Thinking The Unthinkable The Story of C

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Thinking the Unthinkable:

The Story of Complex Numbers

(with a Moral)

'L.. USUAL DEFINITION of complex numbers,

either as ordered pairs (a, b) of real numbers or as
"numbers" of the form a + bi, does not give any
indication of their long and tortuous evolution,
which lasted about three hundred years. I want to
describe this evolution very briefly because I think
some lessons can be learned from this story, just as
from many other such stories concerning the evo-
lution of a concept, result, or theory. These lessons
have to do with the impact of the history of math-
ematics on our Understanding of mathematics and
on our effectiveness in teaching it. But more about Jerome Cardan {1501-1576)
the moral of this story later. From A Portfolio of Eminent Mathematicians, ed. David Eugene
Smith {Chicago: Open Court, 1896)

In 1545 Jerome Cardan, an Italian mathemati-
This story begins in 1545. What carne earlier can cian, physician, gambler, and philosopher, pub-
be summarized by the following quotation from lished a book entitled Ars Magna (The great art),
Bhaskara, a twelfth-century Hindu mathemati- in which he described an algebraic method for
cian (Dantzig 1967): solving cubic and quartic equations. This book was
a great event in mathematics. It was the first major
The square of a positive number, also that of a
negative number, is positive; and the square root of achievement in algebra since the time, 3000 years
a positive number is two-fold, positive and negative; earlier, when the Babylonians showed how to solve
there is no square root of a negative number, for a quadratic equations. Cardan, too, dealt with qua-
negative number is not a square. dratics in his book. One of the problems he pro-
posed is the following (Struik 1969):
If some one says to you, divide 10 into two parts, one
Reprinted from Mathematics TeacherS! (Oct., 1988): 583-92; with
permission of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
of which multiplied into the other shall produce ...
The author would like to acknowledge financial assistance from the 40, it is evident that this case or question is impos-
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. sible. Nevertheless, we shall solve it in this fashion.


Cardan then applied his algorithm (essentially of x 3 = 15x + 4, found by using Cardan's formula,
the method of completing the square) to x + y = 10 with the solution x = 4, found by inspection. The
and xy = 40 to get the two numbers 5 + ,t=l5 and task was undertaken by the hydraulic engineer
5 - ..J-15. Moreover, "putting aside the mental Rafael Bombelli about thirty years after the publi-
tortures involved" (Burton 1985), Cardan formally cation ofCardan's work.
multiplied 5 + '-1-15 by 5 - '-1-15 and obtained 40. Bombelli had the "wild thought" that since the
He did not pursue the marter but concluded that radicands 2 + ..J-121 and 2 - ..J-121 differ only in
the result was "as subtle as it is useless" (NCTM sign, the same might be true of their cube roots.
1969). Although eventually rejected, this event Thus, he let
was nevertheless historic, since it was the first time
ever that the square root of a negative number was
explicitly written down. And, as Dantzig (1985) and
has observed, "the mere writing down of the im-
possible gave it a symbolic existence."
In the solution of the cubic equation, square and proceeded to solve for a and b by manipulating
roots of negative numbers had to be reckoned these expressions according to the established rules
with. Cardan's solution for the cubic x 3 = ax + b for real variables. He deduced that a = 2 and b = 1
was given as and thereby showed that, indeed,

