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School San Jose National High School Grade Level 9

Teacher April Ruby Z. Russiana Learning English

Teaching Dates February 1, 2017 (8:30- 9:30) Quarter 3rd
and Time

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
American literature and other text types serve as means of
connecting to the world; also how to use ways of analyzing one-
act play and different forms of verbals for him/her to skillfully
perform in a one-act play.
B. Performance The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing
Standard effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources
based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and
Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning EN9VC-IIId4.3/5.3: Analyze the information contained in the
Competency material viewed;
EN9LT-IIIi-16: Analyze literature as a means of connecting to
the world;
EN9LT-IIIi-2.11: Determine tone, mood, technique, and
purpose of the author.
II. CONTENT Driving Miss Daisy by Alfred Uhry
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide 186-188
2. Learner’s Guide 406-407
3. Text Book’s Pages
4. Additional Materials Laptop, projector, speaker, pictures, videos, graphic organizer
5. Internet
B. Other Learning
Preliminary Activity:
Prayer Let us all stand for our prayer.
Nikka, kindly lead the prayer.
Our most gracious heavenly Father,
we praise and glorify Your name.
Thank You for this wonderful day.
Thank You for showering us
blessings. Thank You for
everything, Lord. We are asking for
Your forgiveness. Please, give us
strength and wisdom as we journey
to the path of knowledge. We ask
this through Christ, our Lord,
Thank you, Nikka. Amen.
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ma’am!
Classroom Before you sit down, kindly
Management arrange your chairs properly.
(The students will arrange their
chairs properly.)

Checking of Do we have absentees today?

Attendance None, Ma’am.
Very good! Keep it up class.

Checking of What is your assignment?

Assignment Our assignment is to read the play
“Driving Miss Daisy” and search
the biography of its author, Mr.
Alfred Uhry.
Very good! Did you read the
play? Yes, Ma’am.

Excellent! Kindly, pass your

assignment in front quietly.
A. Reviewing Now, we will travel to Chum
previous lesson or Island via My-Narpin bus. But
presenting the new before we travel, we must first
lesson look at our past lesson so that we
can proceed to our new
destination. Who can tell me
what was our lesson yesterday?
Yes, Joanna?
Our past lesson is about “Sorry,
Correct! Wrong Number”.
Who is the author of radio play?
Lucille Fletche is the author,
What is it all about? Ma’am.

The play is all about Mrs.

Stevenson. She heard a hideous
plan from the two men who are
talking in the telephone.
Very good! What are the moral
lessons that you learned?
We should listen to someone who is
giving a warning.
Exactly! Is there any question or
None, Ma’am.

I’m glad to hear that you have

mastered our lesson last meeting.
Now, let’s move on to our next
B. Establishing a In this travel, you must follow
purpose for the what the driver is saying so that
lesson we will have a safe trip. Be
attentive because after this lesson
you should be able to analyze the
information contained in the
material viewed; analyze a play
as a means of connecting to the
world; determine the tone, mood,
techniques and purpose of the
author. So, you need to listen,
collaborate and participate in
discussing this new topic.

Again, are you ready to start our


Yes, Ma,am.
I can feel that you are ready and
excited! Let me first start the
engine so that we can move on.
While our bus is moving to our
destination. I will let you watch
Bruno Mars’ music video,
entitled “Count On Me”.
Afterwards, I’ll be asking some
questions, so be attentive. Is it
clear, class?
Yes, Ma’am.
(The student will watch the video.)

What is the video clip all about?

Yes, Joy?
It is all about friendship, Ma’am.
What is your idea about
Yes, Thaddeus?
Friendship is forever.
Okay, why do you say that
friendship is forever? Yes, Mina?
Because when you have true friend,
s/he will never leave you until the
Excellent! How do you choose
your friend?
Yes, Danna?
I choose all those persons who are
kind and lovable.
Why did you choose them as
your friend?
Yes, Cory?
Because I know that I’m in good
hands and they will never let me
Very good! You can befriend to
all those persons you want as
long as they are good influence
to you.
C. Presenting Now, we will continue our
examples/ journey. Oh! There is someone
instances of new who needs our help. He needs to
lesson build his truck. Will you help
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay. We need to attach the tires
and windows of the truck by
distinguishing the synonym of
the word. Again, what is
Synonyms are words that have the
same meaning.

