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Get ready for a treat. You're about to begin studying some of the most beautiful
ideas in mathematics. They are ideas with surprises. They evolved over several
centuries, yet they greatly simplify extremely difficult computations, making
some as easy as sliding a hot knife through butter. They also have applications
in a variety of areas, ranging from fluid flow, to electric circuits, to the mysterious
quantum world. Generally, they belong to the area of mathematics known as
complex analysis, which is the subject of this book. This chapter focuses on the
development of entities we now call complex numbers.

Complex analysis can roughly be thought of as the subject that applies the theory
of calculus to imaginary numbers. But what exactly are imaginary numbers?
Usually, students learn about them in high school with introductory remarks
from their teachers along the following lines: "We can't take the square root of
a negative number. But let's pretend we can and begin by using the symbol
i =
Rules are then learned for doing arithmetic with these numbers. At
some level the rules make sense. If i = A, it stands to reason that i2 = -l.
However, it is not uncommon for students to wonder whether they are really
doing magic rather than mathematics.


If you ever felt that way, congratulate yourself! You're in the company of
some of the great mathematicians from the sixteenth through the nineteenth
centuries. They, too, were perplexed by the notion of roots of negative numbers.
Our purpose in this section is to highlight some of the episodes in the very
colorful history of how thinking about imaginary numbers developed. We intend
to show you that, contrary to popular belief, there is really nothing imaginary
about "imaginary numbers." They are just as real as "real numbers."

Our story begins in 1545. In that year, the Italian mathematician Girolamo
Cardano published Ars Magna (The Great Art), a 40-chapter masterpiece in
which he gave for the first time a method for solving the general cubic equation

Cardano did not have at his disposal the power of today's algebraic notation,
and he tended to think of cubes or squares as geometric objects rather than algebraic quantities. Essentially, however, his solution began with the substitution
z = xThis move transformed Equation (1-1) into a cubic equation without
a squared term, which is called a depressed cubic. To illustrate, begin with
z3 + 9z2 + 24z + 20 = 0 and substitute z = x - a32 = X = x - 3. The equation
then becomes (x - 3)3 + 9 (x - 3)2 + 24 (x - 3) + 20 = 0, which simplifies to
x3 ~ 3x + 2 = O.
You need not worry about the computational details here, but in general the
substitution z = x - a32 transforms Equation (1-1) into


1 2
2 3
b- - al - 3a2,
an d c -_ -3a1a2
+ 27a2
+ ao.
If Cardano could get any value of x that solved a depressed cubic, he could
easily get a corresponding solution to Equation (1-1) from the identity z = x - a32 .
Happily, Cardano knew how to solve a depressed cubic. The technique had been
communicated to him by Niccolo Fontana who, unfortunately, came to be known
as Tartaglia (the stammerer) due to a speaking disorder. The procedure was also
independently discovered some 30 years earlier by Scipione del Ferro of Bologna.
Ferro and Tartaglia showed that one of the solutions to Equation (1-2) is

3 _ ~


b +

_ ~


b .

Although Cardano would not have reasoned in the following way, today we
can take this value for x and use it to factor the depressed cubic into a linear
and quadratic term. The remaining roots can then be found with the quadratic
formula. For example, to solve z3 + 9z2 + 24z + 20 = 0, use the substitution
z = x-3 to get x3 -3x+2 = 0, which is a depressed cubic in the form of Equation
(1-2). Next, apply the "Ferro-Tartaglia" formula with b = -3 and c = 2 to get

- -22 +-


+ -+ - -22 - 22-4 + -= R'
-1 + R
-1 = -2 . Smce
x + 2 must be a factor of x3 - 3x + 2. Dividing x + 2 into

X = -2
is a root,
x3 - 3x + 2 gives x2 - 2x + 1, which yields the remaining (duplicate) roots of
x = 1. The solutions to z3+9z2+24z+20
= 0 are obtained by recalling z = x-3,
which yields the three roots Zl = -2 - 3 = -5, and Z2 = Z3 = 1 - 3 = -2.
So, by using Tartaglia's work and a clever transformation technique, Cardano
was able to crack what had seemed to be the impossible task of solving the

general cubic equation. Surprisingly, this development played a significant role

in helping to establish the legitimacy of imaginary numbers. Roots of negative
numbers, of course, had come up earlier in the simplest of quadratic equations
such as x2 + 1 = O. The solutions we know today as x = j=I,
were easy for mathematicians to ignore. In Cardano's time, negative numbers
were still being treated with some suspicion, as it was difficult to conceive of any
physical reality corresponding to them. Taking square roots of such quantities
was surely all the more ludicrous. Nevertheless, Cardano made some genuine
attempts to deal with j=I. Unfortunately, his geometric thinking made it
hard to make much headway. At one point he commented that the process of
arithmetic that deals with quantities such as j=I "involves mental tortures and
is truly sophisticated." At another point he conduded that the process is "as
refined as it is useless." Many mathematicians held this view, but finally there
was a breakthrough.
In his 1572 treatise L 'Algebra, Rafael Bombelli showed that roots of negative
numbers have great utility indeed. Consider the depressed cubic x3 -15x-4 = O.
Using Formula (1-3), we compute x = \/2 + J=TIT + {h - J-121 or, in a
somewhat different form. x = {h + II j=I + \/2 - II j=I.
Simplifying this expression would have been very difficult if Bombelli had
not come up with what he called a "wild thought." He suspected that if the
original depressed cubic had real solutions. then the two parts of x in the preceding equation could be written as u + vj=I
and u - vj=I
for some real
numbers u and v. That is, Bombelli believed u + vj=I = {h + llA

u - vA

= \/2 -llA,

which would mean (u

+ vA)3

= 2 + llj=I,

and (u - v j=I) = 2 - llj=I. Then, using the well-known algebraic identity

(a + b) 3 = a 3 + 3a 2 b + 3ab2 + b3, and assuming that roots of negative numbers
obey the rules of algebra, he obtained

(u + v";=lf

= u3 + 3(u2)vv=1 + 3(u)(vH)2

+ (vv=1)3
= u + 3(u) (vv=1)2 + 3(u )vv=1 + (vH)3
= (u3 - 3uv2) + (3u2v - v3)v=1

u(u2 - 3v2) + v(3u2 - v2)H


(J - j)
(1-;) )

By equating like parts of Equations (1-4) and 1-.)) Bombelli reasoned that
= 2 and v(3u2 - v2) = ll. Perhaps thinking even more wildly,
Bombelli then supposed that u and v were integers. ThE' only integer factors of
2 are 2 and 1, so the equation u( u2 - 3v2) = 2 led Bombelli to conclude that
u = 2 and u2 - 3v2 = 1. From this conclusion it follows that v2 = 1. or v = 1.
Amazingly, u = 2 and v = 1 solve the second equation v(3u2 - v2) = ll, so
Bombelli declared the values for u and v to be u = 2 and v = 1, respectively.

u(u2 - 3v2)

Since (2

+ -/=1:)3 = 2 + l1A, we clearly have 2 + A = {h + l1A.

A = {h- 11A. But this means that

Similarly, Bombelli showed that 2 ~2

+ l1R +



= (2

+ R) + (2 -


= 4,

which was a proverbial bombshell. Prior to Bombelli, mathematicians could

easily scoff at imaginary numbers when they arose as solutions to quadratic
equations. With cubic equations, they no longer had this luxury. That x = 4 was
a correct solution to the equation x3 - 15x - 4 = 0 was indisputable, as it could
be checked easily. However, to arrive at this very real solution, mathematicians
had to take a detour through the uncharted territory of "imaginary numbers."
Thus, whatever else might have been said about these numbers (which, today,
we call complex numbers),
their utility could no longer be ignored.
Admittedly, Bombelli's technique applies only to a few specialized cases, and
lots of work remained to be done even if Bombelli's results could be extended.
After all, today we represent real numbers geometrically on the number line.
What possible representation could complex numbers have? In 1673 John Wallis
made a stab at a geometric picture of complex numbers that comes close to what
we use today. He was interested in representing solutions to general quadratic
equations, which we can write as x2+2bx+c2 = a to make the following discussion
easier to follow. When we use the quadratic formula with this equation, we get

Wallis imagined these solutions as displacements to the left and right from
the point -b. He saw each displacement, whose value is Jb2 - c2, as the length
of the sides of the right triangles shown in Figure 1.1.
The points PI and P2 represent the solutions to our equation, which is clearly
correct if b2 - c2 2': O. But how should we picture PI and P2 when negative roots
arise (i.e., when f)L. - cL. < UF -WaIhs reasoneatnat,
witn nega"ilV1::Ttn.h1;,
be less than c, so the lines of length b in Figure 1.1 would no longer be able to
reach all the way to the x-axis. Instead, they would stop somewhere above it, as
Figure 1.2 shows. Wallis argued that PI and P2 should represent the geometric
locations of the solutions x = -b - -/b2 - c2 and x = -b + Jb2 - c2 when

b2 - C2 < O. He evidently thought that, because b is shorter than c, it could no

longer be the hypotenuse of the right triangle as it had been earlier. The side of
length c would now have to take that role.
Wallis's method has the undesirable consequence that -A is represented
by the same point as is A. Nevertheless, this interpretation helped set the
stage for thinking of complex numbers as "points on the plane." By 1732, the
great Swiss mathematician
Leonard Euler (pronounced "oiler") adopted this
view concerning the n solutions to the equation xn - 1 = O. You will learn
shortly that these solutions can be expressed as cos + A sin for various
values of e; Euler thought of them as being located at the vertices of a regular
polygon in the plane. Euler was also the first to use the symbol i for A.
Today, this notation is still the most popular, although some electrical engineers
prefer the symbol j instead so that they can use i to represent current.