= (2 + ..J-i) + (2- R) = 4

+ J(~)- )(~)'-(;)', (Burton 1985). Bombelli had thus given meaning

to the "meaningless." This event signaled the birth
the so-called Cardan formula. When applied to of complex numbers. In his own words (Leapfrogs
the historic example x 3= 15x + 4, the formula 1980):
It was a wild thought, in the judgement of many;
and I too was for a long time of the same opinion.
X = '112 d-121 + '1/2- ..J-121.
The whole matter seemed to rest on sophistry rather
than on truth. Yet I sought so long, until I actually
Although Cardan claimed that his general formula proved this to be the case.
for the solution of the cubic was inapplicable in
this case (because of the appearance of ..J-121), Of course, breakthroughs are achieved in this
square roots of negative numbers could no longer way-by thinking the unthinkable and daring to
be so lightly dismissed. Whereas for the quadratic present it in public.
(e.g., x 2 + 1 = 0) one could say that no solution The equation x 3 = 15x + 4 represents the so-
exists, for the cubic x3 = 15x + 4 a real solution, called irreducible case of the cubic, in which all
namely x = 4, does exist; in fact, the two other three solutions are real yet they are expressed (by
solutions, -2 ± f3, are also real. It now remained Cardan's formula) by means of complex numbers.
to reconcile the formal and "meaningless" solution To resolve the apparent paradox of cubic equa-
tions exemplified by this type of equation, Bombelli
developed a calculus of operations with complex
numbers. His rules, in our symbolism, are(± 1)i =


±i, (+i)(+i)=-1, (-i)(+i)=+1, (±1)(-i)= + numbers correspond to some of these imagined

i, (+ i)(- i) = + 1, and (- i)(- i) = -1. He also roots.
considered examples involving addition and The following quotation, from a letter in 1673
multiplication of complex numbers, such as 8i + from Christian Huygens to Gottfried von Leibniz
(-5i) = + 3i and in response to the latter's letter that contained the
c-'i4 + ..J2i)(lJ3 + f&) =lis+ 11..f2i.

Bombelli thus laid the foundation stone of the

theory of complex numbers. was typical of the period (Crossley 1980):
Many textbooks, even at the university level,
The remark which you make concerning
suggest that complex numbers arose in connection imaginary quantities which, however, when added
with the solution of quadratic equations, especially together yield a real quantity, is surprising and
the equation x 2 + 1 = 0. As indicated previously, entirely novel. One would never have believed that
the cubic rather than the quadratic equation forced -.11 + .pj + -.11--Pl
the introduction of complex numbers.
make ...f6 and there is something hidden therein
which is incomprehensible to me.
Bombelli's work was only the beginning of the
saga of complex numbers. Although his book
L'Algebra was widely read, complex numbers were
shrouded in mystery, little understood, and often
entirely ignored. Witness Simon Stevin's remark
in 1585 about them (Crossley 1980):

There is enough legitimate matter, even infinitely

much, to exercise oneselfwithout occupying oneself
and wasting time on uncertainties.

Similar doubts concerning the meaning and

legitimacy of complex numbers persisted for two
and a half centuries. Nevertheless, during that same
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716)
period complex numbers were extensively used and From A Portfolio ofEminent Mathematicians, ed. David Eugene
a considerable amount of theoretical work was Smith (Chicago: Open Court, 1896)

done. We illustrate this work with a number of

examples. Leibniz, who spent considerable time and ef-
fu early as 1620, Albert Girard suggested that fort on the question of the meaning of complex
an equation of degree n may have n roots. Such numbers and the possibility of deriving reliable
statements of the fundamental theorem of algebra results by applying the ordinary laws of algebra to
were, however, vague and unclear. For example, them, thought of them as "a fine and wonderful
Rene Descartes, who coined the unfortunate word refuge of the divine spirit-almost an amphibian
"imaginary" for the new numbers, stated that al- between being and non-being" (Leapfrogs 1980).
though one can i~agine that every equation has as Complex numbers were widely used in the
many roots as is indicated by its degree, no (real) eighteenth century. Leibniz and John Bernoulli


used imaginary numbers as an aid to integration.