I’m glad you still remember your

grammar lessons. Now, we must
match the words to its synonyms.
These words will add to your
vocabulary bank.
Is it clear, class?
Yes, Ma’am.
Let us first read the words.
(The students will read the words.)

Prejudice Faithful
Loyal Discrimination
Genial Friendly

Now, construct a sentence using

the word “discrimination”.
Yes, Nicka?
Discrimination among black men
was rampant in the history of
Excellent! Choose another word
and use it in a sentence. Yes,
My brother is a loyal person.
Very good! Next, how about the
word “genial”?
Yes, Joanne?
She is a very genial girl.

Good job, class! You help the

young man fix his car. Later, you
will tell me if you notice these
words in our topic.
For now, we must continue our
journey to Chum Island: the land
of friendship. Class, I want you
to know that we have a free WiFi
access here. Let me check first
my account on Twitter. Someone
has twitted me; it’s the founder
of the Chum Island and the
author of Driving Miss Daisy,
Mr. Alfred Uhry. Let us read his
message for us. Kindly, read the
tweet, Myra.

“Good morning passengers of My-

Narpin, welcome to Chum Island:
the island of friendship where
prejudices among friends has no
place. Enjoy your trip!”

Thank you, Myra.

Before we could enter the Chum
Island, we must first know the
life of the founder, Mr. Alfred
Who is Mr. Alfred Uhry?
Yes, Juan?

Very good. He is a modern He is one of the great playwrights

playwright. He was born around in the modern world.
1936 to an upper-class, middle-
of-the-road class, German-
speaking Jewish family. He
grew up in Atlanta, Georgia.
Let us surf the internet to know
him better. Let’s find him in
Rita, read the selection about

Alfred Uhry
 He is a playwright, lyricist,
and screenwriter
 He is best known for his
play Driving Miss Daisy.
 Uhry has received a Pulitzer
Prize, an Academy Award,
Thank you! Now that we know and several Tony Awards
the life story of the author, we for his work.
can enter the world of Chum

D. Discussing new Welcome to Chum Island! We

concepts and arrived just on time. The play
practicing new “Driving Miss Daisy” is about to
skills #1 start in their theater. Let us all
watch “Driving Miss Daisy”.

(The students will watch the trailer

of Driving Miss Daisy.)
Did you like the play, class?
Yes, Ma’am!
This is just a summary of the
play; however, you said that you
read the story last night. So, did
you understand the story?
Yes, Ma’am.
Let see if you really understand
the story. What event led Miss
Daisy to have a chauffeur? Yes,
Ma’am, Miss Daisy had crashed her
brand new car while backing it out
of the garage. After that accident,
her son Boolie insisted that she is
not capable of driving, so even
though Miss Daisy doesn't want it,
he hired Hoke as her personal
driver. Miss Daisy is afraid of
giving herself the airs of a rich
person, even though Boolie is
paying Hoke's salary.
Yes, correct! Why do you think
Miss Daisy is so strongly against
in having a chauffeur?
She strongly values her
independence, so she resents having
someone around her house except
for her maid.
Good! That is the reason why
Miss Daisy is strongly against
having a personal driver. How
would you describe Miss Daisy's
attitude toward Hoke in the first
part of the play? Yes, Ella?
Miss Daisy is always mad at Hoke.
She also becomes aggressive in her
accusations that Hoke steal a can of
salmon from her.
Yes, that’s right! If Miss Daisy is
always mad at Hoke, how did
Hoke handle Miss Daisy's
attitude? Yes, Jen?
He is extremely patient with Miss

If you were Miss Daisy and you

have an IP driver or helper, how
will you treat him/her?
I will treat him just like everybody
else. I will befriend him so that he
will never feel discriminated.
Very good! How did Miss Daisy
know that Hoke cannot read?
Yes, Olga?

When she tried to let Hoke find the

tomb of her friend. Hoke admitted
to Miss Daisy that he knows all the
letters but still, he cannot read.

Great! After knowing Hoke

cannot read, what does she do?
Daisy started to teach him.

