Wartsila's Auxiliary Units:: 3.1.1 Fuel Supply System

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Wartsila’s Auxiliary Units:

Power generated at Alternator terminal is at 11 kV & is fed to the grid that provides Mall
electricity. The heavy fuel oil & lube oil are purified by separators using centrifuging technology.
The entire plant heat requirement is met from the steam generated by waste heat recovery
boilers. The Engine & its auxiliaries are monitored & controlled by a PLC system located in the
Control Room. The heavy fuel oil received through tankers are unloaded through a pumping
station & stored in two storage tanks. Similarly, the fresh lube oil received from tankers is also
stored. The entire Plant is protected from fire by a protection system & fire pipelines are
systematically laid to cover all important locations & equipment. The engine room is equipped
with Ultra Violet / Infrared fire detection equipment’s which sends signal to the Control room.
The Control room is equipped with Hot Line facility to interact with the City’s Fire tenders in
case of eventualities.
3.1.1 Fuel Supply System
It consists of storage tank, strainers, fuel transfer pump and all-day fuel tank. The fuel oil is
supplied at the plant site by road. The oil is stored in the storage tank. From the storage tank,
oil is pumped to smaller all-day tank at daily or short intervals. From this tank, fuel oil is passed
through strainers to remove suspended impurities. The clean oil is injected into the engine by
fuel injection pump.
Operating principle
The fuel oil system is normally operated in a fully automatic mode. HFO (Heavy fuel oil) buffer
tanks are automatically filled by the fuel oil transfer pump system. The HFO is treated in the
separator system before being transferred into the HFO fuel oil day tanks. From the day tanks
the HFO is fed to the booster unit and from this to each fuel oil unit which supplies the engine
with the fuel at the correct pressure temperature and viscosity. The LFO is stored only in main
storage tank, also acting as a day tank. LFO may be supplied via the booster unit, but can also
be fed directly from the feeder unit to the fuel oil unit supplying the engine.
Operating conditions:
The HFO & LFO day tanks must be filled with fuel oil of the correct quality.
3.1.2 Air Intake System
This system supplies necessary air to the engine for fuel combustion. It consists of pipes for the
supply of fresh air to the engine manifold. Filters are provided to remove dust particles from air
which may act as abrasive in the engine cylinder. Diesel engine requires close tolerances to
achieve its compression ratio, and because most diesel engines are turbocharged, the air
entering the engine must be clean, free of debris, and as cool as possible. Also, to improve a
turbocharged engine’s efficiency, the compressed air must be cooled after being compressed.
The air intake system is designed to perform these tasks. Air intake systems are usually one of
two types, wet or dry. In this plant system used is, a dry filter system. In dry filter system paper,
cloth, or a metal screen material is used to catch and trap dirt before it enters the engine. In
addition to cleaning the air, the intake system is usually designed to intake fresh air from as far
away from the engine as practicable, usually just outside of the engine’s building or enclosure.
This provides the engine with a supply of air that has not been heated by the engine’s own
waste heat. The reason for ensuring that an engine's air supply is as cool as possible is that cool
air is denser than hot air. This means that, per unit volume, cool air has more oxygen than hot
air. Thus, cool air provides more oxygen per cylinder charge than less dense, hot air. More
oxygen means a more efficient fuel burn and more power. After being filtered, the air is routed
by the intake system into the engine's intake manifold or air box. The intake system also serves
to reduce the air flow noise.
3.1.3 Cooling System
The heat released by the burning of fuel in the engine cylinder is partially converted into work.
The remainder part of the heat passes through the cylinder wall, piston, rings etc. and may
cause damage to system. In order to keep the temperature of the engine parts within the safe
operating limits, cooling is provided. The cooling system consists of a water source, pump and
cooling towers. The pump circulates water through cylinder and head jacket. The water takes
away heat from the engine and it becomes hot. The hot water is cooled by cooling towers and
re circulated for cooling.
Operating conditions
The engine jacket water system must be filled with treated coolant of the correct quality. The
expansion tanks must be filled and in operating condition.

3.1.4 Lubricating System

The system minimizes the wear of rubbing surfaces of the engine. It comprises of lubricating oil
tank, pump, filter and oil cooler. The lubrication oil is drawn from the lubricating oil tank by the
pump and is passed through filter to remove impurities. The clean lubrication oil is delivered to
the points which require lubrication. The oil coolers incorporated in the system keep the
temperature of the oil low.
Operating condition:
The engine crankcase, turbo chargers and governor must be filled with lube oil of the correct
3.1.5 Compressed Air System
The air compressor unit must be assembled in operating condition. The air receiver must be
assembled, tested and ready to receive compressed air. The heat generated must be removed
in the radiators installed on the compressed air. The compressed air system is normally in
continuous operation. The air is taken from surrounding and compressed into the air receiver.
The heat generated is removed in the radiators installed on the compressor unit.
3.1.6 Charge Air System.
The charge air system is normally in continuous operation when the engine is running. The
engine charge air is drawn through the external filtration unit and the silencer by the engine
driven turbo charger. The compressed combustion air is then transferred into the engine
cylinder after heat generated by the compression removed in the charge air cooler and
transferred to the engine jacket water system.
3.1.7 Exhaust System
This system leads the engine exhaust gas outside the building and discharges it into
atmosphere. A silencer is usually incorporated in the system to reduce the noise level. The
exhaust system of a diesel engine performs three functions. First, the exhaust system routes
the spent combustion gasses away from the engine, where they are diluted by the atmosphere.
This keeps the area around the engine habitable. Second, the exhaust system confines and
routes the gases to the turbocharger, if used. Third, the exhaust system allows mufflers to be
used to reduce the engine noise.
3.1.8 Diesel Engine
Diesel engine is the prime mover, which drives an alternator to produce electrical energy. In the
diesel engine, air is drawn into the cylinder and is compressed, during this compression. A
metered quantity of diesel fuel is then injected into the cylinder, which ignites spontaneously
because of the high temperature.

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