For example,

f 1
x 2 + a2
= f 1
(x + ai)(x- ai)

1 ( - 1- - - - )
1 dx
x+ai x-ai
[log (x + ai) -log (x- ai)]. This use, in tum, raised
questions about the meaning of the logarithm of
complex as well as negative numbers. A heated con- Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
troversy ensued between Leibniz and Bernoulli. From A Portfolio ofEminent Mathematicians, ed. David Eugene
Leibniz claimed, for example, that log i = 0, arguing Smith (Chicago: Open Court, 1908)
that log ( -1) 2 =log 12, and hence 2 iog ( -1) = 2log correct proof of the fundamental theorem of alge-
1 = 0; thus log ( -1) = 0, and hence 0 =log( -1) =log bra, claimed as late as 1825 that "the true meta-
i' = 2 log i, from which it follows that log i = 0. physics of v=J. is elusive" (Kline 1972).
Bernoulli opted for log i = (1ti)/2; this equation It should be pointed out that the desire for a
follows from Euler's identity e" = - 1, which implies logically satisfactory explanation of complex num-
thatlog ( -1) = 1ti and hence thatlog i = hlog ( -1) = bers became manifest in the latter part of the
(1ti)/2, although this argument is not the one that eighteenth century, on philosophical, if not on
Bernoulli used. The controversy was subsequently utilitarian, grounds. With the advent of the Age of
resolved by Leonhard Euler (Leapfrogs 1978). Reason in the eighteenth century, when math-
Complex numbers were used by Johann Lam- ematics was held up as a model to be followed, not
bert for map projection, by Jean D'Alembert in only in the natural sciences but in philosophy as
hydrodynamics, and by Euler, D'Alembert, and well as political and social thought, the inadequacy
Joseph-Lonis Lagrange in incorrect proofs of the of a rational explanation of complex numbers was
fundamental theorem of algebra. (Euler, by the disturbing.
way, was the first to designate ..J=1 by i.) The problem of the logical justification of the
Euler, who made fundamental use of complex laws of operation with negative and complex num-
numbers in linking the exponential and trigono- bers also hearne a pressing pedagogical issue at,
metric functions by the formula eix =cos x + i sin x, among other places, Cambridge University at the
expressed himself about them in the following way tum of the nineteenth century. Since mathematics
(Kline 1972): was viewed by the educational institutions as a
Because all conceivable numbers are either greater paradigm of rational thought, the glaring inad-
than zero, less than zero or equal to zero, then it is equacies in the logical justification of the opera-
clear that the square root of negative numbers can- tions with negative and complex numbers became
not be included among the possible numbers .... untenable. Such questions as, 'Why does 2 X i + i =
And this circumstance leads us to the concept of
2?" and "Is ...[;;;; = ,Ja ...fb true for negative a and b?"
such numbers, which by their nature are impossible
and ordinarily are called imaginary or fancied num- received no satisfactory answers. Ill fact, Euler, in
bers, because they exist only in the imagination. his text of the 1760s on algebra, claimed
...J=f '1/-4 = ...f4 = + 2
as a possible result. Robert
Even the great Carl Friedrich Gauss, who in Woodhouse opined in 1802 that since imaginary
his doctoral thesis of1797 gave the first essentially numbers lead to right conclusions, they must have


Kant's influence, as "moments of time.") In 1847

Augustin-Louis Cauchy gave a completely rigor-
ous and abstract definition of complex numbers in
terms of congruence classes of real polynomials
modulo x 2 + 1. In this, Cauchy modeled himself
on Gauss's definition of congruences for integers
(Kline 1972).