Two additional mathematicians deserve mention. The Frenchman AugustinLouis Cauchy (1789-1857) formulated many of the classic theorems that are now
part of the corpus of complex analysis. The German Carl Friedrich Gauss (17771855) reinforced the utility of complex numbers by using them in his several
proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra (see Chapter 6). In an 1831 paper,
he produced a clear geometric representation of x + iy by identifying it with the
point (x, y) in the coordinate plane. He also described how to perform arithmetic
operations with these new numbers.
It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that in 1831 complex numbers were transformed into legitimacy. In that same year the prolific logician
Augustus De Morgan commented in his book, On the Study and Difficulties of
Mathematics, "We have shown the symbol
to be void of meaning, or rather
self-contradictory and absurd. Nevertheless, by means of such symbols, a part
of algebra is established which is of great utility."


There are, indeed, genuine logical problems associated with complex numbers. For example, with real numbers VOJj = y'liVb so long as both sides of
the equation are defined. Applying this identity to complex numbers leads to
1 = VI = vi ( -1) (-1) = A A = -1. Plausible answers to these problems
can be given, however, and you will learn how to resolve this apparent contradiction in Section 2.2. De Morgan's remark illustrates that many factors are needed
to persuade mathematicians to adopt new theories. In this case, as always, a

firm logical foundation was crucial, but so, too, was a willingness to modify some
ideas concerning certain well-established properties of numbers.
As time passed, mathematicians gradually refined their thinking, and by the
end of the nineteenth century complex numbers were firmly entrenched. Thus,
as it is with many new mathematical or scientific innovations, the .theory of
complex numbers evolved by way of a very intricate process. But what is the
theory that Tartaglia, Ferro, Cardano, Bombelli, Wallis, Euler, Cauchy, Gauss,
and so many others helped produce? That is, how do we now think of complex
numbers? We explore this question in the remainder of this chapter.

2. Explain why cubic equations, rather than quadratic equations, played a pivotal
role in helping to obtain the acceptance of complex numbers.

(a) 27x3 - 9x - 2 = O. Hint: Get an equivalent monic polynomial.

(b) x3-27x+54=0.
4. Explain why Wallis's view of complex numbers results in
by the same point as is



being represented

5. Use Bombelli's technique to get all solutions to the following depressed cubics.
(a) x3 - 30x - 36


(b) x3 - 87x - 130 = O.

(c) x3-60x-32=0.

+ 18 =

(a) Z3 - 6z2


+ 3z2


(b) z3

+ 28


= O.

7. Is it possible to modify slightly Wallis's picture of complex numbers so that it is

consistent with the representation used today? To help you answer this question,
refer to the article by Alec Norton and Benjamin Lotto, "Complex Roots Made
Visible," The College Mathematics Journal, 15(3), June 1984, pp. 248-249.
8. Investigate library or web resources and write up a detailed description explaining
why the solution to the depressed cubic, Equation (1-3), is valid.

We have shown that complex numbers came to be viewed as ordered pairs of

real numbers. That is, a complex number Z is defined to be

where x and yare both real numbers.

The reason we say ordered pair is because we are thinking of a point in the
plane. The point (2, 3), for example, is not the same as (3, 2). The order in
which we write x and Y in Equation (1-7) makes a difference. Clearly, then, two
complex numbers are equal if and only if their x coordinates are equal and their
Y coordinates are equal. In other words,

(Throughout this text, iff means if and only if.)

A meaningful number system requires a method for combining ordered pairs.
The definition of algebraic operations must be consistent so that the sum, difference, product, and quotient of any two ordered pairs will again be an ordered
pair. The key to defining how these numbers should be manipulated is to follow Gauss's lead and equate (x, y) with x + iy. Then, if Zl = (Xl, yd and
Z2 = (X2,
Y2) are arbitrary complex numbers, we have

+ Z2 =

+ (X2, Y2)
= (Xl + iyd + (X2 + iY2)
= (Xl + X2) + i (YI + Y2)

= (Xl


+ Z2 =

Zl -



+ X2,


+ Y2)

+ (X2, Y2)
= (Xl + X2, YI + Y2).


= (Xl, yd - (X2, Y2)

= (Xl - X2, YI - Y2).





+ Z2

Zl -




+ (5, -6)

(8, 1)

= (3. 7) - (5. -6) = (-2.

+ Z2 =

Zl -

(3, 7)

+ 7i) + (5 = (3 + 7i) - (5 (3



= 8+i

6i) = -2



+ 13i.

Given the rationale we devised for addition and subtraction, it is tempting

to define the product ZlZ2 as ZlZ2 = (X1X2, Y1Y2). It turns out, however, that
this is not a good definition, and we ask you in the exercises for this section to
explain why. How, then, should products be defined? Again, if we equate (x, y)
with x + iy and assume, for the moment, that i = A makes sense (so that
i2 = -1), we have

= (Xl,



+ iyd(X2 + iY2)
= X1X2 + iX1Y2 + iX2Yl + i2Y1Y2
= X1X2 - Y1Y2 + i(X1Y2 + X2Yl)
= (X1X2 - Y1Y2, X1Y2 + x2yd




= (X1X2





+ X2Yl).

(3, 7)(5, -6)

= (35 - 7 (-6), 3 (-6) + 5 . 7)

= (15 + 42. -18 + 35)
= (57, 17).

(1-10) I


= (3, 7)(5, -6)

+ 7i)(5


~ 6i)

= 15 - 18i + 35i - 42i2

15 - 42( -1)

+ (-18 + 35)i

+ 17i

= 57

= (57, 17).

Of course, it makes sense that the answer came out as we expected because
we used the notation x + iy as motivation for our definition in the first place.

To motivate our definition for division, we proceed along the same lines as
we did for multiplication, assuming that Z2 -I- 0:




+ iyd


+ iY2)

We need to figure out a way to write the preceding quantity in the form
To do so, we use a standard trick and multiply the numerator and
denominator by X2 - iY2, which gives

+ iy.



+ iyd(X2

- iY2)



+ iY2)(X2

- iY2)

+ YIY2 + i( -XIY2 + x2vd

X~ + v~
. -XIY2 + X2Yl
----+ t----X~ + y~
X~ + yi
= (XIX2 + VIY2 -XIV2 + X2VI)
X~ + y~
X~ + y~



+ VIV2




+ X2VI)
+ V~


(5, -6)




= (3, 7) and

25 + 36' 25 + 36

As with the example

notation x + iy:


= (5,

-6), then

= (-27

for multiplication,

61 '61

we also get this answer if we use the

(5, -6)


3 + 7i
5 - 6i
3 + 7i 5 + 6i
---5 - 6i 5 + 6i
15 + 18i + 35i + 42i2
25 + 30i - 30i - 36i2
15 - 42 + (18 + 35) i
25 + 36
51 + 61 t

(-27 53).
61 '61

To perform operations on complex numbers, most mathematicians

would use
the notation x + iy and engage in algebraic manipulations,
as we did here, rather
than apply the complicated-looking
definitions we gave for those operations on
ordered pairs. This procedure is valid because we used the x + iy notation
as a guide for defining the operations in the first place. Remember, though,
that the x + iy notation is nothing more than a convenient bookkeeping device
for keeping track of how to manipulate ordered pairs. It is the ordered pair
algebraic definitions that form the real foundation on which the complex number
system is based. In fact, if you were to program a computer to do arithmetic on
complex numbers, your program would perform calculations on ordered pairs,
using exactly the definitions that we gave.
Our algebraic definitions give complex numbers all the properties we normally ascribe to the real number system. Taken together, they describe what
algebraists call a field. In formal terms, a field is a set (in this case, the complex numbers) together with two binary operations (in this case, addition and
having the following properties.

