Stone Mastic Asphalt

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Stone mastic asphalt is designed to have an above average lifetime due to its high amount of chippings and binder/mortar content. It has undergone changes over time for technical, economic and ecological reasons.

The main components of stone mastic asphalt are mineral aggregates, binders and stabilizing additives.

Some examples of stabilizing additives used in stone mastic asphalt include cellulose and mineral fibers, thermoplastics and silica.

Stone Mastic Asphalt

Translalion kindly provlded by

G..Y.atto-<o..,;G J�S\> nb,,s deslgn,d
by lfalore
Business Untt Road Constructlon
O· 73494 Rosenberg (Ge,many) • Hol2.muhle l
Phl)Jl<>' i... Aq (0) 7q 67 / 1 5?·297
teterax: + 49 (O) 79 67 / 152·500-151 or 152-222
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: W\'l\' • www.sma-vlatop.c:om
Stone Mastic Asphalt Stone Mastic Asphalt
t.othar Drüschner ancl Volker Schater l.othar Drüschner and Volker Scháfcr

Contents Appendix
Page Page
Preface 1 Binder dralnage test Schellenberg/v.d. Weppen 26
General comments 4
Properties and areas of application 6
_ Mixture composition 8
Mineral aggregates 8
Binders 9
Stabilizing aclditives 9
Mix design and Type testing 10
Mixture production 14
Mixture interim storage and transport 18
Paving and compacting 20
Treatment of surface and openlng road to motorists 24
11 1
1. Preface

Editor: This guide, f.iMiffiMff:'1D

German Asphalt Association ffl®lt, was put together
Deutscher Asphaltverband e.V.
by the DAV Asphalt Technique
Schieffelingsweg 6
Wrni<ing Group and is based
53123 Bonn
on Section 4 of the ZIV (Sup-
Tel.: 0049 228 97 96 5-0
plementary Technical Con-
Fax: 0049 228 97 96 5-11
ditions of Contract, Specifi-
e-mail: [email protected]
cations, and Guidelines) As-
phalt Road Construction 2001
(ZIV Asphalt-StB 2001. The
guide gives practica! advice
Lothar Drüschner, for customers, mix rna-
Engineer, MS nufacturers and con-
tractors which goes Stone mastic asphatt
13597 Berlin
0/8 in Will1elmsl1aven
Volker Scháfer beyond and supple-
atter 20 years wear.
26919 Bral<e ments the lechnical
guidelines. Using this
guicle helps ensure that
stone mastic asphalt can average useful lifetime due to
Typesetting, be produced and paved their special design: based on the one
layout and graphics: correctly. hand, on a high amount of chippings
Elke Schlüter and on the other, high binder and
Advertising Agency Over 30 years experier.ce has mcrtar content.
Buschkauler Weg 32 shown that wearing courses
5334 7 Alfter made with stone mastic
asphalt have an above
German Original: 2000
This translation: January 2005

The first .., r In the years following, the These developments also had an This value was included in the re-
designs used a binder content of over original stone mastic asphalt effect on the general conditions vised edition of the 1990 ZTV Jbit
7 % by weight using asbestos fiber or design underwent a series of in the ZTV bit StB-84 where StB-84 and continued in the ZTV
rubber powder as stabilizing additives. changes for technical, eco- stone mastic asphalt was first Asphalt StB-94. lt was deemed
nomical and ecological rea- included in the technical guide- adequate for the production of a
sons. Today, for example, other lines. lrrespective of the maxi- with
stabilizing additives are used mum aggregate size, the míni- its typical properties. There are
such as cellulose and mine- mum binder content of 6.0 % by higher mínimum binder contents
ral fibers, thermoplastics weight was given for the stone given for stone mastic asphalt
and silica. With sorne of mastic asphalt. 0/8 S, 0/8 and 0/5.
these additives, the high
binder content could not As a result of econornical and
always be added into the cornpetitive reasons, many SMA
mixture without damaging it. designs were cleveloped with
That meant that sorne wearing binder contents at this lower limit.
courses with lower binder con- Unavoidable binder content
tents and in part, less coarse fluctuations cluring production,
The type and characteristics of the aggregate and mineral content however, led in part to defects
stabilizing additives were of special were produced and called and darnage. As a result severa!
importance when using this high stone mastic asphalt by their federal road construction
amount of binder. manufacturers. These wearing ministries initially raised the
courses were, however, closer mínimum binder content to 6.5 %
in character to asphalt byweight.
2. General com ments

