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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 15026 (2002): Tunneling Methods in Rock Masses --

Guidelines [CED 48: Rock Mechanics]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 15026:2002
(Reaffirmed - 2012)

Indian Standard

ICS 93.060

0 BIS 2002


NEW DELHI 110002

June 2002 Price Group 10

Rock Mechanics SectionaI Committee, CED 48


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Rock
Mechanics Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.

Tunneling is an art practized by all engineers, geologists, planners and people. Failures should be regarded as
challenges and opportunities for generating new vital knowledge and thereby increasing self-reliance in the
tunneling. The key to success is team spirit and love for rocks and nature.

The most challenging construction problem is the squeezing ground condition which is encountered in weak
rock masses under high rock cover. Further the shear zones are met frequently in lower Himalayan region.
Special treatment is necessary to support shear zones in the tunnels.

The design of underground excavations is, to a large extent, the design of underground support system. These
can range from no support in the case of a temporary excavation in good rock to the use of fully grouted and
tensioned bolts or cables with mesh; and sprayed concrete of Steel Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete (SFRS) or steel
rib with concrete for the support of a large permanent civil engineering excavation.

The philosophy of design of any underground excavation should be to utilise the rock mass itself as the principal
structural materials, creating as little disturbance as possible during the excavation process and adding as little
as possible in the way of shotcrete or steel supports. The extent to which this design aim can be met depends
upon the geological conditions which exist at site and the extent to which the designer is aware of these conditions.

There are many difficult geological conditions and extraordinary geological occurrences such as intra-thrust
zones, very wide shear zones, geothermal zones of high temperature, cokllhot water springs, water charged
rock masses, intrusions, etc. These are very difficult to forecast. Innovative methods of tunneling will have to
be invented. Experts must be consulted.

The composition of the technical Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex A.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

1S 15026:2002

Indian Standard
1 SCOPE [S No. Title
Part 2 Rock mass quality for predic-
This standard provides guidelines for rock tunneling
tion of support pressure in under-
in Himalayan and other geological regions in India.
ground openings
In view of the difficulties in forecasting geological
formations along deep and long tunnels particularly 3 PROBE HOLES
in complex geological environment, the suggested
Long tunnels, sometime pass through complex
strategy of tunneling is such that tunneling could be
geological conditions particularly in case of deep
done smoothly in usually all ground conditions. This
tunnel. Geological predictions in deep tunnel are hard
standard recommends strongly adoption of the steel
to make merely on the basis of surface observations.
fibre reinforced shotcrete to cope up with even
If the site conditions require, probe holes may be
squeezing ground conditions. The use of steel ribs
drilled at the face of the tunnel for about 20 m length
should be restricted to highly squeezing or swelling
along the tunnel alignment. These probe holes will
rock conditions only.
give reliable geological and geotechnical information
2 REFERENCES in advance of tunneling. It will help in suggesting
the strategy of tunneling.
The Indian Standards given below contain provisions
which through reference in this text, constitute 4 EFFECT OF SEISMICITY
provision of this standard. At the time of publication,
A tunnel in a seismic area is likely to be affected near
the editions indicated were valid. Afl standards are
the portals and in neighbourhood of faults and thrusts.
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
The effect is observed to be up to a distance along
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
tunnel within + B on both sides of the faults/thrusts,
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
where B is spanlsize of the opening. The design
standards indicated below:
support pressure in the affected length of tunnel may
IS No. Title be taken as 1.25 times of ultimate support pressure
432 Mild steel and medium tensile steel [see IS 13365 (Part 2)].
bars and hard-drawn steel wire for
concrete reinforcement: 5 TUNNEL INSTRUMENTATION
(Part 1): 1982 Mild steel and medium tensile steel 5.1 Instrumentation of tunnel openings should be done
bars (third revision) where squeezing ground condition is expected. The
(Part 2): 1982 Hard-drawn steel wire (third revi- survival rate of tunnel instruments is generally as low
sion) as 30 percent. Therefore many sections of the tunnel
456:2000 Code of practice for plain and should be instrumented so that enough instruments
reinforced concrete ~ourth revision) survive and reliable data are obtained. The post
800:1984 Code of practice for general monitoring of support system in squeezing ground
construction in steel should also be carried out until support system has
4880 Code of practice for design of tunnels stabilized with time. In cases of squeezing ground
(Part 6) :1971 conveying water: Part 6 Tunnel conditions, observed vertical and horizontal tunnel
support closures should be less than four percent of tunnel
5878 Code of practice for construction of width and height, respectively.
tunnels conveying wate~
(Part 4): 1971 Tunnel supports 5.2 Instrumentation should also be done at other
(Part 6): 1975 Steel lining locations as per needs of the site.
9012:1978 Recommended practice for
9179:1979 Method for the preparation of rock 6.1 Table 1 classifies various ground conditions for
specimen for laboratory testing tunneling. Rock bursts are rare in tunneling for civil
13365 Guidelines for the quantitative engineering projects. Table 2 suggests the method of
(Part 2): 1992 classification systems of rock mass: excavation, type of supports and precautions for



IS 15026:2002

Table 1 Classification of Ground Conditions for Tunneling

(Clause 6.1)

S1 Ground sub-class Reek Behaviour


1) Competent self-supporting Massive rock mass requiring no support for tunnel

i]) Incompetent non-squeezing — Jointed rock mass requiring support for tunnel stability
Ill) Ravening Chunks or flakes of rock mass begin to drop out of the
arch or walls after the rock mass is excavated
Iv) Squeezing Mild Squeezing Rock mass squeezes plastically into the tunnel and the
(da = I-3(%) phenomena is time dependent; rate of squeezing depends
Moderate Squeezing upon the degree of overstrcss; occurs at shallow depths
(rda = 3-5%) in weak rock masses like shales, clay, etc. hard rock
masses under high cover may experience slabbing/
High Squeezing popinglrock burst
(u,Ja > 5)
v) Swelling Rock mass absorbs water, increases in volume tind
expands slowly into the tunnel, for example montmorill -
onite clay
vi) Running — Granular material becolmes unstable witbin steep shear
vii) Flowing A mixture of soil like material and water flows into the
tunnel. The material can flow from invert as well as from
tbe face crown and wall and can flow for large distances
completely filling the tunnel in some cases
\li]) Rock burst A violent failure in hard and massive rock masses of class
11type (UCS test on class II type rock shows reversal of
strain after peak failure), when subjected to high
U. — radial tunnel closure; u = tunnel radius; and
IiAlo = normal ized tunnel closure in percentage.

V:irjolls ground conditions. where the loads and deformation do not attain stable
values, it is recommended that pressure measurements ,---
NOTE — Squeezing is ruled out if the observed in-situ maximum
[angential strain (ratio of downward crown displacement to the
should be made by using flat jack or pressure cells.
[unnel radius) is less than the critical strain (ratio of UCS to 6.1.3 In the absence of any data of instrumentation,
n)odulus of elasticity of rock material) in case of properly
rock load or support pressure may be estimated by Q
Suppol-ted tLllllldS.
system as given in IS 13365 (Part 2).
6.1. I Before taking up the design of supports, the rock
6.1.4 As the tunnels generally pass through different
load and pressure likely to act on the supports shall be
types of rock formations, it may be necessary to
estimated. The determination of rock load is complex workout alternative cross-sections of the tunnel
problem, This complcxit y is due to inherent difficulty depicting other acceptable types of support systems.
of predicting the primary stress conditions in the rock These types may be selected to match the various
mass (prior to excavation) and also due to the fact that methods of attack that may have to be employed to get
the magnitude of the secondary pressure developing through the various kinds of rock formations likely to
after the excavation of the cavity depends on a large be encountered. The ‘A’ and ‘B’ lines shall be shown
number of variables, such as size and shape of cavity, on these sections.
depth of cover, disposition of strike and dip of rock
6.1.5 The support system shall be strong enough to
formation in relation to alignment of tunnel, method
carry the ultimate loads. For a reinforced concrete
of excavation, period of time elapsing between exca- lining it is economical to consider the steel supports as
vation and the time when the rock is supported and an integral part of the permanent lining.
the rigidity of support. These pressures may not
6.1.6 Temporary support system must be installed
develop immediately after excavation but may take a
within stand-up time for safety of workmen but not
long period after excavation to develop due to
too early.
adj ustnlents/displacctnents in the rock mass.

