East. The Roman economy of the
first and second centuries CE was integrated enough for areas around the trans-
portation network in the Mediterranean Sea to exploit their comparative advan-
tages. This specialization appears to have promoted operating efficiency in agri-
culture and in processing industries (Greene, 2000). Trade also allowed for
concentration of other activities like amphora and oil-lamp production in one
place. Large workshops may have gained efficiency by sharing administrative costs,
since Roman hand-manufacturing methods did not exhibit many economies of

Labor Markets in the Early Roman Empire

Widespread product markets alone do not suffice to establish the presence of

a market economy. The economy of medieval Europe had product markets, but
only very rudimentary factor markets. Thus, in terms of Polanyi’s (1977) three ways
to organize the economic functions of a society, we infer that medieval economic
life was dominated by redistribution and reciprocity, with urban “islands” of
exchange-oriented market activity (Pirenne, 1925; Bloch, 1961; Epstein, 2000).
Unlike the medieval period, the early Roman empire appears to have had well-
functioning labor and capital markets.
Some Roman rural laborers were paid by piece rates; others, daily wages. There
also were salaried long-term free workers in Egypt in the early Roman Empire.
Workers in large organizations like mines and galleys were paid wages. Craftsmen
sold their wares and also supplied them to patrons in return for long-term eco-
nomic and social support. The episodic nature of monumental building in Rome
was accomplished largely by free laborers and gives evidence of a labor force that
could be diverted from one activity to another. Wages in the early Roman Empire
apparently moved to clear markets. For example, Egyptian real wages rose by
one-third to one-half after the Antonine plague in 165–75 CE (named after the
reigning dynasty) in a clear labor-market response to a sharp decrease in the supply
of labor (Rathbone, 1991; Scheidel, 2002).
Employment contracts give evidence of labor-market activity. One such con-
tract from 164 CE shows that workers were paid only for work done:

In the consulship of Macrinus and Celsus, May 20. I, Flavius Secundinus, at

the request of Memmius son of Asceplius have here recorded the fact that he
declared that he had let, and he did in fact let, his labor in the gold mine to
Aurelius Adjutor from this day to November 13 next for seventy denarii and
board. He shall be entitled to receive his wages in installments. He shall be
required to render healthy and vigorous labor to the above-mentioned em-
ployer. If he wants to quit or stop working against the employer’s wishes, he
The Economy of the Early Roman Empire 141

shall have to pay five sesterces for each day, deducted from his total wages. If a
flood hinders operations, he shall be required to prorate accordingly. If the
employer delays payment of the wage when the time is up, he shall be subject
to the same penalty after three days of grace (CIL III, p. 948 no. 10, translated
in Lewis and Reinhold, 1990, volume 2, pp. 106 –107).

Indeed, this contract suggests that this worker had more right to quit than many
nineteenth-century European workers (Steinfeld, 2001).
Most free workers of course were farmers, typically tenant farmers, and Roman
tenancy contracts allocated risks between landowners and tenants in very much the
same way as analogous contracts did in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century En-
gland to create productive incentives. Major risks beyond the tenants’ control were
borne by the landowners, while minor risks were borne by tenants in return for the
opportunity to earn more and keep their earnings.

Force majeure ought not cause loss to the tenant, if the crops have been
damaged beyond what is sustainable. But the tenant ought to bear loss which
is moderate with equanimity, just as he does not have to give up profits which
are immoderate. It will be obvious that we are speaking here of the tenant who
pays rent in money; for a share-cropper shares loss and profit with the
landlord, as it were by law of partnership (Gaius, D., quoted in
Johnston, 1999, p. 64).

The army must be distinguished from private activities, as it must in modern

economies. The wages of the large Roman army stayed constant for many decades at
a time, and it was staffed by a mixture of attraction and conscription. When the army
was not fighting, which was most of the time in the early Roman Empire, soldiers often
built roads and public monuments near where they were stationed. Since the army was
stationed at the frontiers of the empire, this construction activity did not interfere with
the labor market in Rome or elsewhere in the center of the empire.
The chief argument against the presence of an active labor market in the early
Roman Empire has been the presence of slaves. But in the early Roman Empire,
particularly in cities, slaves were able to participate in the labor market in almost
the same way as free laborers, even if their starting point often was less favorable.
Frequent manumission—that is, freeing of slaves—was a distinguishing feature
of Roman slavery. Slaves in the early Roman Empire could anticipate freedom if
they worked hard and demonstrated skill or accumulated a peculium, money
“owned” by slaves, with which to purchase freedom. (Even though slaves technically
could not own property, the peculium was protected by law from the slave’s owner,
and a freed slave kept his peculium.) The promise of manumission was most
apparent for urban, literate slaves, but it pervaded Roman society. Scheidel (1997)
argued that somewhere about 10 percent of slaves in the early Roman Empire were
freed every five years starting at age 25. For comparison, Fogel and Engerman
(1974, p. 150) reported the manumission rate in the southern United States in the
142 Journal of Economic Perspectives