Stone mastic asphalt was desig- Basic construction The main characteristics of stone for the most part with bituminous
ned as a wearing course with especi-
ally high resistance to studded tires
in the mid sixties. lt was a more de-

.. ","•. �.
,., ,
� � ( ,, • , \ '
.... , ,, �
' �' '
. . ·-. " .,
mastic asphalt's composition are
found in this definition:

The stabilizing adclitives here act as

' .. 4
veloped and mechanized form of as- ? • • high amount of chipplngs
·� •,.,."'I, •�
... • • " • • ,, ••• ,,
'-r.,r • '' .., •
binder carriers. They should stabilize
. ' '·. " . , .\'&,. ."".
phalt mastic wearing courses made ., • hlgh amount of the coarsest
according to 1V bit 6 where the as- "' -,, l
..... .,
. ... •

particle size
the high binder content needed for
the mastic-like mortar composition
phalt mastic was applied to the sur- Asphalt concrete
• hlgh binder content during the various working phases
face by hand or with distributor boxes.
• stabilizing additives of mixing, transporting, paving and
High quality chippings 5/8 or 8/11
compacting. In this way they prevent
were then spread and compacted into
The mixture which is made wit11 a the binder from draining off the mi-
the surface
high amount of the coarsest nerals. Aclditionally the thick bincler
(see illustra-
particle size category, forms a films achieved through the use of
tion). Sto ne
coarse aggregate skeleton. The stabilizing additives positively affect
mastic as-
airvoicls in this skeleton are fillecl the fatigue ancl aging behavior.
phalt has a
good dura-
bility and
stability IH{e
The blnder
but can be Stone mastic asphalt drainage
transported test (see
According to the definition found in appendix)
and paved shows if .J
tne ZlV Asphalt StB, stone mastic
like asphalt stabílizing
asphalt is made from a mineral mix- additive can
concrete. prevent
ture which is gap-graded, has bitu- the drain-off
men as a binder and uses stabilizing of asphalt
mortar from
additives. the minerals.

3. Properties and areas

of application

Wearing cour- A wearing course made from Stone mastic asphalt can be used For maintenance of traffic surfaces,
ses made with stone mastic asphalt with the as wearing course for roads, stone mastic asphalt 0/5 and ,0/8
stone mastic correct desígn and mix produc- paths and other traffic surfaces. lt are specially suited for thin layers
asphalt are es- tion as well as proper paving is a standard method of construc- (ZTV BEA-StB 98). One of stone
pecial !y stable shows the following character- tion on motorways, federal roads mastic asphalt's special advantages
and durable. istics dueto the high chippings and city streets with heavy and is that within limits it can be paved
They have pro- content together with the mas- very hígh demand (cf. Steinhoff, in different thicknesses in order to
• ven their supe- tic-like mortar: Patzold in "asphalt" No 1198, page even out a surface without worrying
rior performance 20: tong-term preservation of as- about possible different postcorn-
even in areas phalt courses, a documentation). paction.
• better resistance to
with heavy traf- permanent deformation
fic and inde-
penclent of any • high wearing resistance
climatic influ-
ence. • less cracking due to cold
or mechanical stress

• coarse surface texture

• good macro roughness

• good long-term behavior

- SMA has proven itself even on sur­

faces where containers sit with their
extreme demands. The photo shows
SMA in a brightened version in
Hamburg (for reasons of temperature). Paving a thin SMA wearing course on a through street in a town.