6.1.2 In tnajor tunnels it is recommended that as 7 STEEL FIBRE REINFORCED SHOTCRETE

excavation proceeds, load cell measurements and (SFRS)
diametrical change measurements are carried out so 7.1 Steel fibre reinforced shotcrete either alone or in
that rock loads may be correctly estimated. In rocks
IS 15026:2002

Table 2 Method of Excavation, Type of Supports and Precautions

to be Adopted for Different Ground Conditions
(Clause 6.1)
SI Groond Excavation Method Type of Support Precautions
No. Classification

i) Self-supporting Tunnel Boring Machines No support or spot bolting with a Look out for localised
competent (TBM) or full face drill and thin layer of shotcrete to prevent wedge/shear zone. Past
contra-blast widening of joints experience discourages use
of TBM if geological
conditions change frequently
ii) Non-squeezing Full face drill and controlled Flexible supporc shotcrete and First layer of shotcrete
competent blast by boomers pre-tensioned rock bolt supports should be applied atter some
of required capacity. Steel tibre delay but within the stand-up
reinforced shotcrete (SFRS) may time to release the strain
or may not be required energy of rock mass
iii) Ravening Heading and bench; drill and Steel support with struts/pre- Expect heavy loads inclu-
blast manually tensioned rock bolts with steel ding side pressure
tibre reinforced shotcrete (SFRS)
may or may not be required

iv) Mild squeezing Heading and bench, drill and Full column grouted rock anchors [nstall support atler each
blast and SFRS, floor to be shotcreted blast circular shape is ideal;
to complete supporting side pressure is expected; do
not have a long heading
which delays completion of
support ring
v) Moderate squeezing Heading and bench, drill and Flexible supporu full column Install support afier each
blast grouted highly ductile rock blast; increase the tunnel
anchors and SFRS. Floor bolting diameter to absorb desirable
to avoid floor heaving, to develop closure circular shape is
a reinforced rock frame. In case of ideal; side pressure is
steel ribs, these should be expected; instrumentation is
installed and embedded in shot- essential
crete to withstand the high
support pressure
vi) High squeezing Heading and bench in small Very flexible support, full column Increase the tunnel diameter
tunnels highly method in grouted ductile rock anchors and to absorb desirable closure;
large tunnels; use forepoling SFRS. Yielding steel ribs with provide invert support as
if stand-up time is low struts when shotcrete ,fails early as possible’ to mobilise
repeatedly; steel ribs should be full support capacity long-
embedded in sbotcrete to term instrumentation is
withstand high support pressure; essential; circular shape is
close ring by erecting invert ideal
support; floor bolting to avoid
floor heaving; sometimes steel
ribs with loose backfill is also
used to release the strain energy
in controlled manner (tunnel
closure more than 4 percent shall
not be permitted)
vii) Swelling Full face or heading and Full column grouted rock anchors Increase the tunnel diameter
bench: drill and blast with SFRS shall be used around to absorb the expected
the tunnel; increase 30 percent closure; prevent exposure of
thickness of shotcrete due to weak swelling minerals to
bond of the shotcrete with rock moisture monitor tunnel
mass; erect invert strut. The tirst closure
layer of shotcrete is sprayed
immediately to prevent ingress of
moisture into rock mass
viii) Running and flowing Multiple drift method with Full column grouted rock anchors Progress is very slow.
fore-poles; sometimes and SFRS, concrete lining up to Trained crew should be
advance grouting of the face, steel liner in exceptional deployed
ground is essential; shield cases with shield tunneling
tunneling may be used in soil
like condition
ix) Rock burst Full face drill and blast Fibre reinforced shotcrete with Micro-seismic monitoring is
full column resin anchors
immediately afier excavation
IS 15026:2002

combination with rock bolts (specially in large to meet the requirements of early strength.
openings) provides a good and fast solution for both
7.4 Steel fibres make up between 0.5 to 2 percent of
initial and permanent rock support. Being ductile, it
the total volume of the mix ( 1.5 to 6 percent by weight).
can absorb considerable deformation before failure.
Shotcrete mixes with fibre contents greater than
7.2 Controlled blasting should be used preferably. The 2 percent are difficult to prepare and shoot.
advantage of fibre reinforced shotcrete is that smaller
7.5 The steel fibres are manufactured by cutting cold
thickness of shotcrete is needed, in comparison to that
drawn wires as per IS 432 (Parts 1 and 2).
of conventional shotcrete. Fibre reinforced shotcrete is
required, specially in rock conditions where support 7.6 Some of the impoctant parameters of steel fibres
pressure is high. Use of tibre-reinforced shotcrete along shall be:
with resin anchors is also recommended for controlling
a) Geometrical shape — as shown in Fig. 2.
rock burst conditions because of high fracture toughness
Length of the fibres may be 20 to 40 mm.
of shotcrete due to specially long steel tibres. This can
Recommended sizes of the tibres are 25 to
also be used effectively in highly squeezing ground
35 mm X 0.40 mm $
conditions. It ensures better bond with rock surface.
b) Aspect ratio (length/equivalent diameter) =
With mesh, voids and pockets might form behind the
60 to 75.
mesh thus causing poor bond and formation of water
seepage channels as indicated in Fig. 1. c) Ultimate ten~ile strength > 1000 MPa
d) Shear strength of SFRS = 8 to 10 MPa
7.3 The major draw-back of normal shotcrete is that it
is rather weak in tensile, flexural and impact resistance 7.7 Shotcrete Ingredients
strength. These mechanical properties are improved
by the addition of steel fibres. Steel fibres are comm- 7.7.1 Shotcrete ingredients in fibre reinforced shotcrete
only made into various shapes to increase their bond- are :
ing intimacy with the shotcrete (see Fig. 2). It is found a) Cement
that hooked ends type of steel fibres behave more
b) Micro silica fumes (8-15 percent by mass of
favorably than other types of steel fibres in flexural
cement) for improving pumpability and
strength and toughness. Accelerators play a key role
strength and to reduce rebound


1 \


Es 045mm
--lr ().5mm +
0.53mm &




IS 15026:2002
c) Aggregates 7.8 Capacity of Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete
d) Water
7.8.1 It is assumed that the fibre reinforced shotcrete
e) Hydration control agent (wet mix) I
is intimately in contact with the rock mass and having
f) Super plasticizers (3-6 l/m3) for slump in- the tendency to fail by shearing.
crease and improvement in strength
7.8.2 Capacity of tibre reinforced shotcrete is given by
g) Accelerators (2-5 percent by mass of cement) I
h) Curing agent Ufs, tfsc

I I)

Steel fibres

ingredients and properties are listed in


f Table 3.
9fsc = shear strength of fibre reinforced
Table 3 Typical Steel Fibre Reinforced shotcrete (550 t/m2),
Shotcrete Mix t kc = thickness of fibre reinforced shot-

S1 Material Mean Aggregate Mean Aggregate

crete (m),
No. Size 6.35 mm Size 10 mm B= size of opening (m),
I Quantity Quantity
BFf,c = distance between vertical planes of maxi-
kg/m’ kglm~
mum shear stress in SFRS (m),
i) Cement 446-558 >445
ii) Blended sand 6,35 mm F,,c = 0.6 * 0.05, and
maximum size 1483-1679 697-880
Pr,c = support capacity of fibre reinforced
iii) 10 mm aggregate 700-875
shotcrete lining (t/mz).
iv) Steel tibre 39-157 39-150
v) Accelerator Vanes Varies 7.8.3 The thickness of fibre reinforced shotcrete lining
I vi) Water/cement 0.40-0.45 0.40-0.45 may be estimated by substituting ultimate support
(by weight) pressure (p,OOf) in Equation 1.1 in place of pf,c.
Additional layers of shotcrete should be sprayed to
7.7.2 Key to successful SFRS construction is the use of
arrest tunnel closure if needed.
a WCIItrained and experienced shotcrete application crew.
7.8.4 Proper equipment should be used to avoid
7.7.3 Prc-construction and post-construction testing
bunching of steel fibres and to ensure homogeneous
of shotcrete shall be done for quality assurance as per
IS 9012. mixing of fibres in the shotcrete.

7.7.4 To increase the standup time, for a full front 7.9 Drainage System in Road/Rail Approach
tunnel profile in poor rock quality condition (or Tunnels Within Water-Charged Rock Mass
squeezing rock conditions), spiling dowels are
7.9.1 Strips of about 50 cm width along the side walls
provided (see Fig. 3).
and roof should not be shotcreted to allow free seepage
7.7.5 To stabilize the broken zone in squeezing ground of ground water otherwise shotcrete is likely to crack
conci itions more than one layers of SFRS is provided due to building up of seepage pressure behind shotcrete
(.SCVFig. 4). in heavily water-charged formations.




