Magnetic Forces On Wires

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Magnetic Forces on Wires


1 Basic Current Balance SF-8607
1 Current Balance Accessory SF-8608
1 Ohaus Cent-o-Gram Balance SE-8725
1 Low Voltage AC/DC Power Supply SF-9584A
1 Large Base and Support Rod ME-9355
1 Banana Plug Cord Set-Red (5 pack) SE-9750
1 Banana Plug Cord Set-Black (5 pack) SE-9751
1 Experiment Resources CD EX-9922
1 DataStudio Software CI-6870


Magnets are mounted on an iron yoke and placed on a balance (resolution of at least
0.01g). One of the conducting paths is suspended between the magnets. The balance is
used to measure the mass of the magnets and yoke prior to any current passing through
the conducting path. Current is then passed through the conducting path, producing a
force. The change in reading on the balance can be converted to find the magnetic force
between the conductor and magnetic field.

Conductors of different length are included to measure the effect of length on magnetic
force. Magnetic field can be varied by changing the number of magnets in the yoke. The
power source is used to change the current supplied to the conductor. The Current
Balance Accessory includes all the components needed to test the effect of angle on
magnetic force.

A current carrying wire in a magnetic field experiences a force that is usually referred to
as a magnetic force. The magnitude and direction of this force depend on four variables:
The magnitude and direction of the current (I); the strength of the magnetic field (B); the
length of the wire (L); and the angle between the field and the wire ().

This magnetic force can be described mathematically by the vector cross product:

Fm = IL x B

Or in scalar form,

Fm = ILBsin

Using the equipment included in the Magnetic Forces on Wires Experiment, all four
variables (I, B, L, and ) can be varied while measuring the resulting magnetic force.


To set up the Current Balance:

1. Mount the Main Unit on a lab stand having with a rod 3/8 inch (1.1 cm) in
diameter or smaller.
2. Select a Current Loop, and plug it into the ends of the arms of the Main Unit, with
the foil extending down.
3. Place the Magnet Assembly on a balance with at least 0.01 gram sensitivity.
Position the lab stand so the horizontal portion of the conductive foil on the
Current Loop passes through the pole region of the magnets. The Current Loop
shouldn't touch the magnets.
4. Connect the power supply and ammeter as shown above.


1. Insert one magnet into the magnet holder and center the magnet in the holder.
2. Choose one of the current loops to use throughout the experiment and record the
length of the current loop above Table 3.
3. Setup the current balance as shown above.
4. Determine the mass of the magnet holder and magnets with no current flowing.
Record this value in the “Mass” I = 0 column in Table 3.
5. Turn on the power supply and set the current between 2.0 and 3.0 Amps. Record
this value above Table 3.
6. Determine the new “Mass” of the magnet assembly. Record this value under
“Mass” I > 0 in Table 3 below.
7. Turn off the power supply to change the current to zero.
8. Swing the arm of the main unit up, to raise the current loop out of the magnetic
field gap.
9. Place an additional magnet into the magnet holder aligning the like poles of the
10. Place the holder in the back on the balance pan with the North and South poles in
the same orientation as the last measurement.
11. Lower the arm of the main unit and reposition the current loop inside the
magnetic field gap. Be certain the current loop isn’t touching the magnet holder.
12. Determine the mass of the magnet holder and magnets with no current flowing.
Record this value in the “Mass” I = 0 column in Table 3.
13. Turn the power supply on to provide current through the loop.
14. Measure the new “Mass” of the magnet assembly and record this value in the
“Mass” I >0 column in Table 3.
15. Repeat steps 7-14 for 3, 4, 5 and 6 magnets.

Current Used:
Current Loop Used:


“Mass” “Mass”
Magnetic Field I=0 I>0
(# of magnets) (grams) (grams)

1. Subtract the “Mass” value for each Magnetic Field from the “Mass” value for
zero current to get the “Force” for each field strength.
2. Open the DataStudio file, Force_MagField.ds
3. Enter the Lengths used into the Force vs. Magnetic Field table.
4. Enter the “Force” values into the Force vs. Magnetic Field table.
5. Observe the shape of the Force vs. Magnetic Field graph.


1. What relationship exists between the Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field?
2. What is the physical meaning of the slope of the Force vs. Magnetic Field graph?
3. What is the physical meaning of the vertical intercept of the Force vs. Magnetic
Field graph?
4. Can the vertical intercept be attributed to measurement error? Explain.
5. Write a proportionality expression that represents the relationship between
Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field.

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