(PI) Commutative


law for addition:

law for addition:



+ 22


= 22




(P3) Additive identity: There is a complex number w such that z+w = z for
all complex numbers z. The number w is obviously the ordered pair (0, 0).
(P4) Additive inverses: For any complex number z, there is a unique complex
number 1] (depending on z) with the property that z+1] = (0, 0). Obviously,
if z = (x, y) = x + iy, the number 1] will be (-x, -y) = -x - iy = -z.




law for multiplication:

law for multiplication:


= Z2Z1'
= (ZlZ2)Z3.


(P7) Multiplicative
identity: There is a complex number (such that z( = z
for all complex numbers z. As you might expect, (1, 0) is the unique complex
number ( having this property. We ask you to verify this identity in the
exercises for this section.
(P8) Multiplicative
For any complex number z = (x, y) other
than the number (0, 0), there is a complex number (depending on z), which
we denote Z-l, having the property that ZZ-l = (1, 0) = 1. Based on our
definition for division, it seems reasonable that the number z-l would be
z-l = (1,0) = 1 = _1_
= ~
+ i---=.1L- =
---=.1L-) We








ask you to confirm this result in the exercises for this section.

None of these properties is difficult to prove. Most of the proofs make use
of corresponding facts in the real number system. To illustrate, we give a proof
of property (PI).
Z2 = (X2,

of the commutative
law for addition:
be arbitrary complex numbers. Then,





yd + (X2,
+ X2,





+ Y2)


+ (Xl, yd

(by definition

of addition

(by the commutative

(by definition

of complex


law for real numbers)

of addition

of complex


+ zl

Actually, you can think of the real number system as a subset of the complex number system. To see why, let's agree that, as any complex number of the
form (t, 0) is on the x-axis, we can identify it with the real number t. With this
correspondence, we can easily verify that our definitions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of complex numbers are consistent with the
corresponding operations on real numbers. For example, if Xl and X2 are real
numbers, then

(Xl, 0)(X2,
(XIX2 - 0, 0 + 0)

(by our agreed

(by definition

of multiplication

the consistence

of complex


of our correspondence).

It is now time to show specifically how the symbol i relates to the quantity
Note that


(0, 1)(0, 1)
(0 - 1, 0 + 0)

(by definition

of multiplication

of complex


(-1. 0)

(by our agreed


which means i = (0, 1) = R. SO, the next time you are having a discussion
with your friends and they scoff when you claim that A is not imaginary,
calmly put your pencil on the point (0. 1) of the coordinate plane and ask them
if there is anything imaginary about it. When they agree there isn't, you can tell
them that this point, in fact, represents the mysterious R in the same way
that (1, 0) represents 1.
We can also see more clearly now how the notation X + iy equates to (x. y).
Using the preceding conventions (i.e., X = (x, 0), etc.), we have

(x, 0)
(x, 0)
(x, y)

+ (0. l)(y, 0)
+ (0, y)

(by our previously


(by definition

of multiplication

(by definition

of addition

of complex

of complex



Thus, we may move freely between the notations x + iy and (x, y), depending on which is more convenient for the context in which we are working.
Students sometimes wonder whether it matters where the "i" is located in writing a complex number. It does not. Generally, most texts place terms containing
an "i" at the end of an expression, and place the "i" before a variable but after
a constant. Thus. we write x + iy. u + iv, etc .. but 3 + 7i. 5 - 6i. and so forth.
Because letters lower in the alphabet generally denote constants, you will usually
(but not always) see the expression a + bi instead of a + ib. Many authors write
quantities like 1 + iv'3 instead of 1 + v'3i to make sure the "i" is not mistakenly
thought to be inside the square root symbol. Additionally, if there is concern
that the "i" might be missed, it is sometimes placed before a lengthy expression,
as in 2 cos (-~7r + 2m]") + i2 sin (-~7r + 2m]").
We close this section with three important definitions and a theorem involving them. We ask you for a proof of the theorem in the exercises.

Definition 1.5: Real part

The real part of z, denoted Re (z). is the real number x.

I Definition 1.6: Imaginary part

The- imaginary part of z. denoted Im (z). is the real number y.

Definition 1.7: Conjugate

The conjugate of z, denoted z, is the complex number (x, -y)

x - iy .

a) Re (-3 + 7i) = -3 and Re[(9, 4)] = 9. b) Im( -3
7i) = 7 and Im[(9, 4)] = 4. c) -3 + 7i = -3 - 7i and (9, 4) = (9, -4) .

Theorem 1.1 Suppose that z,







are arbitrary

complex numbers.

Because of what it erroneously connotes, it is a shame that the term imaginary is used in Definition (1.6). It was coined by the brilliant mathematician and
philosopher Rene Descartes (1596-1650) during an era when quantities such as
R were thought to be just that. Gauss, who was successful in getting mathematicians to adopt the phrase complex number rather than imaginary number,
also suggested that they use lateral part of z in place of imaginary part of z. Unfortunately, that suggestion never caught on, and it appears we are stuck with
what history has handed down to us.

(a) i275.
(b) ~.

(c) Re(i).
(d) Im(2).
(e) (i - 1)3.

+ 5).
(7 + 6i) + 1m (5 -

(f) (7 - 2i)(3i
(g) Re

(h) 1m ( ;~~~) .


(a) (1 + i)(2

+ i)(3 + i).

(b) (3+i)/(2+i).
(c) Re [(i - 1)3] .

(d) Im[(l

+ i)-2].

(e) ;~~: _


(f) (1 + i)-2
(g) Re [(x -

(h) 1m

iy)2] .

(X~iY) .

4i) .

(i) Re [(x
(j) 1m [(x
3. Show that

+ iy) (x
+ iy)3]

is always a real number.

4. Verify Identities
5. Let P

- iy)].


(z) = anzn

+ an_Izn-1 + ... + alZ + ao be

a polynomial

of degree n.

(a) Suppose that an, an-I, ... , aI, ao are all real. Show that if Zl is a root
of P, then Zl is also a root. In other words, the roots must be complex
conjugates, something you likely learned without proof in high school.
(b) Suppose not all of an, an-I, ... , aI, ao are real. Show that P has at
least one root whose complex conjugate is not a root. Hint: Prove the
(c) Find an example of a polynomial that
complex conjugates, and some not.
6. Let Zl = (Xl, Yl) and Z2
disprove the following.
(a) Re(Zl

+ Z2)

= Re(zl)


has some roots occurring

Y2) be arbitrary

complex numbers.


Prove or

+ Re(z2).

(b) Re(zlz2) = Re (Zl) Re (Z2).

(c) 1m (Zl

+ Z2)

= 1m (Zl)

+ 1m (Z2)'

(d) Im(zlz2) = 1m (Zl) 1m (Z2).

7. Prove that the complex number (1, 0) (which we identify with the real number 1)
is the multiplicative identity for complex numbers.
8. Use mathematical induction to show that the binomial theorem is valid for complex
numbers. In other words, show that if z and ware arbitrary complex numbers and
. a POSI
't"Ive Int eger, th en (+)n
n IS

= '\'

k Zk Wn-k , were

k = k!(n-k)!'


9. Let's use the symbol * for a new type of multiplication of complex numbers defined
by Zl *Z2 = (XIX2, YlY2). This exercise shows why this is an unfortunate definition.
(a) Use the definition given in property (P7) and state what the multiplicative identity ( would have to be for this new multiplication.
(b) Show that if you use this new multiplication, nonzero complex numbers
of the form (0, a) have no inverse. That is, show that if Z = (0, a),
there is no complex number w with the property that z * w = (, where
( is the multiplicative identity you found in part (a).
10. Explain why the complex number (0, 0) (which, you recall, we identify with the
real number 0) has no multiplicative inverse.
11. Prove property

(P9), the distributive

law for complex numbers.

12. Verify that if z = (x, y), with x and y not both 0, then Z-l = (l,z 0) (i.e., Z-l = ~).
Hint: Let z = (x, y) and use the (ordered pair) definition for division to compute
= ((1,0.
Then, with the result you obtained, use the (ordered pair) definition
for multiplication to confirm that zz-l = (1, 0) = 1.
13. From Exercise 12 and basic cancellation laws, it follows that z-l = ~ ~ ~. The
numerator here, Z, is trivial to calculate and, as the denominator zz is a real
number (Exercise 3), computing the quotient ~ should be rather straightforward.
Use this fact to compute Z-l if z = 2 + 3i and again if z = 7 - 5i.
14. Show, by equating the real numbers Xl and X2 with (Xl, 0) and (X2, 0), respectively, that the complex definition for division is consistent with the real definition
for division. Hint: Mimic the argument given in the text for multiplication.