IS 15026:2002

~ /-Compaction


/ --
/ 0 I -~ /




7.9.2 Drainage holes should be provided for proper Q,, = Q value of the surrounding rock, and
drainage. b = breadth of the weak zone in metre.
7.9.3 The catch drain should have adequate capacity Weighted mean value of joint roughness number jm
to carry seepage water. may be obtained after replacing log Q by appropriate
value of joint roughness number in Equation (1.2).
7.9.4 Swellex bolts should be used to provide support Similarly, weighted mean of joint alteration number
to the rock mass as it is impracticable to put grouted
Jm maybe calculated.
bolts in heavy seepage conditions.
The strike direction @) and thickness of weak zone
8 TREATMENT OF SHEAR ZONE (b) in relation to the tunnel axis is important for the
stability of the tunnel and therefore the following
8.1 The mean Q value may be determined, taking into
correction factors have been suggested for the value
consideration the breadth of weaklshear zone. The
of b in Equation 1.2.
following Equation (1.2) may be employed in calculating
the weighted mean Q value from the Q values for shear 8.2 Special bolting system is required for supporting
zone and surrounding rock mass (see Fig. 5) the weak shear zone. Figure 5 shows a typical treatment
of a thin shear zone which is thicker than 50 cm.
blogQ,p= +logQ$,
log Q. = ...(1.2) 8.3 First the gouge is cleaned out to the desired extent.
Rock bolts are then installed across the shear zone
where and connected with chain wiremesh. Finally, this
‘dental’ excavation is back-filled with shotcrete or
Q. = mean value of rock mass quality Q for
gunite or fibre reinforced shotcrete. In wide shear zone
finding the support pressure [see
(> 1 m) reinforcement has to be placed before
IS 13365 (Part 2)],
shotcreting so that the reinforced shotcrete lining can
QWZ = Q value of the weak zonelshear zone,
withstand the heavy support pressure.

/! sl+fjTcRE~~

Table 4 Correction Factor for Thickness c) Shotcrete hinders water seepage from joints
of Weak Zone (h) and seams in the rock and thereby prevents
piping of joint tilling materials and air and
(Clause 8.1)
water deterioration of the rock.
Strike Direction @) ‘b’ to be Replaced by d) Shotcrete’s adhesion to the rock surface and
to the Tunnel Axis
its own shear strength provide a consider-
90°-45” b
45°-200 2b
able resistance to the fall of loose rock blocks
20°-100 3b from the roof of a tunnel.
<10” 4b
e) A thicker shotcrete layer (150 to 250 mm)
provides structural support, either as a closed
ring or as an arch type member.
It is recommended that guniting with cement and sand
mix of 1:3 to 1:4 may be used as a form of temporary 10.2 Mix
support with or without wire mesh to prevent deterio-ration Shotcrete shall be mixture of cement, sand and aggre-
of rock surface. When used in combination with rock bolts gate. The proportion of cement to aggregate in
and chain link fabric, it forms a permanent support. shotcrete may be normally 1:3 or 1:4, the aggregate
being a mixture of sand and about 20 percent aggre-
gate varying from 5 to 20 mm. The dry mixture of
shotcrete shall be applied under pressure of about
10.1 General
3.5 kg/cm2 by means of’s nozzle. Through a separate
10.1.1 All loose rock shall be scaled out and washed pipe attached to this nozzle, water shall be added
before applying shotcrete. Shotcrete for tunnel supports under pressure. A quick setting agent shall be added
may be used by itself as a thin skin type reinforcement to the dry mixture.
or used in combinations with rock bolts, wire mesh
and other more conventional tunnel reinforcements. 10.3 Thickness
Details are given below: The thickness of shotcrete required depends upon the “
a) All loose rocks shall be sealed out and washed type of rock, the extent of stratification and/or joints,
before applying shotcrete. blockiness and also the size of the tunnel. The
b) Shotcrete is forced into open joints, fissures, thickness may normally range from 50 to 150 mm
seams and irregularities in the rock surface and whether it should be used plain or with wire-mesh
and in this way it serves the same binding anchored to rock will depend upon the actual site
function as mortar in a stone wall. conditions in each case.


IS 15026:2002
diameter of such bolt maybe 25 mm or 30 mm. Wedge
10.4 Support Capacity of Shotcrete in Roof
and slot bolts are not effective in soft rocks. d
10.4.1 It is assumed that, shotcrete is intimately in .~
contact with the rock mass and has the tendency to ‘{
fail by shearing alone. Capacity of shotcrete ( p,c ) is WEDGE
given by:

29s, t,. ,\ i.<

p,. = FB ...(2.0)

where r
shear strength of shotcrete (300 t/m2 in

most of the cases)
t= thickness of shotcrete (m)
i= size of opening (m)
B F,c = horizontal distance between vertical
planes of maximum shear stress in shot-
crete (m)
F,c = 0.6 * 0.05
P,. = support capacity of shotcrete lining (t/m*) 11.2.2 Wedge and Sleeve Bolt
10.4.2 The thickness of shotcrete may be estimated This consists of a 20 mm diameter rod, one end of
by substituting ultimate support pressure (PJ forp,C which is cold-rolled threaded portion while other end
in Equation 2.0. Additional layers of shotcrete should is shaped to form a solid wedge forged integrally with
be sprayed to arrest tunnel closure if needed. the bolt and over this wedge a loose split sleeve of
33 mm external diameter is fitted (see Fig. 7). The
anchorage is provided in this case by placing the bolt
11.1 General in the hole and pulling it downwards while holding
the sleeve by a thrust tube. Split by the wedge head of
Roof bolts are the active type of support and improve the bolt, the sleeve expands until it grips the sides of
the inherent strength of the rock mass which acts as the tube. Special hydraulic equipment is needed to pull
the reinforced rock arch whereas, the conventional the bolts.
steel rib supports are the passive supports and supports
the loosened rock mass externally. All rock bolts should
be grouted very carefully in its full length. There are
many types of rock bolts and anchors which may
also be used on the basis of past experience and

11.2 Types of Roof Bolts

11.2.1 Wedge and Slot Bolt 1!

These consist of mild-steel rod, threaded at one end,

the other end being split into two halves for about 125
mm length. A wedge made from 20 mm square steel
and about 150 mm long shall be inserted into the slot
and then the bolt with wedge driven with a hammer 4
into the hole which will force the split end to expand FIG, 7 WEDGEAND SLEEVEBOLT
and grip the rock inside the hole forming the
11.2.3 Perfo Bolts
anchorage. Thereafter, a 10 mm plate of size 200 x 200
mm shall be placed over which a tapered washer is This method of bolting consists of inserting into a bore
placed and the nut tightened (see Fig. 6). The hole a perforated cylindrical metal tube which is
efficiency of the spiliting of the bolt by the wedge previously filled with cement mortar and then pushing
depends on the strata at the end of the hole being strong a plain or ribbed bolt. This forces part of the mortar to
enough to prevent penetration by the wedge end and ooze out through the perforations in the tube and come
on the accuracy of the hole drilled for the bolt. The into intimate contact with the sides of the bore hole

