Exercise - Telling Past Experience

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Three months ago Shabir travelled to New Last weekend Benji went visiting Ragunan
Delhi, India. He went by himself. He had Zoo. He told me that he would have gone
nobody to go with. He (1) … Anne if she with Juan as they planned to go together.
would love to hear his holiday story. Shabir However, there … an unexpected matter
said that when he arrived in New Delhi, the that prevented Juan from going together with
first thing that he (2) … to do was to find a him. Juan regretted that he couldn’t
hotel. accompany Benji there.

The hotel receptionist then asked him what 4. The correct auxiliary to complete the
type of room he wanted. “Could you tell me blank space is ....
what room do you want to have, please?” he A. is
asked. “For how many days, Sir?” asked the B. were
receptionist. “Seven days,” Shabir replied. C. was
D. are
1. The correct verb to complete the blank E. did
space is ....
A. ask 5. The following statements are false,
B. asks except ….
C. was asked A. Juan goes to Ragunan Zoo with Benji.
D. asked B. Juan didn’t go to Ragunan Zoo.
E. asking C. Juan wanted Benji not to go to the
2. The correct verb to complete the blank D. Benji didn’t want to go to the Zoo.
space is .... E. Juan doesn’t go with Benji.
A. will
B. went 6. The word “unexpected” in line 3 is
C. would closest in meaning to ….
D. decided A. discontented
E. decides B. not anticipated
C. unregulated
3. Shabir stayed at the hotel for …. D. unset
A. seven hours E. not decided
B. a month
C. seven weeks
D. a week
E. seven months

Jane : “My sister told me that she could not C. fun
come tonight.” D. hard
Betty : “….” E. easy
Jane : “No, she didn’t.”
Look at the picture!
7. The correct sentence to complete the
dialogue is ….
A. Your sister was right.
B. She shouldn’t have said so.
C. Did she come?
D. I am sorry to hear that.
E. Did she tell you why?
the people from this picture looked happy
Ryana and John supposed to go shopping because they are all on vacation at Margaret
yesterday. Yet, they decided to see a movie River. They won an award at their office last
instead. There were three interesting movies week, and the office gave them free holiday
that they would love to see that day. But, packages with their loved ones.
they … it was wise to spent that much time
and money for watching too many movies. 11. The incorrect part from the sentence is
So, at the end they only watched one movie. ….
A. E
8. The best expression which matches to B. D
the blank space is …. C. B
A. would D. C
B. wanted E. A
C. didn't think
D. thought 12. The incorrect sentence for the above
E. don't want picture is ….
A. It was a sunny day at that time.
9. The correct statement from the B. There were trees behind them.
paragraph is …. C. There were two men and three girls
A. They watched all three movies. in the photo.
B. They watched one movie. D. The men looked happy in the photo.
C. They were disappointed with the E. The girls looked sad in the photo.
D. They didn’t watch any movie.
E. They didn’t like the movie.

10. The underlined word has the closest

meaning to ….
A. interesting
B. good

Read the sentences E. looking at the floor

1. Five minutes ago, I swept the floor. I spent a really good afternoon with my family
2. One hour ago, I arrived at the airport. members during weekend. We explored the
3. Yesterday night, I will leave for Bandung. old town of Jakarta. We visited Fatahilah
4. This morning I woke up very late. Museum, which was a beautiful building in
5. Yesterday, my brother and I eat at a fancy Indonesia’s capital. We really enjoyed the
restaurant. skyscrapers and the panoramic scene of the
Sunda Kelapa Port and old town of Jakarta.
13. The incorrect sentences are …. We walked into the museum, and saw many
A. 1 and 3 paintings and some historical objects from
B. 4 and 5 the Dutch Colonial era. There were so many
C. 3 and 5 historical information we gained from this
D. 3 and 4 visit. I think I might come back again to this
E. 2 and 5 place next time with my friends.

Read the sentences! 16. The purpose of this paragraph is ….

A. to ask for a holiday destination
1. Then, I looked for a vacuum cleaner in my B. to tell a holiday story
kitchen. C. to invite a family for a holiday
2. It took me an hour to do it and I was so D. to promote Fatahilah museum
tired after that. E. to request for a holiday
3. I was surprised to see that my house was
very messy. 17. The underlined word refers to ….
4. I cleaned up all the floor from my A. the writer’s favorite places
bedroom, kitchen, and living room. B. Fatahilah Museum
5. Five minutes ago, I arrived at home. C. the writer and his friends
D. the writer’s family members
14. The correct order for the above E. Sunda Kelapa Ports
sentences to make a good paragraph is
…. 18. The following statements are incorrect,
A. 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 except ….
B. 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 A. The writer didn’t enjoy the panoramic
C. 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 scene.
D. 5 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 B. The writer will not visit the museum
E. 5 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 2 again.
C. The writer will visit the museum again
15. The underlined word refers to …. with his family members.
A. arriving home D. The writer will visit the museum again
B. cleaning the floor with his friends.
C. finding vacuum cleaner E. The writer learned nothing from his
D. feeling tired visit.

19. The following changes in past verb forms 20. In 2009, there (1) … a big earthquake
are correct, except …. in West Sumatra. My family and I (2) …
A. tell - told there at that time, thus we (3) … that
buy – bought scary moment. The earthquake (4) …
stand – stood many people and (5) …so many
B. travel – traveled houses, offices, and other public
go – went facilities.
visit – visited
C. tell – told The correct verbs to complete the
say – said paragraph are ….
leave – left
D. take – took
buy – bought
sit – sat
E. take – took
buy – buyed
sit – sat


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