Complex numbers are ordered pairs of real numbers, so they can be represented
by points in the plane. In this section we show the effect that algebraic operations
on complex numbers have on their geometric representations.
\lVecan represent the number z = x + iy = (x, y) by a position vector in the
xy plane whose tail is at the origin and whose head is at the point (x, y). When
the xy plane is used for displaying complex numbers, it is called the complex
plane, or more simply, the z plane. Recall that Re(z) = x and Im(z) = y.
Geometrically, Re(z) is the projection of z = (x, y) onto the x-axis, and Im(z)
is the projection of z onto the y-axis. It makes sense, then, to call the x-axis the
real axis and the y-axis the imaginary
axis, as Figure 1.3 illustrates.
Addition of complex numbers is analogous to addition of vectors in the
plane. As we saw in Section 1.2, the sum of Zl = Xl + iYl = (Xl, Yl) and
Z2 = X2 + iY2 = (X2,
Y2) is (Xl + X2, Yl + Y2). Hence Zl + Z2 can be obtained
vectorially by using the "parallelogram law," where the vector sum is the vector
represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by the two original
vectors. Figure 1.4 illustrates this notion.
The difference Zl - Z2 can be represented by the displacement vector from
the point Z2 = (X2, Y2) to the point Zl = (Xl, Yl), as Figure 1.5 shows.

Imaginary axis




2. .

Copy of vector 21
at the tail of vector 22)



Copy of vector 22
(positioned at the tail of vector 2t)

Copy of vector

..l ..~


4 + 3i


(positioned at the tail of vector


,. ZI



-z 2



Copy of vector -Z2

at the tail of vector Zl)


Figure 1.6
The real and imaginary
parts of a complex number.

Definition 1.8: Modulus

The modulus, or absolute value, of the complex number z = x

nonnegative real number denoted by Izl and defined by the relation

+ iy

is a

The number Izi is the distance between the origin and the point z = (x, y).
The only complex number with modulus zero is the number o. The number
z = 4 + 3i has modulus 14+ 3il = J 42 + 33 = v'25 = 5 and is depicted in Figure
1.6. The numbers IRe(z)l, IIm(z)l, and Izi are the lengths of the sides of the right
triangle OPQ shown in Figure 1.7. The inequality IZ11< IZ21means that the
point Z1 is closer to the origin than the point Z2. Although obvious from Figure
1.7, it is still profitable to work out algebraically the standard results that

which we leave as an exercise.

The difference Z1 - Z2 represents the displacement vector from Z2 to Z1, so
the distance between Z1 and Z2 is given by 1Z1 - z21. We can obtain this distance
by using Definitions (1.2) and (1.3) to obtain the familiar formula

If z = (x, y) = x + iy, then -z = (-x, -y) = -x - iy is the reflection of z

through the origin, and z = (x, -y) = x - iy is the reflection of z through the
x-axis, as illustrated in Figure 1.8.
We can use an important algebraic relationship to establish properties of the
absolute value that have geometric applications. Its proof is rather straightforward, and we ask you to give it in the exercises for this section.

= (x, y)

~--+-----+-----<~-(-x, 0):


:(x, 0)
- - - - - - - -' z= (x, -y)

< = (-x, -y)

=-x- iy

Figure 1.7

The moduli of Z and its

Figure 1.8
The geometry
and conjugation.

of negation

An important application of Identity (1-22) is its use in establishing the triangle

inequality, which states that the sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle is
greater than or equal to the length of the third side. Figure 1.9 illustrates this
inequality .

Theorem 1.2 (The triangle inequality) If





are arbitrary complex


IZ1 + z212

(Zl + Z2) (Zl + Z2)

= (Zl + Z2) (Zl + Z2)
= ZlZl + ZlZ2 + Z2Z1 + Z2Z2
IZll2 + ZlZ2 + ZlZ2 + IZ212

(by Identity


(by Identity


(by Identity




IZll2 + ZlZ2 + (ZlZ2) + IZ212

IZll2 + 2 Re (ZlZ2) + IZ212
IZl12 + 21z1Z21
+ IZ212
IZl12 + 21z111z21 + IZ212
(IZ11 + IZ21)2 .

(by Identities

and the


(by Identity


(by Identity


(Give the reason

and (I-I.!))

for this step-exercise)

EXAMPLE 1.5 To produce an example of which Figure 1.9 is a reasonable illustration, we let Zl = 7 + i and Z2 = 3 + 5i. Then IZll = )49 + 1 =
v'5O and IZ21 = )9 + 25 = V34. Clearly. Zl + Z2 = 10 + 6i: hence IZl + z21 =
)100 + 36 = J136. In this case. we can verify the triangle inequality without
recourse to computation of square roots because IZl + z21
)136 = 2V34 =

V34 + V34 <

V55 +


IZll + hi

We can also establish other important

inequality. Note that


by means of the triangle

hi = l(zl + Z2) + (-z2)1

:::;IZl + z21 + l-z21
= IZl + z21 + IZ21
Subtracting IZ21 from the left and right sides of this string of inequalities gives
an important relationship that is used in determining lower bounds of sums of
complex numbers:

Taking square roots of the terms on the left and right establishes
important identity:




IZ21 = )9 + 4 = /13.
V5/13 = IZ111z21 .



= 1+2i and Z2 = 3+2i, then IZll = v0+4 = V5 and

= -1 + 8i; hence IZlz21 = VI + 64 = J65 =


Figure 1.10 illustrates the multiplication shown in Example 1.6. The length
of the ZlZ2 vector apparently equals the product of the lengths of Zl and Z2.
confirming Equation (1-2.]). but why is it located in the second quadrant when
both Zl and Z2 are in the first quadrant? The answer to this question will become
apparent to you in Section 1.4.

(a) 1(1+i)(2+i)l.


(c) 1(1+i)50I.
(d) Izzl, where z = x + iy.

(e) Iz-112,wherez=x+iy.



= 2 + 3i and



-1 + 2i and


-2 + 3i.



1 + iV3 and



(a) ~+i.

(b) V2+i(V2+1).
(c) 2+3i.
(d) -./

+ iV3.

(a) (1-21)(b) (1-22).

(c) (1-26).


= 4 + i.

+ iV3.

(a) Iz + 1 - 2il = 2.

(b) Re(z+I)=O.
(c) Iz+2il::':;1.

(d) 1m (z - 2i) > 6.

7. Prove that v'2lzl


8. Show that the point

IRe(z)1 + IIm(z)l
z! ~Z2

is the midpoint

of the line segment joining Zl to


9. Show that IZI - z21 ::.:;IZll + IZ21.

10. Prove that Izi = 0 iff z = O.
11. Show that if z # 0, the four points z, 2, -z, and -2 are the vertices of a rectangle
with its center at the origin.
12. Show that if z # 0, the four points z, iz, -z,
with its center at the origin.

and -iz

are the vertices of a square

13. Show that the equation of the line through the points Zl and
in the form z = Zl + t(Z2 - Zl), where t is a real number.
14. Show that the nonzero vectors Zl and



are parallel iff Im(zlz2)

can be expressed


15. Show that IZIZ2Z31= IZlllz21lz31.

16. Show that Iznl = Izln, where n is an integer.
17. Suppose that either Izi = 1 or Iwl = 1. Prove that Iz - wi = 11- 2wl
18. Prove the Cauchy-Schwarz
19. Show Ilzll-lz211

I k~l



I ::.:;

::.:;IZl - z21.

20. Show that ZlZ2 + ZlZ2 is a real number.

21. If you study carefully the proof of the triangle inequality, you will note that the
reasons for the inequality hinge onRe(zlz2)
::.:;IZIZ21. Under what conditions will
these two quantities be equal, thus turning the triangle inequality into an equality?
22. Prove that IZl - z212 = IZll2 - 2 Re(zlz2) + IZ212.
23. Use induction

to prove that


I ::.:;



I for all natural

numbers n.


24. Let Zl and Z2 be two distinct points in the complex plane, and let K be a positive
real constant that is less than the distance between Zl and Z2.
(a) Show that the set of points {z:
with foci Zl and Z2

Iz - zll-

(b) Find the equation of the hyperbola

point 2 + 3i.
(c) Find the equation
the point 7 + 24i.

of the hyperbola

Iz - z21 = K} is a hyperbola

with foci 2 that goes through the

with foci 25 that goes through

25. Let

Zl and Z2 be two distinct points in the complex plane, and let K be a positive
real constant that is greater than the distance between Zl and Z2.

(a) Show that the set of points {z : [z with foci Zl and Z2.

zll + Iz - z21 = K}

is an ellipse

(b) Find the equation of the ellipse with foci 3i that goes through .the
point 8 - 3i.
(c) Find the equation of the ellipse with foci 2i that goes through the
point 3 + 2i.