IS 15026:2002

thus cementing the bolt, the tube and the rock into maximum loosening. The natural surrounding rock n
one homogeneous whole (see Fig. 8). The relation of the cavity is in this way transformed into a protective
between the diameter of the bore hole and the diameter arch, the thickness of which is given by the length of
of perfo sleeve and bolts is given in Table 5. the bolts ‘1’ which should be bigger than ‘t’, also
1> B/4 to B/3, as the arh also should have a certain
Table 5 Diameter of Perfo Sleeve and Bolts reiation to the width of tunnel. ‘B’ is the width of the
tunnel. \: .;
f)ia of Bore Hole Dia of Perfo Sleeve Dia of Bolts
(1) (2) (3) 11.3.3 The rock requires a prestress by bolting and
40 36 30
the bolts should follow the static principles of pres-
38 31 25
31 27 18 tressrng in reinforced concrete as much as possible.
As it is not possible to place bolts in the way of stress
bars at the lower side of a beam, they should at least
1 The bolts and anchors should be checked for their straightness
be given an oblique position in order to take the place
within ~ I mm
of bent-up bars and stirrups (see Fig. 10).
2 Pull-out tests should be done on 5 percent of bolts and anchors
to check their capacity (Pk,,). 11.3.4 With an arch instead of a beam, the shear forces
will be greatly reduced by the vault effect but even in
11.2.4 Swe[lex Bolts
arch shaped roofs, shear forces may be caused by joint
These rock bolts are effective in weak rock masses systems, especially by system of parallel layers like
charged with water. sedimenta~ formations, schist, etc. Hence the bolts
should not only be made to exert a strong prestress to
11.3 Design the rock but also should be set in a direction which
11.3. I Immediately after a tunnel has been advanced suits best to the static demands of the geological
by a length ‘t’ (see Fig. 9), the rock in this section conditions (see Fig. 10).
expands and settles slightly developing a double arch 11.3.5 Just as a static member of prestressed concrete
effect. In the longitudinal direction of the tunnel, the has to be prestressed before receiving the load, the
arch rests on the still untouched rock at the front and rock also shall be prestressed by bolting before
on the already supported portion at the back (Dashed the load develops. This means that the space 1
lines in Fig. 9). The second arch effect, perpendicular (see Fig. 9) shall be bolted immediately after blasting
to tbc axis of the tunnel is given by the form of the while the next round is being drilled. The spacing
roof, which usually is an arch in tunnels. The period ..
between bolts/anchors should be less than half the
to which this combined arch will stand without support length of bolts/anchors.
depends on the geological conditions, the length tand
the raciiqs of the tunnel roof, But in most cases, even 11.3.6 The pre-tension of ungrouted bolts is lost after
in badly disintegrated rock, it will be possible to blasting, so rock bolts shall be pretensioned again.
maintain this natural arch for some time, at least a
11.4 Capacity of Rock Bolts/Anchors
couple of hours. If the natural arch is not supported
immediately after mucking, it will continue to sink 11.4.1 The capacity of reinforced rock arch is given by:
down slowly until it disintegrates.

11.3.2 The portion that is liable (see Fig. 9) to fall is ..(3.0)

generally a parabolic arch in shape having a depth
t/2 though the loosening process will never go as deep where
as this if the movement is stopped by quick support. It
q cm = minimum uniaxial compressive
is recommended that the bolts should not be made
strength of reinforced rock mass (joint
shorter than ‘t’that is twice the depth of presumed


& &



IS 15026:2002

~x Y_,l




,., , ,,. . .



will be critically oriented somewhere P blt tension in bolt or anchor capacity (t),
along the arch) sLwt_ = centre-to-centre spacing of bolts/
anchors (m)
. [&]p:j20 1’ = effective thickness of reinforced
arch (m)
tan ~j = J~J~ ...(3.2) II = lb,, - FAL12 - sb,/2 + Smck ...(3.3)
u = seepage pressure in the rock mass i’= lb,, – FAL12 – Sb,/4 + SmCk(in case of
mesh reinforced shotcrete) ...(3.4)


IS 15026:2002

[’ 2 1,,.,,- FAL12 ...(3.5) 12.3 Selection of Supports with Reference to

E4L = fixed anchor length (m) of anchors to Surrounding Strata and Shape of Tunnel
develop pull out capacity ofp,ol,
12.3.1 Continuous Ribs

100 X diameter of anchor bars
— < I m in case of mechanically anchored This type can be erected more rapidly than the other
types and is generally recommended for use in rocks
whose bridge action period is long enough to permit
.Yt,,t, = average spacing of fractures in
removal of gases and mucking. Invert strut may be
rock (m)
used in addition where mild side pressures are
I1,011 — length of bolt or anchor (m) encountered and squeezing ground is met.
B= size of opening (m)
12.3.2 Rib and Post
F, = mobilization factor of boltianchor
F, = 3.25 proo, 0.10 (for mechanically This type is generally recommended for use in tunnels
anchored and pre-tensioned bolts) whose roof joins the side walls at an angle instead of
a smooth curve. It may also be used in large tunnels,
such as double-track rail road or two-lane highway
F, = 9.5 proof–
0.35 (for full column grouted tunnels, to keep the size of the rib segments” within
anchors) ...(3.7) handling and transporting limitations. Invert strut may
P,oc,f = ultimate support pressure in roof of be used in addition where mild side pressures are
tunnel (t/m2). encountered and squeezing ground is met.
J, = joint roughness number
12.3.3 Rib and Wall Plate
J, = joint alteration number
The spacing and length of bolts should be so chosen This type is generally recommended for use in tunnels
that the estimated capacity of rock bolts/anchors (P~Ol,) with a large cross section with high straight sides
is equal to ultimate support pressure (P,m). through good rock or in large circular tunnels, where
it is possible to support the wall plate by pins and
11.4.2 Full-column grouted bolts are more efficient in where the strata below the wall plate does not require
poor rock conditions according to Equation 3.7 than support. This type of support may also be used for
ungrouted pre-tensioned bolts. For permanent tunneling through spalling rock, provided spalling
supports, all bolts should be grouted. occurs only in the roof. However, in many cases it is
extremely difficult to establish adequate support for
the wall plate at any point above the floor-line due to
12.1 Rock tunnel support systems of steel may be irregularity of the overbreak.
generally classified into the following principal
12.3.4 Rib, Wall Plate and Post
This type of support permits post spacing to be different
a) Continuous ribs (see Fig. 11A),
from the rib spacing and is generally recommended
b) Rib and post (see Fig. 1 lB),
for use in tunnels with high vertical sides. Invert strut
c) Rib and wall plate (see Fig. 11C), may be used in addition, where mild side-pressures
d) Rib, wall plate and post (see Fig. 1 lD), are encountered and squeezing ground is met.
e) Full circle rib (see Fig. 1lE), and
12.3.5 Full Circle Rib
0 Yielding arch steel rib with socketed joints.
This type is recommended for use in tunnels in
NOTE; - Invert strut may be used in addition, with types (a) to
squeezing, swelling and crushed, or any rock that
(d) where mild side pressures are encountered (Fig. 11F) or
squeezing ground is met. imposes considerable side pressure.

12.2 Selection of Type of System 12.4 Spacing of Ribs

12.2.1 General Spacing of ribs is given by :

While choosing the type of support system, the

following factors shall be considered : .(4.0)
a) Method of attack,
b) Rock characteristics, its behaviour and where
development of rock load, and
P,i~ = steel rib capacity (t),
c) Size and shape of the tunnel cross-section. s rib = spacing of rib (m),


1S 15026:2002






NOTE — Joints have not been shown in Fig.11(A) to I I (F) and maybe Ioeated depending upon the construction and fabrication convenience.


B= size of opening (m), wall plate and post type may be supplemented by truss
p,OO~= ultimate support pressure in roof of panels or crown bars, which are accessories developed
tunnel (t/mz). to handle heavy loads that come quickly by supporting
NOTE — The support capacity of steel ribs (pn~ should be so the intervening ribs while the bench is shot out.
chosen Ihat the minimum clear spacing between ribs in poor reek
condition is 10cm more.
12.5.3 Where it becomes necessary to drive first the
top heading only due to bad roof conditions the rib
i 2.5 Selection of Steel Ribs Supports with Reference and wall plate type of support is generally
to Method of Attack for Tunnel recommended for use in the heading, and post may or
may not be used when the bench is taken out depending
12.5. I All the types of supports mentioned in 10.3 are
on rock conditions. If the post is used the excavated
suitable for the full face method of attack for rock
shape will be ‘D’ shaped while without the post the
where required bridge action period for providing
excavated shape will be a mushroom.
supports is available. Detailed guidelines are given in
Table 2. 12.5.4 Where the side drift method is used for driving
a large size tunnel in poor rock conditions, the rib,
12.5.2 Rib and wall plate or rib wall plate and post
wall plate and post type of supports are recommended;
are suitable for heading and bench method. The rib,