4. Mixture composition
Mineral Aggregates Binders Stabilizing additives
In addition to the general valid de- mixtures with an even higher As a rule, road construction To achieve the desired high binder
manos on the minerals for wearing PSV value are recornmended. bitumen 50/70, rnade according content with a relatively low spe,cific
courses, the stability and polishing By using different mineral types to DIN EN 12591, is used for aggregate surface in stone mastic
resistance of the chippings when with diftering polishing factors stone mastic asphalt. Thin wea- asphalt, stabilizing additives must be
using stone mastic asphalt are of in the fine chippings fractions, ring courses made with stone added. The additives should act as
great importance. Due to the low longlasting skid re-sistance can mastic asphalt can be produced binder carriers so that the drain-off
amount of sand used, the micro- be achievecl. using road construction bitumen of the binder from the aggregates is
roughness of stone mastic asphalt 70/100 or 160/220. Under prevented during production, storage,
wearing course surfaces is almost For the void content in stone certain conditions, such as on transportation and paving. In practice,
completely achieved by the rough- mastic asphalt wearing cour- surfaces with special demands or cellulose fiber has proven its good per-
ness of the chippings surface. For ses (see the section "Mix on bridges, the use of a polymer- formance as a stabilizing additive.
roads in the construction categoríes desígn and Type testíng"), modified bitumen should be
SV, 1 and 11 and for roads in the con- especially with stone mastic considered. In addition powdered, granulated or
struction category 111 with special asphalt 0/8 S and 0/8, the liquid materials can be used if a satis-
loads, the chippings used must aggregate shape is a very im- NB: As of 2005, the German Asphalt factory, stabilizing effect can be pro-
therefore llave high polishing resis- portant factor. The TL Min.-StB Association recommends tne use of ven (see appenclix: Binder drainage
tance, i.e. a PSV value of at least does not make demands on PmB for high trafficl(ed areas on/y, test). Natural and artificial silicic acid,
50. On surfaces with special poli- the aggregate shape of high because of reasons of skid rubber powder or polymers llave, in
shing stresses or other high loacls quality chippings having a resistance. part, shown good results.
or requirements, minerals or mineral particle size fraction of 2/5 mm.
This can negatively affect
void content, degree of ñlting,
etc. of the compacted asphalt
when the aggregate shape is
extremely flaky or elongated.
1 �10 111

Mixture composition
Mix design and Type testing

Marshall specimens should be pro- The adjustment of the void The total chippings con- Stone mastic asphalt 0/11 S
duced using road bitumen 50/70 ac- content by changíng the binder tent over 2.0 mm can 100 ,100 p
cording to DIN 1996 Part 4 at a com- content only makes technical only be varied in a ve1y le
·w 80
/¡ 90 t
/¡ 20
3: 3:
paction temperature of 135 +/- 5ºC. sense within very limited para- limited manner. For heavy >-,
.o 60 ,�, .o
lf PmB 45 is used, the ZTV Asphalt meters. lf greater changes are duty road surfaces, it ;,'< 60 40 'if!.
.s 40 / I .s
StB recommends a compaction tem- should be oriented to 27 _.,, ,//
desired in the void content QJ
40 . 30 60 :::,
13 --- ;_.,.,,
¡¡; ¡¡;
perature of 145 +/- 5ºC for stone of the Marshall specirnen, is it the lower limit of the '1D
20 20 !':'
e 80
mastic asphalt. A void content of advisable to make changes in grading curve. This lowers
uv 9 �
a. o 0,09 100·3l
approximately 3.5 Vol. % shoulcl be the following order: the risk of differing void 0,25 0.71 2 5 8 "! ": "'!
� <O N 'M

targetecl for traffic surfaces with contents in the SMA

Meshwidlh----------.i.------- Square widlh in mm
construction categories of SV ancl l. In wearing course that are
all other cases as well as when using T total chippings content due to unavoidable pro-
PmB, a value of arouncl 3.0 vol. % d u cti o n fluctuations.
shoulcl be targeted. For mixes to be T ratio of the individual Asphalt concrete 0/11
usecl for thin courses, a targeted void chipping fractions In the revision of the ZTV-
100 100 o
content in the Marshal specimen of Asphalt StB 2001, the t 85