In Section 1.3 we saw that a complex number z = x + iy could be viewed as a

vector in the xy plane with its tail at the origin and its head at the point (x, y).
A vector can be uniquely specified by giving its magnitude (i.e., its length) and
direction (i.e., the angle it makes with the positive x-axis). In this section, we
focus on these two geometric aspects of complex numbers.
Let r be the modulus of z (i.e., r = Izl), and let be the angle that the line
from the origin to the complex number z makes with the positive x-axis. (Note:
The number
is undefined if z = 0.) Then, as Figure 1.11(a) shows,


1. 9: Polar representation

Identity (1-TI) is known as a polar representation of z, and the values

are called polar coordinates of z.

z = (x,y) =x+ iy
-'1 =(rcos
e, rsin e) = r(cos


(x, 0)

e + i sin e)

(0, y)


z = (x, y) = x + iy
: =(r cos e, r sin e) = r(cos e+ i sin e)


(x, 0)

EXAMPLE 1.7 If z = 1 + i, then r = .;2 and z = (.;2cos %' .;2 sin %) =

.;2 (cos % + i sin %) is a polar representation of z. The polar coordinates in this
case are r = .;2, and B = %.

As Figure 1.11 (b) shows, B can be any value for which the identities cos B = ~
and sin B = ~ hold. For z =1= 0, the collection of all values of B for which
z = r(cosB+isinB)
is denoted arg z. Formally, we have the following definitions.

Definition 1.10: arg z

If z



Note that we write B E arg z as opposed to 8 = arg z. We do so because

arg z is a set, and the designation
E arg z indicates that 8 belongs to that set.
Note also that, if 81 E arg z and 82 E arg z, then there exists some integer n
such that

arg (1 + i)

+ 2n7r : n is an inteO"er

... -- 77r -7r -97r -...


Mathematicians have agreed to single out a special choice of 8 E arg z. It is

that value of for which -7r < -s; 7r, as the following definition indicates.

Definition 1.11: Arg z

Let z


be a complex number.


arg z C arctan -,

where arctan;
= {B: tan B = ;} . Note that, as with arg, arctan is a set (as
opposed to Arc tan. which is a number). We specifically identify arg z as a
proper subset of arctan ~ because tan B has period n, whereas cos B and sin B
have period 2n. In selecting the proper values for arg z, we must be careful in
specifying the choices of arctan ~ so that the point z associated with rand B lies
in the appropriate quadrant.

If z = -J3 - i = T(cosB + isinB), then r = [zl =

= 2 and BE arctan;
= arctan_-~
= {~+nn:nisaninteger}.
It would be a mistake to use ~ as an acceptable value for B, as the point z associated with r = 2 and B = ~ is in the first quadrant, whereas -J3 - i is in the
third quadrant. A correct choice for B is B = ~ - n =



-J3 - i =


2cos --

+ i2sin--


= 2 cas (-5n
-6- + 2mr ) + i2 sin (-5n
-6- + 2nn ) .


(-J3 -


(-v3 - i)



= { -6-

Note that arg (-J3

+ 2nn : n is an integer

- i) is indeed a proper

subset of arctan ~~~ .

If z = x + iy = 0 + 4i, it would be a mistake to attempt to

find Arg z by looking at arctan ~, as x = 0, so ~ is undefined. If z i= 0 is on the
y-axis, then





if Imz


> O. and

if Imz < O.

As you will see in Chapter 2, Arg z is a discontinuous function of z because

it "jumps" by an amount of 27T as z crosses the negative real axis.
In Chapter 5 we define eZ for any complex number z. You will see that this
complex exponential has all the properties of real exponentials that you studied
in earlier mathematics
courses. That is. eZl eZ2 = eZl +Z2. and so on. You will
also see, amazingly, that if z = x + iy, then

We will establish this result rigorously in Chapter 5, but there is a plausible

explanation we can give now. If e has the normal properties of an exponential, it
must be that ex+iy = eXeiy. Now, recall from calculus the values of three infinite
series: eX = L trXk COSX = L (~~)! x2n. and sinx = L (2~~l)lx2n+l. Subk=O



iy for x in the infinite series for


= L


tr (iy l = 2:=

At this point. our argument loses rigor because we haye not talked about infinite
series of complex numbers. let alone whether such series converge. Nevertheless.
if we merely take the last series as a formal expression and split it into two series
according to whether the index k is even (k = 2n) or odd (k = 2n + 1), we get

L __
i2ny2n + L

n=O (2n)!



n=O (2n

t y2n

_1_ (i2
n=O (2n)'


+ I)!

n=O (2n

+ 1)1

n=O (2n)!

= cos y



n=O (2n

t iy2n+l


+ I)!


+ i sin y.

Thus, it seems the only possible value for eZ is that given by Equation (1-:11).
We will use this result freely from now on and. as stated. supply a rigorous proof
in Chapter 5.
If we set x = 0 and let e take the role of y in Equation (1~31 . we get a
famous result known as Euler's formula:

e'~= (O,I)=i

ei"=(-1, 0) =-1 t/lei~=

G,'1) =1+ '1i



=e "=(l,O)=1

The unit circle

tr Li~e-if=(.fi



If (j is a real number, eie will be located somewhere on the circle with radius
1 centered at the origin. This assertion is easy to verify because

Figure 1.12 illustrates the location of the points eie for various values of (j.
Note that, when (j = 1T, we get ei7r = (COS1T, sinn) = (-1, 0) = -1, so

Euler was the first to discover this relationship; it is referred to as Euler's

It has been labeled by many mathematicians as the most amazing
relation in analysis-and
with good reason. Symbols with a rich history are
miraculously woven together-the
constant n used by Hippocrates as early as
400 B.C.; e, the base of the natural logarithms; the basic concepts of addition (+)
and equality (=); the foundational whole numbers 0 and 1; and i, the number
that is the central focus of this book.
Euler's formula (1-32) is of tremendous use in establishing important algebraic and geometric properties of complex numbers. You will see shortly that it
enables you to multiply complex numbers with great ease. It also allows you to
express a polar form of the complex number z in a more compact way. Recall
that if r = Izi and (j E arg z, then z = r( cos (j + i sin (j). Using Euler's formula
we can now write z in its exponential

EXAMPLE 1.12 With reference to Example 1.10, with z

have z = 2ei( -57r /6) .

Together with the rules for exponentiation that we will verify in Chapter 5,
Equation (1-35) has interesting applications. If Zl = r1 ei&, and Z2 = r2ei&2, then

r1 ei&l r2ei&2

r1 r2ei(&,


= r1r2 [cos(81 + 82) + i sin (81 + 82)]

Figure 1.13 illustrates the geometric significance of this equation.

We have already shown that the modulus of the product is the product of the
moduli; that is, IZ1z21 = IZ111z21. Identity (1-36) establishes that an argument of
ZlZ2 is an argument of Zl plus an argument of Z2. It also answers the question
posed at the end of Section 1.3 regarding why the product ZlZ2 was in a different
quadrant than either Zl or Z2. It further offers an interesting explanation as
to why the product of two negative real numbers is a positive real number.
The negative numbers, each of which has an angular displacement of Jr radians,
combine to produce a product that is rotated to a point with an argument of
Jr + Jr = 2Jr radians, coinciding with the positive real axis.
Using exponential form, if Z # 0, we can write arg z a bit more compactly as

Doing so enables us to see a nice relationship between the sets arg

and arg Z2.




Before proceeding with the proof, we recall two important facts about sets.
First, to establish the equality of two sets, we must show that each is a subset of
the other. Second, the sum of two sets is the sum of all combinations of elements

from the first and second sets, respectively.

{81 + 82 : 81 E arg Zl and 82 E arg Z2} .

In this case, arg


+ arg


Let 8 E arg (ZlZ2). Because ZlZ2 = r1 r2ei(O, +02), it follows from
Formula (1-37) that 81 + 82 E arg (ZlZ2). By Equation (1-29) there is some
integer n such that 8 = 81 + 82 + 2mr. Further, as Zl = r1 eiO" 81 E arg Zl
Likewise, Z2 = r2ei02 gives 82 E arg Z2. But if 82 E arg Z2, then 82 + 2mr E
arg Z2. This result shows that 8 = 81 + (82 + 2mr) E arg Zl + arg Z2. Thus,
arg(zlz2) ~ arg Zl +arg Z2. The proof that arg Zl +arg Z2 ~ arg(zlz2) is left
as an exercise.


= -1 [cos(-8) +isin(-8)]

Zl =

(cos8 - isin8)


[cos (81

= _e-

[cos (-8) + isin (-8)]

82) + i sin (81





r1 ei(O,-02).

If z is in the first quadrant. the positions of the numbers z, z, and Z-l are
as shown in Figure 1.14 when Izi < 1. Figure 1.15 depicts the situation when
Izl > 1.



= (0,1)

The unit circle

The unit circle

Figure 1.14
Relative positions of z, Z,
and z-l when Iz[ < 1.

Figure 1.15
Relative positions of z, Z,
and Z-l when
> 1.




If z

= ~ [cos

= 1 + i, then r =
(~4"') + i sin (7)] =




= Argz =


~ [ ...;;- i ...;;]
and has modulus


v'2 -

EXAMPLE 1.14 If Zl = 8i and Z2 = 1 + iV3, then representative polar

forms for these numbers are Zl = 8 (cas ~ + i sin ~) and Z2 = 2 (cas ~ + i sin ~) .