IS 15026:2002
the wall plate, however, being flat. The posts and wall 12.7.1 Ribs ,,
plates are erected in the drifi which is driven ahead at “#
Ribs may be made of structural beams. H-beams or
each side at sub-grade (.see Fig. 12). ,;
wide flange beams should be preferred to I-beams, as
12.5.5 Where extreme poor rock conditions are the wider flanges provide more surface for blocking
encountered, breakups to the crown may be made, and lagging, and the section has greater resistance
leaving a central core. Temporary posts maybe quickly against twisting. Channel sections are not recom-
placed between the core and the roof at dangerous spots, mended as their asymmetrical section is prone to :\
,j i
and crown bars may be slid forward to quickly catchup twisting, and their flanges are narrow. In small
the roof. The roof ribs should then be placed on the tunnels, however, channel bent about their minor axis
wall plates and securely blocked to take the roof load, may be used under ordinary loads. When choosing
atler which the temporary posts maybe removed. the steel section with different weights for arch rule
of posts, it i$ advisable to select beams of equal depth.
12.5.6 The side drifts themselves usually need support
which should be removed just prior to shooting out 12.7.2 Posts
the core of the main tunnel and re-used ahead. The
The spacing between the posts may be normally equal
support system used for the drifts is hybrid. The outer
to that of the ribs. However, by inserting wall plate
side consists of the posts and wall plates which later
between the ribs and the posts the spacing of the posts
becomes a part of the support for the main tunnel,
can be made independent of ribs. The posts should be
whereas the inner side is a continuous rib (see Fig. 12).
made of H-section. The depth of these should normally
12.6 Type of Support for Shafts be the same as that of the ribs, though in many cases
they may be of lighter sections as long as no side
For shatls, usually the full circle rib or segmental ribs pressure is present.
are recommended depending upon the slope and rock
conditions. In vertical shafts, ribs may be hung from 12.7.3 Invert Struts
top by hanger rods and blocked and packed. The Where the side pressures are present and tunnel section
spacing of hanger rods may be worked out as in the has not been converted to a till circle, it is necessary
case of tie rods keeping in view that they shall be strong to prevent the inward movement of the rib or posts
enough to support the weight of ribs. feet and in such cases, invert struts should be provided
at tunnel subgrade. They should be so attached to the
12.7 Components of Tunnel Supports
vertical members that they receive the horizontal
Design of various components of tunnel supports shall pressure. They may be curved to form an inverted arch
be done in accordance with IS 4880 (Part 6). where there is upthrust from the floor.




1S 15026:2002

12.7.4 Wall Plates which also helps to pass reinforcing rods if the concrete
is reinforced. The following types of wall plates are
commonly used: 12.7.5 Crown Bars

a) Double beam, Crown bars may be built up of double

b) Single beam, and channels (see Fig. 15) or may be H-beams or square
timber beams. They are located parallel to the axis
c) Flat.
of the tunnel either resting on the outer flanges of the The double and single beam wall plates which ribs already erected (see Fig. 16A) or attached to the
are intended to resist bending in vertical planes are ribs in hangers (see Fig. 16B). Crown bars are an
recommended for use to transmit the loads from the accessory, a construction expedient intended to carry
ribs on to block or posts with a spacing different from loads till the rib sets are erected and the loads
that of the ribs. Flat wall plates merely serve as an permanently transferred to them. They have one of
erection expedient and a convenient surface for the two functions to perform to support the roof
horizontal blocking, their resistance to bending in immediately after ventilation and thereby gain time
vertical planes being very small, whenever flat wall for the installation of ribs and to support the roof or
plates are used, a post shall be placed under each rib. roof ribs over the bench shot thereby relieving or Double beam wall plates may be made of two supplementing the wall plates.
I-beams placed side by side, webs vertical with about
a 100 mm space between flanges to give access to the /-CROWN BAR
clamping bolt and admit concrete (see Fig. 13). The
beams should be spaced by vertical diaphragms welded
under each rib seat. Ribs and posts should be clamped
by toggle plates and bolts, thus avoiding the time
required for matching bolt holes. This method of
attachment ako permits variable spacing of either or
both the ribs and the posts. This type of beam provides
a broad surface of contact for blocking and to engage
ribs and posts. Its box section makes it stable with
12.7.6 Truss Panels
respect to rolling and twisting. These are accessories for use with the
x combination of rib and post types of support, for the
heading and bench or top-heading methods of attack
and heavy roof loads. Their purpose is to form, in
x x combination with the ribs, a truss to span the gap
H produced by the bench shot.
FIG. 13 DOUBLE BEAM WALL PLATE The truss panels should be attached to the Single beam wall plates may be H-beams, inside face of the ribs for a distance of one or more
with web vertical. To enable them to transmit vertical ribs ahead of the bench shot (see Fig. 17) and should
loads from rib to post, they maybe reinforced at each be left there until posts are installed, at that time they
rib seat with vertical T-shaped plates, if necessary (see should be removed and sent up ahead. Attachment
Fig. 14). Attachment of ribs and posts shall be made should be by means of only two bolts at each rib. The
by bolting through the flanges. truss thus formed may even be designed to carry the
roof over two bench shots making it more convenient
to get in the post. When truss panels are used, no wall plates

are required although the flat wall plate may be used
to keep the lower ends of the ribs lined up laterally
if it is difficult to block the individual ribs against
FIG. 14 SINGLEBEAM WALL PLATE the rock. The truss panels eliminate the need for
wall plate for drifts. Flat wall plates may be 1-beams or wide flange
12.7.7 Bracing
beams used with their webs horizontal. They function
merely as a cap for the posts and a sill for erecting Longitudinal bracing or struts increase the
roof ribs. The web shall be punched with vent holes resistance of ribs and posts to buckling about their

IS 15026:2002



..\ .<



i ,’.


minor axis and prevent a displacement of these set mm “X150 mm or any conventional size. Holes in pairs
members during blasting. If the space between the ribs shall be provided in the web of ribs and posts for the
or post is bridged by lagging which is firmly attached tie rods. Collar braces shall be set in the line between
to the webs, no such bracing is required. The most ribs, tie rods inserted and the nuts tightened. Wooden
common types of bracing are the rods and collar braces collar braces should be removed before placing final
(see Fig. 18). The braces may, however, be placed as lining.
convenient between the rods. Spreaders ( see Fig. 19) which are additional Tie rods may be 15 mm to 20 mm rods, with braces may be angles, channels, or I-beams with a
thread and two nuts on each end. The length shall be clip angle or plate either bolted or welded on each
at least 100 mm more than the spacing of the ribs. end to the ribs. These are left in the concrete. In tunnels
The spacing of the rods shall be kept such that slender- having steep slopes tie rods may be replaced by
ness ratio I/r for ribs is not greater than 60, where 1 is spreaders.
the spacing of the rods, and r is the least radius of
12.7.8 Blocking
gyration of the ribs. Collar braces maybe usually pieces
of timber, 75 mm x 100 mm, 100 mm x 150 mm, 150 It is generally done by using timber pieces tightly


IS 15026:2002




\ zRIB r





l-w-rr R I





wedged between the rock and the rib. These timber c) To provide a convenient surface against
pieces are to be removed prior to concreting. which to block in case it is not convenient to
block directly against the rib, because of ir-
12.7.9 Lagging
regular overbreak; It performs one or more of the following d) To provide a surface against which to place
functions : back packing;
a) To provide protection from falling rock or e) To serve as an outside form for concrete lin-
spalls; ing, if concrete is not to be poured against
b) To receive and transfer loads to the rib sets; the rocks, and

— 4’

IS 15026:2002 _


I -\--------- . --—------
$ ----- ---


t) Todivert water, andtoprevent leaching and conditions make it necessary.

honey-combing of concrete.
12.7.10 Packing Lagging may be either of steel, precast
The function and type of packing depends on the rock
concrete or timber. Steel Iaggings maybe made out of
condition. In dry tunnels through jointed rock, packing
channels, beams, beams and plates and liner plates
is only used to fill large cavities produced by excessive
(see Fig. 20 and 2 1). Liner plates, which are pressed
overbreak. In broken, crushed or decomposed rock it
steel panels may also be used with or without ribs
serves to transfer the rock load to the lags, thereby
depending upon the rock conditions. It is recom-
acting as a substitute for excessive blocking. In
mended that use of timber in underground work should
squeezing rock it provides continuous contact through
be minimized as far as practicable, since timber once
the laggings with the rib sets. In jointed water-bearing
fixed can be rarely removed safely and likely to deterio-
rock it has primarily the function of a drain,
rate and prove to be a source of weakness. Total
prohibition of timber is, however, not practicable. 12.7.11 Dry Packing The spacing of lags shall be closest at the Dry pack, which usually consists of tunnel spoil (hard)
crown, increasing down to spring line. On the side shoveled or hand packed into the space between the
only an occasional lag should be used, if necessary. lagging and the rock, is recommended for use only
Close lagging should be employed where rock where excessive rock loads are not likely to develop.



IS 15026:2002

tunnels, they may be installed at right angles to the

tunnel axis, if practicable.