By the latter part of the nineteenth century all
vestiges of mystery and distrust of complex num-
bers could be said to have disappeared, although a
lack of confidence in them persisted among some
textbook writers well into the twentieth century.
These authors would often supplement proofs us-
Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855} ing imaginary numbers with proofs that did not
From A Portfolio afEminent Mathematicians, ed. David Eugene involve them. Complex numbers could now be
Smith (Chicago: Open Court, 1908) viewed in the following ways:
1. Points or vectors in the plane
a logic. Around 1830 George Peacock and others
2. Ordered pairs of real numbers
at Cambridge set for themselves the task of deter-
3. Operators (i.e., rotations ofvectors in the plane)
mining that logic by codifYing the laws of opera-
4. Numbers of the form a + bi, with a and b
tion with numbers. Although their endeavor did
real numbers
not satisfactorily resolve the problem of the com-
5. Polynomials with real coefficients modulo
plex numbers, it was perhaps the earliest instance
x2 + 1
of"axiomatics" in algebra.
6. Matrices of the form
By 1831 Gauss had overcome his scruples con-
cerning complex numbers and, in connection with
a work on number theory, published his results on
[_~ !1
with a and b real numbers
the geometric representation of complex numbers
7. An algebraically closed, complete field
as points in the plane. Similar representations by
(This is an early twentieth-century view.)
the Norwegian surveyor Caspar Wessel in 1797
and by the Swiss clerk Jean-Robert Argand in Although the preceding various ways of view-
1806 went largely unnoticed. The geometric rep- ing the complex numbers might seem confusing
resentation, given Gauss's stamp of approval, dis- rather than enlightening, it is of course common-
pelled much of the mystery surrounding complex place in mathematics to gain a better understand-
numbers. In the next two decades further develop- ing of a given concept, result, or theory by viewing
ment took place. In 1833 William Rowan Hamil- it in as many contexts and from as many points of
ton gave an essentially rigorous algebraic defini- view as possible.
tion of complex numbers as pairs of real numbers. The foregoing descriptions of complex num-
(To Hamilton the complex number (a, b) con- bers are not the end of the story. Various develop-
sisted of a pair of"moments of time," since he had ments in mathematics in the nineteenth century
earlier defined real numbers, under Immanuel enable us to gain a deeper insight into the role of


The descriptions of such developments are

rather technical. Only the barest of illustrations
can be given:
(1) In algebra, the solution ofpolynomial equa-
tions motivated the introduction of complex num-
bers: Every equation with complex coefficients has
a complex root-the so-called fundamental theo-
rem of algebra. Beyond their use in the solution of
algebraic polynomial equations, the complex num-
bers offer an example of an algebraically closed
field, relative to which many problems in linear
algebra and other areas of abstract algebra have
their "natural" solution.
(2) In analysis, the nineteenth century saw the
William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865} development of a powerful and beautiful branch of
mathematics, namely complex function theory. We
complex numbers in mathematics and in other have already seen how the use of complex numbers
areas. Thus, complex numbers. offer just the right gave. us deeper insight into the logarithmic, expo-
setting for dealing with many problems in math- nential, and trigonometric functions. Moreover,
ematics in such diverse areas as algebra, analysis, we can evaluate real integrals by means of C?mplex
geometry, and number theory. They have a sym- function theory. One indication of the efficacy of
metry and completeness that is often lacking in the theory is that a function in the complex do-
such mathematical systems as the integers and real main is infinitely differentiable if once differen-
numbers. Some of the masters who made funda- tiable. Such a result is, of course, false in the case of
mental contributions to these areas say it best: The functions of a real variable (e.g.,f(x) = x 413 ).
following three quotations are by Gauss in 1801, (3) The complex numbers lend symmetry and
Riemann in 1851, and Hadamard in the 1890s, generality in the formulation and description of
respectively: various branches of geometry, for example, Eu-
clidean, inversive, and non-Euclidean. Thus, by
Analysis ... would lose immensely in beauty and
balance and would be forced to add very hampering the introduction of ideal points into the plane any
restrictions to truths which would hold generally two circles can now be said to intersect at' two
otherwise, if . . . imaginary quantities were to be points. This idea aids in the formulation and proof
neglected. (Birkhoff1973) of many results. As another example, Gauss used
The origin and immediate purpose of the introduc- the complex numbers to show that the regular
tion of complex magnitudes into mathematics lie in polygon of seventeen sides is constructible with
the theory of simple laws of dependence betw"een straightedge and compass.
variable magnirudes expressed by means of opera- (4) In number theory, certain Diophantine
tions on magnirudes. If we enlarge the scope of
equations can be solved nearly and conceptually by
applications of these laws by assigning to the vari-
ables they involve complex values, then there ap- the use of complex nurpbers. For example, the
pears an otherwise hidden harmony and regularity. equation x 2 + 2 = y 3 , when expressed as (x + ..J2i)
(Ebbinghaus 1983) (x - -{21) = y 3, can readily be solved, in integers,
The shortest path between two truths in the real using properties of the complex domain consisting
domain passes through the complex domain. of the se\ of elements of the form a + b ..J2i, with a
(Kline 1972) and b integers.


