Supervisor Observation Lesson Plan Cycle 2

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

Lesson Content
What Standards (national or MAFS.5.G.2.3 - Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong
state) relate to this lesson? to all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and squares are
(You should include ALL applicable rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.
standards. Rarely do teachers use
just one: they’d never get through MAFS.5.G.2.4 – Classify and organize two-dimensional figures into Venn diagrams based on the attributes
them all.) of that figure.

Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly
and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with
mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of
structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Essential Understanding Essential Question: How can you use attributes to identify and classify polygons?
(What is the big idea or essential
question that you want students to It is important that students begin this unit looking at attributes of shape through exploration and
come away with? In other words, discussion. This is important in order for them to develop their own definitions of polygons.
what, aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish this

Objectives- What are you Given the properties and attributes of a polygon and a regular polygon, students will be able to:
teaching?  Identify and classify polygons, regular polygons, and shapes that are not polygons
(Student-centered: What will  Use Venn Diagrams to identify and classify polygons
students know and be able to do  Define and use the following terms in context: polygon, regular polygon, congruent, vertices,
after this lesson? Include the angles
ABCD’s of objectives: action, Without error when asked to identify a regular polygon, a polygon that is not regular, and a shape that is
behavior, condition, and degree of not a polygon and a reasonable explanation of why the shape is classified as such (exit ticket).
mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence
written in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able to re-
write the sentence in future tense D:
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

with no errors in tense or tense

contradiction (i.e., I will see her
Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)

Rationale  Polygons is the first lesson in a brand-new unit on Geometry and Volume
Address the following questions:  This lesson introduces the conceptual understanding of shapes having congruent sides and angles.
 Why are you teaching this  I am teaching the lesson using the 5E’s model to allow students the opportunity to engage in the
objective? process of constructing definitions through experiences.
 Where does this lesson fit  Students will use their understanding of properties of 2 and 3 dimensional figures, and volume to
within a larger plan? solve real world problems involving area, volume, and surface area in 6th grade.
 Why are you teaching it this
 Why is it important for
students to learn this concept?

Evaluation Plan- How will you Formative Assessment:

know students have mastered I will use direct observation to ensure students are grasping the concept of polygons, regular polygons,
your objectives? congruent angles, and congruent sides. Student names will be listed on a spreadsheet and anecdotal notes
will be taken on level of understanding.
Address the following:
 What formative evidence will Summative Assessment:
you use to document student Students will complete an exit ticket that will include three shapes where they will identify if the shapes
learning during this lesson? are either a regular polygon, not a regular polygon, or not a polygon and explain their reasoning. A mid-
 What summative evidence will chapter review will be given on day 7 of the entire geometry unit.
you collect, either during this
lesson or in upcoming lessons?

What Content Knowledge is The teacher should know:

necessary for a teacher to teach  The difference between a polygon, a regular polygon, and a shape that is not a polygon.
this material?
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

 The vocabulary words: congruent, polygon, regular polygon, n-gon (pentagon, hexagon, heptagon,
octagon, nonagon, decagon), vertex (vertices), and angle.
 Polygons always have the same number of sides, angles, and vertices.
 Polygons are 2-dimensional figures that include triangles, quadrilaterals, and n-gons.

What background knowledge is This unit builds from 3rd grade when students described, analyzed, and compared sides and angles of two
necessary for a student to dimensional shapes. Students with conceptual knowledge of two-dimensional figures understand the
successfully meet these relationship among the shapes. In 4th grade students classified shapes by the presence or absence of
objectives? parallel and perpendicular lines.

 How will you ensure students’ The objectives for this lesson should be an easy concept for my students to grasp. Particular attention is
have this previous knowledge? given to the use of precise mathematical language.
 Who are your learners?
 What do you know about them?
 What do you know about their
readiness for this content?

What misconceptions might  Students may incorrectly name a polygon.

students have about this content?  Students may confuse polygons that are symmetrical with regular polygons.

Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will you I will use the 5E’s method to teach this lesson, because it is important for students to explore the
use during this lesson? Examples conceptual understanding and difference between regular polygons that have congruent sides and angles,
include guided release, 5 Es, direct and those that do not.
instruction, lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

Step-by-Step Plan Time Who is Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use whichever
(What exactly do you plan to do in responsible plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson. For example, in science,
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. (Teacher or you would detail the 5 Es here (Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the
Act as if you needed a substitute to Students)? Idea; Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea; Evaluation).
carry out the lesson for you.)