12.8.5 For speed of erection of supports it is essential

to :

a) design support system with a minimum

number of individual members, consistent
with construction convenience;
It should be placed simultaneously with the erection b) design the joints with utmost simplicity and
of the lagging. Starting at the lowest point, a few lags with minimum number of bolts; and
should be placed and tunnel spoil (hard) shoveled in c) fabricate the members with sample bolt and
behind. This procedure should be carried up to the wrench clearances. Time consuming close fits
crown at which point it is necessary to pack endwise. shall be avoided.
12.7.12 Concrete Packing 12.9 Design
It is recommended for use where considerable rock 12.9.1 General
loads are anticipated. However, its use is not recom-
mended in case the tunnel supports are designed as The deign of steel components for tunnel supports shall
yielding supports. Concrete packing may be Ml O generally conform to IS 800.
concrete conforming to IS 456. It may be placed by 12.9.2 Stresses
manuaI labour or by pneumatic placer to the extent
possible. Where excessive loads are anticipated, Permissible stress in steel shall be in accordance with
concrete packing should start from the inner flanges IS 800.
of the steel support so as to embed the whole steel 12.9.3 Ribs
supports in concrete. In such cases it is recommended
that precast concrete may be used as additional lagging Rock load may be assumed to be transmitted to the
between two adjacent ribs so as to serve the purpose ribs at blocking points, each blocking point carrying
of form work. the load of the mass of rock bounded by four planes,
namely, the longitudinal planes passing through mid-
12.8 Factors Determining Spacing and Layout of points between the blocks and transverse planes
Supports passing through mid-points between the ribs to a ..---
height equal to the acting rock load. The blocking
12.8.1 The strength and spacing of rib system shall
points may be assumed to be held in equilibrium by
be determined by rock load. For a given rock load and
forces acting on it in the same manner as panel points
cross-section of tunnel the spacing between the ribs
in a truss. Values of thrust in the rib maybe computed
shall be worked out. The spacing of the ribs should be
by drawing the force polygon. Ribs shall be designed
so chosen that the sum of the cost of ribs and lagging
for the thrust thus computed taking into account the
is minimum. For preliminary designs in ordinary rocks
eccentricity of this thrust with reference to the rise of
the depth or rib section may be taken as 60 to 75 mm
the arc between the blocking points which will cause
for every 3 m of bore diameter with ribs spaced at
flexural stresses in addition to direct stresses.
about 1.2 m for moderate loads, 0.6 to 1.0 m for heavy
loads and 1.6 m for very light loads. Whether the ribs 12.9.4 Tie Roak
shall be of two or more pieces will depend on the
[See IS 5878 (Part 4)]
lengths of the structural steel members available.
12.9.5 Lagging
12.8.2 For junctions, plugs and control chamber, etc,
supports shall be designed to suit special features of Lagging may be designed for the load of rock mass as
the work and its construction procedures. shown in Fig. 22 [see also IS 5878 (Part 4)].
12.8.3 Concrete blocks of suitable size and thickness 12.9.6 Liner Plates
may be provided, if necessary, below the vertical lags
Where only liner plates are used for support their cross-
to provide adequate bearing area to the rib.
sectional area and their joints shall be designed to
12.8.4 In tunnels, where supports are not to used as transmit the thrust (see 12.9.3). It shall be ensured
reinforcement, they may be installed plumb or that liner plates are thoroughly in contact with the
perpendicular to the axis of the tunnel depending on ribs so that passive resistance is developed and no
tunnel slope and as found convenient. However, where bending moments are induced. For tunnels with more
supports are to be used as reinforcement in pressure than 3 m diameter liner plates may be reinforced by

IS 15026:2002


I ~,,~

I-beams. Where liner plates do not form a ring and concentrate the area of seepage into a chan-
are used in top half ribs they shall be designed as nel from where it can be easily drained out.
lagging [see also IS 5878 (Part 4)]. The thickness of
13.2 Before drawing up the specifications for grouting
liner plates may vary from 5 to 10 mm depending upon
the design requirements shall be established. In
the size of bore and loads encountered. The diameter
general for all underground structures, grouting is an
of bolts may vary from 12 to 15 mm.
universal requirement for all concrete lined tunnels.
12.9.7 Joints Design requirements are only to establish the
maximum allowable pressure at which this grouting
Butt joints should be preferred to spliced joints. In
is to be carried out and the zone in the cross-section
sofl grounds and poor rock, welding of joints in the
and the spacing of grout holes, both in the direction
field should be avoided as far as possible.
of the tunnel. For consolidation grouting the design
13 GROUTING requirement to be established is the thickness of the
rock stratum around the bore that is to be strengthened
13.1 General and made impermeable, the pressure and the spacing
pattern of holes. This will determine the depth to be
Grouting is carried out to fill discontinuities in the
rock by a suitable material so as to improve the stability
of the tunnel roof or to reduce its permeability or to 13.3 For tunnels, the commonly used procedures are
improve the properties of the rock. Grouting is also to continue grouting to refusal at the design pressure
necessary to ensure proper contact of rock face of the in each hole or to interrupt the grouting if there is
roof with the lining. In such cases the grouting may heavy intake with little or no pressure build up,
be done directly between the two surfaces or the process indicating very open structures and escape of grout
of grouting may be used to fill the voids in the rubble over a long distance.
packing where used. All the three types of grouting
13.3.1 Pattern, Depth and Arrangement of Holes
may not be required in all cases. The grouting
procedures should aim at satis@ing the design Backfill or contact grouting
requirements economically and in conformity with the The purpose of backfill grouting is to fill
construct ion schedules. The basic design requirement
the space left unfilled with concrete between the
generally involve the following:
concrete lining and the rock surface in the arch portion
a) Filling the voids, cavities, between the con- of any tunnel or cavity due to shrinkage of concrete.
crete lining and rock andfor between the con- Backfill grouting should be done after the
crete and steel liner;
concrete in lining has gained strength. The period of
b) Strengthening the rocks around the bore by waiting may be from 21 to 28 days. In case of precast
filling up the joints in the rock system; lining segments this restriction of waiting will not
c) Strengthening the rock shattered around the apply and the grouting may be done immediately after
bore; the segments are erected.
d) Strengthening the rock, prior to excavation Backfill grouting is limited to the arch
by filling the joints with cementing material
portion of a tunnel or cavity and is not required in
and thus improving its stability; and
case shaft of the concrete is poured in a concrete ring.
e) Closing water bearing passages to prevent the
flow of water into the tunnel andlor to The grout holes at the crown should be

IS 15026:2002

placed 5° to 10° from the crown, alternately to the left The holes at the crown shall be placed
and right of the crown. In addition to the crown hole 5 to 10° from the crown, being alternately to the left
there shall be two more holes, one on either side of and right of the crown. In addition to the crown hole,
the crown. These holes will be 90° apart and will be. there shall be two more holes one on either side of
located such that one of these two holes is at 22.5° the crown in each section. These holes will be 90°
from the crown alternately on the right and left of the apart and will be located such that one of the two
crown. Such sections shall be, normally, 3 m apart. holes is at 22.5° from the crown, being alternately
The exact location of the holes may be varied or on the right and left of the crown. Such holes shall
additional holes provided depending upon the actual normally be 3 m apart.
excavation profi Ie at any section. The exact spacing In case of circular or horse-shoe tunnels,
of sections may also be varied on similar consider-
in addition to these holes, two holes (one on either
ations. It should, however, be also adjusted to suit the
side), located roughly at 45° on either side of the invert
length of the arch shutter used in such away that there
should be used. The location should be such that the
is no hole at the joint and the normal pattern of holes
holes are about 45 to 60 cm above the junction of the
is more or less uniform in the shutter length.
invert and arch.
13.3.1 .1.5 In the case of circular or horse-shoe tunnels, The depth of holes for contact grouting shall
in addition to these holes, two holes (one on either
be such that at each location, the holes extend 30 cm
side), located roughly at 45° on either side of the invert
beyond the concrete lining intG rock.
should be used. The location should be such that the
holes are about 45 to 60 cm, above the junction of the Consolidation grouting
invert and side walls or overt. The aim of consolidation grouting is to fill The mortar used for backfill grout shall up the joints and discontinuities in the rock up to the
normally consist of cement, sand and water mixed in desired depth.
the proportion of 1:1:1 by weight. It may, however, be
suitably modified if conditions so warrant. The size Consolidation grouting shall always be done
and grading of sand should be determined for each after the backfill grouting is completed in a length of
job by actual experimentation as it would depend on at least 60 m ahead of the point of consolidation
the type of sand and equipment available. grouting, Backti II grouting should normally be done Consolidation grouting should be usually
at a pressure of 2 kg/cm2 (0.2 MPa). done all round the bore, and for a uniform radial
distance from the finished concrete face. The extent Contact grouting of grouted rock mass should be determined by the The aim of contact grouting is to fully pack designer based on the design of the concrete lining
the space between the concrete lining and the rock and the extent to which cracks are assumed to extend
surface or the space between the steel liner and into rock when the lining is stressed by internal
concrete lining caused by shrinkage or left unfilled pressure. Usually the depth should be between 0.75
even after backfill grouting. This is required for D to D where D is the finished diameter of the tunnel,
fulfilling the design assumption of the rock/concrete except in special reaches where it could be more.
taking part of the load along with the lining and to The pattern of grout holes for consolidation
prevent local accumulation of water, if any, and may be a set of holes in one vertical plane, such a
building up local pressure. plane being called the grout plane. The spacing of the Contact grouting should be done after the grout planes will depend upon the structural formation
concrete lining has gained strength to withstand the of rock and the travel of grout at the specified pressure.
pressure and shrinkage, if any has taken place. The The exact spacing as in the case of contact grouting
usual minimum period of 25 to 28 days of waiting should also be adjusted in the field to suit the length
should be allowed. of the shutter used for concreting. In this plane the
number of holes may normally be 4 for small size The contact grouting should be limited to tunnels and 6 for large size tunnels. The arrangement
only the top arch (90” on either side of the crown) of should be staggered in alternate grout planes, by about
tunnels. In case of vertical shafts and steel liner, half the spacing between the holes along the periphery
contact grouting should be done along the full in the plane. In special locations the number of holes
periphery. In case of steel-liners, the grouting should may be increased. The top three holes in grout pattern
be done usually at specific points as recommended in may be used for both backfill, contact and
IS 5878 (Part 6). consolidation grouting.