(5) An elementary illustration of Hadamard's have a mature appreciation of mathematics without

dictum that "the shortest path between two truths a substantial knowledge of its history.
in the real domain passes through the complex
domain" is supplied by the following proof that Such appreciation is essential for the teacher to
the product of sums of two squares of inte- possess. It can provide him or her with insight,
gers is again a sum of two squares of integers; motivation, and perspective-crucial ingredients
that is, in the making of a good teacher. Of course, whether
this story has succeeded in achieving these objec-
(a 2 + b 2 )(c 2 +d2) = u 2 + v 2 , tives in relation to the complex numbers is for the
reader to judge. However, beyond the immediate
for some integers u and v. For, objective of lending insight, this story and others
like it may furnish us with a slightly better under-
(a 2 + b 2)(c 2 + d'-) standing of the nature and evolution of the math-
=(a+ bi)(a- bi)(c + di)(c- di) ematical enterprise. It addresses such themes or
= [(a +bi)(c + di)][(a- bi)(c- di)] issUes as the following:
= (u + vi)(u- vi) (1) The meaning of number in mathematics.
= u2 + v2. Complex numbers do not fit readily into students'
notions of what .a number is. And, of course, the
Try to prove this result without the use of complex meaning of number has changed over the centu-
numbers and without being given the u and v in ries. This story presents a somewhat better per-
terms of a, b, c, and d. spective on this issue. It also leads to the question
In addition to their fundamental uses in math- ofwhether numbers beyond the complex numbers
ematics, some of which were previously indicated, exist.
complex numbers have become a fixture in science (2) The relative roles ofphysical needs and intel-
· and technology. For example, they are used in lectual curios£ty as motivatingfactors in the develop-
quantum mechanics and in electric circuitry. The ment of mathematics. In this connection it should
"impossible" has become not only possible but be pointed out that the problem of the solution of
indispensable. the cubic, which motivated the introduction of
complex numbers, was not a practical problem.
The Moral Mathematicians already knew how to find ap-
proximate roots of cubic equations. The issue was
Why the history of mathematics? Why bother to find a theoretical algebraic formula for the solu-
with such "stories" as this one? Edwards (1974) tion of the cubic-a question without any practical
puts it in a nutshell: consequences. Yet how useful did the complex
numbers turn out to be! This is a recurring theme
Although the study of the history of mathematics
has an intrinsic appe!ll of its own, its chief raison in the evolution of mathematics.
d'C:tre is surely the illumination of mathematics (3) The relative roles of intuition and logic in
itself. the evolut£on ofmathematics. Rigor, formalism, and
the logical development of a concept or result
My colleague Abe Shenitzer expresses it as fol- usually come at the· end of a process of math-
lows: ematical evolution. For complex numbers, too, first
One can invent mathematics withOut knowing much came use (theoretical rather than practical), then
of its history. One can use mathematics without intuitive understanding, and finally abstract
knowing much, if any, ofits history. But one cannot justification.