I, 90 tQJ
filler content -� 80 'I 20 3:
2.0 ancl 2.5 vol. % is recommended, lower limit for the total
s 6� ...
:/ >-,
depending on the amount and type of T binder content chippings content was 'a'< 60 ,, / 40 'if!.
.S s
traffic. lowered from 75 (issue »>: QJ
a; 40
.,, .,, -: 40 60 u

1998) to 73 % by weight 13,-" ·¡¡;

20 :- - �'" 80 QJ
(see table, page 12). >

Recommended distribution of the individual particle size categories

¡g_ o 7 100·3l
The gradation of the res- 0.09 0.25 0.71 2 5 8 "'· "': "'!
dependent on the total chippings content. :::: ��Pi
pective chipping frac- Meshwidth----------.i.------- Square width in mm
SMA 0/11 S SMA 0/8 S SMA 0/8 tions rhernselves should
lie in the table on page Gradation for SMA 0/11 S (above) compared to asphalt
Particle size class 2/5 1 part 2 parts 2,5 parts concrete 0/11 (below).
10 (left).
Particle size class 5/8 2 parts 5,5 parts 4,5 parts
Particle size class 8/11 4 parts
1 �12 131

Stone Mastic Asphalt Mixture composition

Aggregate mixture
Passing sieve 16mm % by weight 100
Passing sieve 11.2 mm % by weight 90-100 100 100
Passing sieve 8mm % by weíght 50-65 90-100 100 90-100 100 Marshall stability and flow values Besides the wheel tracking test the
Passing sieve 5.6mm % by weight 35-45

35-55 90-100 35-60 90 - 100
are not at all suitable for the cyclic compression test (acc. to TP A-

Passing sieve 2mm % by weíght 20-30 20-30 30-40 20-30 30-40
Passing sieve 0.063 mm % by weíght 8-12 8-12 7-12 7-12 7-12 evaluation of stone mastic St81'1 part: "uni axial cyclic compres-
asphalt's deformation behavior. sion test - determination ofthe defor-
Binder, type and grade 25/55-55 45/80-50
The relatively low Marshall mation behavior of rolled asphalt")
25/55-55 50/70 50/70
50/70 50/70 50/70 70/100 70/100 stabilities of stone rnastic asphalt is used to evaluate the deformation
25/55-55 45/80-50 resistance. For this test, again, there
can lead to a misinterpretation of
Minimum binder content
(Factor a)* B""" 6.6 e.... 1.2 e., 7.4 B..., 7.2 B...., 7.4 the deformation resistance when are not enough adequate, general

- -
Stabilizlng additive
% by welght compared with asphalt concrete. testing results available.
(Cellulose fibers) 0.3
Nowadays, rut formation testing

is done using the wheel tracking In each case when using a testing
V..,2.0 V..,1.5 v: 1.5 test according TP A-St8''1 part: procedure to evaluate deformation
Maximum void content
"Determination of the rut clepth resistance, it is ver¡ important to pay
Marshail-Specimen V.,.3.0 V...,3.0 vm.. 3.0 V..,.3.0 V.,.3.0
attention to the production method
in a water bath". lt is well suited
Voids fiiled with bitumen
(VFB) % is to be specified for the interna! evaluation of used for the specimen incíuding the
Proportional ruth depth % is to be specified differíng stone mastic asphalt production of the specimen and the
compositions and their antici- evaluation ofthe results.
• Factor a conslders !he denslty of the aggregate mixture
Sowce: Ex!ract of TL Aspl,a/f­StB 07, German Technlcal Condilions of De/ive¡y for Asp/Ja/t Mixtures for 11,e Consr,uctlon of Road pated deformation properties.
Pavements, German Road and TransportaUon Research Assoclation (FGSV), 2008
Because there is still no ade-
Stone Mastic Asphalt
quate evaluation information, no (*) Technische Prüfvorscllriften für Asphalt im

general, valicl threshold valúes StraBenbau (Technícal tesung guioehnes for

of l'ayer aspllalt in road construction).
Paving thickness cm 3.5 · 4.0 3.0 • 4.0 2.0 · 3.0 2.0 · 3.5 2.0 • 3.0 can be Jisted for stone mastic
Paving amount kg/m2 85 · 100 75 • 100 30 • 50 50 • 85 50 - 75 asphalts rut depths.
Degree of compaction % ?. 97 ?.96 ?.97
Void content Vol.·% �5.0 ,!s5.0
Gritting material 0.5 - 1.0 l1g/m2 aggregates 1/3 mm
(dedusted or lightly bituminized)

