Read 660 Pre-Post Case Sum

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Student Name: W. D. Age: 5 years Grade: K

Tutor: Laura Efford Date: 11/11/17
Word Lists Passage Reading Reading Rate Comprehension
% questions answered
Difficulty Sept. Nov. Sept. Nov. Sept. Nov.
 Timed Total Timed Total WRC WRC ORAL ORAL
Sept. Nov.
%age %age %age %age % Corr % Corr WPM WPM
Preprimer 65 65 80 90 PPB
PPC 91 98
Primer 70 95 Primer 91 40 75
1st 25 45 1st
2nd 2nd
3rd 3rd
4th 4th

Sept. Spelling Assessment Nov. Spelling Assessment

WTW Inventory: PSI PALS Quick Checks: Set C, List 12; Set B, List 7
Score: 0/6 Score: 4/12; 2/12 Feature score: 9/12; 8/12
Spelling Stage: early Letter-Name Spelling Stage: mid-Letter Name
Examples of Confusions: Short-a vs. short-e (spelled “pet” as PA). Examples of Confusions: CH (rich as REH), short-a versus short-e (step
Short-e vs. short-i (spelled “dig” as DE). as STAP), short-e versus short-i (clip as CLEP), short-o versus short-u
Missing final consonants in 5 out of 6 words. Knows: L blends, SH and TH digraphs, beginning and ending consonants,
short-a in CVC words, some S blends (SM-, ST-)

Sept: Independent Reading Level: PPA Instructional Reading Level: PPB-PPC Frustration Level Begins at: Primer

Nov: Independent Reading Level: GRL E/PPC Instructional Reading Level: GRL F/Primer Frustration Level Begins at: GRL G/Primer
Instructional Accomplishments September-November 2017

Fluency Word Knowledge Reading & Writing

Was reading instructionally on PPB/PPC in

9-26-17 Eed’s High Frequency word list
September (GRL D/E). Reading instructionally
assessment: Knew 49 out of 78 words
on GRL F (Primer) in November.
Reads with comprehension, although he is a
11-13-17 Eed’s assessment: Knew 101 out of
W. reread texts on his independent reading level low-instructional F, and his comprehension with
131 words automatically.
every week. Rereading these texts helped these texts is “good,” not “great.”
increase his fluency. Playing games with sight
In September spelled with initial consonant,
words every week also helped build his bank of Uses multiple word solving strategies while
sometimes including (incorrect) medial vowel.
sight words, thus increasing fluency while reading, including: sounding out, skipping a
For example, he spelled dig as DE and hope as
reading texts. word and going back, starting from the
H. In November, he has mastered initial and
beginning of the sentence, using picture
final consonants, some blends and digraphs,
Sight word bank grew by 52 words, according supports, and looking for words within words.
and uses but confuses tricky medial vowels
to Eed’s High Frequency word list assessment. He is able to decode most CVC words.
such as short-a versus short-e and short-e
He knew 49 words in September and 101
versus short-i. For example, he spells clip as
words in November. In September, wrote a story by labeling an
CLEP and step as STAP. He has mastered the
illustration with initial consonants. He drew a
digraph TH, and uses but confuses CH and SH.
Reads with appropriate prosody and picture and labeled it with M for me and F for
expression. Consistently reads sentences that friend.
In September, we began by contrasting short-
end with exclamation points with excitement. In November, he completed a writing template
vowel word families to encourage W. to include
Uses punctuation to guide rhythm, and pauses in which keywords First, Next, and Finally were
final consonants in his spelling. The first week
between sentences. Does not read too fast or provided. In telling how to tie shoes, he wrote:
we contrasted short-a word families, the second
too slow. His expression and prosody was very First, MAK A BUNe ER. Next, CROSit URAD.
week, short-u, the third week short-o, and the
good even during our first tutoring session. Finally, POLit thRo. (First, make a bunny ear.
fourth short-e. He scored 92-100% on all of
Next, cross it around. Finally, pull it through.)
these sorts. By week 6, W. was including final
As a PrePrimer reader, reading texts was not
consonants in his writing, and we began
timed. In November, W. was timed reading a He applies what he has learned in word sorting
contrasting different-vowel word families, such
Primer (GRL F) text, and read 40 wpm. This to dictated sentences and other writing tasks. He
as –ap versus –ip versus –op. He scored 92-
just meets the benchmark for reading Primer sometimes includes spacing between words. He
100% on these sorts.
texts, which is 40 wpm. knows to include punctuation at the end of
sentences, but sometimes needs reminders.
He consistently performed push-and-say tasks
without errors, both in his segmenting and
He includes some sight words in his writing and
blending, and in his choice of letter tiles.
spells them correctly.
Applies word knowledge when reading
decodable texts.
Fluency: Read with expression in September. Continues to read with expression in November.
Reads at 40 wpm, which is the benchmark for a Primer reader.

Reading: Was reading instructionally at PPC/GRL E in September with 91% accuracy. Reading at
Primer/GRL F in November. 91% accuracy, good comprehension, 40 wpm.
Level F is about mid-first grade level.

Sight Words: 49 in September; 101 in November

Spelling: Spelled with initial consonant, and sometimes medial vowel (H for hope) in September.
Spelled with initial and final consonants, SH and TH digraphs, and some blends in November. Uses
and confuses medial vowels (CLEP for clip).

Writing: Labeled a picture with initial consonants in September. Wrote multiple sentences in a “How
To” story in November.

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