(4) The nature of proof in mathematics. This

question is related to the preceding item. But
although (3) addresses the evolution of complex
numbers in its broad features, this item deals with
local questions of proof and rigor in establishing
various results about complex numbers (cf., e.g.,
the derivation of the value oflogi by von Leibniz
and Bernoulli). One thing is certain-what was
acceptable as a proof in the seventeenth and eigh-
teenth centuries was no longer acceptable in the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The concept
of proof in mathematics has evolved over time, as
it is still evolving, and not necessarily from the
less to the more rigorous proof (cf. the recent
proof, by means of the computer, of the four-
color conjecture). Philip Davis goes a step further
in outlining the evolution of mathematical ideas
(Davis 1965): George P61ya (1887-1985)
Courtesy ofBirkhauser Boston
It is paradoxical that while mathematics has the
reputation of being the one subject that brooks no
contradictions, in reality it has a long history of Wessell, Argand, and Gauss. The complex num-
successful living with contradictions. This is best bers are an interesting case study of such ques-
seen in the extensions of the notion of number that
tions, to which, of course, we have no definitive
have been made over a period of 2500 years. From
limited sets ofintegers, to infinite sets of integers, to
fractions, negative numbers, irrational numbers, (6) The genetic principle in mathematics educa-
complex numbers, transfinite numbers, each exten- tion. What are the sources of a given concept or
sion, in its way, overcame a contradictory set of theorem? Where did it come from? Why would
demands. anyone have bothered with it? These are fascinat-
ing questions, and the teacher should at least be
(5) The relative roles of the individual and the aware of the answers to such questions. "When and
environment in the creation of mathematics. What how he or she uses them in the classroom is an-
was the role of Bombelli as an individual in the other matter. On this matter George P6lya (1962)
creation of complex numbers? Cardan surely had says the following:
the opportunity to take the great and courageous
step of"thinking the unthinkable." Was the time Having understood how the human race has ac-
quired the knowledge of certain facts or concepts,
perhaps not ripe for Cardan, but ripe for Bombelli
we are in a better position to judge how the human
about thirty years later? Is it the case, as John child should acquire such knowledge.
Bolyai stated, that "mathematical discoveries, like
springtime violets in the woods, have their season Can we not at least have a better appreciation
which no human can hasten or retard" (Kline of students' difficulties with the concept of com-
1972)? This conclusion certainly seems to be borne plex numbers, having witnessed mathematicians
out by many instances of independent and simul- of the first rank make mistakes, "prove" erroneous
taneous discoveries in mathematics, such as the theorems, and often come to the right conclusions
geometric representation of complex numbers by for insufficient or invalid reasons?


Some Suggestions for the Teacher (5) We must, of course, supply the student
with "internal relevance" when introducing a given
Let me conclude with some comments on, and concept or result. This point brings us to the im-
suggestions for, the use of the history of math- portant and difficult issue of motivation. To some
ematics in the teaching of mathematics, in par- students the applications of a theorem are appeal-
ticular with reference to complex numbers. Many ing; to others, the appeal is in the inner logical
of the points are implicit in the preceding story. structure of the theorem. A third factor, useful but
(1) I first want to reiterate what I view as the often neglected, is the source of the theorem: How
major contribution of this story for the teacher. did it arise? What motivated mathematicians to
P6lya (1962) puts it very well: introduce it? With complex numbers, their origin
in the solution of the cubic, rather than the qua-
To teach effectively a teacher must develop a feeling dratic, should be stressed. Cardan's artempted di-
for his subject; he cannot make his students sense its vision of ten into two parts whose product is forty
vitality if he does not sense it himself. He cannot
share his enthusiasm when he has no enthusiasm to
reinforces this point. How mUch further one con-
share. How he makes his point may be as important tinues with the historical account is a decision
as the point he makes; he must personally feel it to better made by the teacher in the classroom, bear-
be important. ing in mind the lessons that should be conveyed
through this or similar historical material.
The objective of my story, then, is to give the (6) Historical projects deriving from this story
teacher some feeling for complex numbers, to im- about complex numbers can be given to able students
bue him or her with some enthusiasm for complex as topics for research and presentation to, say, a
numbers. mathematics club. Possible topics are the following:
When it comes to suggestions for classroom use, (a) The logarithms of negative and
it cannot be overemphasized that these are only complex numbers.
suggestions. The teacher, of course, can better judge (b) What is a number? That is, discuss the
when and how, at what level, and in what context to evolution of various number systems and the evo-
introduce and relate historical material to the discus- lution of our conception of what a number is.
sion at hand. The introduction ofhistorical material (c) Hypercomplex numbers (e.g., the
can, however, convey to the studen~ the following quaternions). Their discovery is another fascinating
important lessons, which are usually not imparted story.
through the standard curriculum. (d) Gauss's congruences of integers and
(2) Mathematics is far from a static, lifeless Cauchy's congruences of polynomials. The latter
discipline. It is dynamic, constandy evolving, full lead to a new definition (description) of complex
of failures as well as achievements. numbers.
(3) Observation, analogy, induction, and in- (e) An axiomatic characterization of
tuition are the initial and often the more natural complex numbers (see (7) under the heading
ways of acquiring mathematical knowledge. Rigor "Maturity''). In this connection we ought to discuss
and proof usually come at the end of the process. the notion of characterizing a mathematical system,
(4) Mathematicians usually create their subject and thus the concept of isomorphism. (Cf. the
without thought of practical applications. The lat- various equivalent descriptions ofcomplex numbers
ter, if any, come later, sometimes centuries later. discussed previously.)
This point relates to "immediate relevance" and to (7) Many elementary and interesting illustra-
"instant gratification," which students often seek tions of Hadamard's comment demonstrate that
from any given topic presented in class. "the shortest path between t:vvo truths in the real