IS 15026:2002

13.3.1 .3.5 Around shafts and large opening like 13.6 Capacity of Grouted Arch
powerhouse, the grout pattern will be similar, but the
I number of holes in the plane may be increased 29@ Ib.
depending on the size, but the spacing should generally Pg, = ~ ...(5.0)

I exceeci the depth of the hole.

13.3.1 .3.6 Contact grouting would not generally be

necessary where consolidation
done. However,
grouting is to be
it should be decided by actual

9,, = uniaxial

grouted rock mass (t/m’),
strength of

contact grouting in jump holes after consolidation 1 = thickness of grouted arch (m),
grouting. ;’ = size of opening (m), Depending upon the rock formations and F@ = mobilization factor of grouted arch
the grout intake, the consolidation grouting should = 9.5 p,Wr+35,and
be done in one or more stages with increasing proof =
ultimate support pressure in roof of tun-
pressures. nel (t/m2).
13.7 In case of water-charged rock mass or post
13.3.1 .3.8 Maximum grout pressure should not
construction saturation of rock mass, heavy support
normally exceed twice the design load on lining or
pressure and seepage pressure may develop on the
supporting systems as the case may be.
concrete lining or shotcrete lining. The extra high
13.4 Pressure to be Used for Grouting support pressures/seepage pressures may be taken care
off by grouted arch.
13.4. I The pressures to be used for grouting will
depend on the rock characteristics, the design 14 DESIGN OF INTEGRATED SUPPORT
requirements and the rock cover. With adequate rock SYSTEM
cover (more than 3 times the diameter of the tunnel),
14.1 General
the other two will govern. For backfill grouting the
maximum recommended pressure is 5 kg/cm2 14.1.1 A semi-empirical approach is used to determine
(0.5 MPa). For consolidation grouting a maximum the capacity of support system consisting ofshotcrete,
pressure of 7.0 kg/cm2 (0.7 MPa) is normally recom- reinforced rock arch, steel rib and grouted arch. In
mended but this may be increased up to 20.0 kg/cm2 Fig. 23, the dotted line shows the effective width (/’) .-
(2.0 MPa) in special cases provided that there is of the reinforced rock arch. The load carrying capacity
adequate cover and the joints in the rock are not likely of the reinforced rock arch is dependent on the
to open up by this pressure. This pressure can be minimum uniaxial compressive strength of the
applied from inside the rock and not close to the reinforced rock arch.
concrete lining.
14.1.2 Figure 23 shows that the total support pressure
13.4.2 The pressure gauge should be watched cons- (P,mf + U) will be equal to the sum of capacities of
tantly so that the pressure on the grout is regulated as shotcrete, reinforced rock arch, steel rib and grouted
long as grouting is in progress. Any desired increase arch. Simple hoop action is assumed as illustrated in
or decrease in the grouting pressure is obtained by Fig. 23. The arch subtends an angle of 2EIat its centre
changing the speed of the grout pump. When the grout which is about 90° for tunnels.
in the supply line becomes slugging, the grout-hole Ultimate support pressure = Total capacity of support
valve should be closed and the blow off valve opened
so that the supply line may flush or washed.
(u+ Prwf) = P,. + Pbl, + Pg, + p~b ...(6.0)
13.5 Testing for Efficacy of Grouting

This testing may be done by drilling the holes in a t.. ; — 2qKlb

%.” 1● — &_
bctwcm the grout planes and by testing water intake = <,1B F,B F,, B +S,,hB
in these test holes. If this is compared with the water
test made before the grouting, this water will give an
indication of the efficacy of grouting. Further grouting proof =
support pressure and is the seepage wa-
of this test hole and intake in this hole will give further ter pressure.
inciications, It is only after these tests that the engineer- NOTE — In the above equation, it is assumed that shotcrete will
in-charge may decide on increasing the number of shear along a length of arch approximately equal to (FK B), where
all the notations in above equation have the same meaning as
grout planes, if required. described earlier.

IS 15026:2002

----- ---
/“ -. \

‘\ /
\ ,/
\ 0
\ /
\ 20 ,’


14.1.3 The foilowing trends have been obtained : <25 cm), the support pressure is very small and hence,
there is no need for special shear zone treatment
a) Pretensioned bolt is more effective in good
(see 8.1).
rock conditions. The efficiency of preten-
sioned bolt decreased slightly for poor rocks 14.2.3 The capacity of shotcrete and reinforced rock
due to creep and loss of tension. arch is calculated by trial and error. The design
b) The full-column-grouted-unpensioned anchors parameters are selected, so that ultimate pressure is
are more effective in poor rock conditions than equal to the design capacity. If support pressure is high,
in good rock conditions. The reason may be say more than 5 kglcmz, steel ribs may be used and
that the anchors are subjected to large radial embedded in shotcrete. The spacing of steel ribs may
strains in poor rock masses leading to more be estimated until Equation 4.0 is satisfied. The design
tension induced in anchors. Figure 24 illustrates philosophy is illustrated in Fig. 25. In case of water
better performance of grouted anchors. charged rock mass, experience shows that design tables
give useful parameters as they neglect the seepage
14.2 Application of Semi-Empirical Design pressure. Equation 6.0 may then be used to find out
Approach the extent up to which rock mass should be grouted.
14.2.1 For tunnels located near faults/thrusts (with Grouting is possible generally where thick shotcrete
has been provided to take high grouting pressure.
plastic gauge) in seismic areas, the ultimate support
pressures may be increased by about 25 percent to 14.2.4 In very poor rock conditions, assumptions are
account for accumulated strain in the rock mass along generally invalid. Hence, special specifications need
the fault. If the tunnel is away from the fault by 2B, to be followed to treat thick shear zones, rock burst
the seismic effect is negligible. conditions and highly squeezing conditions.
14.2.2 The support pressure, due to squeezing out of 14.2.5 In case of water and power tunnels, seepage
gouge from the shear zone, may be estimated by pressure may be assumed equal to the internal water
applying Terzaghi’s theory of arching which indicates pressure and the worst case is when the tunnel is empty
that the support pressure, with gauge, will increase and seepage water pressure acts on the shotcrete lining.
the width of the shear zone. As such, the treatment of If required, rock mass may be grouted to take high
shear zone is essential to bear the high support pressure support and seepage pressure, alternatively, concrete
as shown in Fig. 5 . However, in this shear zone (say lining may be designed according to the design criteria.