Source: Exlmct of ZTV Asphalt·StB 07, German Add/Uonal Technlcal Conditlons of Contrae! and Díreclives for the Construction o(
Road Aspl1alt Pavements, German Roac/ and Transportaüon Research Assoc/aUon (FGSV), 2008
(left: Table 4.1 "SMA" from the
., Source: Ex!racl of ZTV BEA­StB 09, German Addítional Technlcal Condltions of Contract and D/rectives for the constructional ZTV Asphalt StB 2007)
malntenance of Road Asphalt Pavements. Gem,an Road anc/ Transportation Research Associat/on (FGSV), 2009

5. Mixture production

The paving capacity must l) The stabilizing additives must be The following production described is
therefore be adjusted to exactly dosed or aclded in pre- based on the addition of fibers. W.hen
the capacity of the mixing measured units (bags) clepending adding granulates, liquids or additives
plant (hot bins, cold bins). on their type and form of clelivery. using fillers, the special properties of
Beca use ofthe lower sand these additives must be considered.
content in the minerals as Due to the great effectiveness of
compared with other the stabilizing additives, tluc- When using bags, their size and batch
mixture types, the tuations in the amounts added size must be coordinated. Organic
chippings are heated and in the distribution of pro- fiber should not be subjected to
more in the drying drum. perties cause large changes in moisture during storage and use. This
This occurs because the the stone mastic asphalt and the can cause clumping and adds to the
flame acts directly on the courses produced with it. That is risk of uneven distribution in the
chippings and not on a why only those additives should mixture.
thick sand layer. The be used which are delivered in a
burner rating should homogenous state and which
therefore be adjustecl so retain their homogeneity during
Mixture production is similar to that that the mineral ternpe- storage and prccessing.
of asphalt concrete. Due to the high rature is not too high ancl
arnount of the coarsest aggregate remains constant during the
fraction, it makes sense to use two entire production period. The
cold bins for this. The upper level of temperature of the finishecl )
the hot screen unit can become over- mixture is crltical. lt must not '. j
loaded due to the high coarse ag- exceed 170ºC.
gregate content affecting the sieving.
Mixture production

A dry pre-mixing time that is too lt should be noted that the required
1 long can result in the fibers being pre- and wet-mixing times can result

' pulverized to filler. In sorne cases

when using pelletized organic
in a reduction ofthe mixture output.

fibers, pellets do not break up During the mixing of stone mastic

adequately. This can be due to asphalt, the mixing plant should not
differing pressing during the pel- be switched over to the manufacture
lets' production orto a dry mixing of other types of mixtures especially


1. Cellulose fibers, loose or pelletized

Automated additfon of stabilfzlng additives.

Chippings, Sand 15 sec.,

Total m1x1ng time liJli..
Stabilizing additives are usually added large surface areas, a horno- Filler 20 sec. ;e: 63 - 68 sec.
automatically using the corresponcling genous mixture can only be ob- Cellulose fibers 10-15
dosing equipment. Many producers tained through the even dis- Bitumen 15 sec.
of these adclitives offer dosing devi- tri bution of the stabillzing Wet mixing time 10 sec.
ces that are specially adjusted to the additives. Special attention Discharge _/Lsec.
materials used. In special cases (for should be given to the additive
example small quantities) the additi- manufacturers' information if 2. VIATOP•
ves can be added manually through available. When using fiber
a lid cover at the pugmill. When using additives, it should be noted Chippings, Sand 15 sec. Total m1x1ng time liJli..
this method, the industrial safety re- that homogeneous distribution Filler 20sec. � "� �,,,,
gulations as well as the BG/BIA recom- in the mix first takes places in Cellulose fibers 5 sec.
mendations in "Production of Asphalt" the "wet-mixing time" (i.e. Bitumen 15 sec.
should be followed as required. during and after the addi- Wet rnixing time 10 sec.
Because the binder accumulates on tion ofthe binder). Discharge 8 sec.
1 �16 171
Mixture production