domain passes through the complex domain." We Jones, Phillip S. "Complex Numbers: An Example"of
are referring to elementary results from various Recurring Themes in the Development of Math-
ematics-I-III." Mathematics Teacher47 (February,
branches of mathematics, results whose statements
April, May 1954): 106-14,257-63, 34G-45.
do not contain complex numbers but whose "best"
Kline, Morris. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to
proofs often use complex numbers. One such ex-
Modern Tt'mes. New York: Oxford University Press,
ample was given previously. Some others by Cell 1972.
(1950),Jones (1954), and the NCTM (1969) can
Leapfrogs: Imaginary Logarithms. Fordham, Ely, Cambs.,
be found in the Bibliography. England: E. G. Mann &Son, 1978.
Leapfrogs: Complex Numbers. Fordham, Ely, Cambs.,
England: E. G. Mann & Son, 1980.
McClenon, R. B. "A Contribution of Leibniz to the
Birkhoff, Garrett. A Source Book in Classical Analysis. History of Complex Numbers." American Math-
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1973. ematical Manthly30 (November 1923): 369-74.
Burton, David M. The History ofMathematics. Boston: , Nagel, Ernest. "Impossible Numbers: A Chapter in the
Allyn &Bacon, 1985. History of Modem Logic." Studies in the History of
Cell, John W. "Imaginary Numbers." Mathematics ldeas3 (1935): 429-74.
Teacher43 (December 1950):39+-96. National Council ofTeachers ofMathematics. Histori-
Crossley, John N. The Emergence ofNumber. Vtctoria, cal Topics for the Mathematics Classroom. Thirty-first
Australia: Upside Down A Book Co., 1980. Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: The Council, 1969.
Dantzig, Tobias,Numb~theLanguageofScience. New POlya, George. Mathematical Discovery. New York: John
York: The Free Press, 1930, 1967. Wiley & Sons, 1962.
Davis, Philip]. The Mathematics ofMatrices. Waltham, Sondheimer, Ernest, and Alan Rogerson. Numbers and
Mass.: Blaisdell Publishing Co., 1965. Infinity-an HistoricalAccount ofMathematical Con-
Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter, et al. Zahlen. Heidelberg: cepts. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
Springer-Verlag, 1983. Stroik, Dirk}. A Source Book in Mathematics, 120D-1800.
Edwards, Charles H. The Historical Development ofthe Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969.
Calculus. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1974. Windred, G. "History of the Theory of Imaginary and
F1egg, Gtaham. Numbers-Their History and Meaning. Complex Qyantities." Mathematical Gazette 14
London: Andre Deutsch, 1983. (1930?): 533-41.


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