IS 15026:2002


1- . ..~-..l


.--.- \
\ \
1 “ \ -- -
// \
I \, \
1 \ ( )
I 1
I ;





IS 15026:2002

14.3 Tunnel Through Intra Thrust Zone 15.5 In reaches of very poor rock masses, steel ribs
should be installed and embedded in shotcrete to
In the Himalayas, the tunnel have to pass through intra
withstand high support pressures.
thrust zone in some complex geological and tectonic
situations. The faults and thrusts are subjected to slip 15.6 In rock burst prone reaches, resin anchors and
over a long period of time due to very slow tectonic fibre reinforced shotcrete should be used to increase
movement of Indian Plate with respect to Chinese ductility of support system and to convert brittle mode
Plate. It is therefore essential to build a segmented of failure into the ductile mode of failure.
concrete lining so that segments of the concrete lining
15.7 In highly squeezing ground condition (H> 350
can slip with respect to each other with time. The
Q{/3m and JjJ, <112, where {. is joint roughness
design decision should be taken on the basis of
number and J. is joint alteration number [see IS 13365
instrumentation plate within the intra thrust zone.
(Part 2)] steel ribs with struts should be used when
14.4 Experience in Poor Rock Conditions shotcrete fails repeatedly in spite of more layers. With
steel ribs, excavation by force-poling is easily done by
14.4.1 Fibre reinforced shotcrete is very successful in pushing steel rods into the tunnel face and welding
weak rock masses. The main advantage is that lesser other ends to ribs. Floor heaving can be prevented by
thickness of fibre reinforced shotcrete is needed. No rock bolting of floor, Some delay, but less standup time
webled mesh is required to reinforce shotcrete. Its is necessary to release the strain energy of the broken
rebound is less due to steel fibres provided shotcrete zone. Smaller blast holes (1 m) will also be of help.
is graded properly and sprayed properly. Instrumentation of broken zone is needed. It should
14.4.2 It is recommended that the mesh should not be be ensured that the tunnel closure is arrested before it
raised where even surface of tunnel is not available reaches the 5 percent of the width of the tunnel.
due to overbreath, provided shotcreting is used. 15.8 In case of unstable portal, horizontal anchors of
However, thickness of shotcrete should be increased equal length should be provided inside the cut slope,
by 1 cm. so that it acts as a reinforced rock bn?ast wall.

15 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 15.9 In case of deep and long tunnels in complex

geological conditions probe hole of 20 m length should
15.1 For treatment of shear zone, crossed rock anchorsl
be drilled inside the tunnel face to get accurate picture
bolts should be provided across shear zones. Further,
of geological conditions in advance oftunnelling. The
the gouge should be cleaned to the desired extent,
probe hole will also dissipate seepage pressure slowly
anchors are provided and connected to welded mesh.
in the water charged rock mass which is likely to be
Final, dental shotcrete is back tilled. In wide shear
punctured during tunneling. This will also avoid flash
zone, reinforcement in shotcrete is also placed to
floods soon after blasting and consequent loss of life
withstand high support pressure. Anchors should be
and support system.
inclined according to the dip of shear zone to stop
squeezing of gouge and thereby stabilize the 15.10 Concrete lining for water/pressure tunnels
deformations. should be laid far away from the tunnel face where
the broken zone in stabilized that is about four times
15.2 In case of steel ribs in large tunnels and caverns,
the radius of broken zone. The concrete lining should
haunches should be strengthened by additional anchors
be segmented within active thrust zone to allow
to withstand heavy thrust due to the ribs.
relative movement along the faults/thrust.
15.3 In case of poor rock mass, spiling bolts (inclined
15.11 Grouting of long bolts is not done satisfactorily
towards tunnels face) should be installed before
sometimes due to the difficulty of supervision and
blasting to increase the standup time of tunnel. Roof
expanding agent (Aluminium powder) is seldom
shotcrete is then sprayed on roof. Then spiling bolts
added. So pull out tests should be conducted on at
are installed. In the final cycle, roof bolts are installed.
least 2 percent bolts to check the quality of bolts. If
15.4 In case of argillaceous rocks and swelling rocks required extra bolting should be done to strengthen
where its bond with shotcrete is poor, thickness of the support system.
shotcrete may be increased by about 30 percent.

IS 15026:2002



Rock Mechanics Sectional Committee, CED 48

Organization Representative(s)

Universityof Roorkee,Roorkee PROFBHAWANS


AFCONSInfrastructureLtd,Mumbai MU A. D. L.ONOHE

AIMILLtd, New Delhl Srrru M. D. NAIR

Sm B. K. SAIGAL(Alternate)

Central Board of Irrigation& Power, New Delhi DIRECTOR(WR)

Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DR U. N. SINHA

Central Ground Water Board, New Delhi DIRECTORANOSECRETARY

Central Mining Research Station, Roorkee Ssuu V. K. SINGH

DR A. K. SoriI (Alternate)

Central Mining Research Station, Dhanbad DRV. K. SrNHA

Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi SHRI0. p. YAOAV


Centrrd Soil& Materials Research Station, New Delhi DR A. K. DHAWAN

Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune DIRECTOR


Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, New Delhi Smu D. K. JAIN

Smu V. S. ARORA (Alternate)

Geological Survey of Indi% Lucknow SHIUR. P. S. CHAUHAN

Gujarsst Engineering Research Institute, Vadodara DRV. S. BRAHMABHATI

Smrr M. T. SONS(Alternate)
Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board, Shimla DR R. L. CHAOHAN

Hkrdustan Construction Co Ltd, Mumbai ENGINEERING

Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delhi DR K. S. RAO

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi DR G.V. RAO

Irrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra, Nasik DR R. P. KULKARNS

Itigation Department, Government of GujaraL Gandhinagar Smu K. N. SHAH
Srnu A. N. Jowrr (Alternate)

Irrigation Department, Government of Hrsryan% Chandigarh CHEF ENGINESR

DIRECTOR(ENGG.) (Alternate)
Irrigation Research Institute, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Roorkee ASSISTANT

Irrigation and Power Department, Chandigarh SEUU


Kamataka Engineering Research Station, Karnatsrka SHSU

RAO (Alternate)

Naptha Jakri Power Corporation, Shimla Smu RANJODH


National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad SCIENTIST-IN-CHARGE

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, Noida SssruD. N. NARESH

DR R. R. MAURYA (Alternate)

University of Roorkee, Roorkee DR P. K. JAIN

DR M. N. VILADKAR(Alternate)

(Continued on page 26 )

IS 15026:2002

(Corrtirrued/hmn page 25)

Orgunizalion Representative(s)

In Personal Capacity (A Z!X, AIMfL Ltd; Delhi) DRV.M. SHARMA

Mathuro Road. New Delhi I I O044)
B iS Directorate General SHRtS. K. JAm,Director & Head (Civ Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-oflicio)]

Joint Dkector (Civ Engg), BIS

Underground Opening and Field Monitoring Subcommittee, CED 48:3

University ot’Roorkee, Roorkee 247667 (Convener)



SHRIB. K. SAIGAL(Alfernufe)

Advanced Technology & Engineering Services, New Delhi SHRtB. DASGUPTA

Central Building Research Institute. Roorkee SHRJA. GHOSH


Central Mining Research Institute, Roorkee DR R. K. GOEL

Central Mining Planning and Design Institute, Ranchi Stint S. CHAKRABARTV
DR M. M. SOM(Alternate)

Central Soil & Materials Research Station, New Delhi DRA. K. DHAWW

Central Water Commission, New Delhi SHtGK. R. SUaRAMANIAN

DIREaOR (DIV 11)(Alternate)

Geological Survey of India, Kolkata SHIOA. BHAnAGViRYYA


Gujarat Engineering Rescwch Institute. Vadodam SHRtU. D. DATI~

lndim Institute of Technology. Murnbai ORG. VEMLiTALMALAM

Indian Institule ofTechnology, New Delhi DR K. G. SHARMA
Itldian Institute ofTechnology, Kanpur DR SURESH

Jaipmkash Associates Pvt Ltd, New Delhi SHRt D. G. KADKADE

SHRIR. K. JAi~ (Alternufe)

Konkan R~ilways, New Mumbai SHRINARAYANAN

Kvaerner Cementation India Ltd, Kolkata Sstru P.S.SENGUPTA


M.S, University, Vadodara DR A. V. SHROFF

Maharashtra Research and Physics Division, Nasik RESEARCH


Natiooai Institute of Rock Rock Mechanics, Kolar SHRIN. M. RAJU


University of Roorkee, Roorkee DR M. N. VtLADKAR

DR SuaHAsti MITRA(Ahemate)

Visvesvamya Regional College of Engineering, Nagpur DR A. G. PAITHANKAR

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