1850s as just 0.2 percent of slaves in a five-year period, two orders of magnitude
lower than Scheidel’s estimate for Rome.7
Anthropologists distinguish between “open” slavery, in which slaves can be
freed and accepted fully into general society, and “closed” slavery, in which slaves
are a separate group, not accepted into general society and not allowed to marry
among the general population when freed. Roman slavery conformed to the open
model, again in sharp contrast to American slavery. Freedmen were granted Roman
citizenship; their children could be town councilors, and their grandchildren could
be knights (Garnsey and Saller, 1987, pp. 113–114). Freed slaves retained the
names of and connections with their former owners and could be identified as
members of their owners’ family, providing former slaves with a reputation that
helped them to operate in the economy. A productive freedman also increased the
reputation and income of his former owner and his family. Freedmen could marry
other Roman citizens, and marriages of widows with freedmen were common.
Children and grandchildren of freedmen were accepted fully into Roman society.
The combination of frequent manumission and open slavery created incen-
tives for slaves to act well and obtain their freedom—to work hard and hasten the
day when they would be free workers. Slavery in fact was the most common formal,
legally enforceable long-term labor contract in the early Roman Empire. Roman
slaves worked in all kinds of activities; rural slave jobs were as varied as the known
range of urban or household free jobs. A slave might hold a managerial job, like a
vilicus, the manager of a Roman farm. Slaves also were at least as valuable as free
men for commercial agents because they could act as agents for land owners and
merchants in the same way as their sons; there are frequent references to slave
agents in the surviving sources. Ancient slave owners often encouraged slaves to be
educated to perform responsible economic roles, since education increased the
value of slave labor to the owner. Cato educated slaves for a year and then sold them
in a sort of primitive business school.8
Some ambitious poor people in the early Roman Empire even sold themselves
into slavery as a long-term employment contract that offered a greater chance of
advancement than the life of the free poor. A noted ancient historian stated: “The
disproportionately high representation of freedmen among the funerary inscrip-
tions from Italian cities reflects the fact that ex-slaves were better placed to make a
success of themselves in the urban economy than the freeborn poor: upon manu-
mission many of the ex-slaves started with skills and a business” (Saller, 2000,

An intermediate rate of manumission was found in antebellum Louisiana, although most of the freed
slaves were children under ten, and the majority of the adults freed were women—presumably the
children’s mothers (Cole, 2005).
Plutarch, Cato Major, 21. This story illustrates the great contrast with American slavery, where slave
education was prohibited to avoid slave revolts. Anyone who tried to educate American slaves would have
been jailed and fined: “If a white person assemble with Negroes for the purpose of instructing them to
read or write, he shall be confined to jail not exceeding six months and fined not exceeding one
hundred dollars” (Va. Code [1848], 747– 48).
Peter Temin 143

p. 835). Roman slavery in some ways resembled the processes of apprenticeship and
indenture in early modern Europe, which reveals the integration of Roman slavery
into the overall labor market. Slaves even owned slaves; a document from London
around 100 CE reports that a Gallic slave-girl called Fortunata was sold for
600 denarii to Vegetus, a slave who was a Roman official in London (Tomlin, 2003,
p. 49).
The cruelty in ancient slavery has been vividly described, but the cruelty was
more characteristic of Rome as a whole than of slavery alone. For example, the
miserable condition of slaves working in the bakery overseen by Apuleius’ golden
ass (Golden Ass, 9.2) do not illustrate the harsh conditions of Roman slavery, but
rather the dismal conditions of ordinary labor in pre-industrial economies.9 As
Gibbon (1776 –1788 [2003], p. 36) elegantly phrased it: “Hope, the best comfort of
our imperfect condition, was not denied to the Roman slave; and if he had any
opportunity of rendering himself either useful or agreeable, he might very naturally
expect that the diligence and fidelity of a few years would be rewarded with the
inestimable gift of freedom.” Slaves were interchangeable with free wage laborers in
many situations, part of an integrated labor force in the early Roman Empire.