(7r 7r)

8 [

.. (7r 7r)]

= 2 cas 2" - 3" + ~sm 2" - 3"


+ 2i.


(a) 1 - i.


-/3 + i.



(d) (1 - i)3 .
(e) 1+~v'3'






(v'3- i) (1+ i/3) = 2V3+ 2i.

(b) (1+i)3=-2+2i.

2i(v'3+i) (l+i/3)




(a) -4.
(b) 6-6i.

(c) -7i.

= -8.

7r .. 7r)

= 4 cas "6 + Z S111 "6





(f) i+6../3

(g) 3 + 4i.
(h) (5 + 5i)3 .
4. Show that arg


+ arg


5. Express the following in a

<;;; arg

+ ib

thus completing

Zl Z2.

the proof of Theorem




(a) eT.
(b) 4e-i .

(c) 8e'3.
(d) - 2e is''

(e) 2ie-i-

(f) 6eie'''.
(g) e2ei7r



6. Show that arg Zl = arg

7. Let Zl
Arg (Zl Z2) = Arg

iff Z2 =


+ iV3
+ Arg


the equation
Arg Zl S % and -2"
this criterion.



Arg Z2 S

9. Describe the set of complex numbers

10. Establish

the identity

is a positive real constant.

and Z2
-V3 + i.
Show that the equation
Z2 does not hold for the specific choice of Zl and Z2

8. Show



arg( ~)



+ Arg Z2 is true if
the set of points that meets


for which Arg(~)

arg Zl - arg



Prove your


11. Show that arg( ~) = - arg z.

12. Show that arg(zlz2)
13. Show that if z

i= 0,






(a) Arg(zz) = O.
(b) Arg(z
14. Let



0' E

+ z)

= 0 when Re(z)



and Z3 form the vertices of a triangle as indicated

arg ( :;::: ::)

at the vertex


(Z2 -



(Z3 -


in Figure 1.16. Show

is an expression

for the angle


15. Let z i= zoo Show that the polar representation

z - Zo = p(cos
used to denote the displacement vector from Zo to z, as indicated
16. Show that Arg (z - w) = -Arg

+ i sin)

can be
in Figure 1.17.

(z - w) iff z - w is not a negative real number.




The real numbers are deficient in the sense that not all algebraic operations on
them produce real numbers. Thus, for V=T to make sense, we must consider the
domain of complex numbers. Do complex numbers have this same deficiency?
That is, if we are to make sense of expressions such as ~.
must we appeal
to yet another new number system? The answer to this question is no. In other
words, any reasonable algebraic operation performed on complex numbers gives
complex numbers. Later we show how to evaluate intriguing expressions such as
ii. For now we only look at integral powers and roots of complex numbers.
The important players in this regard are the exponential and polar forms of
a nonzero complex number z = reie = r( cos B + i sin B). By the laws of exponents
(which, you recall, we have promised to prove in Chapter 5) we have

zn = (reiet = rneine = rn [cos(nB) +isin(nB)],

z-n = (re ) -n = r-ne= r- [cos (-nB) + i sin (-nB)] .


Show that

(-V3 -

i)3 = -8i in two ways.

(Method 1): The binomial formula (Exercise 14 of Section 1.2) gives

( -v3;;:;- i )3 = ( 2e .(_5r.))3






= 2 et'(-15r.))
-6= 8 cos -6- + isin -6-


(-V3 -


(-V3 - i)30.




An interesting application of the laws of exponents comes from putting

equation (eie)n = eine in its polar form. Doing so gives

which is known as De Moivre's formula,

Abraham De Moivre (1667-1754).


in honor of the French mathematician

EXAMPLE 1.17 Use De Moivre's formula (Equation

cos 5B = cos58 - 10 cos3 8 sin2 8 + 5 cos 8 sin4 8.
Solution If we let n = 5 and use the binomial
of Equation (1--10), we obtain

(1-40)) to show that

formula to expand the left side


The real part of this expression is cos5 8 - 10 cos3 sin 2 + 5 cos sin 4
this to the real part of cos 5B + i sin 58 on the right side of Equation (1--10)
establishes the desired result.

A key aid in determining roots of complex numbers is a corollary to the

theorem of algebra.
We prove this theorem in Chapter 6. Our
proofs must be independent of the conclusions we derive here because we are
going to make use of the corollary now .


1.4 (Corollary to the fundamental

theorem of algebra)

If P (z) is a polynomial of degree n (n> 0) with complex coefficients, then

the equation P (z) = 0 has precisely n (not necessarily distinct) solutions.

Refer to Chapter


EXAMPLE 1.18 Let P (z) = z3 + (2 - 2i) z2 + (-1 - 4i) z - 2. This polynomial of degree 3 can be written as P (z) = (z - i)2 (z + 2). Hence the equation
P (z) = 0 has solutions Zl = i, Z2 = i, and Z3 = -2. Thus, in accordance with
Theorem 1.4, we have three solutions, with Zl and Z2 being repeated roots.

Theorem 1.4 implies that if we can find n distinct solutions to the equation
zn = c (or zn - C = 0), we will have found all the solutions. We begin our
search for these solutions by looking at the simpler equation zn = 1. Solving
this equation will enable us to handle the more general one quite easily.
To solve zn = 1 we first note that, from Identities (1-29) and (1-37), we
can deduce an important condition that determines when two nonzero complex
numbers are equal. If we let Zl = Tl eiB, and Z2 = T2eiB2, then

where k is an integer. That is, two nonzero complex numbers are equal iff their
moduli agree and an argument of one equals an argument of the other to within
an integral multiple of 21f.
We now find all solutions to zn = 1 in two stages, with each stage corresponding to one direction in the iff part of Relation (1-41)' First, we show that
if we have a solution to zn = 1, then the solution must have a certain form.
Second, we show that any quantity with that form is indeed a solution.
For the first stage, suppose that z = TeiB is a solution to zn = 1. Putting
the latter equation in exponential form gives TneinB = 1 ei'O, so Relation (1-,n)
implies that Tn = 1 and
= + 21fk. In other words,


e = 27rk ,

where k is an integer.
So, if z = TeiO is a solution to zn = 1, then Relation (1-42) must be true.
This observation completes the first stage of our solution strategy. For the second
2 k
stage, we note that if T = 1, and
= ~,
then z = Te' = e'--n is indeed a

solution to


= 1 because

and k = 3, then

z = e


(ei 2';,k) n

is a solution to


= ei2rrk = 1. For example, if n = 7

= 1 because

(e )

= ei6rr = 1.

Furthermore, it is easy to verify that we get n distinct solutions to zn = 1

(and, therefore, all solutions, by Theorem 1.4) by setting k = 0, 1, 2,
, n - 1.
The solutions for k = n, n + 1, ... merely repeat those for k = 0, 1,
, because
the arguments so generated agree to within an integral multiple of 21f. As we
stated in Section 1.1, the n solutions can be expressed as



. 21fk


... ,n-1.

They are called the nth roots of unity.

When k =
in Equation (1-43), we get Zo = et-n
= e = 1, which is
a rather trivial result. The first interesting root of unity occurs when k = 1,
giving Zl = ei~. This particular value shows up so often that mathematicians
have given it a special symbol.

Definition 1.12: Primitive nth root

For any natural number n, the value




= cos -


given by


+ i sin -

By De Moivre's formula (Equation

expressed as

(1--10)), the nth roots of unity can be

Geometrically, the nth roots of unity are equally spaced points that lie on
the unit circle C1 (0) = {z : Izi = I} and form the vertices of a regular polygon
with n sides .

1.19 The solutions to the equation z8 = 1 are given by the eight

21Tk r
k -- 0, 1, 2 , ... , 7. Ie
n alteslanlorm,

i 2"k

these solutions are 1, i. V2tV2) and V22iV2. The primitive 8th root of
unity is W8 -- ei- -- ei~ -- cos2':
4 +isin2': 4- - V2
2 +i 2'

From Expressions (1-11) it is clear that W8 = Zl of Equation (I-J3). Figure

1.18 illustrates this result.
The procedure for solving zn = 1 is easy to generalize in solving zn = c for
any nonzero complex number c. If c = pei = p (cas + i sin ) and z = reie,
then zn = C iff rneine = pei. But this last equation is satisfied iff




+ 2kJr. where k is an integer.

--n + i-n



~-i =OJ~

i-n _,.,7

As before, we get n distinct



= pne


for k

= pn



given by

.. +27rk)
2sm --n

= 0, 1, 2, ... , n - 1.

Each solution in Equation

- - can be considered an nth root of c. Geometrically, the nth roots of c are equally spaced points that lie on the circle
Cp'k (0) =

{z : Izi = p-!. } and form the vertices

of a regular polygon with

n sides.