Where applicable, be sure to 5 Mins Teacher ENGAGE

address the following: 1. State the Objective: Today we will begin our new unit on Geometry and
 What Higher Order Thinking Volume. Our Lesson today will be on Polygons.
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? 2. State the Essential Question: How can you identify and classify polygons?
 How will materials be 3. Display the “Unlock the Problem” pg. 441 in the Go Math Florida Ch 11 -
distributed? Teacher Edition on the screen.
 Who will work together in 4. Read the problem.
groups and how will you 2 Mins Students 5. Have students read the definition of a polygon and discuss the answers of
determine the grouping? the questions posed in “unlock the problem”, with their shoulder
 How will students transition partners. Which polygon do you see repeated in the structure? (Octagon)
between activities? How many sides, angles, and vertices does this polygon have? (8)
 What will you as the teacher do? EXPLORE
 What will the students do? 5 mins Students 6. Hand out the worksheet “A Tribute to Polygons” and 3 envelopes labeled:
 What student data will be a. regular polygons, b. not a regular polygon, c. not a polygon, per table
collected during each phase? group.
 What are other adults in the 10 Students 7. Inform the students that they will have 10 minutes to work with their
room doing? How are they Mins groups to identify and classify shapes that are polygons, regular
supporting students’ learning? polygons, and not polygons. They will cut out the shapes and place them
 What model of co-teaching are in the appropriate envelope.
you using? 8. Walk around to observe and identify misconceptions/errors.

1. Have the students take out their go Math book and tear out page 441 -
2. Students will read the definition on page 442 of their text.
3. Have the students look at the table on page 441.
4. Tell them to take a moment and fill out the table.
5. Ask if they see a recognizable pattern.
2 Mins Students
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

6. Explain that polygons always have the same number of sides, vertices,
and angles.
10 Teacher 7. Ask the students to define and explain the difference between a regular
Mins polygon and a polygon that is not a regular polygon.
8. Define the word congruence: When line segments have the same length
and when angles have the same measure.
9. Refer to the diagrams on pg. 442 and show students how to use similar
markings to show the sides that are congruent.
10. Have the students mark the shapes inside the Venn diagram with
markings to show congruent sides.
11. Explain the word vertex: A vertex is the point at which 2 sides of a polygon
meet. (Plural – vertices)
12. Point out the vertices of the shapes in the Venn Diagram.
13. Show the students the angles. Use the shapes to show the angles and how
they are congruent to the other angles in that shape.
14. Ask students why the rectangle is not a regular polygon? It has congruent
angles, but the sides are not all the same length.
15. Have students work independently and classify the polygons in each
group of the Venn Diagram.
3 Mins Students 16. Explain why the shapes are classified into those groups and show them
the answers to the Venn Diagram.
2 Mins Teacher ELLABORATE
17. Allow the students 5 minutes to work with their groups and re-organize
the shapes in their envelopes based on the concepts they just learned.
5 Mins Students 18. Display the answer key and clarify any misconceptions they may have.
5 Mins Teacher 19. Have students tear out page 443 in their big math book.
20. Allow students time to work independently on the worksheet.
21. If there is enough time, have students finish page 443 in class and go over
the answers. If there is not enough time assign pages 443-444 for
22. Provide students with an exit ticket that will be used as a summative
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

What will you do if… …a student struggles with the content? Identify the struggling student during formative observation of
collaborative work. Pull groups the following day during independent work, if necessary to clarify

What will you do if… …a student masters the content quickly? Provide student with enrichment worksheet on polygons.
Have student use manipulatives to create smaller/larger polygons from individual shapes (exploration).

Meeting your students’ needs as If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
people and as learners students?
I have observed that my students enjoy working with manipulatives. There are students who require
lessons to be taught using conceptual understanding, more so than procedures.

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

Students will learn to view shapes and their attributes everywhere they look in buildings, and in the
community. These concepts will help them understand the importance of geometry, shapes, and volume
and how this knowledge can build structures in their future.

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this
lesson (enrichment)?

Students who require enrichment will be pulled into groups throughout the lesson during independent
work, along with a math coach several times a week.

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?

Students who may require language support will be provided a vocabulary sheet with diagrams and
defines terms.

Accommodations (If needed) Certain students with behavioral issues will require small group instruction provided by a math coach.
(What students need specific
accommodation? List individual
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

students (initials), and then explain

the accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique

Materials Go Math Florida textbook and teachers Edition

(What materials will you use? Why 3 envelopes per table group
did you choose these materials? A Tribute to Polygons worksheet (1 per table group) & Answer Key
Include any resources you used. Scissors
This can also include people!) Exit ticket worksheet
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ______Luissette Lopez______________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5th Subject/Content: Geometry and Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/7/2018
Volume/Polygons Whole Class

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