Financial Markets in the Early Roman Empire

Romans loaned money to each other with great frequency. Some of these loans
were to finance consumption; others were for production. Columella (who died
around 70 CE) advised people setting up vineyards to include the interest on
invested money among their costs as a matter of course:

And if the husbandman would enter this amount as a debt against his
vineyards just as a moneylender does with a debtor, so that the owner may
realize the aforementioned six per cent. interest on that total as a perpetual
annuity, he should take in 1950 sesterces every year. By this reckoning the
return on seven iugerum, even according to the opinion of Graecinus, exceeds
the interest on 32,480 sesterces (On Agriculture, 3, 3, 7–11).

Columella’s advice shows financial sophistication, and he seems to have been

suggesting that loans can be used to promote productive investments. He clearly
understood that investors need to think about the opportunity cost of invested
funds, whether borrowed or not.
Many loans were made to finance trade. Merchants typically were at the center
of European capital markets before the Industrial Revolution, and they appear to

Garnsey and Saller (1987, p. 119) used this example to show the conditions of Roman slaves, but
Garnsey also recommends Bread and Roses, a movie about a Latina janitor in Los Angeles, as a good guide
to the conditions of Roman slavery.
144 Journal of Economic Perspectives

have played a key role in ancient finance as well. For example, loans were used
extensively to finance maritime trade in classical Athens, and maritime loans
appear to have been widespread as well in Rome, albeit not as well documented.
The Muziris papyrus was identified as a master contract for a standard maritime
loan of the early Roman Empire, as noted above. This particular loan was for a
shipment worth seven million sesterces, 20 times the size of Columella’s hypothetical
agricultural investment and seven times the minimum property requirement to be
a senator.
Roman merchants and shippers could purchase insurance; they were able to
borrow with repayment conditional on a safe return. The interest rate charged was
higher than usual and not subject to the normal limitation of 1 percent per month
in an explicit acknowledgement that the payment included both interest and
insurance. A legal principle stated: “Money lent on maritime loans can bear interest
at any rate because it is at the risk of the lender as long as the voyage lasts” (Paulus,
Sent. II, xiv, 3, quoted in de Ste. Croix, 1974).
The commercial nature of these loans indicates that they were extended to
business associates, not just to friends or relatives, but financial markets in ancient
times were far from anonymous. Landowners and merchants were known at least by
reputation to moneylenders. Loans were numerous enough for contemporary
commentators to speak of a market rate of interest separate from the rate on any
particular loan, which has meaning only if it was possible for people to borrow at
this rate more or less on demand. Cicero commented that “interest [rates] went up
on the Ides of July from 1/3 to 1/2 percent [per month]” (Cicero, Atticus, 4, 15, 7).
There also was “a 60 per cent drop in interest-rates after Augustus brought back
treasure from Egypt” (Duncan-Jones, 1994, p. 21).
A common rate for loans seems to have been 1 percent a month or 12 percent
per year, which was the official maximum and also the default rate. The presence
of so many loans at this fixed rate indicates that this market probably was not totally
free, but alternative interest rates did exist. We find many examples of interest rates
below 12 percent, often at 6 percent, and even have examples of higher rates. Livy
(History, 35, 7) reported that prohibitions against higher rates were evaded in the
Roman Republic by transferring loans to foreigners who were not subject to rate
restrictions—which means that it apparently was easy and common to transfer
ownership of commercial loans among interested parties.
Banks were in operation in Greece before the Roman conquest and continued
after the Romans came.10 The most famous banks were on Delos, where there were
both temple and private banks. Apollo made loans with houses as security (what we
now would regard as mortgages) through his temple, a free-standing religious
institution. Argentarii in Rome received deposits and made loans; they clearly were