Figure 1.19 illustrates the case for n = 5.

It is interesting to note that if ( is any particular solution to the equation
zn = c, then all solutions can be generated by multiplying ( by the various nth
roots of unity. That is. the solution set is

The reason for this is that if (n = c, then for any j = 0, 1, 2, ... , n - 1,

(n (w~r = (n (w~)j = (n(l) = c, and that multiplying a number

((w~r =

by Wn = ei 2; increases an argument
l--Hi) contain n distinct values .



= 2


( cas

~ + 27r k
~ 3

of that number by

2:, so that

Find all cube roots of 8i = 8 (cos ~

+ i sin



(1 .j I gives

+ i sin


+ 27rk)

The Cartesian forms of the solutions are

as shown in Figure 1.20.

for k = O. 1. 2.


= V3+i. Zl = -v'3+i, and


= -2i.

Is the quadratic formula valid in the complex domain?

provided we are careful with our terms.
t Theorem

1.5 (Quadratic

set for z is { -b+(b::4ac)!

formula) If az2

+ bz + c =

where by (b2 - 4ac)!


The answer is yes,

0, then the solution

we mean all distinct

square roots of the number inside the parentheses.


The proof is left as an exercise .




Find all solutions to the equation

The quadratic


+ (1 + i) z + 5i = O.

formula gives

z -





. 1.
As -18~ = 18et 2, EquatlOns (1-45) gIve (-18~)2 = 182et
, for k = 0
and 1. In Cartesian form, this expression reduces to 3 - 3i and -3 + 3i. Thus,
our solution set is {-(Hi)+(3-3i)
or {I - 2i -2 + i}



In Exercise 5b of Section 1.2 we asked you to show that a polynomial with

nonreal coefficients must have some roots that do not occur in complex conjugate
pairs. This last example gives an illustration of such a phenomenon.


(1 - ivl3)3 (v13 + i)2.


(l-i) .

(a) by squaring twice.

(b) by using De Moivre's formula, given in Equation


3. Use the method of Example 1.17 to establish trigonometric

and sin3t1.

identities for cos 3B

4. Let z be any nonzero complex number and let n be an integer. Show that zn
is a real number.

(a) (-2+2i)3.

+ (z)n

(b) (-1)5.

(c) (-64)4.

(d) (8)6.

6. Prove Theorem 1.5, the quadratic formula.

7. Find all the roots of the equation
8. Solve the equation (z

+ 1)3

9. Find the three solutions to

Z4 -


+ 6z2



if Zl

= z3.

4Y2 + i4Y2.

10. Let m and n be positive integers that have no common factor.

are n distinct solutions to wn = zm and that they are given by

= r ""
n ( cos m(8+2.".k)

= i is a root.

+.~ Sln
. m(8+27I'k))

f or k = 0, 1,..

Show that there

, n - 1.

(b) Use part (a) and De Moivre's formula to derive Lagrange's identity:
1 5in[(n+1)0]
1 + cas e + cas 2e + ... + cas ne = 2" + 2'~
, where 0 < e < 211.

12. If 1 =
(z -

13. Let

zo, Z1, ...


(z -


i= 1 be an

, Zn-1
(z -


are the nth roots of unity, prove that


= 1 + Z + Z2 + ... + zn-l

nth root of unity. Prove that 1 + Zk

+ z~ + ... + Z~-1 = O.

14. Equation

" De Moivre's formula. can be established without recourse to

properties of the exponential function. Note that this identity is trivially true
for n = 1.
(a) Use basic trigonometric identities to show the identity is valid for n

= 2.

(b) Use induction to verify the identity for all positive integers.
(c) How would you verify this identity for all negative integers?
Z4 + 4 = 0, and use them to demonstrate that
factored into two quadratics with real coefficients.

15. Find all four roots of

16. Verify that Relation


+ 4 can be

1- 1 is valid.

In this section we investigate some basic ideas concerning sets of points in the
plane. The first concept is that of a curve. Intuitively, we think of a curve as
a piece of string placed on a flat surface in some type of meandering pattern.
More formally, we define a curve to be the range of a continuous complex-valued
function z (t) defined on the interval [a. b]. That is, a curve C is the range of
a function given by z (t) = (x (t). y (t)) = x (t) + iy (t). for a ::::::
t ::::::
b, where
both x (t) and y (t) are continuous real-valued functions. If both x (t) and y (t)
are differentiable, we say that the curve is smooth. A curve for which x (t) and
y (t) are differentiable except for a finite number of points is called piecewise
smooth. We specify a curve C as

and say that z (t) is a parametrization for the curve C. Note that, with this
parametrization, we are specifying a direction for the curve C, saying that C is
a curve that goes from the initial point z (a) = (x (a), y (a)) = x (a) + iy (a)
to the terminal point z (b) = (x (b). y (b)) = x (b) + iy (b). If we had another
function whose range was the same set of points as z (t) but whose initial and
final points were reversed, we would indicate the curve that this function defines
by -C.


1.22 Find parametrizations

for C and -C. where C is the
segment beginning at Zo = (xo, Yo) and ending at Zl = (Xl, yd .

Refer to Figure 1.21. The vector form of a line shows that the
direction of C is Zl - Zo0 As Zo is a point on C, its vector equation is

+ (Zl
= [xo + (Xl

C : z (t) = Zo
C : z (t)

- zo)


xo) t]

for 0

:s; t :s;

+ i [YO + (Yl



- YO)


for 0

:s; t :s;


Note that ")'(t) = z(l- t). which illustrates a general principle: If C is a

curve parametrized by z (t) for 0 :s; t :s; 1. then one parametrization for -C will
be ")'(t) = z(l- t), for O:S; t:s; 1.
A curve C having the property that z (a) = z (b) is said to be a closed curve.
The line segment 1--1 is not a closed curve. The range of z (t) = X (t) + iy (t) ,
where x (t) = sin 2t cas t, and y (t) = sin 2t sin t for 0 :s; t :s; 21r is a closed curve
because z(O) = (0,0) = Z (21r). The range of z(t) is the four-leaved rose shown
in Figure 1.22. Note that, as t goes from 0 to ~. the point is on leaf 1: from ~

f igurf' 1.22
The curve x (t) = sin 2t cas t. y (t) = sin 2t sin t for 0
forms a four-leaved rose.

:s; t :s;

21r. which

to 7l", it is on leaf 2; between 7l" and

and 27l", it is on leaf 4.


3;, it

is on leaf 3; and finally, for t between

Note further that, at (0,0) , the curve has crossed over itself (at points other
than those corresponding with t = 0 and t = 27l"); we want to be able to distinguish when a curve does not cross over itself in this way. The curve C is called
simple if it does not cross over itself, except possibly at its initial and terminal
points. In other words, the curve C : z (t), for a ::::t ::::b, is simple provided that
z (td -I- z (t2) whenever t1 -I- t2, except possibly when t1 = a and t2 = b .

R can be parametrized


Show that the circle C with center Zo

to form a simple closed curve.

Note that C: z (t)

= (xo + Rcost)

= xo+iyo

+ i (Yo + Rsint) =

and radius


+ Reit,


t ::::27l", gives the required parametrization.

Figure 1.23 shows that, as t varies from 0 to 27l", the circle is traversed
counterclockwise. If you were traveling around the circle in this manner, its
interior would be on your left. When a simple closed curve is parametrized in
this fashion, we say that the curve has a positive orientation.
We will have
more to say about this idea shortly.
We need to develop some vocabulary that will help describe sets of points in
the plane. One fundamental idea is that of an E neighborhood
of the point zoo
It is the open disk of radius E > 0 about Zo shown in Figure 1.24. Formally, it
is the set of all points satisfying the inequality {z : I z - Zo I < E} and is denoted
Do (zo). That is,


EXAMPLE 1.24 The solution sets of the inequalities Izl < 1, Iz - il < 2,
and Iz + 1 + 2il < 3 are neighborhoods of the points 0, i, and -1 - 2i, with
radii 1, 2, and 3, respectively. They can also be expressed as D1 (0), D2 (i), and

D3 (-1 - 2i).

We also define Dc (zo), the closed disk of radius c centered at zo, and
D; (zo) , the punctured disk of radius c centered at zo, as


D; (zo)


= {z: 0 < Iz - zol < c}.

(1-50 )

The point Zo is said to be an interior point of the set S provided that

there exists an c neighborhood of Zo that contains only points of S; Zo is called
an exterior point of the set S if there exists an c neighborhood of Zo that
contains no points of S. If Zo is neither an interior point nor an exterior point
of S, then it is called a boundary point of S and has the property that each c
neighborhood of Zo contains both points in S and points not in S. Figure 1.25
illustrates this situation.