A dry pre-mixing time that is too lt should be noted that the required
long can result in the fibers being pre- and wet-mixing times can result
pulverized to filler. In sorne cases in a reduction ofthe mixture output.
when using pelletized organic
fibers, pellets do not break up During the mixing of stone mastic
adequately. This can be due to asphalt, the mixing plant should not
differing pressing during the pel- be switched over to the manufacture
lets' production orto a dry mixing of other types of mixtures especially
time that is too short. lt is a good base course or binder mixes (changes
idea to check the breaking up and in the burner adjustments, production
homogeneous mixing in of the rate ... ) .
pellets from time to time.

of these chippings, sand 15 seconds
ces tha: Total time
filler 20 seconds � 53 seconds .....
cellulose fiber
ves car
a lid COI binder 15 seconds
trns me
gulatior wet-mixing time 10 sec.
Estimatecl data from manufacturers' informa!/on
should emptying and practica/ experience. /11 lndiviclua/ cases 8 sec.
Becaus dependen! on e.g. !/Je plant design. Always check
(e.g. dry mixing) by tes!ing beforehandl
I i18 191

6. Mixture - lnterim storage and transport

With smaller areas to be paved

(less mix) and slow work progress
(e.g. in city road construction or
road maintenance and repair),
trucks with thermally insulated
attachment containers (hold
small amounts) or thermal trae-
tor-trailers/articulated lorries with
horizontal belt conveyors (see
photo right) have proven Mixing, transport and paving work
valuable. must be coordinated. With good job
organization and timing, there are
lt is a mistake to try to counteract shorter waiting times for the transport
the cooling off effects of the mix vehicles with less temperature loss
during longer transport distances of the mix and less down time for the
by overheating the mixture tern- pavers resulting in fewer compaction
Delivery of a red­colored SMA in a thermal container perature. The result is mix segre- problems and better longitudinal
gation drain-off of the binder or evenness. The continuous feeding of
mortar during transpon and mix to the paver is an important pre-
Like other asphalts, stone mastic as- Diesel fuel should not be used paving as well as hardening ofthe requisite for the smoothness of
phalt should not, as a rule, be stored due to quality considerations binder resulting in a poor pavíng texture and compaction as well as for
for long periods of time in loading and industrial safety regulations. and compacting behavior of the the evenness of the paved asphalt
silos. This is to prevent darnaging The transport vehicles must be mi X'. course.
changes in the binder. covered with windproof blan-
kets even in summer to prevent
The truck beds must be clean. They cooling off of the mixture and a
should only be cleaned by spraying damaging binder hardening from
with a separating agent suitable for oxidation caused by contact with
asphalt ora thin water film. oxygen in the air.
1 �20 211

7. Paving and compacting Rules:

• The rnix temperature in the • As a rule, compacting

paver hopper should be evenly should be done as soon as
distributed and when using possible, i.e. as close as
road bitumen 70/100, 50/70 possible to the paver.
or PmB 45 (without additives
for improved processing)
never fall below 150ºC. • At least two rollers are
Consistent temperature distri- required for each lane
bution means that, for ex- that is to be paved.
arnple, no cold spots can build
up in corners or at edges.
The roller compaction
should be done usíng a
Peving. a SMA weering course for a storage area
tandem or three-wheel
• The paver used should be roller (operating weight
operated dependent on the > 9 tons).
paving speed so that an ap-
Stone mastic asphalt can easily be propriate i.e. not too high
paved using a paver. During paving precompaction is achieved • Vibratory compaction
and especially during cornpacting, the (check with e.g. lsotope shoulcl only be done with
following rules should be followecl: probes) so that no bumper adequately high mix tem-
vibration (structural loosening) peratures ,md only after a
occurs. static pr e sstng/c om-