Ancient historians and modern economists fortunately employ the same definition of a bank, which
makes it relatively straightforward to discuss to what extent loans and banks were present in the early
Roman Empire.
The Economy of the Early Roman Empire 145

commercial banks. Some deposits were “sealed,” that is, preserved physically intact,
and did not pay interest, while others were not sealed and paid interest. Lucius
Caecilius Jucundus may be the most famous Roman banker visible to us, since the
burial of Pompeii in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE preserved some of
his transitory records. He received goods on consignment, made arrangements for
their sale, paid merchants when goods were sold and loaned money to purchasers.
Since Jucundus was not a merchant, where did he get the capital to lend money to
purchasers? There is only one surviving tablet showing Jucundus holding a deposit,
but if he held deposits like other argentarii, he was a banker (Andreau, 1974).
Another group of tablets provides a window into the economic affairs of the
Sulpicii, businessmen from Puteoli, in the middle of the first century CE. The
tablets provide direct evidence of commercial loans extended to facilitate trade
through the port of Puteoli. The Sulpicii obtained money to lend from the
households of the Emperor and senators, represented by slaves and freedmen; one
Imperial slave loaned the Sulpicii 94,000 sesterces. The Sulpicii clearly were acting as
financial intermediaries, because the risks of individual loans were borne by the
Sulpicii, not the Emperor (or the slave). Like most other ancient banks, the Sulpicii
were what we call a private bank today, composed of a partnership of closely related
Cicero noted the interconnection of financial markets around the Roman
world, describing conditions in 66 BCE by reference to events 20 years earlier:

Coinciding with the loss by many people of large fortunes in Asia, we know
that there was a collapse of credit at Rome owing to suspension of payment.
. . . This system of credit and finance which operates at Rome, in the Forum,
is bound up in, and depends on capital invested in Asia; the loss of the one
inevitably undermines the other and causes its collapse (Pro lege Manilia, 7,

It is possible that these linked financial markets were connected by loans from
one individual to another, but it is far more likely that Roman loans to Asia were
done by making use of banks such as the Egyptian one that reported in 155 CE:
“Paid into the bank of Titus Flavius Eutychides by Eudaemon, son of Sarapion, and
partners, overseers . . . for the rent of the 17th year, one talent and four thousand
drachmae [10,000 sesterces], on condition that an equivalent amount should be paid
at Alexandria to the official in charge of the stemmata, total of 1 tal., 4000 dr.” (P.
Fayum 87 in Grenfell, Hunt and Hogarth, 1900, pp. 220 –222).11

“Tax farming” is well documented in the late Republic, before the period that is the main focus of this
paper. Tax farmers, publicani, often organized into joint-stock companies, societates publicanorum. They
bid on the right to collect taxes in an area, which meant that they in effect gave a loan to the
government. They then collected taxes, often in-kind, and converted them to cash. Tax farming
continued into the early Empire and appears to have been replaced eventually by direct tax collection
(Badian, 1972, p. 76 –78; Malmendier, 2005).
146 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Various sorts of religious activities received resources to serve as endowments.

These endowments were not banks, but they extended loans like banks. When the
resources were in the form of money, as they often were, the funds were loaned out
to earn interest and support the activities of the endowment. In one inscription
from the reign of Antoninus Pius, the donor gave 50,000 sesterces in coin to the
Collegium of Aesculapius and Hygeia near Rome with instructions to the
60 members of the association to loan out the funds and then to use the returns to
fund their feasts and other activities (CIL, 6, 10234). Unlike banks in eighteenth-
century England, which were clustered almost exclusively in London, temples and
endowments were spread among the minor cities of the early Roman Empire.
In government finance, the Roman Empire differed greatly from financial
systems in early modern England and the Dutch Republic, which were dominated
by government borrowing and in which government loans provided collateral
which aided a system of credit intermediation to develop. The Roman Empire did
not borrow; it ran on a cash basis. For the imperial government to avoid borrowing,
it needed to accumulate tax revenues for future expenditures. We know these
balances were loaned out from an exchange of letters between Pliny the Younger
and Trajan in 109 or 110 CE, when Pliny was a provincial governor in Asia Minor.
Pliny (Letters, 10, 54 –55) wrote that tax revenues were accumulating at the local
government, but that they might lie idle because no one wanted to borrow at the
offered rate of 9 percent.12
Pliny asked the Emperor if he should allocate the funds to town councilors by
fiat. Trajan responded, “I see no other method of facilitating the placing out of the
public money, than by lowering the interest . . . To compel persons to receive it,
who are not disposed to do so, when possibly they themselves may have no
opportunity of employing it, is by no means consistent with the justice of my
government.” Local governments holding government revenues for future uses
apparently loaned out this money as a matter of course; Pliny wrote to avoid having
the funds sit idle in some strong box. Trajan’s response was to choose a market
solution over an administrative one, and his imperial directive had the force of law.