The boundary of DR (zo) is the circle depicted in Figure 1.23. We denote

this circle CR (zo) and refer to it as the circle of radius R centered
at zo0

We use the notation C~ (zo) to indicate that

this simple closed curve resulted in a positive
same circle, but with a negative orientation.
denotes the positive direction.) Using notation
we get Cii (zo) = -C~ (zo)
and boundary of S.

Let S = D1 (0) = {z :

the parametrization we chose for

orientation; Cii (zo) denotes the
(In both cases, counterclockwise
that we have already introduced,

Izi < I}.

Find the interior. exterior.

We show that every point of S is an interior point of S. Let zo be a
point of S. Then Izol < 1, and we can choose E = 1 ~ Izol > O. We claim that
Dc (zo) ~ S. If z E Dc (zo), then

Hence the E neighborhood of Zo is contained in S, which shows that zo is an

interior point of S. It follows that the interior of S is the set S itself.
Similarly, it can be shown that the exterior of S is the set {z : Izi > I}. The
boundary of S is the unit circle C1 (0) = {z: Izi = I}. This condition is true
because if zo = eiOo is any point on the circle, then any E neighborhood of Zo will
contain the point (1 ~ ~) eiOo. which belongs to S, and (1 + ~)eiOo. which does
not belong to S. We leave the details as an exercise.

The point zo is called an accumulation

point of the set S if, for each E,
the punctured disk D; (zo) contains at least one point of S. We ask you to show
in the exercises that the set of accumulation points of D1 (0) is D1 (0) , and that
there is only one accumulation point of S = {* : n = 1, 2, ... }. namely, the
point O. We also ask you to prove that a set is closed if and only if it contains
all of its accumulation points.
A set S is called an open set if every point of S is an interior point of S.
Thus, Example (1.25) shows that D1 (0) is open. A set S is called a closed set
if it contains all its boundary points. A set S is said to be a connected
set if
every pair of points Zl and Z2 contained in S can be joined by a curve that lies
entirely in S. Roughly speaking, a connected set consists of a "single piece." The
unit disk D1 (0) = {z : Izl < I} is a connected open set. We ask you to verify in
the exercises that, if Zl and Z2 lie in D1 (0), then the straight-line segment joining
them lies entirely in D1(0). The annulus A = {z: 1 < Izi < 2} is a connected
open set because any two points in A can be joined by a curve C that lies entirely

in A, as shown in Figure 1.26. The set B = {z: Iz + 21 < 1 or Iz - 21 < I}

consists of two disjointed disks. We leave it as an exercise for you to show that
the set is not connected, as shown in Figure 1.27.
We call a connected open set a domain. In the exercises we ask you to show
that the open unit disk D1 (0) = {z : Izi < I} is a domain and that the closed
unit disk D1 (0) = {z : Izi :s; I} is not a domain. The term domain is a noun and
is a type of set. In Chapter 2 we note that it also refers to the set of points on
which a function is defined. In the latter context. it does not necessarily mean
a connected open set.



Show that the right half-plane H

{z : Re (z)

> O} is a

First we show that H is connected.
Let Zo and Zl be any two
points in H. We claim the obvious, that the straight-line segment G given by
Equation (1-48) lies entirely within H. To prove this claim, we let z (t*) =
Zo + (Zl - zo) t*, for some t* E [0, 1]' be an arbitrary point on G. We must show
that Re (z (t*)) > O. Now,
Re (z (t*)) = Re (zo

+ (Zl -

Re (zo (1 - t*))

(1 - t*) Re (zo)

zo) t*)

+ Re (zlt*)
+ t*Re(zl)'

If t* = 0, the last expression becomes Re (zo), which is greater than zero because
Zo E H. Likewise, if t* = 1, then Equation (1-53) becomes Re (Zl), which also is
positive. Finally, if 0 < t* < 1, then each term in Equation (1-53) is positive, so
in this case we also have Re (z (t*)) > O.
To show that H is open, we suppose without loss of generality that the
inequality Re (zo) :::;Re (zd holds. We claim that De (zo) <;;; H, where E =
Re (zo). We leave the proof of this claim as an exercise.

A domain, together with some, none, or all its boundary points, is called
a region.
For example, the horizontal strip {z: 1 < 1m (z) :::; 2} is a region.
A set formed by taking the union of a domain and its boundary is called a
closed region; thus, {z: 1 :s; 1m (z) :s; 2} is a closed region. A set S is said to
be a bounded
set if it can be completely contained in some closed disk, that
is, if there exists an R > 0 such that for each z in S we have Izl :s; R. The
rectangle given by {z : Ixl :s; 4 and Iyl :s; 3} is bounded because it is contained
inside the disk D5(0). A set that cannot be enclosed by any closed disk is called
an unbounded
We mentioned earlier that a simple closed curve is positively oriented if its
interior is on the left when the curve is traversed. How do we know, though,
that any given simple closed curve will have an interior and exterior? Theorem
1.6 guarantees that this is indeed the case. It is due in part to the work of the
French mathematician Camille Jordan (1838-1922) .

Theorem 1.6 (The Jordan curve theorem) The complement of any simple
closed curve C can be partitioned into two mutually exclusive domains, I and
E, in such a way that I is bounded, E is unbounded, and C is the boundary
for both I and E. In addition, I U E U G is the entire complex plane. The
domain I is called the interior of G, and the domain E is called the exterior


The Jordan curve theorem is a classic example of a result in mathematics

that seems obvious but is very hard to demonstrate, and its proof is beyond the
scope of this book. Jordan's original argument, in fact, was inadequate, and not
until 1905 was a correct version finally given by the American topologist Oswald
Veblen (1880-1960).
The difficulty lies in describing the interior and exterior
of a simple closed curve analytically and in showing that they are connected
sets. For example, in which domain (interior or exterior) do the two points
depicted in Figure 1.28 lie? If they are in the same domain, how, specifically,
can they be connected with a curve? If you appreciated the subtleties involved
in showing that the right half-plane of Example 1.26 is connected, you can begin
to appreciate the obstacles that Veblen had to navigate.
Although an introductory treatment of complex analysis can be given without using this theorem, we think it is important for the well-informed student
at least to be aware of it.

(a) joins the origin to the point 1 + i.

(b) joins the point 1 to the point 1 + i.
(c) joins the point i to the point 1 + i.
(d) joins the point 2 to the point 1 + i.

2. Sketch the curve z (t) = t2

+ 2t + i (t + 1)

(a) for -1 ::::

t:::: O.
(b) for 1 ::::t ::::2.

Hint: Use x = t2

+ 2t, Y = t + 1 and

3. Find a parametrization


eliminate the parameter

y = x2 that

of the curve that is a portion of the parabola

(a) joins the origin to the point 2 + 4i.

(b) joins the point -1 + i to the origin.
(c) joins the point 1 + i to the origin.
4. This exercise completes Example 1.26: Suppose
Re (z) > 0 for all z E De (zo), where = Re (zo) .
5. Find a parametrization
the point -i to i if


Re (zo)

of the curve that is a portion of the circle


O. Show that

Izi =

1 that joins

(a) the curve is the right semicircle.

(b) the curve is the left semicircle.
6. Show that D1 (0) is a domain and that D1 (0)
7. Find a parametrization
the point 1 to i if

is counterclockwise

(b) the parametrization

is clockwise.

Izi >

is not a domain.

of the curve that is a portion of the circle C1 (0) that joins

(a) the parametrization

(a) the set {z :

= {z : Izl :::: I}

along the quarter circle.

I} is the exterior of the set S.

(b) the set C1 (0) is the boundary

of the set S.

9. Consider the following sets.

(i) {z: Re(z) > I}.

(ii) {z: -1 < Im(z):::: 2}.
(iii) {z : Iz - 2 - il ::::
(iv) {z:

+ 3il > I}.


(v) {reiB : 0
(vi) {rei8
(vii) {z:

<r <

1 and -

r > 1 and

% < ()< %}.

% < ()< ~}.

Izi < 1 or Iz-41 <


(a) Sketch each set.

(b) State, with reasons, which of the following terms apply to the above
sets: open; connected; domain; region; closed region; bounded.
10. Show that D1 (0) is connected. Hint: Show that if Zl and
straight-line segment joining them lies entirely in D1(0).


lie in


(0), then the

11. Let




, Zn} be a finite set of points. Show that S is a bounded set.

12. Prove that the boundary

of the neighborhood

13. Let S be the open set consisting of all points

Show that S is not connected.
14. Prove that the only accumulation


z such

is the circle Oo(zo).


Iz + 21 < 1 or Iz - 21 < 1.

point of {;; : n = 1, 2, ... } is the point O.

15. Regarding the relation between closed sets and accumulation


(a) prove that if a set is closed, then it contains all its accumulations
(b) prove that if a set contains all its accumulation
16. Prove that


(0) is the set of accumulation

(a) the set D] (0) .

(b) the set


(0) .


points, then it is closed.

points of

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