Paving thickness and weights far

SMA are listed in Table 4.1 of
• lf layer temperatures fall below • Necessary, supplemental the ZTV Asphalt StB 2001 (see
100ºC, vibration cannot be con- manual paving of stone mas- page 12) and in Table 3.2 of the
tinued. With a rigid base course tic asphalt must be done ZTV BEA-StB 98. The lower
(e.g. concrete and stone paving), and quickly and if possible, at the values should be viewed critically,
with course thicknesses below 2 cm, same time as the paver work, based on experience, and limited
vibration cannot be carried out be- The roller compaction must be only to special cases. Far normal
cause this can lead to breaking up and done immediately after the use, it should be ensured that no
smashing of the aggregates, paving. The missing pre- part of the layer falls below the
compaction by the paver will minimal thickness,
result in a higner neccessary
paving thickness (roller dimen- Special attention should be given
sion) which must be taken into to the paving of searns and joints
• Rubber-tire rollers are ineffective consideration. (see DAV guidelines "Course con-
when used far SMA compaction. nections, seams, joints, edge
They are even counterproductive far finishing"). SMA manual paving on rounded surfaces
and edges always s/multaneous/y
the surface properties and are no longer with the paver.
used. (NB: Avai/ab/e only in germen
1 �24 251

8. Treatment of the surface and opening road

to motorists

The gritting material can

be applied either directly
I' behind the paving ptan«
or between the first roller
passes. lt must in any case

be appliecl onto the still

adequately hot and adhe-
sive surface. In order to
obtain an even, consis-
tent surface image, use
of mechanical spreading
is essential {photo left).

After pavíng, the compac-

tion ancl final treatment,
there must be a time per-
iocl of at least 24 hours
so that the wearing course
In order to increase initial skid resi- and possible ligl1tly pre-coated
can cool off befare
stance, sanding measures (acc. to (bituminous) crushed sand
opening the road to traffic.
lYv Asphalt StB) should be included 0.25/2 mm has also proven
lf the wearing course
in the tender to be carried out. The satisfactory. Chippings 2/5
surface is driven on too
amount of grittingtsanding material should not be used clue to
soon, it can lead to ruts in
is usually 1 to 2 l<g/m2. Next to the possible increased noise
the whP.P,I tranks Non­seruied (above) and snnded (be/ow)
aggregate size 1/3 mm, a dedusted emissions. surfaces of a stone mas tic aspllalt wearing course
�26 271

1. Binder drainage test according Your notes:

to Schellenberg/von der Weppen

(cf. ALP A StB Part 2: "Testing the binder mixture should be 135 +/- 5ºC (see
drain­off": EN 12697part 18) temperature for the production of
Marshall specimen). Any deviations in
The binder drainage test according heating times must not be longer than
to Schellenberg,'von der Weppen is +/- 1 min. and in the heating oven
ideal for evaluation of the mixture temperature not more than +/- 1ºC.
stability ancl homogeneity during rnix- After the heating period, empty the
ing, storage, transport and paving. beaker by turning it upside down
Using this test, the tendency to se- without shaking or knccking it. Weigh
gregate during the production phase the specimen. The entire process
can be assessed very precisely. Great should not exceed 10 seconds.
test-technological effort is not re-
quired to carry out the testing, The segregation measurement is the
difference between the mixture weight
Place approximately 1 kg of the mix- before and after heating taken as a
ture in a beaker (DIN 12332, 800 mi). percentage. Record any deviations in
Leave it covered for 60 min at 170ºC, the heating period and/or heating
in a drying oven. Set the drying oven temperature. Be sure to note and
to circulating air (not supply air). Pre- include in the assessment any un-
heat the empty beaker in the drying usual occurrences such as any chipp-
oven at 170ºC before. The length of ings sticking to the beaker or more
time from the removal of the beaker than just a minimal (dotted) adhe-
to the weighing of the test specimen rence of the asphalt mortar. The
to the placement of the specimen in difference (pure mortar) shoi riel he
the oven should not exceed 20 se- less than 0.15 % by mass, but even
conds. The initial temperature of the better, less than 0.10 % by mass.

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