From Markets to Growth

Given the widespread use of markets in goods, labor and financial capital in
the early Roman Empire, there is reason to believe that resources were used
relatively efficiently. However, the discussion of markets does not indicate how

To give the flavor of the difficulties of researching the ancient world, I note that the interest rate in
this letter is unclear from the Latin: duodenis assibus. This might refer to 12 out of 16 asses to a denarius,
meaning 3⁄4 percent a month, or 9 percent annually, for a loan of 100 denarii; or it might mean 12 asses,
one a month, indicating the maximum legal rate of 12 percent for a loan of 100 asses. The lower rate
appears more likely because it fits with the normal practice of quoting rates on a monthly basis. See
Billeter (1898, p. 105).
Peter Temin 147

there were enough resources to make Roman incomes comparable to those in

western Europe around 1700, assuming the speculative calculations reported ear-
lier are reliable. One way to explore this question is to consider various factors that
might have enriched the Romans. The usual suspects are technology and educa-
tion, to which we need to add the spoils from conquest. In line with work on more
recent economic growth, we progress to consideration of political conditions and
legal frameworks.
Roman technology clearly did not resemble the Industrial Revolution. How-
ever, by the standards of the time, the Romans did make many technological
improvements. Their most impressive innovations were concrete and the Roman
arch, giving rise to internal spaces like temples and baths, and extensive public
works like aqueducts and theaters. Roman cities—almost all on the same pattern—
are still a marvel. The purpose of many surviving structures, however, was not just
for consumption. The Pont-du-Gard, to take only the most famous of examples, was
not only a structure to bring water for the residents of Arles to bathe in, watch in
fountains and drink, it also was part of an agricultural irrigation system tapped at
several points for irrigation and even power for milling grain (Greene, 2000).
Water-power was used on a wide scale and in diversified forms by the first century
CE, and archeologists are discovering ever more evidence of the widespread use of
new technologies in the early Roman Empire. Both horizontal and vertical water
wheels were used widely to power grain mills, saw mills and grain pounders.
Hydraulic mining techniques using water to sluice, crush and sort ores “remained
unsurpassed again until the nineteenth century” (Wilson, 2002, p. 31).
One way to evaluate the impact of technological change is to look at the extent
of consumption over subsistence it allowed. The extensive urbanization of the early
Roman Empire, particularly in Italy, has been noted already. Senators and knights
lived well, as a small elite can do even in poor societies, but they were not alone.
The poor were helped by the free distribution of food (the annona mentioned
earlier) and the public provision of water, streets and even recreation. In addition
to the public provisions for urban residents, the government also supported a
standing army of about 250,000 men. Mostly idle, these soldiers were to dispel
internal dissent more than external enemies. They were maintained and used for
local construction activities by moderate taxation (Goodman, 1997, pp. 82– 83).
The upper classes were educated in Rome, as were most urban slaves. Literacy
appears to have been universal for any Roman in a managerial role and may have
extended to skilled workers as well. We do not have literacy data, but the prevalence
of written records suggests that literacy was widespread enough to be assumed by
participants in economic transactions (Harris, 1989). Graffiti on the walls of
Pompeii confirm this view (Lewis and Reinhold, 1990, volume 2, pp. 237, 277–278).
They range from political plugs (“The goldsmiths unanimously urge the election of
Gaius Cuspius Pansa as aedile.”) to small business notices (“A copper pot is missing
from this shop. 65 sesterces reward if anybody brings it back.”) to a prostitute’s sign
(“I am yours for 2 asses cash.”) to what we now think of as graffiti (“Take your lewd
looks and flirting eyes off another man’s wife, and show some decency on your
148 Journal of Economic Perspectives