When the two officers are

insulting both Hoke and Daisy
by calling them derogatory
names based on their race and
religion. What did Miss Daisy
Yes, Yanie Miss Daisy realized that they are
both victims of prejudice in
Do you know what happened in
the history of America?
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay, what happened back then?
The white men abused and enslaved
the black men just like Hoke and
other black men.
Correct! They enslaved the black
men. How about the Jews?
Did you know what happened to
them in the hands of Adolf
No, Ma’am.
They were discriminated, also.
The worst discrimination
happened to the Jews is during
the Holocaust regime, where
Adolf Hitler exterminate the
Jews. Millions of Jews died
during that time and some Jews
still received that nasty injustice
during that time.

What is the tone?

Yes, Hanna? The tone is very intimidating.

What is the mood? Yes, Raven?

The mood is quite pitiful.

What are the techniques used by

the author? Yes, Jhanna?

The author used slang words to

prove to us that Hoke is
What is his purpose?
His purpose is to open our heart
that we are all God’s children and
we can be brothers and sisters. We
can befriend to anybody, even
though one can from different races
or culture.

Excellent! We must treat other

people equally without

Class, we have to stop for a

minute because we have a
trouble with the road. As you can
see, the road that we are about to
take is not on its proper place.
We need to arrange the events Yes, Ma’am.
happened in the play from the
beginning to its end. Are you all
willing to fix the road to finish
our journey?

Thank you for fixing the road,

class. Now, we can move to our
next destination.

E. Developing Since we are done watching the

Mastery (lead play, we must continue our
to formative journey inside the island. But,
assessment 3) wait, the road has four paths! We
must split into four groups to
find the right way. I will divide
the class into four groups. You
will determine the tone, mode,
techniques and purpose of the
play. I will give you 3 minutes to
finish your activity and then 2
minutes to report it.

Group 1, you will determine the

tone of the play.
Group 2, identify the mood.
Group 3, your task is to
determine the technique of the
Group 4, state the purpose of the

(The students will perform their


F. Finding Class, Mr. Alfred Uhry needs

practical our help. Some of his crew is
application of absent today; will you do these
concepts and tasks for him?
skills in daily Yes, Ma’am.
You will perform different tasks.
You have 5 minutes to finish it
and 3 minutes to perform it. You
must focus on the following
criteria because this is how I will
grade you.

Content 40%
Creativity 30%
Performance 30%
Total 100%

Group 1, select a best part of the

play, and then you will conduct a
theater play.
Next group 2, sing a song
depicting the theme of the play.
Then group 3, draw a poster
about the moral lesson of the
Then, group 4 write an open
letter to Hoke persuading him to
study even if he is already old.

(The students will perform their

You did a good job, class. We tasks.)
can now continue our journey.
G. Making In Chum Island, they have a spin
generalization and a wheel. It contains the pictures
abstractions about of the students who entered here.
the lesson I need a volunteer who wants to
spin the wheel. S/he can win a
token when she answers my
question properly.

Who wants to volunteer? Yes,

(The student will spin the wheel.)
What can you say about the
The students are happy being
together, Ma’am, even though they
came from different races and
cultures just like Miss Daisy and
Is friendship still possible even if
you have different culture, race
and status in life?

Yes, Ma’am. Friendship is possible

just like the story of Miss Daisy and
Exactly! It only means,
friendship happens in all
possibilities, whatever your
status in life, your race, your
religions and culture.

Now, are the words—

discrimination, loyal and genial
present in the play?

How do you say so? Yes, ma’am.

Discrimination is present in the

play when Hoke was scolded by
Miss Daisy. Next, he is so loyal and
genial to her, also.
H. Evaluating Before we say goodbye to Chum
learning Island, we must first leave a
legacy for it. . I’ll give you
pieces of papers and you will fill
out this freedom wall with
lessons that you have learned
from the topic today. You have
3 minutes to write and post it on
the wall.
(The students will perform their
Is there any question or
clarification about our topic
None, Ma’am.
I. Additional As your assignment, write a one-
activities for stanza poem for your best friend
application or stating your gratitude and
remediation apologies to him/her. Write it in
a stationary paper.

Welcome home, class! You did a

very good today, class. You
perform your tasks in your best
way you can! Let us give
ourselves a round of applause. Goodbye, Ma’am. Thank you!
Goodbye, class.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Russiana, April Ruby Z. Mrs. Ma. Cecilia C. Edaniol
Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:
Mrs. Leonora Q. Privado
Master Teacher

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