face!”). Rome was a literate society, and that undoubtedly helped raise incomes. It’s
worth remembering that literacy rates in eighteenth-century England were not high
by contemporary European standards, and we do not know how literacy promotes
growth in agrarian societies.
The city of Rome was the center of a large empire, and the Romans managed
to bring a lot of the empire’s assets to Rome, whether as taxes, booty or slaves. The
agrarian tax rate was only about 10 percent of output, and much of it was spent on
the army outside Rome (Hopkins, 1980). Booty, in the form of landholdings
outside Italy, and slaves were more important. Such transfers explain why Roman
Italy was richer than other parts of the Roman Empire, but transfers cannot explain
why the Empire was productive.
The early Roman Empire had political institutions that promoted economic
activity. Primary among these assets was security for private individuals. When a
society moves from rulers who demand money in exchange for protection (and
under implicit threat of violence) to nonviolent rulers who charge taxes in a
framework of law, the stage is set for economic growth. Greek city states had created
political conditions that promoted local stability, but the Romans were the first in
the West to establish a wide area within which business could be transacted
relatively safely. The Roman Republic expanded what would become the Pax
Romana as its conquests mounted, and it cleared the Mediterranean of pirates in
67 BCE.
A related step is to have a legal framework for business. Roman law is well-
known; it was the basis for many modern European legal systems. It originated in
the Twelve Tables in the fifth century BCE, a list of private rights and judicial
procedures that were engraved on tablets and publicly posted.13 During the Roman
Republic leading up to the early Roman Empire, the legal code grew largely as
common law. The “classic period” of Roman law is roughly the period of the early
Roman Empire, and I have cited Roman laws repeatedly in this description of the
economy. Roman lawyers, known as jurists, appear to have been more like modern
judges in their interpretation of received law and its application to specific circum-
stances. Roman law was used throughout the early Empire, undoubtedly mixed with
local laws. Roman law seems to have had primacy in the provinces, both because of
the influence of Roman governors and other administrators and because it super-
seded local customs (Johnston, 1999).
A variety of social and informal institutions complemented both law and
markets. Families, extended households of slaves and freedmen, and friends were
used to reduce the extent of adverse selection and the opportunity for moral
hazard. Agents and principals typically came from the same elite social groups, and
their informal relations supported and aided their commercial transactions. Some
ancient historians have presented an economy of friends as a substitute for a more
formal market, but in fact they are complements. One ancient historian concluded,

A translation can be found at 具典.
The Economy of the Early Roman Empire 149

“Little of what we have found can be considered unique for the Roman economy”
(Verboven, 2002, p. 351).
These observations are general and impressionistic. Yet it seems clear that
prosperity was widespread in the early Roman Empire and that these factors must
have contributed to it. The serious job of comparing Roman institutions and
practices to those of early modern Europe has just begun.
Around the start of the third century CE, the early Roman Empire came to an
end under the pressure of a number of problems: several emperors who were
exceptionally autocratic and excessive and a series of revolts by the army which in
turn led to Rome being ruled by a series of short-term emperors.14 The disruption
manifested itself in many ways, including increased inflation in the third century
CE that is visible to us through debased coinage and occasional price quotations.
Inflation was less than 1 percent in the first and second centuries CE, but prices
doubled after the Antonine plague of the late second century and doubled again
soon thereafter. The denarius began to be progressively debased at this same time
(Harl, 1996).
Banks were the canaries in the Roman market economy, and they disappeared
in the course of the third century. Argentarii had little reason to puzzle out the
difference between real and nominal interest rates before 200; they apparently were
unable to do so fast enough to survive. Diocletian’s Price Edict (Lewis and Reinhold,
1990, volume 2, pp. 422– 426), one of several attempts to stem the inflation, reveals
that many markets still were operating around 300 CE, but taxes in kind multiplied,
and command economies grew. By the time of the Dark Ages in about the fifth
century CE, there were still markets, but no longer a market economy. Roman
agricultural technology and city planning were abandoned, education decreased,
and long-distance trade in bulk commodities vanished. The Pax Romana ended, and
Roman law was forgotten in Europe for close to a millennium.
All societies organize their economic functions through a mixture of redistri-
bution, reciprocity and market exchange. From an economic point of view, the
important characteristic of the early Roman Empire was the relatively large role
played by market forces, certainly as compared to the medieval economy that would
follow. Large-scale production and movements of resources in the early Roman
Empire were dominated by markets. This mode of organization promoted the
exploitation of comparative advantage, helped by political stability, personal secu-
rity, and widespread education. It also promoted a modest rate of economic growth
that resulted in the prosperity of the early Roman Empire, which was not to be
equaled in the West for almost two millennia thereafter.

The literature on the fall of the Roman Empire, starting with Gibbon (1776 –1788 [2003]), is large
and inconclusive.
150 Journal of Economic Perspectives


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